Leo Super Black New Moon ♥

Thursday the 1st of August we have a New Moon falling in the fire sign of Leo, this is also the same day as Mercury retrograde ends. This Leo New Moon is also a Super Moon and considered a Black Moon too.

A Black Moon is the name that is given to the second New Moon in a calendar month. Even though for us in Australia the Super New Moon falls on the 1st day of August, it is still considered a Black Moon due to its proximity to the start of the month.

During a Super Moon which means the Moon is closer to our planet Earth, the tides are more affected by the vibrations of the Moon, and so are we.

The Black Super Leo New Moon also brings the start of a new lunar cycle, and this new cycle comes after a series of very powerful and transformative Eclipses. We also embark on a string of three New Moon Super Moons in a row and we are also now walking within the Lions Star Gate Portal that will peak on the 8th of the 8th. Yeah…. Just a bit going on around us…but, all in all the vibes are good for the Leo New Moon.

As we ride out the last moments of Mercury Retrograde during the New Moon it is a good time to reflect and ask ourselves… What problems arose during the Retrograde? What got stuck? What went the wrong way? Then after reflection we can all take the energy of the Leo New Moon and work on making things begin to get back on track.

We slow down drastically when a planet starts or ends a Retrograde period, so we may feel like we’re a little suspended in time now. With Mercury in Cancer, this may help to buffer us emotionally, as our feelings may be a little frayed, a little on the edge, and in need of some support and comfort in order to move forward with the positive Leo New Moon energy.

As we begin this new cycle will also be working to assimilate and become more peaceful with any wounds, transformations, and changes the July Eclipses may have triggered.

If the Eclipses have stirred things or brought changes into our lives, the Leo New Moon will allow us to soften into what has unfolded so we may begin figuring out our next steps and begin seeing things in a new way.

Walking through the Lions Star Gate Portal our Sun is already warm and nourishing and delivers the energy of life, but during the Lions Gate our Sun/Star combines its powers with Sirius.

If we think of this symbolically, it is like planet Earth is being bathed with two of the most powerful lights in the sky.

This light energy can enhance spiritual awakenings, bring about new insights or a new awareness and it can also help to raise the consciousness of the planet.

It is this highly activated and spiritually advanced energy from these Stars that help to activate the Lionsgate Portal and send an influx of higher vibrational energy for us to use.

The Leo New Moon, brings us much potential and new beginnings will begin to unfold, however, we are going to have to take things slow and give the energies time to work their magic, as the final influences of the Mercury Retrograde period comes to an end as the few last dregs fade away . 

We can certainly be inspired by this New Moon and think about what we want to bring into our lives, but we do have to be patient, get still with our breath, and tune into our hearts to allow all the new energy to integrate.

If we can be patient and open, we will be able to take on a great big shot of fresh inspiration that is waiting for us and then begin working with it.

As this New Moon falls in Leo, we are also going to be encouraged to take greater ownership and leadership of our lives.

We all have the power to take control and to take charge of our lives; we all have it in us to make the decisions we need for a brighter future.

No one knows us as well as we know ourselves, so under this Leo New Moon, it is a great time to retreat within and get connected with whatever is deep in our hearts.

We all are intuitive; we know what is right for us and what is wrong. The Leo New Moon asks us to stop fighting against what we think we should do and simply settle into the real truth of who we are. 

Under the Leo New Moon, we all have the opportunity to tap into that courageous lion energy and remember that deep down we always know what is best for ourselves.

Leo rules over the heart, making this a perfect time to think about working with our heart energies.

There is a reason that Leo is ruled over by the heart and that is because the lion is the most courageous and is the best ruler of its realm when it is leading with the heart, when it is leading with love.

The Leo New Moon asks us to tune into the courage we all have inside of us and to begin walking our journeys with love always leading the way.

The New Moon in Leo brings a renewed sense of fun and enthusiasm for life. This is a perfect time to re-energise and revitalise.  Leo is ruled by our great Sun and offers all the life giving qualities of our Star… inspiring us with its warmth, energy and passion.  Warm-hearted and generous, Leo is the royalty of the zodiac, confident and regal with a flair for the dramatic. All signs and especially fire signs need to have plenty of fun… we need to make sure we allow ourselves some fun time now!!

Leo is great creative energy, and this is the best way to tap into this energy. During the New Moon focusing on creative projects and ventures is a great outlet for our emotions and helps with any pent up frustrations. The New Moons aspect to Uranus in Taurus sparks extra fire to the mix, as Uranus is slowing and readying to turn Retrograde on August 11th.

So, rebellious energy may be high, we may want more independence and push for it, and we may feel the need to rage against norm. This is a good time not to give in to rash impulses rather feel into the real truth behind any rebellious feelings, are they justified, if so… rebel on 😉!

The Leo New Moon represents the opportunity to begin a new cycle in our enthusiasm for life and our own creativity… whatever inspires us and ignites our passion is up for grabs now… Embrace it

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

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