Pisces ‘Harvest’ Full Moon ♥

Saturday the 14th of September, we have a Full Moon falling in the watery, sensitive and intuitive sign of Pisces.  The September Full Moon is also known as the “Harvest” Moon. Unlike other Full Moons, this one is specifically related to the Spring (Southern Hemisphere) or the Autumn (Northern Hemisphere) Equinoxes that falls this year on the 23rd of September. The Full Moon that falls nearest to the Equinox earns this title, and was (and in some places, still is) a time where everything is illuminated in order to gather the harvest.

As the last Full Moon before the seasons change, this our opportunity to “harvest” all we can before we enter into the new season. It is also a time for us to reap the rewards of all we have achieved since the Solstice back in June.

This is a time to take a moment to think back to that point in the year. Who were we then? Who are we now? What have we learned? How have we changed?

Harvest Moons are always cleansing, so if there is something, we no longer wish to take with us into the new season, this is the perfect time to release and let it go.

Falling in the watery sign of Pisces, this Full Moon is a sensitive one and may trigger unresolved or unexpressed emotions. We may also feely deeply sensitive and find it hard to not absorb the emotions of the world around us.

While this level of sensitivity can be difficult at times, under this Pisces Full Moon if we allow these feelings to come and go as visitors, rather than trying to control them, we may discover that our emotions, whether they come from us or not, have a message or a lesson for us to appreciate and learn from.

La Luna loves being in a water sign… it feels as if she has “come home” in a sense, and certainly, we can all feel a sense of nourishing and tenderness over this sensitive Full Moon. As mentioned, emotions may be quite big, as water signs tend to already carry within them greater emotional attunement than any other element, and it will be important for us to be with the feelings that come up in a gentle, compassionate and kind way. It’s equally important that we don’t react, allow them to overwhelm or drown us, or try and run away and numb our emotions. If we do, we will be concealing the most powerful tool we have… our intuition. Pisces hold very strong intuition and we all can tap into our own inner intuition during this Full Moon, we just need to be open and not clouded with any emotions that may come through.

A Pisces Full Moon can make us feel super compassionate and want to help others as much as possible. Pisces can be very sacrificing, so we may feel like we need to sacrifice something in order to help. That can create some boundary problems though, so we need to make sure we have healthy boundaries and aren’t giving away *too* much.

Pisces energy also rules over the feet, so if we find ourselves feeling too emotional or sensitive, grounding exercises such as walking barefoot on the grass or even taking a moment to acknowledge how our feet hold and support us may bring some relief.

We are also asked to find healing and balance as the Sun in Virgo offers practical solutions to bad habits that we may have been carrying for some time and are now ready to release.

Aspects to the Pisces Full Moon…

The Pisces Full Moon is also closely connected to the Jupiter Neptune Square, which will add to its illumination factor. Around this Full Moon, a new truth may be revealed, or we may discover that something we believed to be true may not be what it seemed.

The ruler of this Full Moon, Jupiter, is strong in the sign of Sagittarius, though in a hard aspect to the Sun & Moon. This means that things may seem quite exaggerated, and we may be tempted to take chances, feeling overconfidence or spurred on by strong feelings. We must be careful to slow down… to think first before acting and to make sure that our foundations are strong.

Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, is also strongly linked to this Full Moon, being in Pisces and conjunct the Moon & opposite the Sun. This can create confusion over what we truly want, what we really need, and what we think we need may turn out to be wishful dreaming. We can harness the energy of the Earthy planets, Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury in Virgo, connected to solid Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn… to keep our feet on the ground and make sure we don’t get lost in delusion, addiction or escape, which are all powerful themes with Pisces and Neptune.

Jupiter & Neptune bring a test of faith due to some embarrassment or disappointment. We may feel optimistic, trusting and generous but the risk of delusion and deception is big.

Mars & Neptune can bring discouragement, weakness, and feelings of inadequacy. Fear of competition and misdirected energy can lead to embarrassment, deception or disappointment.

Mars & Jupiter gives energy, initiative and a willingness to take risks. Although we may be feeling strong, sexy and enthusiastic, a tendency toward impulsive actions could lead to embarrassment, mistakes or accidents. This is a time to moderate our energy and use planning and strategy to avoid losses and physical or emotional exhaustion.

Full Moon conjunct to Neptune increases our emotional sensitivity but also our level of insecurity and confusion. Picking up the wrong signals could bring delusion, guilt, deception, and scandal. Dreams can turn into fantasies and suspicion into paranoia. So, we all need to remember the difference between fantasy and reality to avoid rejection and embarrassment. We may also be more susceptible to addiction, illness, and infection.

Full Moon square to Jupiter gives a tendency toward overconfidence and excess. Changeable moods and changing tastes can lead us astray. A lowering of standards or disloyalty in relationships could cause embarrassment or scandal. A tendency toward overdoing things also needs to be watched with food, alcohol & drugs, and shopping.

Full Moon opposite Mars can make us feel moody, selfish, annoyed and short-tempered. Anger and a tendency to act without thinking increase the risk of minor irritations turning into arguments or fights. Relationships may suffer from impulsive actions and aggressive instincts. This is a good time to channel our energy towards hard work, exercise, and competition to avoid hostility.

The Full Moon & Pluto makes our subconscious more intense and powerful. Deeply buried feelings are exposed, and we are able to gain more control over our emotions, reactions, and instinctive behaviors. Intense personal interactions may show us exactly how we feel about someone and how they feel about us. An important relationship may evolve to a deeper level or we will be free to move on.

Anything in a state of decay in our lives can be reborn. We can also get to the cause of any bad habit or addiction. Our intuition is very strong during this Full Moon and can guide us on our journey into the underworld and deeper levels of our being.

The Pisces Full Moon falls in the Phoenix constellation which reinforces the Pluto theme of rebirth and transformation.

Under the light of the Pisces Full Moon we are reminded to connect to our sensitivity and intuition. Our dreams will be heightened and offer us glimpses to solutions and they may be also totally whacked out and super trippy. We may feel hypersensitive so connecting with nature, the ocean, our own creativity and even dance will help us to move through any emotions that may be painful or overactive. This will help us to be more open to forgiveness and compassion. Remember we need to avoid the desire to escape from reality and watch any addictions. Most of all we need to connect, listen, feel, ground and come from a space of love.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

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