Libra New Super Moon ♥

In the early hours of Sunday the 29th of September, we have a New Moon falling in air sign of Libra. This comes with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Libra as well… So extra Libran energy is at play for the New Moon. This can bring about a focus on the people in our lives, our relationships, and our commitments. The Libra New Moon is also a Super Moon, which means we feel its effects more strongly. It also happens to fall on the same day that Saturn aligns directly over the Moon’s South Node and asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer… is also very active too. This New Moon may bring some upheavals and challenges, but also a lot of growth.

Libra rules over the sign of Venus, so this New Moon is also likely to trigger our relationships and encourage us to look at our attitudes and behaviors when it comes to the people in our lives.

The relationships we keep can be very revealing to us when it comes to our individual journey and lessons we are here to work through.

Under this Libran New Moon, we may be guided to think about how we can create healthier bonds and connections with others, either by setting boundaries or showing gratitude towards our loved ones.

If a relationship has been challenging or difficult, this New Moon may also inspire us to move on for good or to approach the challenges in a new way.

Sometimes challenging people cross our path in order to awaken, activate, and strengthen a part of our being. Sometimes these people also serve as wake-up calls to help us find our true path and true calling.

New Moons always open a gateway to new possibilities… so if we feel there are any challenges with a particular person in our lives, we can shift our energy and work on finding love and forgiveness in our heart, and see if this energy can help us shift to a new level of awareness.

The September New Moon also comes at a sensitive time of year as it is close to the Equinox. The Equinox is one of those times in the year where the veil between worlds are thin and we can access different levels of our consciousness with more ease.

All around us things are in change. The seasons are changing and Mother Nature is transforming herself. She is shedding or blossoming, letting go or creating new life. She is in transition, and we may feel that parts of our lives are in transition too.

The energy of manifestation is also going to be strong around this New Moon, so we can use it to think about something we wish to bring in or create in our lives.

During Libran Moon energy we also tend to think more of others. We feel the need to spend more time with the people in our lives, and feel more open to meeting new people, entering into new partnerships, negotiating and mediating. We can find more opportunities through others, and we can be supportive of others when they’re presented with opportunities. 

Libra rules balance, so we find ourselves focusing on the areas of life we haven’t had as much time for lately. Libra is represented by the scales and is the only zodiac sign to have an inanimate object as its symbol.

As the keeper of the scales, Libra is a figure for justice and for balance, and while all of these energies are with us during the New Moon, there is a deeper sense of balance being conjured here too.

The Libran New Moon asks us to release and let go of any seriousness or attachments that hold us down, hold us back and stress us out.

We don’t need to take the weight of the world onto our shoulders. We don’t need to fix everything or have life neatly balanced in the way our minds think it needs to be.

Balance is achieved by giving in to simply what is… and accepting where we are in our lives. It is about honoring our journey and respecting the ever-evolving stages of our mind, body, and soul.

We are never going to have it all figured out, but rather than let this get us down, we can use it to inspire ourselves to just live in freedom, knowing we are here to learn and that part of learning is not always getting it right.

When we allow ourselves this freedom to make mistakes, to just go with flow of our lives, we actually move into a deep state of balance between our body, soul, heart, mind, others, and the Earth.

Balance is not just you and me, black or white, yes or no, it is about harmonizing every aspect of our beings to flow along with what is happening around each of us and within.

The spiritual quality of this New Moon will help us to shift and transform out of the old and into the new. The strong energies at this time may make us feel tired, sensitive, and switched on to our psychic energies. Finding ways to be open yet protected can be a helpful during this New Moon. Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz and Obsidian are great crystals to work with for protection and grounding. As we shift through the last few months of the year, this is a good time to ask ourselves what we wish to push through and achieve before 2020 begins.

Love and Blessings ♥

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