As we begin to start to enter the energetic rolling waves of the upcoming Summer Eclipse Season many of us can feel fatigued, light headed and even have flu like symptoms over the next few weeks, or you may be there now, like myself…

Remember that resting is OK, we don’t have to be everywhere and do it all with a smile everyday.
It is OK if not vital to go insular, wrap ourselves and cocoon for a little while, enter your sacred cave & take a break and… say No sometimes. ☯️

Look after yourselves ❤️… Emotions can be frayed at this time & our minds may feel overloaded too… So.. Rest and Nurture yourselves…. and If you feel discouraged, weak, small, or unimportant today or any day… please remember: You are unique and precious…⭐️

You are stardust and magick!!! ✨✨✨

Your spirit can harness the power of the Universe.
Within you is an infinite Universe of possibility!

Barbara Marciniak says:
Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you… when you start imprinting your intent on the Universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence.

Focus on the powerful, euphoric, magickal, synchronistic, sacred, beautiful parts of your life, and the Universe will keep giving them to you!

“You are the soul of the Universe. And, your name is Love”
~ Rumi

Blessings ❤️?❤️?❤️

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