On January 20th the Sun shifted out of Earthy Capricorn into the Air sign of Aquarius, the water bearer. Happy Birthday all you quirky Aquarians out there. I’m surrounded by you and love your wacky ways ? ❤ ?
Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac and is represented by the water bearer. The water bearer has the unique gift of being able to take the watery emotions of the planet and turn them into the lightness of air.
The water bearer gathers the collective vibrations in its vessel in order to cleanse, purify, and restore them before returning them to the Earth.
We too can mirror the work of the water bearer in our own lives by honoring our true feelings and also clearing through any emotions that no longer serve so we can feel light and airy.
In fact, this Aquarius Season, think about ways you can bring some lightness and airiness into your life. Think about what watery emotions are keeping you stuck out at sea and find ways to fly above it all so you can be free of the crashing waves.
One way that Aquarius Season encourages us to do this is by getting a birdseye perspective on things that are taking place in our lives. While Aquarius is the water bearer, it is also an air sign, and we can use this airy energy to lift ourselves higher to see things from above.
When we fly high and view our lives from beyond what we see in front of us, we can gain a new perspective and remind ourselves that this life is part of a much bigger tapestry that is almost impossible to really understand.
We all come into this world to achieve a mission of sorts. We all come here to experience love, to give love, and to receive love.
Aquarius Season, as the 11th and almost final cycle of the zodiac, encourages us to look at the bigger picture, to get out of our own way, and to stop focusing on just ourselves. We can all fall into the trap of getting so caught up in our own lives and in our own problems that we forget it’s not just about us.
We are each a thread in the tapestry of life, but if we focus on our single thread for too long we lose sight of the tapestry. Sometimes, we have to step back and remember that we are part of the whole.
Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian and under the Aquarius Sun, we are all reminded of the importance of thinking about others and the fact that all of our thoughts and actions are co-creating life on this planet.
We each have a responsibility through our thoughts, words, and actions to make this world a safer and happier place for every plant, animal, and person and this is the message the water bearer leaves with us as we move through the Season.
One of the key events this Aquarius Season 2020, is the Aquarius New Moon that falls on January 24th, and brings the start of the Lunar New Year which will bring in the energy of the Rat, the first animal of the Chinese Zodiac.
This New Moon carries the winds of change and will guide us all to view our lives from a different perspective. Our lives may also receive a shake-up under this new lunar cycle and we may find ourselves walking a path we didn’t expect to find ourselves. I’ll post on the Aquarian New Moon shortly.
Over the last few months we have had a string of planets in Capricorn and while this will still be in effect during Aquarius Season 2020, the Sun moving into this air sign will help to bring some relief from all the heavy earthy energy we have been working with.
Aquarius Season 2020 also gives us a taste of what’s to come and the end of the year when we experience the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.
The Grand Conjunction happens every 20 years and represents a new cycle in astrology. For the last 200 years, these defining conjunctions between Saturn and Jupiter have all taken place in Earth signs but now in 2020, it is time for the air signs to have their turn and Aquarius is first in line ❤
Love and Blessings ❤