We have a Full Moon falling in Aquarius on Tuesday the 4th, La Lunar welcomes us into the month of August as the energy builds for the peak of the Lionsgate Portal on the 8th.
Full Moons are always illuminating things, helping us to see a bigger truth and to expand our way of thinking. There’s a fresh vibe in the air as this is the first Full Moon since the end of the Winter Eclipse Season, so we should all be feeling happier as we are given a break from the chaotic energy of the recent Eclipses.
However, the Aquarian Full Moon will still throw a cosmic wildcard on us, as the Full Moon falls in the visionary sign of Aquarius and aspecting to rebellious planet Uranus. This will bring about all sorts of unpredictable circumstances and inspiring us to seek freedom at all costs.
The Full Moon in Aquarius squares off tight with Uranus, pushing us all to take a walk on the wild side and embrace our uniqueness. Because of the unpredictable nature of Uranus on the Lunar energy, we need to be aware that things might not go according to plan.
However, this leaves room for exciting new opportunities to present themselves, so this is the time to keep an open mind. Stepping outside the box might bring us more creativity and imagination that we didn’t know was there.
Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and this aspect to the Aquarian can trigger things in our lives to feel shaky and unsteady.
We may notice things moving and shifting around us, causing us to feel uncertain and unstable. It may be hard to know what to trust and what direction to choose.
When this level of shaky uncertainty enters our life, it allows us to see what is weak and needs to fall, and what is strong. Whatever withstands the shaking remains, whatever was already weak will fall away.
This energy is not there to upset our lives, rather it is there to help us remove and let go of the things that no longer work for us on our journeys.
Most of us know when it’s time to let go of something or someone, but sometimes it can be hard to do so.
The shake-up from this Full Moon will help us to gently let go of these things, and to remind us that we need not hold on in fear.
Under this Aquarius Full Moon energy, it is better to let things shake and fall where they fall, rather than holding on and trying to control what is happening.
If we surrender and go with the flow, we open ourselves up to the Universe to show us the way. This shaky energy from Uranus also serves another purpose by awakening our soul energy.
When things shake and rattle us, it causes us to see things in a new light and to feel differently about ourselves and the world we live in. This can trigger an awakening, and a coming into new knowledge and wisdom.
Uranus also rules over Kundalini energy, which is known as a serpent that lives at the base of our spine.
When our Kundalini energy rises, as it does when we are under the presence of Uranus, the snake uncoils itself, traveling up the chakras of the body, all the way to the top of our head and beyond.
When the snake awakens, we can learn new things, see new things, and experience life at a different vibration of frequency.
This awakening and activating energy will also be energized by the opening of the Lionsgate Portal.
The Lionsgate Portal opens every year and peaks on August 8th; however the energy of the portal is pumping at the time of the Aquarian Full Moon.
As the Sun reaches the peak of Leo Season and we have Sirius, our Spiritual Sun high in the sky, Lionsgate is activated, sending high energy, messages, downloads, and insights to us on Earth.
The Aquarian Full Moon will help to illuminate these energies as they grow, and if we tap in, we may start receiving downloads, intuitive wisdom, or even new ideas and inspirations to guide us on our way.
This is beautiful energy to tap into, and one that can advance us further on our path. This Full Moon asks us to open to the energy and allow information to flood in.
Very often on a Full Moon, we like to dictate what we wish to release or call in, but this energy calls for us to get still and enter a place of allowing.
If we quiet our mind, and reach beyond our knowing, we may find new information and messages easier to receive.
We all have the power to receive higher frequency messages and insights. Under the Full Moon light we can ask for it to bring us wisdom; ask for it to send its ancient messages straight into our being.
Open and receive, we need to trust our abilities, and be patient if things start to move and shake.
As we shake, we let go of the things no longer meant for us, we clear out things that were weak and crumbling.
After the pieces have landed where they may, we will feel renewed, restored, and awakened with a greater knowing of who we are and where we need to be.
Love and Blessings ♥♥♥