Taurian Blue Full Moon ♥

Saturday October 31st, we have a Full Moon falling in the Earth sign of Taurus. Being the second Full Moon of the month, it will be considered a Blue Moon.

Having two Full Moons within the same calendar month indicates an overall theme of release, and it seems there is a lot unraveling under the power of this Taurian Blue Moon.

The Taurus Blue Moon also happens to be a Micromoon, which means it is further away from Earth than usual. The Moon may appear less bright and look smaller in the night sky.

Micromoons are steeped in superstition and are believed to bring bad weather and natural disasters. Even though the Moon is further away from Earth, Micromoons are believed to have a greater influence on our moods.

Adding to the multifaceted Blue Moon influences it also falls on the potent and magical day observed in the Northern Hemisphere as the celebration of Samhain, which is where Halloween gets its roots. Across many cultures, this time of year is also believed to be when the veil between dimensions is at its thinnest.

October 31st is also linked to the Day of the Dead or Día de los Muertos, which is commonly celebrated in Mexico and Central America, and originated from the time of the Aztecs.

Similarly, to the pagan traditions of Samhain, it is believed that on this night, the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest. With the veil between dimensions thin, it is easier for our loved ones to return to Earth and for us to make contact with them.

For us in the Southern Hemisphere, traditionally October 31st begins the Celtic Festival of Beltane. Many celebrate Samhain regardless & there are similarities in both of the pagan celebrations. For the Blue Full Moon both of the festivals energies will be at play.

The Taurian Blue Moons astrology is quite rare for many reasons but the almost exactly conjunction to Uranus also in Taurus brings some funky extra energy into the mix. With the Blue Moon extremely close to Uranus, the planet of change and revolution, we can see unexpected change and uncertainty that may cause anxiety, impatience, and an inability to relax.

This is an extremely powerful and very disruptive influence which we will ride for the next two weeks. Whenever the Moon and Uranus come together, there is always the chance that some shocking information could come to the surface. We may also experience heightened emotions, making it easier to fall victim to our triggers.

While we may feel pulled in many directions under this energy, we can also connect to the earthy, grounded stability that Taurus can offer to us. Grounding ourselves in nature is always a good thing but during this amped up Taurian Blue Moon… it is almost vital.

We really will need to get out in nature, dig our feet into the Earth/Sand, have a swim and walk through the lush wonder of the forests, ocean, creeks and connect with the land.

Some Astrologers are linking the impulsive and unpredictable nature of the Blue Moon with the US presidential election falling a few days after on November 3rd, predicting there will be consequences of this erratic energy that Uranus is bringing through.

Added to that, Mercury stationary direct and square Saturn on that same day is increasing the risk of delays, frustration, and disagreement. Civil unrest, violence, and rebellion are possible.

Full Moons are always powerful points of completion and letting go, but we may find that this Full Blue Moon doesn’t bring the release we are looking for.

While it may stir things and alert us of what needs to be released in our lives, it may lack the strength to help us go the distance.

Even though we may want to be done with something, it looks like we may find ourselves hanging on a little longer than we would have liked.

It may take until the next Full Moon in November, which just so happens to be an Eclipse, for us to take the plunge and finally say goodbye to whatever it is that we wish to release.

As mentioned, this Blue Moon falls on a very auspicious night, where the veil between dimensions is considered to be at its thinnest.

On a positive level, even the planetary influence of Uranus can help us to access these higher dimensions, as Uranus also rules over the awakening of our life force or kundalini energy.

If you wish you can connect to the awakening by visualizing your chakras awakening one by one. See them shining like bright balls of rainbow light. See them opening and connecting you to your higher self and to the realms above.

If you have a loved one that has crossed over, on this night say a special prayer, or do something to remind you of them. Eat their favorite food or light a candle in their name.

And beyond reaching out to passed loved ones, make time to acknowledge the “deaths” both great and small in your life.

There are so many things that have “died” this year, so honor the ones that matter most to you, even if they are a little painful.

Look to nature for guidance, as it is always showing us how it dies and rebirths itself again and again.

So, while this Blue Moon carries some volatility, it also reminds us to get grounded in our being, so we can reach into the realms unknown.

We should honor the deaths we have faced and know that all things lost eventually come around again. It is the law of the Universe that nothing is ever destroyed, only reborn.

Love and Blessings for the Taurian Blue Full Moon ♥♥♥

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