Summer Eclipse Season ♥

We are currently moving through the gateway for the upcoming Summer Eclipse season.

The first Eclipse falls at the end of the month November 30th as a Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. Lunar Eclipses typically bring about endings. They help us to release things from our lives that are no longer aligned with where we are heading.

While Eclipses can be powerful, there is some softer energy around this one that will inspire us to see a new road ahead.

We have just come out of a period of many retrogrades and heavy energy that may be making us feel sluggish and uncertain. There is this feeling that so many things are changing, but perhaps it is not yet clear what these changes are going to look like or what they are going to bring.

As we enter Sagittarius Season this weekend 21st/22nd we will begin the shift from the energy of water to fire and feel brighter and lighter than many of us have been feeling.

Sagittarius is represented by a Centaur pointing its arrow high into the starry night sky. If we trace the direction of its arrow, we can see that the Centaur is pointing directly to the star Antares, which is located in the constellation of Scorpio and is known as the “heart of the Scorpion”. 

Antares is a star associated with the deep pains of the heart. It can bring destruction and death, but also the chance of a grand rebirth that is led by the heart

Neptune turns direct on the 29th just before the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse leaving only one planet (Uranus) in retrograde! This is the first time in months that we have had so few planets in retrograde. Things are going to feel like they are moving forward nicely.

Where we had felt confused and foggy, we will now start seeing things with a newfound sense of clarity. Neptune turning direct may also help us get clearer about our dreams and goals and what we wish to create in our lives moving forward. If there have been any illusions, this is a time where we may see a new truth revealed. 

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

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