Wednesday the 13th of January our first New Moon of 2021 falls in the sign of Capricorn.
This New Moon falls at 23 degrees of Capricorn, which all through 2020, was a sensitive degree in our cosmic skies. It was at this very degree in January of 2020, that Saturn and Pluto aligned, and the stirrings of what was to come for the year ahead kicked into gear.
The New Moon arriving at this 23rd degree of Capricorn may remind us of the journey we have traveled since January 2020 and stir memories back to this time last year. How much we have all grown. How much our lives have changed.
We experienced so many rare astrological alignments last year, and while 2021 is quieter in comparison, we are still assimilating all of the energies of 2020.
With strong Earthy Capricorn energy under the New Moon we can set new goals, work on long-term plans, and make sure we’re going in the right direction for this year. We can be Capricornial practical about what we can achieve and know what our abilities are.
Capricorn helps us to get more disciplined, responsible, cautious, and considerate. We can try to do things the right way and for the right reasons, and we can work to build something that will last for a long time. Our focus is in realistic and the energy is here to encourage us to stick to our plans faithfully.
There may be focus on governments, institutions, corporations, the establishment, or politics with this New Moon (hopefully not in a negative way!).
This New Moon is conjunct to Pluto in Capricorn, and this increases passion and intensity for the New Moon. Whatever we work on, we can throw ourselves into fully, and channel our passionate energy productively.
A Capricorn New Moon is always a grounding influence and a good time to reconnect with the Earth, our ancestors, and our roots. We are going to have to keep these gifts in mind as there are some volatile energies surrounding this New Moon that could knock us off balance.
The aspects and energy indicates a chance of upheaval, shock, and restlessness. It seems there may be a push-pull dynamic or some opposing forces that create a feeling of division.
There are a lot of aspects around the Capricorn New Moon and not all of them are favorable.
There is volatile energy triggered in part by the dwarf planet Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Strife, which will be in a tense square aspect to the Capricorn New Moon.
Uranus, Mars, and Black Moon Lilith will also be active at this time, further pushing this idea of some shocking news or surprising change. We may even notice Mother Earth speaking up by way of some strong weather patterns.
A few days after this New Moon Uranus, the planet of awakening, will also turn direct, further enhancing its energetic effects and revealing the true colours of something that was stirring for us back in August 2020, when it first went retrograde.
We also have Mars square Saturn which brings frustration and inhibition. And Jupiter square Uranus that can create tension and sudden change.
All the other aspects create complex aspect patterns that indicates an ongoing crisis trigger but can open up great opportunities for development. But also, a deep-seated problem that will take time and effort to adapt to.
No matter what challenges come our way, just like the Capricorn Seagoat who has the talent and skill to climb to the tallest mountain and swim to the deepest depths of the ocean, we too have the ability to overcome any hurdles that are sent our way.
While there are many layers to this January New Moon, let’s not forget that New Moons also signal new beginnings and the start of a new cycle.
They remind us that there are always opportunities to start new things or to try again, especially if something didn’t quite go according to plan the first time around.
The Capricorn New Moon also offers us motivation that will inspire and fuel us to tackle any challenging tasks that need to be completed. We may also notice a sudden burst of confidence and clarity, allowing us to make difficult decisions.
2020 was not a wasted year. It was a year to wake-up, to realign our values, and to view things in a new way. Let us all use what we have learnt and apply it to whatever seeds of intention we plant under the Capricorn New Moon.
Let us all honor just how much we have grown, learnt deeper appreciation and how our priorities have shifted for the better.
Love and Blessings ♥♥♥