Friday the 18th of March, we have a Full Moon rising in the Earth sign of Virgo. With the Sun sitting opposite the Full Moon in the dreamy sign of Pisces, the Virgo Full Moon pulls in the energy of practical, thought out ideas & a grounded vibe.
Though Pisces has a reputation for being the sign most likely to wear rose-colored glasses, Virgos absolutely do this in their very own way, idealizing, breaking facts down and often overthinking. That said, the Virgo Full Moon is fertile ground for teasing out which aspects of our emotional bonds are real versus imagined and doing our best to listen to both our head and our hearts.
Virgo is renowned for being a perfectionist. Sometimes perfectionism gets in the way of us taking that leap of faith, launching that project, or allowing the world to see the true and real. Where does perfectionism show up in our lives, and could it be blocking us from living to our fullest lives. This can be a stumbling block when Virgo gets too deep in one’s headspace.
By taking the deep dive to ask ourselves do we get up in these Virgo traits, we may just uncover some hindering beliefs, or help ourselves get to the bottom of some self-esteem issues. We may also find ourselves becoming more aware of our self-worth and what it is that we truly deserve.
While this self-exploration is likely to run deep, Full Moons are always a supportive time in the month for release.
Once we have identified something we no longer wish to carry, we can trust that the Full Moon energies will help guide our way to letting go. All we have to do is set an intention and then wait for the inspired action that tends to follow under the lunar energy.
This is a good time to work with this Virgo Full Moon to confront and release where we may be holding on to perfectionism.
We can also use this Full Moon energy to think about how we are acknowledging, or not acknowledging our self-worth.
By working through these points, we are being offered a way to progress as the Virgo March Moon guides us.
The Virgo Full Moon is also the last before the March 2022 Equinox. The March Equinox is a pivotal point in astrology as it’s considered the start of the astrological year.
Before we begin a new astrological year, we can use the cleansing energies of this Full Moon to reflect on the journey we have traveled over the last 12 months and to do away with things that we no longer wish to take with us into the new year.
Full Moons are always a powerful time for cleansing and releasing, so along with letting go of perfectionism, we should also think about what other areas of our lives or even emotions we wish to clear.
This is the perfect Full Moon to set intentions for these and then allow the Full Moon magic to show us the way. By working in harmony with the cycles of the Universe, we can find a greater ease in everything that we do.
Our intuition to connect with the Virgo Full Moon is also highly energised thanks to the planet Neptune.
Neptune is the planet of spiritual growth and can help accelerate the development of our intuition and the opening of our third eye. Under this energy, our intuition is likely to be heightened to be sure to listen to any gut feelings or nagging tugs from your inner voice.
On the surface, Neptune can sometimes cloud things, making it hard to see the path forward or confusing to know which way to turn. This is an effort to get us to stop seeking validation from our external world and instead, turn within.
If there is something unsettling going on under this Full Moon energy, it is time to see if we can remove the noise and turn our attention away from the external to the internal. Get still and quiet with whatever is troubling and look at things from the perspective of Spirit.
Taking this approach under Neptune energy is often a little easier and can guide us to a richer and deeper understanding. Working with Neptune can also help change how we see things, allowing us to understand that we are all on a spiritual journey, that all is temporary, that there really is no separation, and most of life’s lessons are here to support the growth of our soul.
Looking at things from a spiritual perspective and understanding the higher purpose doesn’t spare us from working through our human emotions, but it can create some ease and allow us to feel supported, even if we are going through something challenging.
If it feels aligned, reach out to your guardian angels, spirit guides, or a loved one passed under this Full Moon. Know that Divine support is always just a call away and be open to any signs that these beings wish to send your way.
The energy of Virgo can sometimes also stir things in regard to our health, so be sure to look after yourself under this energy and try not to overdo it or take on too much. There are no prizes for running yourself into the ground!
Under this Virgo Full Moon energy, give yourself permission to disconnect from ideas of perfectionism, and reinstate your self-worth. Allow this to fuel a spiritual journey, one where you travel to dimensions beyond this time and place and gain the understanding that your soul has a plan and already knows the way.
Love and Blessings ♥