Crossing the Galactic Centre ♥

In the busy lead up to Christmas we also have some big energetic and astrological shifts going on. All in all, they are positive influences but there is intensity surrounding the waves of cosmic energy that we will be feeling. From tomorrow the 18th to the 20th of December the Sun will cross across the backdrop of the Galactic Centre of our Milky Way and this is a very supercharged crossing in the cosmos.

The Galactic Center sits at around 26 to 27 degrees in Sagittarius. These are the last few days in Sag before we flip into Capricorn on December 22nd brining in the Earthy Capricorn vibes.

Summer Solstice also falls on Sunday the 22nd just before Christmas and then we have the New Moon falling on Boxing day. This will be the last New Moon & major Moon phase for 2019. The New Moon will be falling in Capricorn and be an Eclipse and we have already entered the Eclipse gateway back with the last Full Moon for the year & Decade in Gemini.

So, yep…. just a bit going on!! So, if we find ourselves tired and on the edge of exhaustion, can’t seem to get enough sleep, fluey symptoms and just generally flat, it’s not just the lead up to Christmas we can add a lot of energetic influences to the mix.

In Astrology, the Sun represents the core of who we are. It represents what makes us feel alive and what makes us feel most like ourselves. It represents the essence of our soul and what gifts we have come to shine out into the world.

The Galactic Center falls in Sagittarius, a sign that’s all about Freedom and Truth. It follows from there then, that wherever it sits in our natal birth charts connects us to our own Freedom & our deep inner Truth

Because it remains at the same degree of Sagittarius for most of our lives, our personal connection to it comes from what House the Galactic Centre falls at our time of birth. If you know where this falls in your chart explore what this means to you.

Over the next few days, as the Sun is activated by the energies of the Galactic Center, we are going to be called to align with the truth of who we are.

We are going to be called to tune into our true essence and our true calling and to think about ways we can bring this to the world.

As the Sun flows and breathes with the Galactic Center, and galactic waves stream down to Earth, it’s the perfect time to step into our power, to know we are stronger than any fears we may have, and to remember just how worthy and special we truly are.

Our calling in this life is to shine our light on the world in whatever way resonates with us at this particular time in our lives

There are no wrong ways to shine, for even if we don’t feel particularly sparkly right now, we still glow.

Know that even though we may feel afraid, even though we may not be feeling up for it, our light still shines. No fear, no grief, no pain, no amount of trauma can dim our light.

We need not force or pressure ourselves to be anything other than exactly who we are and what we feel in this moment. For when we embrace and accept the moment we are in, our light shines, our individual beat plays in the exact harmony of our tribal rhythm.

As the Sun crosses the Galactic Center, it helps to activate our soul, to awaken us deeper, and to remind us that there is so much more to this life that we can see or even really fathom.

Sagittarius is the sign of the adventurer and the wanderer, and even though we have physical lives to lead on earth, who’s to say what our soul gets up to when we are dreaming? Who’s to say where our soul goes or what adventures it has!

You are far more powerful than you realise and as the Sun merges with the Galactic energies, I hope you are able to tune in to just how special you are, just how needed you are, and just how beautiful your music makes the world… Love and Blessings ♥

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