Leo Full Moon ♥

Friday the 29th of January, we have a Full Moon falling in the Fire sign of Leo who sits opposite the Sun in Aquarius. Our first Full Moon for the year offers us a clear understanding that we are standing at a gateway between the ‘old way’ and the ‘new way’ in our personal lives (as well as in the collective), and we should be feeling more enthusiastic than ever to accept the invitation to jump full force into a new more heart centred journey, as Leo rules the Heart.

We are also approaching the end of the current zodiac cycle, which will conclude just before the March Equinox and things may feel like they are reaching a climax point. The Leo Full Moon may very well trigger this climax point.

A lot of stuff may brew up for us during this Full Moon & not all of it will be pretty…Ugh ?

This is one of those Full Moons that feels like a mixed bag of tricks and perhaps a little chaotic. We may feel knocked off guard or perhaps confused or uncertain about something we were once sure of.

Information may come to the surface that challenges us, or we may notice the unraveling of hidden emotions and feelings that were once neatly tucked away.

While the alignments around this Full Moon are chaotic, they also offer us protection, especially if we look further out and to the big picture.

A Leo Full Moon is the sign that rules the heart and certain ‘matters of the heart’ including romance, risk, speculation, games, recreation, and creativity. These are the happy things that we choose to connect with because they bring us joy and pleasure and are ways of expressing and engaging ‘our hearts true desires’.

Leo is also associated with childhood since this is a period in life when we feel less constricted and self-conscious about letting these parts of ourselves shine. However, unfortunately, in our modern culture it is during childhood that these very parts of ourselves frequently get diminished, squashed, or warped.

If we feel held back, we tend towards rebellion and extremism, as exemplified by Leo’s opposite sign of Aquarius. Leo and Aquarius are both fixed signs, so once they ‘take a stand’ on something it can be hard to sway them. There may be confusion, frustration, and stubbornness around this Leo Full Moon, especially if the creative is stifled.

This Full Moon asks us …where is your Leo heart, full of its own sense of adventure, wonder, creativity and to find its expression in this life?

The Inner Child is very active during a Leo Full Moon, we should all let them out to play!

Although there is some chaotic energy around the Full Moon, we do have a very positive alignment of Jupiter and the Sun occurring.

Jupiter aligning with the Sun is considered fortunate energy, and a fantastic time for signing new deals, launching an event or business, or connecting with and experiencing synchronicities.

It is a day that brings abundance and an expansion of our talents and gifts.

Although under the influence of some chaotic Full Moon energies, it may be a little harder to connect with this abundant energy, but it does not mean it’s not there.

If we keep our minds open, we may just be able to find the little jewels that the Universe has to offer us.

This Jupiter Sun alignment also holds the Jupiter motto… “go big or go home”. The planet of luck and expansion is sending this signal quite clearly during the Leo Full Moon.

This is the time to get truly real and honest with ourselves about how we have been holding ourselves back, holding our hearts back, so that Jupiter can take the sledge-hammer and break these fixed patterns once and for all. Now let’s be real, experiencing a sledge-hammer is not always fun.

But the story of most of 2020 was Jupiter and Pluto teamed up with Saturn to take a sledge-hammer to our outdated institutions and patriarchal norms. So at least now we can accept a parting gift from Jupiter and Pluto during this Leo Full Moon of a reset of our outdated personal emotional patterns.

Pay attention to the signs of the Universe and nature on this day, staying open to their messages and keep our sights set on the bigger picture. Know that if things are confusing, they won’t be that way forever.

Clarity will soon arise, and in time, we may even be able to look back on these events as necessary for the next steps on our journey.

Leo is also about leadership and finding our confidence. Let’s all tap into that. Yes, there can be obstacles in our path, but the courage and determination that Leo energy brings reminds us that we always have the power to make the best of whatever situation we find ourselves in.

Whenever we have strong energy, like we do with this Full Moon, it is easy to fall victim to our fears and to old, familiar habits, even if we know they are not the best for us.

It takes courage to rise from our fears and to remove ourselves from our comfort zones. It takes an inner strength to face adversity and to look at the bigger picture.

These are definitely no easy tasks, but under the bright Leo Full Moon, we will be guided as long as we take the courage to make that first step.

Sometimes taking that first step is the hardest part, but also the most important & rewarding.

Leo is heart-centered energy, so let us all use this time to open our hearts to the Universe and to our unseen journeys coming up.

We need to remember to open our hearts to ourselves, to others and remember just how brave and bold we are. We got this!!

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

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