The Moon Wobble ♥
A Moon Wobble effects start about 10 days before the exact configuration of the Sun with the Lunar Nodes and lasts 10 days after, around 20 days.
Most years we have 4 Moon Wobbles a year, and occasionally we have 5. We always have a Moon Wobble when there is an Eclipse, because the Eclipses are involved with the conjunction of the Lunar Nodes. But we have Moon Wobbles when there is no Eclipse as well. The effects of each Moon Wobble vary according to the Sign it occurs in and the planets’ relationship to the Moon Wobble.
I am still working with feeling out the Astrological impact of this physical phenomenon but from my understandings during a Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, which can result in more accidents, fires, floods, feats of nature, bizarre weather patterns, earthquakes, tornadoes, violence, terrorism, riots, and political and personal upheavals. Some Moon Wobbles are far worse than others; at the least it is proving to be a crazy phase.
Someday when Astrology has major funding, the latitude and longitude of every city in the world can be fed into a computer and correlated with Moon Wobble Cycles to pinpoint the location and nature of a potential instable time.
The best way to handle Moon Wobble is to be a conscious observer and not to react to the drama, because the picture often changes after Moon Wobble is over. One of the prime examples of this is in the romantic relationship area. More people break up during Moon Wobble, simply because emotions are on an irrational course during Moon Wobble. If you don’t react and wait to deal with the situation after Moon Wobble is over, the other person often changes their mind and says, “they don’t know what got into them.”
However, if you react, the reactions become explosive during Moon Wobble and the relationship can be irreparably damaged. One of the more interesting sides to Moon Wobble is that you often hear from someone out of your past or meet them quite unexpectedly.
As the tides both Ocean and Land are affected by La Lunar one can understand how the wobble of the Moon on her Axis can have an effect here on Earth and within each of us.
Love and Blessings ♥