Wednesday June 3rd retrograding Venus will be conjunct to the Sun and becomes our morning star again, signifying the Rebirth of Venus.
As Venus will be in the direct path of the Sun, we won’t be able to visibly see morning star Venus until mid-June.
The Rebirth of Venus is very similar to the energy of a New Moon and is a powerful time to set intentions, especially when it comes to themes relating to our relationships, love, values, and money. As Venus is reborn so too is our own heart center/heart chakra.
While we experience the rebirth of Venus every 18 months or so, this year is extra special as Venus is also completing a larger, 8-year cycle on this day too known as the Rose of Venus and/or the Pentagram of Venus.
Venus has been retrograding in the sign of Gemini from May 12-13th and will remain so until June 24-25th. With Venus in Gemini we are encouraged to question matters of the heart.
Venus is the Goddess of love, beauty, art, creativity, fashion, and money. It rules over the divine feminine and its energy encourages us to slow down and appreciate the finer things in life.
During a Venus Retrograde, if there are old heart wounds or cracks in our relationships with others, the self, or money, they can rise to the surface in order to be forgiven, cleared, and healed.
When Venus is Retrograde it is a time of heart healing that can trigger Soul Mate Karma which will cause us to work through the lessons of our previous encounters. If we have unresolved karma with another soul in a previous life, or simply more work to do together, we may find ourselves connected with them in some way or another in our present life in order to complete the work.
These are said to be predestined encounters that serve the purpose of advancing our soul and reminding us of who we really are.
A soul mate is anyone who is part of our soul journey including pets, friends, lovers, strangers, enemies or family members. These people and animals are sent to bring growth to our soul just as we bring growth to theirs as well.
We recognise soul mates when we have an inner knowing, a sense of familiarity, an inexplicable connection or a strong physical reaction.
Venus Retrograde will expose the wounds of the heart so that we can work on healing and clearing the karmic bonds collected over our lifetimes – learning how to forgive, set boundaries, stand up for ourselves, and open to a deeper and greater love. We may also clear outdated beliefs about our self-worth, love, and relationships that we have been working on for some time.
As we approach the rebirth of Venus and the beginning on the New Rose, we reach a state of fullness, the rose is at full peak, but we are also approaching a new & beautiful beginning all at the same time.
The lead up over the last couple of weeks may have felt like we have been through a sort of death process, purging, casting out preparing for something new to rise, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.
A great transformation is awakening – from the ashes the phoenix rises. A new cycle is beginning, and we are clearing the way to make it happen.
With the start of a new Venus Rose cycle, we are offered to plant a new seed for our futures, a new cycle is beginning, and we can choose what we want to bring in, especially when it comes to love, creativity and beauty.
The Rose of Venus as seen from Earth is a reminder of the sacred geometry and mystical patterns that always exist in life.
As we walk our journey, we are always encouraged to keep moving forward but also to revisit parts of ourselves, our deeper layers and past lessons so we can keep diving within and opening to more ♥