On Saturday March 20th, the Sun enters the fire sign of Aries. We also have the Autumnal Equinox, the Sabbat of Mabon on this day for us in the Southern Hemisphere. Plus, the beginning of the Astrological year & the official beginning of Autumn.
The Autumnal Equinox marks the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator, the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator, from south to north. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and we once again start a new turn of the Astrological Wheel.
This is a time for new beginnings. It is a season for finding our inner strength and igniting the flames of our inner fires.
Aries is represented by the head of the ram, which is believed to embody the creative, strengthening, and nourishing qualities of the womb.
It is in the womb that new ideas can sprout, new beginnings can be birthed, and our creative potential can be realized. Aries cry call is ‘I am’ and is the beginning of the soul’s journey through the 12 signs of the Zodiac.
For the season of Aries, we have no major planets in retrograde, meaning that the will have the astrological energy supporting us in moving full steam ahead. This is a time to leap forward, to go for our goals, and to push past any fears that have kept us held back.
We are encouraged to work in harmony with the creative energies that are on offer and to use them as fuel to push forward on our goals, projects, and dreams.
As we begin the first step, the new beginning of the astrological year, we can wipe the slate clean and begin again. We can move ahead with new wisdom and feel confident in our abilities to take a new trip around this zodiac wheel once again.
Looking at a glimpse into the season of Aries, we have some wonderful energies that are helping us to embrace the qualities of this fire sign and make the most of wherever this new beginning is guiding us.
The start of Aries Season coincides with the Equinox, a time of equal hours of night and day. The Equinox has long been considered a sacred time of balance, unity, and working in harmony Mother Nature. On the Equinox, the veil between dimensions is believed to be thin, making it easier for us to connect with higher realms and our spirit ancestors and guides.
Some key astrological dates for the season of Aries… ♥
March 25th… The Sun & Venus
As Venus aligns with the Sun, we receive a strong dose of its energy. Venus is the planet of love, relationships, and money. She reminds us of our connection to the Divine feminine, and the power we each have to create. Under the Aries Sun especially, this is amazing energy to own the feminine side, to honor our creative powers, and to make some bold and brave heart-led decisions.
March 29th… Full Moon in Libra & a Grand Trine
Aries Season offers us one of the most magical Full Moons of the year. At the time of the Libra Full Moon, the Moon, along with Mars and Saturn will align in a perfect triangle known as a Grand Trine. Grand Trines are considered lucky, protective, and even magical! They represent harmony, and an easy flow of energy between these cosmic energies.
Mars and Saturn, along with the Moon, join forces to help us get motivated, work hard, and go after our dreams and goals. This is strong manifestation energy that can really help us tackle projects we may have thought were too big or too ambitious. Something may also culminate on this Full Moon where we are able to see the rewards of all our hard work and risk-taking efforts.
The Sun & Chiron
March 29th brings us the Full Moon but also the alignment of the Sun and Chiron. Chiron is an asteroid that is known as the wounded healer. Its energy helps us to take our traumas and wounds and turn them into portals of strength, inspiration and healing for ourselves and for others. As Chiron infuses its energy with the Sun, we receive more support to heal and transmute our wounds into powerful resources of inspiration.
April 3rd… Mercury Enters Aries
Mercury enters Aries creating a line up of cosmic bodies in this sign. At this point we have the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aries, along with the asteroids Ceres and Chiron, and the dwarf planet Eris. All of this strong Aries energy is adding fuel to our fire and helping us to make some bold moves. With Mercury now in Aries, we may have to be a little mindful over what we choose to share with others and not saying things we may regret later. Aries energy can be impulsive and hotheaded, so it’s something to watch!
April 9th… Mars & Neptune
This is an interesting dynamic of energy that can help us think more creatively and flexibly. With all this motivating energy circulating over these last few weeks, this energy can help us to think differently and perhaps find a new creative way of doing things. If anyone is searching for clarity or looking to push past a road bump, this energy can be beneficial.
April 12th… Aries New Moon
The Aries New Moon is one of the most powerful for manifestation work and drawing in all that we wish to attract. At the time of this New Moon, both Venus and Pluto are very active, strengthening our inner power and giving us an opportunity to step up and claim what is rightfully ours. This is a power time for connecting with our higher selves and knowing our worth.
April 14th…Venus enters Taurus
Venus loves being in Taurus making this a harmonious shift of energy. We will start feeling things slow down a little and perhaps we will want to be more meticulous about our next steps forward.
April 18th… Sun & Mercury
The Sun and Mercury aligning is always a special event in matters of communication and tapping into the hidden messages of our subconscious and intuition. Pay attention to any messages or intuitive pings you receive on this day.
April 19/20th… The Sun leaves Aries and Taurus Season begins.
Love and Blessings ♥♥♥