Virgo New Moon ♥

Tuesday the 7th of September, we have a New Moon in the Earth sign of Virgo. The energy surrounding the New Moon is a bit of a mixed bag, but the positive aspects definitely win. 

Staying grounded and connected to the Earth is going to be the best way to transverse this Lunar phase. Virgo being an Earth sign helps us anchor if we can connect with our feet on the Earth.

The Virgo New Moon makes a harmonious aspect to Uranus. Giving us the spiritual meaning of positive change, excitement, self-awareness and psychic ability.

We may find ourselves seeking adventure, wanting to try new things, and creating productive change in our lives. We may feel the time has come to do things differently or to perhaps try something we have always wanted to try.

There is this sense of adventure surrounding this New Moon, but there is also a deeper energy at play too, guiding us to connect with our inner self and to think about our generational or ancestral wounds.

There is an energy on offer under this Virgo New Moon, that guides us to explore habits, beliefs, or attitudes we have collected from our childhood that no longer serve us.

There is an energy that guides us to heal ancestral or generational wounds. These are the wounds that are not of this life but are inherited from both our earth family and soul family. These wounds can also be connected to the land that we choose to reside on.

There is a lot of shamanic & ancient knowledge/energy around this New Moon.  We may receive messages in all sorts of ways and from places that are new to us. Staying open to receive is key.

We may feel also feel quite emotional, scattered or even overwhelmed during the New Moon.

By remembering the grounding force of Virgo Earth energy that holds this New Moon will help us through any uncomfortableness. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which in this context, is not about sexual experience but rather, wholeness and completion.

It represents knowing that we are always whole. We are complete and we need nothing outside of ourselves in order to tune in and connect with this powerful energy that lives within.

Virgo energy teaches us that we are Source, we are the Universe, we are One with all of it, and when we can recognise that, we can tune in and connect with the power that comes along with it.

We can find our personal power and know that no storm is ever too wild for us to move through.

Under a New Moon, the sky is dark, which symbolises two things. It symbolises the unknowing of what’s to come and being ok during a period of darkness and uncertainty. This darkness also symbolizes the need to go within, and to remove ourselves from the constant bombardment of the bright outside world.

The dark night sky is also a symbol for potential. It is a blank canvas, just waiting for us to be filled by inspiration. When the night is dark and the sky is moonless, we have the power to create and plant our seeds of intention for the cycle that is to come. Focusing on planting the seeds for positive change is the theme I feel for this New Moon as we step into a new cycle and season. If many of us can focus on a positive change & shift for this current situation we find ourselves in we have the opportunity to connect & raise our vibrations.

If you would like to join for a collective hook up during the night of the New Moon to focus on positivity & raising our vibrations feel free to join the event

 Plant the Seeds of Positive Change & Raise The Vibrations!! | Facebook

The deep inner personal work during the Virgo New Moon is revolving around breaking generational cycles that may not have been our doing, but that we have the power to end.

Under this energy, we may also be called to look at wounds from our childhood and become aware of how they are manifesting in our current reality.

It takes a lot of deep awareness to identify childhood patterns and ancestral wounds. But if you feel called to do the work, you may find this New Moon creates some ease and allows the healing process to feel a little more natural and organic.

If you have been working on these areas of your life for a while, you may also find this New Moon a powerful portal of healing and transformation.

The Shamanic & ancient teachings/wisdom energy is coming through with the Virgo New Moon, connection to the land we walk on. For us in Australia the vibration of our Indigenous, the Aboriginal wisdom is very strong placed here. Tapping into this energy will help us with not only connecting to Earth but if we have areas, we are clearing from past wounds this energy will help to shift it to completion.

The New Moon Aspect to Uranus is an extremely powerful influence with an orb of just 0°01′. It brings rapid but positive change, freedom and excitement. We may feel like trying sometime new, outside of our normal routine. This could range from new adventures to new inventions. So, this is an excellent moon phase to leave our comfort zone.

But even more importantly, this harmonious aspect to Uranus enhances our intuition and brings flashes of insight. This can lead to self-discovery, self-awareness, and creative breakthroughs. It also gives the ability to anticipate the future and take advantage of that by quickly adapting to changing conditions.

It feels like things are about to change in quite a few areas, planting the seeds for positive change will dramatically push this new energy through.

Love & Blessings  ♥ ♥ ♥

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