Scorpio New Moon ♥

We have a New Moon falling in the sign of Scorpio on Monday the 28th of October. La Luna may bring with her strong waves of energy that we feel deeply to our core.

The cosmic skies are stirring, there is change in the air, and it seems that this New Moon may awaken us to some new truths. Something may catch us off guard or some new information may come to light that shifts us in a completely new direction.

It seems that no matter what comes, we are all being called to awaken and to see the world from a new vantage point.

That is what happens when we experience an event in our lives that is shocking or unexpected. It forces us to look at things from a new lens; it causes us to see things that we once could not see.

In fact, even though the event may have shocked us and rattled our world, sometimes we can look back and see the clues that just didn’t make sense to us at the time. It is these clues and this awareness that we are likely learning how to develop.

Whatever this New Moon brings into our lives, we have to remember to look at the bigger picture and to see things from a bigger perspective. Sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in the nitty-gritty of it all, but when we separate ourselves from the situation and look at it from above, it allows us to see a new beauty in what is unfolding.

How beautiful that we don’t yet know the way. How beautiful that there are elements of life that still confuse us, make us feel deeper than we could have imagined, and reminded us of what is real and pure in our hearts.

How beautiful, that even though we don’t yet know the way, we can spread our wings, shift our awareness, and trust that there is a new unfolding that is destined to come.

Scorpio is ruled over by the Scorpion, but there are two other archetypes for its energy too- the Eagle and the Phoenix.

Scorpio is the sign of transformation, so it makes sense that it transforms too. It moves from the Scorpion that is ready to defend itself with its pincers or sting with its tail, into the Eagle which is able to soar high and seek out dangers from miles away. Then, it enters the darkness and turns to ashes, where it eventually rises up as the Phoenix.

It is this journey of metamorphosis that we are being guided to walk down too, no matter what unfolds for us under the dark Moon.

Whatever comes, know that it is part of how we move through our own cycle of ego into the dark night of the soul, and then finally, into spiritual wisdom.

Along with bringing some potentially jarring information to the surface, this New Moon also has some erratic energy around it. We may feel quick to anger or a little overwhelmed, or we may witness this in those around us.

Power struggles may also be at play, so be sure to take measures to protect yourself if you notice any of these dynamics arising.

The New Moon does carry some harsh energies, but sometimes we need intensity to drive us to transformation.

While we want to remain strong and centered, we also don’t want to limit or cut ourselves off from allowing whatever comes to move us, change us, and transform us.

Under the Scorpio New Moon, we are softening; we are coming into ourselves more; we are realising a new truth and learning to see the world through new eyes.

We live in a world of contrasts, and part of our experience is learning to feel the rainbow of emotions and allowing these emotions to shape us, mold us, and help us become who we are meant to be.

The Scorpio New Moon is also a wonderful point in the month for drawing in a deeper sense of self-acceptance and to also acknowledge the little that we really know about life and the role we are all playing in it.

Under this New Moon, we will feel humbled, and in awe of the world we live in. We may also find ourselves tuning into the possibilities of magic all around us.

As Scorpio is a water sign, we may also feel ourselves ebbing and flowing from one emotion to the next.

As this energy can be intense, we have to be mindful of not allowing ourselves to become controlling, aggressive, hostile, or acting with our ego in the lead.

We have to remember to shift our awareness from the small Scorpion to the rising Phoenix. We have to remember to keep transcending our awareness of what life is and what role we are here to play.

This New Moon asks that we allow ourselves to keep transforming. We keep questioning, we keep growing, and we keep allowing things to shock and surprise us, for they are often the push we need for our continued growth.

Love and Blessings for the Scorpio New Moon ♥ ♥ ♥

Aries Full Moon ♥

Monday the 14th of October; we have Full Moon falling in the fire sign of Aries. There has been a massive amount of tense cosmic energies in the build up to this Aries Full Moon and it really started early at the beginning of the month of October.

Many of us have been feeling this in our own lives and wondering when we might get a break. Well, tomorrows Full Moon should mark the beginning of some much needed relief as energetically we are being handed a silver knife to help cut cords of tension so we can relax and feel free. For those of us who have been feeling highly strung, easily frustrated, or overwhelmed, there is a huge release point on offer to us under the bright big Aries Full Moon.

In order to use this energy to our fullest advantage, we have to do some inner work to cut the cords and release ourselves from the past & any restraints we have become bound by.

What limitations have we been working with that are preventing us from moving forward? What thoughts or beliefs have been blocking our progress and standing in our way?

If we open and surrender to these questions under the light of the Aries Full Moon, we will be guided to cut the cords, unlock the doors, and help free ourselves from any self-imposed barriers we have been hiding behind.

Pluto will also be very active under this Full Moon too and will be encouraging us to keep shedding the layers that hold us back so we can rise into our fullest power.

We must free ourselves from the cages we have put ourselves in and allow ourselves to fly free. We must free ourselves from the puppet strings of society and the self-imposed expectations we put on ourselves.

We have to remove the masks the armor and padding we have been protecting ourselves with and allow them to dissolve and fall away. The time to free ourselves is now. The time to be our true selves is now, and we can’t do that when we are hiding.

Just like the Moon will shine brightly in the night sky for all to see, we too have to step up and allow our own energy to shine for all the world to see.

We need to come forward out of the shadows and not be afraid to share our energy with the world. After all, that is why we are here. That is why our souls bothered to make this courageous, scary, and beautiful journey down to Earth in the first place… to share who we are with the world.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is ruled over by the energy of number one, which is about leadership, ownership, and showing up exactly as we are, free of attachments and insecurities and just ready to bring all of who we are into the world.

While we all collect insecurities along the way, it is moments like these where we are reminded to smash through them and to see them for the illusions that they are.

Along with guiding us to release the binds that hold us back, this Aries Full Moon is also going to be challenging us in our relationships. It wants us to make sure we are not hiding away our true selves or sacrificing too much in order to make those around us comfortable.

The Full Moon energies want to make sure we are not playing small or shortchanging ourselves just to suit others. It also wants to ensure that we are not doing the reverse and allowing our ego to overwhelm or smother another person’s truth or energy.

If this dynamic has been at play in any relationship in our lives, we may very much find that the Aries Full Moon instigates us to take action or to make some big changes.

As Aries is a fire sign, there will be a fiery quality to this Full Moon that may make us want to rush, force, and jump into things headfirst.

While this energy will be motivating us to break free, it may help to check-in and ensure we are acting from a place of love rather than ego.

This is highly motivating energy and a great time to take a leap of faith, but we must be sure we are listening to our intuition and following your heart in the process. If things feel right, then go for it! The energy will support us to leap higher, further, and with more ease.

As tensions could be high before the Full Moon peaks, we also have to be mindful of allowing these tensions to influence and affect our relationships in a negative way.

If we are feeling overly tense or wound-up, we need to bring some self-care practices into our routines, take a walk, get some headspace rather than lash out at those around us.

This is a good time to put some preventative measures into place, especially if we know we need to have a difficult conversation around this time.

This Aries Full Moon is a wonderful release point, and while tensions will be high, we can use this frequency to cut the strings, push through the jungle that we have felt stuck or blocked in.

If anyone has felt held down, held back, or inhibited in any way this year, this Full Moon is the chance to say no more, and to free ourselves from it all. This is the chance to spread our wings and soar high into a new level of success.

Aries is the leader, and we have to become the leader of our own lives and our own destiny. We carve out our future every day based on the actions we take, the thoughts we think, and the vibration we emit.

On a potent and magical day like this, we can use these lunar energies to accelerate our journey and to keep advancing higher.

The time to step up is now, and it all begins with removing the limits we have given ourselves and knowing that we can do anything!! ♥♥♥

Libra New Super Moon ♥

In the early hours of Sunday the 29th of September, we have a New Moon falling in air sign of Libra. This comes with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Libra as well… So extra Libran energy is at play for the New Moon. This can bring about a focus on the people in our lives, our relationships, and our commitments. The Libra New Moon is also a Super Moon, which means we feel its effects more strongly. It also happens to fall on the same day that Saturn aligns directly over the Moon’s South Node and asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer… is also very active too. This New Moon may bring some upheavals and challenges, but also a lot of growth.

Libra rules over the sign of Venus, so this New Moon is also likely to trigger our relationships and encourage us to look at our attitudes and behaviors when it comes to the people in our lives.

The relationships we keep can be very revealing to us when it comes to our individual journey and lessons we are here to work through.

Under this Libran New Moon, we may be guided to think about how we can create healthier bonds and connections with others, either by setting boundaries or showing gratitude towards our loved ones.

If a relationship has been challenging or difficult, this New Moon may also inspire us to move on for good or to approach the challenges in a new way.

Sometimes challenging people cross our path in order to awaken, activate, and strengthen a part of our being. Sometimes these people also serve as wake-up calls to help us find our true path and true calling.

New Moons always open a gateway to new possibilities… so if we feel there are any challenges with a particular person in our lives, we can shift our energy and work on finding love and forgiveness in our heart, and see if this energy can help us shift to a new level of awareness.

The September New Moon also comes at a sensitive time of year as it is close to the Equinox. The Equinox is one of those times in the year where the veil between worlds are thin and we can access different levels of our consciousness with more ease.

All around us things are in change. The seasons are changing and Mother Nature is transforming herself. She is shedding or blossoming, letting go or creating new life. She is in transition, and we may feel that parts of our lives are in transition too.

The energy of manifestation is also going to be strong around this New Moon, so we can use it to think about something we wish to bring in or create in our lives.

During Libran Moon energy we also tend to think more of others. We feel the need to spend more time with the people in our lives, and feel more open to meeting new people, entering into new partnerships, negotiating and mediating. We can find more opportunities through others, and we can be supportive of others when they’re presented with opportunities. 

Libra rules balance, so we find ourselves focusing on the areas of life we haven’t had as much time for lately. Libra is represented by the scales and is the only zodiac sign to have an inanimate object as its symbol.

As the keeper of the scales, Libra is a figure for justice and for balance, and while all of these energies are with us during the New Moon, there is a deeper sense of balance being conjured here too.

The Libran New Moon asks us to release and let go of any seriousness or attachments that hold us down, hold us back and stress us out.

We don’t need to take the weight of the world onto our shoulders. We don’t need to fix everything or have life neatly balanced in the way our minds think it needs to be.

Balance is achieved by giving in to simply what is… and accepting where we are in our lives. It is about honoring our journey and respecting the ever-evolving stages of our mind, body, and soul.

We are never going to have it all figured out, but rather than let this get us down, we can use it to inspire ourselves to just live in freedom, knowing we are here to learn and that part of learning is not always getting it right.

When we allow ourselves this freedom to make mistakes, to just go with flow of our lives, we actually move into a deep state of balance between our body, soul, heart, mind, others, and the Earth.

Balance is not just you and me, black or white, yes or no, it is about harmonizing every aspect of our beings to flow along with what is happening around each of us and within.

The spiritual quality of this New Moon will help us to shift and transform out of the old and into the new. The strong energies at this time may make us feel tired, sensitive, and switched on to our psychic energies. Finding ways to be open yet protected can be a helpful during this New Moon. Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz and Obsidian are great crystals to work with for protection and grounding. As we shift through the last few months of the year, this is a good time to ask ourselves what we wish to push through and achieve before 2020 begins.

Love and Blessings ♥

Pisces ‘Harvest’ Full Moon ♥

Saturday the 14th of September, we have a Full Moon falling in the watery, sensitive and intuitive sign of Pisces.  The September Full Moon is also known as the “Harvest” Moon. Unlike other Full Moons, this one is specifically related to the Spring (Southern Hemisphere) or the Autumn (Northern Hemisphere) Equinoxes that falls this year on the 23rd of September. The Full Moon that falls nearest to the Equinox earns this title, and was (and in some places, still is) a time where everything is illuminated in order to gather the harvest.

As the last Full Moon before the seasons change, this our opportunity to “harvest” all we can before we enter into the new season. It is also a time for us to reap the rewards of all we have achieved since the Solstice back in June.

This is a time to take a moment to think back to that point in the year. Who were we then? Who are we now? What have we learned? How have we changed?

Harvest Moons are always cleansing, so if there is something, we no longer wish to take with us into the new season, this is the perfect time to release and let it go.

Falling in the watery sign of Pisces, this Full Moon is a sensitive one and may trigger unresolved or unexpressed emotions. We may also feely deeply sensitive and find it hard to not absorb the emotions of the world around us.

While this level of sensitivity can be difficult at times, under this Pisces Full Moon if we allow these feelings to come and go as visitors, rather than trying to control them, we may discover that our emotions, whether they come from us or not, have a message or a lesson for us to appreciate and learn from.

La Luna loves being in a water sign… it feels as if she has “come home” in a sense, and certainly, we can all feel a sense of nourishing and tenderness over this sensitive Full Moon. As mentioned, emotions may be quite big, as water signs tend to already carry within them greater emotional attunement than any other element, and it will be important for us to be with the feelings that come up in a gentle, compassionate and kind way. It’s equally important that we don’t react, allow them to overwhelm or drown us, or try and run away and numb our emotions. If we do, we will be concealing the most powerful tool we have… our intuition. Pisces hold very strong intuition and we all can tap into our own inner intuition during this Full Moon, we just need to be open and not clouded with any emotions that may come through.

A Pisces Full Moon can make us feel super compassionate and want to help others as much as possible. Pisces can be very sacrificing, so we may feel like we need to sacrifice something in order to help. That can create some boundary problems though, so we need to make sure we have healthy boundaries and aren’t giving away *too* much.

Pisces energy also rules over the feet, so if we find ourselves feeling too emotional or sensitive, grounding exercises such as walking barefoot on the grass or even taking a moment to acknowledge how our feet hold and support us may bring some relief.

We are also asked to find healing and balance as the Sun in Virgo offers practical solutions to bad habits that we may have been carrying for some time and are now ready to release.

Aspects to the Pisces Full Moon…

The Pisces Full Moon is also closely connected to the Jupiter Neptune Square, which will add to its illumination factor. Around this Full Moon, a new truth may be revealed, or we may discover that something we believed to be true may not be what it seemed.

The ruler of this Full Moon, Jupiter, is strong in the sign of Sagittarius, though in a hard aspect to the Sun & Moon. This means that things may seem quite exaggerated, and we may be tempted to take chances, feeling overconfidence or spurred on by strong feelings. We must be careful to slow down… to think first before acting and to make sure that our foundations are strong.

Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, is also strongly linked to this Full Moon, being in Pisces and conjunct the Moon & opposite the Sun. This can create confusion over what we truly want, what we really need, and what we think we need may turn out to be wishful dreaming. We can harness the energy of the Earthy planets, Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury in Virgo, connected to solid Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn… to keep our feet on the ground and make sure we don’t get lost in delusion, addiction or escape, which are all powerful themes with Pisces and Neptune.

Jupiter & Neptune bring a test of faith due to some embarrassment or disappointment. We may feel optimistic, trusting and generous but the risk of delusion and deception is big.

Mars & Neptune can bring discouragement, weakness, and feelings of inadequacy. Fear of competition and misdirected energy can lead to embarrassment, deception or disappointment.

Mars & Jupiter gives energy, initiative and a willingness to take risks. Although we may be feeling strong, sexy and enthusiastic, a tendency toward impulsive actions could lead to embarrassment, mistakes or accidents. This is a time to moderate our energy and use planning and strategy to avoid losses and physical or emotional exhaustion.

Full Moon conjunct to Neptune increases our emotional sensitivity but also our level of insecurity and confusion. Picking up the wrong signals could bring delusion, guilt, deception, and scandal. Dreams can turn into fantasies and suspicion into paranoia. So, we all need to remember the difference between fantasy and reality to avoid rejection and embarrassment. We may also be more susceptible to addiction, illness, and infection.

Full Moon square to Jupiter gives a tendency toward overconfidence and excess. Changeable moods and changing tastes can lead us astray. A lowering of standards or disloyalty in relationships could cause embarrassment or scandal. A tendency toward overdoing things also needs to be watched with food, alcohol & drugs, and shopping.

Full Moon opposite Mars can make us feel moody, selfish, annoyed and short-tempered. Anger and a tendency to act without thinking increase the risk of minor irritations turning into arguments or fights. Relationships may suffer from impulsive actions and aggressive instincts. This is a good time to channel our energy towards hard work, exercise, and competition to avoid hostility.

The Full Moon & Pluto makes our subconscious more intense and powerful. Deeply buried feelings are exposed, and we are able to gain more control over our emotions, reactions, and instinctive behaviors. Intense personal interactions may show us exactly how we feel about someone and how they feel about us. An important relationship may evolve to a deeper level or we will be free to move on.

Anything in a state of decay in our lives can be reborn. We can also get to the cause of any bad habit or addiction. Our intuition is very strong during this Full Moon and can guide us on our journey into the underworld and deeper levels of our being.

The Pisces Full Moon falls in the Phoenix constellation which reinforces the Pluto theme of rebirth and transformation.

Under the light of the Pisces Full Moon we are reminded to connect to our sensitivity and intuition. Our dreams will be heightened and offer us glimpses to solutions and they may be also totally whacked out and super trippy. We may feel hypersensitive so connecting with nature, the ocean, our own creativity and even dance will help us to move through any emotions that may be painful or overactive. This will help us to be more open to forgiveness and compassion. Remember we need to avoid the desire to escape from reality and watch any addictions. Most of all we need to connect, listen, feel, ground and come from a space of love.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

Virgo New Moon ♥

Friday the 30th of August we have a New Moon falling in the Earth sign of Virgo. This is one of the best New Moons in a very long time for starting something new or really reenergizing something. This is a time to welcome in new inspiration, and to be open to changing aspects in our lives that have become outworn or simply overplayed. It is especially good for romance and love, igniting new relationships and invigorating life partners.

The Virgo New Moon falls in closely to Mars, Venus, and Mercury, so these three little helpers, all in Virgo, will be adding to the experience of this New Moon.

Mars is the strongest energy that surrounds this Virgo New Moon. Mars represents the sacred masculine and is all about action, energy, motivation, and getting things done.

This New Moon is going to offer up all of this to us and will be a highly motivating and recharging time! If there is a project, we are wishing to get off the ground or something we are looking to speed up or add some steam to, this New Moon will help push things along.

While Mars energy can be very motivating, it can also be impatient and quick to anger. We may have to be mindful of this around the New Moon and refrain from acting on our impulses.

The good news is that the presence of Mercury will help to temper some of this Mars energy and will be standing by to remind us to look before we leap and to think before we do or say something we may regret later.

This Virgo New Moon has lovely Mercury energy on offer, this can help us to also gain wisdom and knowledge about areas in of our lives that have felt cloudy or uncertain.

Venus is also close to this New Moon, bringing creative and loving vibrations. Her presence will make this a very romantic New Moon.  

For those who may have been struggling in relationships, this New Moon may help to soften things and allow both parties to come together in a new way. This of course, will take the participation of both, but the energies around the New Moon are on the right side to make amends or strengthen relationships.

There is a lot of energy to this New Moon but it all flows harmoniously, and will be a lovely way to wrap up the high vibrational energies that have been on offer all through the month of August.

August has held the potential to be a turning point month in our lives for some fresh inspiration or motivation. If anyone has been feeling a little stuck or stagnant or resistant to change, set an intention or take a small step forward under this Virgo New Moon in order to seal this energy into your life.

The energy is out there on offer, but we have to be the ones to take it and integrate it into our lives This energy only exists as a potential unless we step forward, grab it, work with and make the most of it.

Virgo New Moon Aspects…

The New Moon and Mars brings an abundance of energy and initiative which must be used in a safe way. If this hot energy were to build up in our bodies, it could be released spontaneously in an uncontrolled and destructive way.

Thankfully, Venus turns the aggression of Mars into passion and creativity, while adding love and patience. Mercury helps us think before acting. A Mars aspected New Moon is good for physical activity. Venus adds creativity like art, sculpture, and dance. Mercury brings intellectual creativity, incisive wit and debating skill.

High levels of assertiveness, initiative, and goal-directed energy make this a great new moon for starting new projects. While a Mars new moon alone would cause over assertiveness and impulsiveness, the addition of Mercury and Venus promotes harmony and cooperation. This is particularly helpful for business ventures and personal relationships.

The Sun and Uranus brings positive change and exciting opportunities. Increased freedom and self-confidence allow us to express the more flamboyant, or kinky and crazy side of our personalities.

This is an excellent time to step out of our comfort zones and widen our social circles. A reliable intuition and flashes of insight can lead to increased self-awareness, creative breakthroughs, and new discoveries,

Mars and Uranus bring a sense of adventure, curiosity and initiative. We can break free from previous restriction or boring routines with a burst of daring energy. Taking risks will lead to unique opportunities to experience new activities, feelings, and relationships.

Following our instinct and being confident about making changes and starting new projects will amp up our success.

The earthy Virgo New Moon also comes as a reminder to get grounded in being rather than caught up in “doing”. So many of us are consumed by our busy lifestyles and hectic schedules that we forget to pause and just allow ourselves to be.

Allowing ourselves to “just be” is about being present and alive in each moment and not lost in our minds or in our thoughts. We are not our thoughts. We are the one listening to our thoughts, and when we realize this, it allows us to become an observer of our internal chatter rather than getting swept up with it.

Take some time out, visit the ocean, forests or creeks and put those feet on the Earth, in the water and just feel and be. Earth out brothers and sistars!!

Love and Blessings ♥

Aquarius Full Moon ♥

We have a Full Moon falling in Aquarius on Thursday the 15th of August. The energy emerging around this Full Moon will be focused on how we engage in relationships between groups, self, and society. As this Full Moon falls in the sign of Aquarius, la Luna will be illuminating areas into how we can help and serve each other.

Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian and is represented by a woman carrying a jug of water. The woman symbolizes the healer in us all and the water symbolizes the heavy emotions, the pain, and the suffering of the world.

As the water bearer, Aquarius has the natural gift and ability to take these heavy emotions and transform them into something lighter. She doesn’t absorb the water or take it on as a part of her, she is an air sign, and uses her higher mind, her search for the truth in order to transform and cleanse the water before returning it to the Earth.

All of us have Aquarian energy within us, and on this Full Moon, we are going to be guided to bring healing, lightness, and love to the world.

The Aquarian Full Moon whispers the words of the humanitarian Gandhi- “be the change you wish to see in the world.”

This theory of starting with yourself is also something shared by many great humanitarians. Mother Theresa once said- “if you want to change the world go home and love your family.”

It was her belief that everyone can start making a difference in the world by starting with their own family.

The famous poet Rumi also shared- “yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world, today I am wise so I am changing myself.”

It all begins with the individual for when you take care of your own needs, when you start loving yourself, it creates a ripple and that ripple flowing from each and every one of us is what will change the world. All you have to do is be responsible for your own ripple!!

It is also worth remembering, that one of the greatest gifts of the water bearer is her ability to carry the water without bearing the burden of it. She doesn’t allow herself to get absorbed by the dark emotions she carries, instead she uses her Air sign qualities to rise above it.

As an air sign, Aquarius is about using her mind, her intellect, and the power of her voice to make a difference.

There are some strong aspects in the chart of the Aquarian Full Moon that will influence things in other ways, some positive, some not so…

Firstly. during the Aquarian Full Moon, the Sun is in the opposite sign to the Moon, which places the Sun in powerful and courageous Leo. The archetypal energy of Leo is one of deep creative self-expression being displayed and shared with the world.

Leo wants to be loved, appreciated, and noticed. This can take place in many different ways and through many different platforms, social relationships and social media being some of them.

During this time there is increased attention on balancing our social responsibility with personal responsibility. The Moon in Aquarius is bringing our attention to how our behavior impacts the bigger picture. While the Sun, Mars, Venus, and Mercury in Leo are pulling our attention towards the personal.

The vibe for this Full Moon is to charge our lives with the fearless energy of the Leo-Aquarius axis. These signs will not stand for bullshit and are ready to stand up and call it out!

Aquarius is sitting opposite Venus and whilst our need for love and affection grows stronger, any underlying relationship tensions are likely to worsen, increasing stress levels and causing drama. The energy here may also bring the potential for anger, jealousy, intimidation, and impulsive actions.

Some may already be experiencing stress, anxiety and unexpected changes in their love life that started around the Leo New Moon earlier this month. If so, this highlights the need for patience, understanding, and unconditional love over the coming two weeks.

The Aquarian Full Moon is mostly affected by Venus, the planet of love. The Full Moon is opposite Venus by only 0°20′ orb which is very strong. While Venus has a soft, loving influence, the opposition makes this a challenging Moon phase.

Mars adds some anger to the love story while Pluto gives this Full Moon a darker theme involving control and power imbalances of a karmic nature. The Full Moon is in a fortunate area of the sky for fixed stars. However, a stronger influence comes from more unhelpful stars joining the Sun, Venus, and Mars.


Sun / Venus… focuses attention on our love life, creativity, and finances. On its own, this is a peaceful, harmonious, affectionate, and sociable influence, a good omen for friendship and romance. But the polarity created by the Full Moon can bring relationship tension and financial pressures.

Moon / Venus increases our need for love and affection regardless of the consequences. If single, one may be tempted to lower one’s standards just to avoid loneliness. This could mean one may miss character flaws in potential partners that are obvious to others. And result in not coping well if one doesn’t receive true love in return.

For partnerships… friction may arise due to different moods or needs. In a troubled relationship, this could increase the risk of conflict and crises. But in a healthy relationship, this Full Moon would more likely expose any simmering relationships tensions so they can be successfully resolved.

Moon / Mars can make us moody and short-tempered. Anger and a tendency to act without thinking increase the risk of minor irritations turning into arguments or fights. Intimate relationships may suffer from impulsive actions and aggressive instincts.

Channeling our energy toward hard work and competition will help avoid conflicts. We can chase our own passionate desires, but will they have a better chance of success by compromising and considering the needs of others?

Sun / Pluto can cause a mini-crisis or threat that represents a turning point in our lives. Pressure can build to an intense level and cause neurotic, obsessive or destructive behavior. An event or person may trigger this tipping point by taking away our personal power.

In relationships, we may be tempted to react by trying to control and manipulate the other person which would result in conflict and bruised egos. This is an evolutionary process with karmic causes and implications. Compromise is needed as there are no yes or no answers, only gray areas.

Although some aspects to the Aquarian Full Moon will be testy the energy of the sign of the Water Bearer is not overly concerned with what is popular, what is written in the media, or what her friends and family believe.

Aquarius wants to make up its own mind and is always on the search for a bigger truth. The absolute truth. The truth that goes beyond perspective and into a higher place.

Under the energy of this Aquarius Full Moon we should all think about how we can bring these qualities into our lives.

How can we send love and healing to create a positive effect on our lives and the world? How can we hold our own truth without absorbing and getting stung by the voices of the media or those around us?

Working with our higher mind, our inner guides venturing into our own truth, and walking a path of love, will help us to learn the ways of the water bearer.

We have enough love to go around for everyone, so on this Aquarius Full Moon, which is bathed in light, in compassion, and in truth, start with yourself and then share some of that love around with your family, your friends, your community, your country, and with the world. 

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

Leo Super Black New Moon ♥

Thursday the 1st of August we have a New Moon falling in the fire sign of Leo, this is also the same day as Mercury retrograde ends. This Leo New Moon is also a Super Moon and considered a Black Moon too.

A Black Moon is the name that is given to the second New Moon in a calendar month. Even though for us in Australia the Super New Moon falls on the 1st day of August, it is still considered a Black Moon due to its proximity to the start of the month.

During a Super Moon which means the Moon is closer to our planet Earth, the tides are more affected by the vibrations of the Moon, and so are we.

The Black Super Leo New Moon also brings the start of a new lunar cycle, and this new cycle comes after a series of very powerful and transformative Eclipses. We also embark on a string of three New Moon Super Moons in a row and we are also now walking within the Lions Star Gate Portal that will peak on the 8th of the 8th. Yeah…. Just a bit going on around us…but, all in all the vibes are good for the Leo New Moon.

As we ride out the last moments of Mercury Retrograde during the New Moon it is a good time to reflect and ask ourselves… What problems arose during the Retrograde? What got stuck? What went the wrong way? Then after reflection we can all take the energy of the Leo New Moon and work on making things begin to get back on track.

We slow down drastically when a planet starts or ends a Retrograde period, so we may feel like we’re a little suspended in time now. With Mercury in Cancer, this may help to buffer us emotionally, as our feelings may be a little frayed, a little on the edge, and in need of some support and comfort in order to move forward with the positive Leo New Moon energy.

As we begin this new cycle will also be working to assimilate and become more peaceful with any wounds, transformations, and changes the July Eclipses may have triggered.

If the Eclipses have stirred things or brought changes into our lives, the Leo New Moon will allow us to soften into what has unfolded so we may begin figuring out our next steps and begin seeing things in a new way.

Walking through the Lions Star Gate Portal our Sun is already warm and nourishing and delivers the energy of life, but during the Lions Gate our Sun/Star combines its powers with Sirius.

If we think of this symbolically, it is like planet Earth is being bathed with two of the most powerful lights in the sky.

This light energy can enhance spiritual awakenings, bring about new insights or a new awareness and it can also help to raise the consciousness of the planet.

It is this highly activated and spiritually advanced energy from these Stars that help to activate the Lionsgate Portal and send an influx of higher vibrational energy for us to use.

The Leo New Moon, brings us much potential and new beginnings will begin to unfold, however, we are going to have to take things slow and give the energies time to work their magic, as the final influences of the Mercury Retrograde period comes to an end as the few last dregs fade away . 

We can certainly be inspired by this New Moon and think about what we want to bring into our lives, but we do have to be patient, get still with our breath, and tune into our hearts to allow all the new energy to integrate.

If we can be patient and open, we will be able to take on a great big shot of fresh inspiration that is waiting for us and then begin working with it.

As this New Moon falls in Leo, we are also going to be encouraged to take greater ownership and leadership of our lives.

We all have the power to take control and to take charge of our lives; we all have it in us to make the decisions we need for a brighter future.

No one knows us as well as we know ourselves, so under this Leo New Moon, it is a great time to retreat within and get connected with whatever is deep in our hearts.

We all are intuitive; we know what is right for us and what is wrong. The Leo New Moon asks us to stop fighting against what we think we should do and simply settle into the real truth of who we are. 

Under the Leo New Moon, we all have the opportunity to tap into that courageous lion energy and remember that deep down we always know what is best for ourselves.

Leo rules over the heart, making this a perfect time to think about working with our heart energies.

There is a reason that Leo is ruled over by the heart and that is because the lion is the most courageous and is the best ruler of its realm when it is leading with the heart, when it is leading with love.

The Leo New Moon asks us to tune into the courage we all have inside of us and to begin walking our journeys with love always leading the way.

The New Moon in Leo brings a renewed sense of fun and enthusiasm for life. This is a perfect time to re-energise and revitalise.  Leo is ruled by our great Sun and offers all the life giving qualities of our Star… inspiring us with its warmth, energy and passion.  Warm-hearted and generous, Leo is the royalty of the zodiac, confident and regal with a flair for the dramatic. All signs and especially fire signs need to have plenty of fun… we need to make sure we allow ourselves some fun time now!!

Leo is great creative energy, and this is the best way to tap into this energy. During the New Moon focusing on creative projects and ventures is a great outlet for our emotions and helps with any pent up frustrations. The New Moons aspect to Uranus in Taurus sparks extra fire to the mix, as Uranus is slowing and readying to turn Retrograde on August 11th.

So, rebellious energy may be high, we may want more independence and push for it, and we may feel the need to rage against norm. This is a good time not to give in to rash impulses rather feel into the real truth behind any rebellious feelings, are they justified, if so… rebel on ?!

The Leo New Moon represents the opportunity to begin a new cycle in our enthusiasm for life and our own creativity… whatever inspires us and ignites our passion is up for grabs now… Embrace it

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

The Lions Gate Portal Begins ♥

We have stepped into the Lions Gate Portal… Every year, the Lion’s Star Gate Portal opens from July 26th to August 12, with its peak being on August 8th.

The Lion’s Gate opening provides a great burst of energy, so if you’ve been feeling a bit anxious, on edge, or unable to fall asleep at night, this might explain why.

Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, moves closer toward Earth and directly aligns with the pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, the great Lion. In Egypt around this time of year, the Nile River usually rises significantly, which is said to have something to do with the Lion’s Gate portal opening and the influx of energy this provides.

During the Lions Gate Portal many things open to us, spiritually we receive a surge of the great Suns energy, opening us to become more spiritually awakened, to tap into our third eye and psychic abilities. The Gateway offers us a time of opportunities, infinite energy, wisdom, power, and prosperity. We just need to be open and ready to receive.

Our Solar Plexus, our own inner Sun within us shines light onto the darkest parts of ourselves and provides us with warmth, life, and comfort. We may feel an expansion of awareness and energy that will peak at the height of the Lions Gate on the 8th…. Will post more closer to the 8th.

In the meantime, we just need to feel the shift energetically within, take some time to care for ourselves, observe what is happening around us. Rest and eat well, enjoy the beautiful winter Sunlight and feel the rays of our great Star, our Sun shining into our hearts.    ♥ Love and Blessings  ♥

Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse ♥

Wednesday the 17th of July we have a Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. Most of Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa, South/East North America, South America, across the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Oceans will be privy to this event. For us on the East Coast of Australia (esp Byron Bay) the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse begins as the Moon is setting close to horizon, so getting up high with a free sight to West-southwest is best for viewing. For us here on the coast of Byron Bay, the Lunar Eclipse begins at 6am and the Moon will begin to turn red. Max point is around 6.30, unfortunately the true maximum point of this Eclipse cannot be seen in Byron Bay because the Moon is below the horizon at that time.

To check the best viewing times visit and enter your town or city.

Lunar Eclipses are a great time to bring our attention internally to the changes we want to make within ourselves. Whether we can see it or not, this is a potent time to deal with emotional matters and for shifting negative thoughts and beliefs.

Releasing and endings are a big theme of this Lunar Eclipse but there is something deeper going on too. This Eclipse is not just guiding us to release and bring closure to things that have served their time, it is also guiding us to stretch… to stretch ourselves beyond the limits of our mind, our body, and our soul.

We all know how good it feels after taking a big stretch. Knots can be released, you feel more aligned and flexible, and there is more space for blood and energy to flow freely. That is the work of this Eclipse. It will be stretching us, cracking us, helping us to release the knots and tensions of the past. It will be stretching us from one end to the other so we can find our true alignment.

Under the energy of this Eclipse, we may feel like we are being stretched to our limits or pulled in two different directions. We may have to choose a path, or we may feel torn between one way of action versus another. A decision will have to be made, but the Eclipse will be our guide and will deliver the answers in the perfect timing.

While we wait to see which path is the best fit for our souls, we have to remember to keep stretching and opening. We have to work on letting go of the things that we know have no place in our hearts and minds, as this work will free us up to make those judgment calls and decisions that will affect the next chapter of our lives.

If something in our lives has been weak or crumbling, the Eclipse may also bring that final push we have been looking for. Lunar Eclipses don’t bring destruction but rather, they help to give things that are already on their way out that final push. This Full Moon Eclipse asks us to stay open and see where we are guided to release, to let go, and to bring closure.

During this Full Moon Eclipse, there is great illumination in our world. Over the last few years, we have been traversing some very difficult roads. While moving through these difficulties has proved to be trying at ties, this journey into the unknown has been moving us towards what we desire. Karma and destiny are highlighted during this Full Moon Eclipse, and we are being reminded to trust in what is coming. Perhaps things didn’t work in the past, but there are bright roads ahead.

As illumination is supercharged during a Full Moon Eclipse, there can be much hidden information or secrets being brought into the light. This knowledge can be a game changer. We are being reminded to watch what we tell others. Be careful who we trust which of our secrets to. We are being asked to trust in ourselves and in our inner knowing and intuition.

Capricorn rules this Full Moon and is a great lover of commitment. We are being asked to pay attention where we need deeper commitment in our lives. Are we getting the effort and energy we desire? Pay attention as these cycles need to end if things are stuck.

Put some attention on finances and looking towards the future. Plan for the future under this Full Moon and we mustn’t forget to honour the dreams of our heart. Anything is possible during the Eclipse Cycle, and the things that we desire can have surprising ways of manifesting in our lives.

Under the energy of the Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse, we will also be reminded of how strong we really are. Capricorn is represented by the mountain goat, and although it is small, it has the ability to climb any mountain it chooses. Using its nimble-footing, the mountain goat can venture higher than most; it just has to believe in itself and be guided by the right motivation.

When an intense Eclipse like this passes through our energy field, we may feel a little stuck or stagnant, and this can add to the need to question things like our motivation. So, this is a good time to really think and feel into what is motivating or not motivating us and possibly make a few changes. This questioning is necessary and important as it gets us to stretch our minds and to think differently for a moment.

This Lunar Eclipse is quite powerful and intense energetically, and there is confrontational energy due of the very close conjunction to Pluto. Intense emotional reactions, compulsive behavior, and power struggles are likely to result in a crisis. The Moon conjunct Pluto can bring intense and overwhelming emotions flooding us. This can cause us to overreact to the powerful feelings flowing through us. We need to watch that these intense feelings don’t take a negative turn such as obsession as this can be destructive.

This aspect can bring such deep feelings that they can overwhelm us. A personal interaction or event may trigger a memory or emotion buried deeply in our subconsciousness. Dreams, visions, psychic impressions or intuitive insights may have a profound influence on our mood. In relationships, we may find ourselves dealing with controlling and manipulative behaviors like jealousy, guilt-tripping, threats and intimidation.

The Sun sits opposite Pluto during the Full Moon Eclipse and may bring some sort of crisis with our self-esteem, a relationship or an event. This may be related to abuse of power or due to a self-destructive character trait such as addiction, spying or stubbornness.

During the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, it is best to avoid being overly assertive, egotistic, or resistant to change. Challenges are more likely if we stubbornly resist change or engage in some habit that is destructive to ourselves or others.

The Capricorn Lunar Eclipse may also bring questions of power and status into play. We may see this playing out on the world stage or even in our own lives. We may be questioning who we have chosen to give our power to and what we have our chosen to prioritise in our lives.

As the celestial bodies in the sky align for this Eclipse, it is going to be like two armies meeting on opposing sides of a field. Rather than fighting each other however, they are working together to bring healing, transformation, and growth to the people standing in the middle, and those people are us. We just need to stay open and once these two forces have pulled and stretched us, helped us to work through some knots and some tension, we are all going to feel taller, lighter, and more open. Energy is going to be able to flow up and down and pass freely through our bodies and activating our energy centers.

Under the energy of this Eclipse, we have to be gentle with ourselves. We have to allow ourselves to gently stretch and breathe through the knots and tight spots. We have to inhale and exhale until we feel our bodies melt and open.

This Full Moon Eclipse is one of the most potent and transformative points of the year, but we are ready for it… we are strong enough to handle it… We just need to centre, yet stay open, question and look deeply within, release and let go and most of all be gentle with ourselves, watch our egos and emotions and always act and speak from our hearts.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

Mercury Retrograde ♥

Here comes another round of Mercury Retrograde… beginning on Monday the 8th of July here in Australia, in the fire sign of Leo… the beginning can create some serious drama and theatrics. We can turn mountains into molehills with Mercury Retrograde in Leo, so we need to watch ourselves. Not cool to be so desperate for attention that you go crazy over nothing! If you’re feeling like you need attention, maybe ask yourself why!

Mercury retrograde is generally associated with communication and technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, travel delays, and lost items. We may find ourselves reminiscing about the past or unexpectedly meet up with people from our past. Business negotiations are often in a state of flux during Mercury retrograde, with some important details not clear or available to us during this time.

This particular July Mercury Retrograde is very intense and argumentative because it is conjunct to Mars. It is also impulsive and confrontational because of its square to Uranus. Nervous and rushed thinking brings the potential for losing tempers and getting in rather large arguments.

This Mercury period requires full self-awareness, concentration, patience and impulse control. We need to choose our battles carefully and avoid making spontaneous decisions. A tendency to act rashly without regard for the consequences could lead to great disruptions or conflict in our lives.

Some people dred Mercury Retrograde and see it as a terrible time to navigate through. Sure, it can be challenging but if we flip the coin we can view the positive side of Mercury retrograding. This is a time to slow down, work on chilling out the mind chatter, work on how we communicate with others and make sure we check over anything important detail twice or more. Retrogrades can be great positive Retrospects. There are both polarities in all signs, planets, nature and people!

Back to the transiting signs of Mercury as he journeys through both Leo and Cancer between two Eclipses during this Retrograde!  

Leo is the sign ruling love, so we may feel we need more love and affection. This isn’t necessarily bad, as long as we’re controlling ourselves (and not looking for love in all of the wrong places!). Be good and considerate of others.

Who and what we love comes under Leo’s domain, so we may want more time with loved ones or we may experience issues in love relationships. We may want more time to play and do the things we love, or may feel that we just don’t have enough time for it and keep wishing for a holiday and to get away. With Leo, creative outlets can be very helpful, so this is a great time to get creative in any way we can. Getting creative can help us from getting Crae Crae ?

Mercury will Retrograde back into the watery emotional sign of Cancer on July 19th/20th. This can bring out super emotional energy, and we need to take care of our emotional needs big time. BUT we also need to be considerate of the emotions of others, and not get totally stuck in our own feelings that we ignore everyone else’s. If we don’t, this can create problems we really don’t need as we are all sensitive enough.

Comfort and support, familiarity and what we know best can be more important, and we may stick to that as much as we can… yet at the same time we can feel like the outside world is trying to push us away from that, and it makes us feel even more shaky Emotionally. It may be challenging here not to lash out, we will need to find healthy outlets for our emotions and be more flexible in life.

We may feel that something bottoms out around this time, that we have to get back to basics in some way or…. We find ourselves focusing on the foundation of something that is quite shaky in our lives. We may have more issues at home or with family to address…. Or we can reconnect with family or make improvements to our living situations. All polarities!!

During Mercury Retrograde, we’ll have a Lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 17th, and when Mercury Retrograde ends, Mercury will be sitting opposite the Eclipse point, this can heighten not only Mercury Retrograde energy but explode the Eclipse energy at the same time. We can feel all of this energy at this point super crazy and ridiculously strong! We need to be very careful with our emotional energy and watch ourselves very carefully. There may be some issues with Cancer/Capricorn that play out in the world, and we need to make sure we’re finding balance between the two energies instead of letting them fight each other.

While Mercury is retrograde, Mercury will make 3 major aspects… to Mars the day after the retrograde starts. This brings super high energy, super impulsiveness, rash, impatient, reckless. We need a positive outlet for the energy at the start of the retrograde, otherwise we may experience accidents and some violence may be lingering somewhere, it’s a time to be very aware!!

Mercury will make a conjunction to the Sun on July 22nd. This is called the inferior conjunction and can be a good point in the Retrograde to get started with something new that we can focus on for the next 6 weeks or so.

Mercury retrograde will end opposite transit Pluto in Capricorn, so this may bring out power struggles and fighting. We may feel like we’re struggling for control of something and want to knock or tear something down. We need to avoid trying to dominate and control, and watch for hatred, anger, and rage.

It’s a high intensity Mercury Retrograde this July and we all need to quite aware of the energy playing out. The beginning July 8th, around the 20-22nd and at the end August 1st are the points to be mega aware of our energy and the energy around us. Be cautious, be gentle and find some time to going insular and retrospective, stay calm and get grounded.

Look for the positives and polarities… because we’ll need too. ♥ ♥ ♥