Scorpio New Moon ♥

Friday the 5th of November brings us a New Moon in the water sign of Scorpio and marks the opening of the Eclipse Gateway. The first of two Eclipses occurs in 2 weeks on November 19th during the Taurian Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.

The gateway of the Eclipses opening begins with the Scorpio New Moon and starts the powerful portal of transformation that occurs during Eclipses.

The energy of the Scorpio New Moon centers around being true to ourselves, transformation, shifting into a new space of being and looking really deep within.

Scorpio is ruled by water and typically, the Moon is very at home in the water signs, however, Scorpio energy can create moodiness and is quite an intense sign, we may find our energy levels and emotions difficult to balance.

New Moons are about retreating within, and Scorpio energy is also very reflective. We may find ourselves delving into the darker corners of our hearts and minds. We may find ourselves dealing with some of the denser emotions that we have been holding on to. It can be intense but is always the step to transformation and Scorpio is all about transformation.

Scorpio is one of the few signs that is represented by three archetypes- the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix.

Each of these animals represents a different stage in the evolution of consciousness that we move through when working with the energy of Scorpio.

One wonders what sort of shift is needed for a small Scorpion that has only known life on the ground, to transform into the majestic eagle. What needs to happen to the Scorpion to get to this stage?

There is no doubt that to undergo such a drastic transformation, drastic life situations are usually at the core. The Scorpion has to completely lose its way of life in order to allow the metamorphosis to occur.

Under the Scorpio New Moon let’s all take a moment to think about those Scorpion to Eagle transformations that we have journeyed through in our own lives.

Chances are we have all experienced at least one completely life-changing event that has seen us leave the comforts of our small little world and shift to the vantage point of an Eagle.

It is these metamorphosis points in our lives that help us to grow into the person we were meant to be. It is these transformation moments that shape the course of our lives.

The Scorpio New Moon also asks us if we have been wearing masks for others? Have we been compressing ourselves in order to fit in? Going along with things that are not in resonance with who we are? Playing roles that don’t fit?

This New Moon asks that we look to the places where we have not been honoring our truth. The time has come to live our truth and that means giving up the masks once and for all.

There is a great deal of information and truth flowing with this Scorpio New Moon which is amplified by the beginning of another Eclipse cycle. Transformation is at hand in the midst of all this truth. During this powerful period, we need to connect with what sets our soul on fire.

What passions are calling to us? Where is our inspiration leading us to? These are important things to consider under the dark night of the Scorpio New Moon. 

This New Moon is geared to inspire change, so this is a good time to think about what needs to transform in our world and then go about setting our intentions. Work with the energies of this New Moon by knowing that it can help initiate a big shift and change if that is what is needed.

If you feel inclined, use the moody energies of the Scorpio New Moon to delve into those shadowy corners, who knows what beautiful insights will come into the light.

Overall, the energy of the Scorpio New Moon can be used as a catalyst to help us walk the bridge between any transformations we are currently moving through.

Regardless of what Scorpio represents in our personal horoscope chart, direct point-making or a verbal, emotional release is the theme here. Our feelings may have conflicted with another’s recently. And we may have also felt torn between tending to our own needs and supporting a particular individual.

Now, the New Moon in Scorpio offer a chance to speak our mind, lay our cards on the table, and make thoughts or feelings known.


Moon & Uranus… gives an urge to try new and exciting ways to live life to the fullest. We seek the freedom to do things our own way and will most likely resist being told what to do. A struggle for independence can be related to a struggle to explore and express our unique individuality and personality.

We may anticipate something new on the horizon or feel nervous. Sudden changes and unexpected encounters and events are possible that may leave us feeling unsettled and anxious. Learning to adapt to change will help us feel less disconnected. By keeping an open mind, exciting opportunities may arise from any changes that offer a better way forward.

It is better that we don’t resist the urge for the new and unusual, or rebel and changing conditions. Otherwise, this electric and spontaneous energy may escape in a destructive way such as a minor accident. Odd behavior or a radical about-face in someone close to us may cause anxiety too. Arguments or separation may result from impatience or unwillingness to adapt.

Mercury and Venus bring encouraging peace and harmony while reducing stress. A more settled frame of mind and good communication skills makes it easier to deal with any sudden change or unexpected events caused by the New Moon opposite Uranus.

Uranus can also make people distant and impulsive which can lead to sudden breakups. But Mercury sextile Venus love, friendship, cooperation, and diplomacy help you bring people together, find peaceful settlements to disputes, and break down any barriers to progress. A good business sense also helps us find opportunities for success.

All in all, the Scorpio New Moon is a mixed bag energetically with the main themes being deep reflection & transformation.

Diving into the dark deep ocean of our feelings and trauma we can find the brilliant jewels hiding in the crevice’s, bring them to the surface & use them to heal and transform.

Love and Blessings   ♥♥♥

Aries Full Moon ♥

Thursday the 21st of October, we have a Full Moon falling in the fire sign of Aries. There is a lot of energy surrounding this Aries Full Moon & we may start feeling a little overwhelmed! The energies are intense, but they offer us some wisdom, healing, and insights too.

There are quite a few strong planetary aspects with the Aries Full Moon, the biggest & most intense is the T-Square between Mars, Pluto & the dwarf planet Eris.

This configuration of energy can create a building of tension, but sometimes we need tension to inspire ourselves into action.

Sometimes, it takes feeling stretched to our limits to put our foot down, speak our truth, set boundaries, and act, to propel forward and change the current situation.

The Aries Full Moon is calling for us to take affirmative action. But this is where it gets a bit tricky. With Mars, Pluto, and Eris involved, sometimes it can be hard to know what action to take.

Sometimes, these planetary forces can see us acting from a place of ego or in an effort to gain control. Sometimes these planetary forces can trigger our darker, more heated emotions, causing us to lash out or perhaps be too forceful.

Simply knowing that these energies are at play can help us navigate through the fiery bits.

This is very assertive energy, and sometimes we do have to be firm, stand our ground, and communicate what we need.

The Aries Full Moon also aligns with a positive fixed star that gives preparedness, steadiness, determination, and final success. So, the only things standing in our way of success are the ruthlessness, jealousy, and aggression of Mars square Pluto.

Mars is the fearless warrior, and when its energy is strong, it can be a good time to overcome some of our deep-seated fears. It can be a good time to put on our warrior helmet and find a new level of confidence.

Fear is popping up under this Full Moon & we are being asked where fear may be guiding our decisions and see if any of that fear is justified or simply linked to insecurities from our past. By acknowledging our fears and sitting with them can help us find the next step to take.

Another thing we are being asked is to look at the ways we have transformed and rebirthed over the course of the year. What would the new you do? Who do you want to be in this situation?

Thinking of things from this vantage point may help us to shift out of old habits of the past, and instead embrace new habits that are a result of the rebirths we have gone through.

Sometimes there is no such thing as the “right” decision. Instead, it is just about making the best of the decisions that we do make.

At the end of the day, every decision and action we take is an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to shift our life in a new direction.

On a deeper level, this Full Moon may also be guiding us to think about what goals or values we wish to let go of. As this Full Moon falls in the sign of Aries, we may be taken back to earlier this year when we set some intentions or perhaps had some well-meaning plans about what this year was going to look like for us.

At this stage in the year, we may be feeling proud of ourselves for accomplishing all that we have, or we may be feeling upset that this year didn’t turn out the way we thought it would.

Regardless of where we stand, this Aries Full Moon is a bit of a reality check, helping us to reassess some of our goals and dreams, and what we have been doing, or not doing, to achieve them.

While there is a lot of action based energy under this Full Moon, there is another softer, subtler energy we can tune in and connect with too, and this comes from the asteroid Chariklo.

Chariklo is known as the asteroid of Spirit Medicine, the partner of Chiron & considered a magical Lady Shaman. It carries a feminine energy that can remind us to connect with our spiritual side and to honor the soul part of our journey.

Sometimes it can feel like we are living two lives, we have our human self that must navigate the 3D world and all the ups and downs it brings, but we also have our spirit self too, that knows that everything is ultimately perfect and always manifesting exactly as it should be. Sometimes it is hard to create a bridge between these two ways of being, but that is where Chariklo can help.

Its energy encourages us to view things from that spiritual perspective. To get out of 3D thinking and look beyond to that place in our heart where we know that everything is always just as it should be.

Chariklo’s energy is like that sweet spot we can find when we are in deep meditation. It is the peace, the stillness, the calm, and the love that we feel when we reconnect with the true essence of who we are.

With the quite intense energy surrounding the Aries Full Moon, take the time to tap into the softer energy of Chariklo.

As always when navigating through intense themes spending time in nature, getting creative, meditating, dancing, singing listening to our favourite music all helps us feel grounded & less in our heads.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

♥ Essence ♥

♥ Essence ♥ (

Introducing… Raise Your Vibration Essence ♥

A powerful blend of essential oils ♥

Energised by crystals to inspire & lift the spirit ♥

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Energised with Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Tourmaline & Aventurine

Blended under the Virgo New Moon ♥

10ml Roll on bottle $12.50 + $6 postage in Australia

Touch on pulse points & solar plexus to create a calming & grounding mood

Make this a morning ritual to Raise Your Vibration ♥

Direct Debit & PayPal available

Limited edition, all purchases come with a tumbled stone ♥

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Spring Equinox 2021 ♥

Thursday the 23rd of September the Sun shifts into the Air sign of Libra and we usher in the Spring Equinox… the festival of Ostara. As the Astrological wheel shifts into a new season we too begin to feel the winds of change and a transitioning period in our lives begin.

The Goddess Ostara is the Norse Goddess of fertility. At the Spring Equinox we honor her, for she is the Goddess of Spring and renewal. Her symbols are the egg and the New Moon. Her animals are the rabbit and the butterfly. 

The Goddess Ostara is associated with childhood and new life, and the God and Goddess are perceived as children, personifying youth and innocence before their entry into adulthood.

The Goddess, as the Maiden, covers the earth with flowers and love while the God grows to maturity. This is a time to celebrate everything that is great about being alive.

Ostara is associated with new beginnings, rebirth, renewal, growth, planting the seeds, clearing, change, cleaning, fertility, love, prosperity, passion, balance and purification.

The Equinox is one of the most powerful times of the year. It is a day where we experience equal hours of night and day, symbolizing both duality and oneness.

The Equinoxes are the balancing points in the cycle of the seasons. Buds of flowers and leaf, all manner of eggs and just-born life are celebrated as we rejoice in the Earth’s reawakening after the long winter.

Ostara is a time of emerging back to life, of welcoming the growing season back and of planting the seeds of intentions for the months to come. This is a powerful and potent energy that taps into bringing into fruition that which is planted. This is a fertile time of creation.

Traditionally, the Equinox is also seen as a time where the veil between dimensions grows thin, as it represents this idea of light and dark coming into balance. It is also a reminder that one can’t exist without the other.

It is only when we have basked in the shadows that we can fully appreciate the light. It is only once we have ventured into the light that we can fully understand the shadows.

While the idea of both light and dark are very real to us on this dimension, they are an illusion. From Oneness all things are born.

On the Equinox, with the thinning veil, we can connect to the Oneness within and around us. We can also more easily connect with the wisdom of our ancestors and our loved ones on the other side.

On the days surrounding the Equinox, it is also believed that the ley lines or energy grid of the Earth comes into harmonic resonance, allowing us to soak up the healing benefits of Mother Earth with greater ease.

The Equinox can also activate a strong pulse within the third eye chakra, offering us easier access to tune in to the wisdom of our intuition and psychic abilities.

The coming weeks following the Equinox may feel like an uphill journey as we get used to the transitioning energies.

Each day may bring its own feeling, so it is important to be present, to sit with our impulses and inspirations. We may feel a little ungrounded due to the magnetic shift in Earths field, so connecting with nature will help to counterbalance any topsy turvy heady waves.

The Equinoxes are a magical time and a time when the magnetic field of the Earth is influenced by the Sun’s position directly overhead the equator. A doorway or portal opens to other realms due to a reduction in the Earth’s magnetic field.

This is a powerful time for ritual and meditation that can offer us wisdom, inspiration and guidance.  The Equinox portal is open for just over 24 hours either side of the Equinox.

Spring Equinox is the time to clear the clutter from our lives, spring clean!! Release and cleanse ourselves of what does not serve us. Literally plant the seeds of our dreams and manifest our goals. Take the time to connect with nature, get out in the garden and sink your hands and feet into the warmth of the soil. Plant out your vegie and flower gardens.

Add fresh flowers to your space, or make a simple altar using flowers, yellow candles and burn rose or jasmine incense. Create a crystal grid for the new season and tune into the element of Earth…

Astrology surrounding the Spring Equinox…

Mars will be very active, bringing strength, power, and even a boost of motivation.

We can use this Mars energy to push past our fears, to take a leap of courage, and to bring action to all that we are working on.

Mars is a planet that requires us to move. If we stay stagnant for too long, we can find ourselves irritable and feeling frustrated. So, under this strong Mars energy, find a way to take action, even if it’s just in a small way.

Along with Mars, the dwarf planet, MakeMake is also active. MakeMake lives out far beyond Pluto and is the creator God of Rapa Nui or Easter Island.

MakeMake represents fertility and our connection with nature. As the creator God of Rapa Nui, MakeMake is considered powerful and abundant.

In astrology, MakeMake indicates a need to honor and protect our environment. This is in the world at large, but also our own personal environment too.

As MakeMake lives far beyond even Pluto, it works on the subtle levels of our frequency, triggering things for us on a subconscious level.

To really connect with the planetary wisdom of MakeMake, we may need to spend time connecting through meditation or even through our dreams.

It has also been said that the island of Rapa Nui that resides deep out in the Pacific Ocean, is home to some of the most concentrated cosmic energies on the planet.

There is a deep and beautiful history surrounding MakeMake and the creation of Rapa Nui. Of course, the island is also famous for the giant statues or Moai that weigh over 14 tonnes each and are surrounded by mysterious alien origins.

It seems there is something magical about Rapa Nui and its history that has been lost in modern times, and perhaps this too is symbolism for the manifestation of MakeMake.

Perhaps the energy of MakeMake is our reminder to honor our traditions, ancestors, and our roots. Perhaps it is important for us to think about the road we have traveled and just how far we have come.

Let us not forget the magic and mystery that always surrounds us and the things that transpire for us in this life. Let us not forget that we have the power to connect with the beautiful energies of the Earth in order to create, birth new ideas, and bring new ventures to life.

Just like MakeMake created an island, we too can create our own sanctuary that is aligned with our soul and all that we wish to achieve.

On this September 2021 Equinox, spend some time honoring your own creation story. Reflect on the past, but know that your power lies in the present moment.

Allow yourself to create balance and harmony in your life.

Give yourself permission to create a life that feels beautiful and worthwhile, regardless of what your circumstances may be. You always have the power.

The Equinox is our power time to connect with all of nature and to remember that we are part of a much bigger Universe.

Tune into these energies and use them as you see fit. Allow them to show you the way.

Happy Ostara/Spring Equinox… Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Symbols Of Ostara

Colors:  Green, pink, blue

Foods:  Eggs, honey, sprouted greens, baked goods, asparagus

Stones:  Aquamarine, amethyst, rose quartz

Symbols:  Rabbits, eggs, spring flowers , lambs, clover, baskets

Flowers & Plants: clover, daffodils, crocus, tulips

Deities:   Isis, Eostre, Adonis

Pisces Full Moon ♥

Tuesday the 21st of September, we have a Full Moon rising in the water sign of dreamy Pisces. The Moon represents our emotions. It governs our emotional body and is strongly linked to how we are feeling. The Moon is also connected to our feelings of safety and security.

The Moon is also linked to feminine energy. This energy is present in all living things, and on a potent Full Moon, we may find issues arising when it comes to our relationship with the feminine. Sometimes we can see this playing out in significant female relationships in our lives too.

Under the light of the Pisces Full Moon, we may feel more emotional, extra sensitive, extra creative, and extra intuitive.

Intuition is often described as a feeling of knowing. Often, you don’t have any concrete proof or reason for feeling the way you do, it is just a strong sense of knowing.

In many ways, this place is where the September Full Moon is calling us to go. It’s calling us to step out of our rational mind and into our feeling space. It is calling for us to disconnect from seeking evidence and instead, allow ourselves to connect with our feelings.

The Pisces Full Moon will also illuminate where we may be deceiving ourselves. Where in our day-to-day lives do, we tell ourselves that we are going with the flow but in some cases, we are struggling to swim upstream? Do we tell ourselves we are feeling fine when emotionally we may be all over the place? Are your actions harmonious with our feelings and our ideals? If not, the Pisces Full Moon will highlight where we need to refocus and what we need to release.

All Full Moons are a time of energetic release, and the Pisces Full Moon will shine on any areas that need to be released especially on an emotional level

Think about what you no longer wish to hold onto. Send it love and gratitude, and then under the bright light of the Full Moon, breathe it all away.

The Pisces Full Moon will also shine brightly on the lessons we still need to learn about responsibly relating while balancing our need for freedom and independence. The aspects between Venus and Saturn challenges us to explore the dark side of jealousy, manipulation, and vengefulness while teaching us to find the gold in human relationships and interactions, even though relating can bring extreme messiness and chaos. This is the time to dive deeply into what makes our relationships tick. There is wisdom to find and treasure to retrieve here.

Neptune, the planet of illusions, dreams, and intuition is very active under this Full Moon. Whenever Neptune is active, it can create some foggy energy. We may feel like we are wading through a thick forest, unable to see what is ahead. It may be harder to make decisions or to think with a clear mind.

Neptune can also evoke our emotions, allowing us to see what is bubbling beneath the surface. Our emotions are not always our truth, but they are always valid, and they can be guides as to what we may need to explore, look at, or dive deeper into.

Emotions can be deceiving, so it is best not to label or judge them. Instead, allow them. Imagine them as visitors, coming and going, ebbing, and flowing. Sometimes our emotions just want to be heard and seen. Sometimes when we allow them to rise, they can then so gracefully fall away.

Neptune is also strongly connected with water and the oceans. Spending time at the beach or by the creeks can be an elixir to the soul under the Pisces Full Moon.

This Full Moon is strong in the Air element, asking us to align our words with the ideals they represent in connection with society and all humankind. Change is in the Air, but again, depending on what side of the fence you are on, change may be hard to recognize. Rather than looking at what constantly divides us, Pisces Full Moon asks us to release what keeps us from admitting we are one humanity that shares one Earth

The Pisces Full Moon, along with the energies of Neptune, makes a fantastic combination for all artistic and creative activities. Getting creative also helps to ground us.

Although the energy surrounding the Pisces Full Moon is good for connecting with our intuition and our creative dreams, there is a chance it can also feel overwhelming and push us into a place of emotional instability.

This can also manifest as a feeling of needing to escape from reality or escape from the pressures of our life. While some forms of escapism can be healthy, there are other forms that can do us harm.

This is just something to be aware of under the energy of this Pisces Full Moon. If we feel the need to escape, we need to look at healthy outlets such as getting creative in whatever form, write, meditate, dance or curling up with a good book, or even finding a good movie to disappear into.

Overall, the Pisces Full Moon of September is a dreamy, creative, and intuitive time. While we may feel extra sensitive, there is a beauty in connecting with the subtler frequencies of the world around us. There is also a beauty in connecting with the ebbs and flows of our emotional body.

While every emotion we feel may not be our highest truth, part of our human experience is to allow ourselves to feel and experience emotion

It is through our experience that we become more compassionate, more open, more aware, and more kind. It is through our emotions that we can begin to understand on a deeper level what is driving us and where our intentions may be coming from.

Allow yourself to explore your emotional rhythms under this Full Moon. Embrace what flows without judgement, let it move through you like a wave, and trust the intuitive instincts and whispers that are left behind as you do.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Virgo New Moon ♥

Tuesday the 7th of September, we have a New Moon in the Earth sign of Virgo. The energy surrounding the New Moon is a bit of a mixed bag, but the positive aspects definitely win. 

Staying grounded and connected to the Earth is going to be the best way to transverse this Lunar phase. Virgo being an Earth sign helps us anchor if we can connect with our feet on the Earth.

The Virgo New Moon makes a harmonious aspect to Uranus. Giving us the spiritual meaning of positive change, excitement, self-awareness and psychic ability.

We may find ourselves seeking adventure, wanting to try new things, and creating productive change in our lives. We may feel the time has come to do things differently or to perhaps try something we have always wanted to try.

There is this sense of adventure surrounding this New Moon, but there is also a deeper energy at play too, guiding us to connect with our inner self and to think about our generational or ancestral wounds.

There is an energy on offer under this Virgo New Moon, that guides us to explore habits, beliefs, or attitudes we have collected from our childhood that no longer serve us.

There is an energy that guides us to heal ancestral or generational wounds. These are the wounds that are not of this life but are inherited from both our earth family and soul family. These wounds can also be connected to the land that we choose to reside on.

There is a lot of shamanic & ancient knowledge/energy around this New Moon.  We may receive messages in all sorts of ways and from places that are new to us. Staying open to receive is key.

We may feel also feel quite emotional, scattered or even overwhelmed during the New Moon.

By remembering the grounding force of Virgo Earth energy that holds this New Moon will help us through any uncomfortableness. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which in this context, is not about sexual experience but rather, wholeness and completion.

It represents knowing that we are always whole. We are complete and we need nothing outside of ourselves in order to tune in and connect with this powerful energy that lives within.

Virgo energy teaches us that we are Source, we are the Universe, we are One with all of it, and when we can recognise that, we can tune in and connect with the power that comes along with it.

We can find our personal power and know that no storm is ever too wild for us to move through.

Under a New Moon, the sky is dark, which symbolises two things. It symbolises the unknowing of what’s to come and being ok during a period of darkness and uncertainty. This darkness also symbolizes the need to go within, and to remove ourselves from the constant bombardment of the bright outside world.

The dark night sky is also a symbol for potential. It is a blank canvas, just waiting for us to be filled by inspiration. When the night is dark and the sky is moonless, we have the power to create and plant our seeds of intention for the cycle that is to come. Focusing on planting the seeds for positive change is the theme I feel for this New Moon as we step into a new cycle and season. If many of us can focus on a positive change & shift for this current situation we find ourselves in we have the opportunity to connect & raise our vibrations.

If you would like to join for a collective hook up during the night of the New Moon to focus on positivity & raising our vibrations feel free to join the event

 Plant the Seeds of Positive Change & Raise The Vibrations!! | Facebook

The deep inner personal work during the Virgo New Moon is revolving around breaking generational cycles that may not have been our doing, but that we have the power to end.

Under this energy, we may also be called to look at wounds from our childhood and become aware of how they are manifesting in our current reality.

It takes a lot of deep awareness to identify childhood patterns and ancestral wounds. But if you feel called to do the work, you may find this New Moon creates some ease and allows the healing process to feel a little more natural and organic.

If you have been working on these areas of your life for a while, you may also find this New Moon a powerful portal of healing and transformation.

The Shamanic & ancient teachings/wisdom energy is coming through with the Virgo New Moon, connection to the land we walk on. For us in Australia the vibration of our Indigenous, the Aboriginal wisdom is very strong placed here. Tapping into this energy will help us with not only connecting to Earth but if we have areas, we are clearing from past wounds this energy will help to shift it to completion.

The New Moon Aspect to Uranus is an extremely powerful influence with an orb of just 0°01′. It brings rapid but positive change, freedom and excitement. We may feel like trying sometime new, outside of our normal routine. This could range from new adventures to new inventions. So, this is an excellent moon phase to leave our comfort zone.

But even more importantly, this harmonious aspect to Uranus enhances our intuition and brings flashes of insight. This can lead to self-discovery, self-awareness, and creative breakthroughs. It also gives the ability to anticipate the future and take advantage of that by quickly adapting to changing conditions.

It feels like things are about to change in quite a few areas, planting the seeds for positive change will dramatically push this new energy through.

Love & Blessings  ♥ ♥ ♥

The Winds of Change ♥ September 2021 ♥

As we awaken to warmer days and feel the last tendrils of winter slipping away, we find ourselves in the month of September & the numerological energy of 9.  September is considered a power month and represents transitions, endings and also a power number of creation

September holds some significant energy changes with the Virgo New Moon on the 7th. The Virgo New Moon makes a harmonious aspect to Uranus. Giving us the spiritual meaning of positive change, excitement, self-awareness and psychic ability.

We may find ourselves also retreating deeper within to uncover or work with some generational or ancestral wounds. There is a lot of shamanic & ancient knowledge/energy around this New Moon.  

If you would like to join for a collective hook up during the night of the New Moon to focus on positivity & raising our vibrations feel free to join the event  Plant the Seeds of Positive Change & Raise The Vibrations!! | Facebook

 More on the New Moon soon.

September 7th also begins the shadow stage of the Mercury Retrograde happening later in the month and begins slowing down.

This slow-down period is referred to as the shadow period. At this time, it is recommended that we start to slow down too and think about the projects we wish to work on and complete, rather than adding anything new. For now

September 9th unlocks the numerology code of 99, the 99 Gateway which is a number of completions, endings, and progressing. 99 can also be linked with leadership energy as well. Its vibration allows us to use the wisdom we have gained to step up and take leadership of our lives in a new way.

September 10th, Venus moves out of the air sign Libra, into the water sign of Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio can help us connect with our more sensual side, allowing us to tune in to our desires with greater ease. Venus in Scorpio is also a very sensitive placement, so we may be feeling extra intuitive or aware of our deepest emotions.

September 14th Mars will enter Libra & this is an important milestone event this year because while in this air sign, it will align with the Sun. This takes place on October 7, however starting from this day we are likely to feel the build-up of this energy. Strong Mars energy can make us productive, energized, and fearless about forging ahead, but it can also trigger heated emotions and lead to burnout if we are not careful. Finding balance will be key here.

September 21st, we have the sensitive Pisces Full Moon. We may find ourselves feeling extra expressive or even a bit moody. Neptune is active on this Full Moon, which could cloud our judgment or create some confusion. With Mercury about to go retrograde soon, this feeling of fogginess may be amplified. While this is always true, this is definitely a time you want to be trusting your intuition! If something feels off, listen, pause, and pay attention

The big shift for the month comes with the Spring Equinox on the 23rd. The Festival of Ostara & Isis. The hallway point in the Astrological Wheel. The actual beginning of Spring. The Equinox is a highly sensitive time of year that thins the veil and allows us to feel into the subtle energies with greater ease. It also indicates that we have reached a turning point on our own journey through the astrological wheel. 

The astrology wheel begins at Aries Season and ends at Pisces Season. Libra Season is the midpoint of this wheel and brings about a change in the flow and direction of energy.

This shift in energy is also mirrored in mother nature too as we enter the season of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere or Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, both of which bring so much change and transition. 

September 26th Mercury enters its last retrograde cycle for the year in Libra. Mercury will remain in retrograde until October 18th. Mercury is considered the messenger planet. When it travels retrograde, it unearths messages from our past that we may have overlooked or missed the first time around.

Peeking into October… This is looking like a month of huge cosmic shifts and changes, and it seems that all through September, we will be getting whispers of this energy. We may begin feeling a need to make changes in our own lives, or we may be seeing things shift and change in the world around us. 

Focusing on positivity, standing in alignment with our true selves, linking with like minded positive people feels to be the key now more so than ever. The seasons are changing, the energy is shifting let’s all raise it to a higher frequency… Love & Blessings  ♥♥♥

Aquarius Full Moon ♥

Sunday the 22nd of August, we have a Full Moon rising in the sign of Aquarius. This will be the second Aquarius Full Moon of the year with the previous one being in July. The Aquarian Full Moon is also a seasonal Blue Moon. It is rare to have two Full Moons back to back in the same zodiac sign and indicates strong transformative Aquarian energy on offer & that the two Moons are linked.

What was focused on around the first one in July is again focused on with this second one in August. It may be that something started in July and finishes in August, or we get an idea of things in July and see culminations in August. This can be a bit time for culminations and results, and this may focus on change, the future, our dreams, or the masses.

Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, which has the ability to take the emotions (water) of the world, transmute them using the power of air, and return them to the earth cleansed and renewed. Whenever we have strong Aquarian energy, we receive added support to shift and clear dense energies.

During the Aquarian Full Moon, there is the potential to amplify change, activate our desire for greater freedom, or shine a spotlight on all that needs to be revolutionized in our lives.

Aquarius energy is all about doing things differently and stepping away from our comfort zone in order to experiment with something new. It encourages innovation, growth, and looking at things from a new perspective.

The Aquarian Full Moon is extra strong because it occurs at 29 degrees. 29 degrees is the last degree of a Zodiac sign and is called the anaretic degree. In transit, it’s a point of crisis energy. So, the culminations and results we may see can have a major impact on us, and we have to make sure we’re reacting appropriately, not lashing out or rushing. This is hot energy, and we have to be smart!

With the Sun also winding up its journey through Leo at the time of this Full Moon, there is an added boost of creative and courageous energy on offer to us, which can be used to help any new visions take flight.

While Full Moons typically represent completion points, know that there are creative energies on offer to help take any endings and shift them into new potentials.

Aquarius also rules over technological advancements and policies that are put in place to protect the whole, rather than just the individual.

While focusing on the community and the whole is great, when it swings too far out of balance, Aquarian energy can sometimes be too quick to bypass the emotional, compassionate side of humanity and instead, can look at things from a more technical and machine-like viewpoint.

We may see more of these themes come to light, especially on a global level, under the second wave of this Aquarius Full Moon.

Know that with Aquarius energy, it is all about seeing things from a new perspective, keeping an open mind, and finding ways to stay out of black and white thinking.

Jupiter, which is currently retrograde in the sign of Aquarius is also conjunct this Full Moon, making its energy very active.

Jupiter expands what it touches, so it’s likely that whatever is manifesting for us under this Full Moon will be loud, bold, and clear for all to see. Jupiter tries to make things better, since Jupiter doesn’t like anything serious or intense or negative. But Jupiter can expand on anything, including the bad. Jupiter just makes it easier to make it better if you put in the effort.

Saturn, the traditional ruler of Uranus, aligns harmoniously with planet Venus. Venus trine Uranus is wonderful for dealing with long-term investments and commitments. It is also an excellent opportunity to work through any relationships or financial problems there might be in your life. Any artistic or creative work can result in heightened productivity.

There is no guesswork with this August Full Moon, it will deliver what it needs to deliver and will take what it needs to take.

Trust your instincts and try not to second guess yourself. The energies of this Full Moon are strong and courageous, so connect with that place and push ahead in whatever direction feels right to you.

On a deeper level, this Full Moon is guiding us to connect to the energies of our past in order to use them as fuel for our future.

We may have had to let go of so much over the last year. We may find ourselves standing in an empty field, wondering where our “old life” has disappeared to.

There is a beautiful frequency flowing in with this Full Moon that reminds us that no matter where we stand today, the power and love that we have cultivated in the past still exists.

While we may be looking at a totally different life, the energy of our past achievements still remain, and we can use that power, that love, and that strength of our past and apply it to this new chapter that is waiting for us.

All is not lost. There is wisdom in the air. There is an energy dancing in the breeze of all who have traveled on this land before us and all who will travel on this land after us.

We can connect with that energy; we can connect with that breeze and feel into the strength and wisdom that it offers.

So many things have transpired on this Earth. Good things, bad things, tragic things, heroic things; so many lives and stories have graced the surface of this planet, and all that energy, all of that fuel, is carried in the wind.

Under the Aquarian Full Moon, we can connect to the energy that reminds us of our strength, our power, and our courage. We can connect to the energy that created the rivers and the mountains and some of the greatest ancient civilizations.

We can connect to our ancestors, their voices, and their wisdom. We can connect to the life force that lives all around us and will continue to live on till the end of time.

There are strong cosmic currents linked to this Full Moon. It is a time of expansion, clarity, and honoring the changes within us. It is a time for making clear-cut decisions and for trusting our instincts.

It is also a time to remember that all your past achievements and successes exist as energy. They surround you and support you and are there to be used by you under the light of the Full Moon.

Tune in with that energy and recreate it in a new and better way. Tune in with that energy under the Aquarian Full Moon and use it to surrender to the new.

Love & Blessings ♥♥♥

88 Leo New Moon ♥

On Sunday the 8th of August we have a New Moon falling in the fire sign of Leo, this day is also the peak of the 88 Lionsgate portal. This amplifies both the energy of the New Moon & the 88 Lionsgate, it is quite a magical day & uncommon for these two events to happen simultaneously.

New Moons always represent the beginning of a brand new cycle. The Moon has been gradually disappearing from our sight, and from now on she will start growing again, showing a little more of herself each night.

The days before the New Moon, also known as the Dark or Balsamic phase, are days of healing and rest, of introspection and reflection. 

The Sun and the Moon join forces in Leo, inviting us to celebrate our individuality, our passions, and our need to be seen and appreciated. The message of this New Moon is that we are safe to be ourselves and to explore the desires of our hearts. She inspires us to develop unshakable self-confidence and faith in who we are and encourages us to share our true and authentic self with the world without fear of being judged.

The New Moon in Leo reminds us not to be afraid to dream big. She inspires us to define a vision that inspires and motivates us, to believe in it, and in our power to manifest it. Sun and Moon in the sign of the Lion invite us to visualize a bright future for ourselves and our loved ones despite the hard and uncertain times we are living in.

Leo is a fierce Fire archetype, corresponding to our upper back, heart, and solar plexus. Its energy is Yang or masculine: this means that when we have a cosmic event happening here, its effects are mostly directed outwards. During this New Moon, we naturally tend to express the qualities of Leo outwardly, we show their expression to the world around us.

Leo inspires us to let go of any shyness and self-consciousness. The archetype of the Lion invites us to be bold and unapologetic, to take the space we deserve, reminding us that we all have the right to shine and be seen.

This New Moon is a strong call for honoring our personal path and letting go of the need to measure up to someone else’s standards. Success has a different meaning for everybody. This celestial event invites us to make choices that reflect our souls’ purpose and to hold on to our vision even if other people don’t support it.

 The Leo New Moon shakes up our desire for change. The Moon will square Uranus in Taurus, stirring our desire to express the truth in our hearts no matter what the consequences may be. This lunation signifies a boost of passion and courage, and creative urges could run high.

The Uranus aspect to the New Moon is a challenging one and can bring sudden and unexpected change, instability, chaos, and revolution. An unsettling feeling of impending change can make us feel excited but also restless, anxious, and nervous. This, in turn, can lead to abruptness, unreliability, impulsiveness, rebelliousness, unpredictable behavior & rapid changes in direction.

This New Moon aspect can amplify ego and pride. We may feel a strong urge to express our true inner self without restriction. But willfulness and arrogance could easily lead to ego conflicts, especially if one takes on superiors.

This is not a good time for impulsive changes, but we may have to react to change. And the best way to do this is with flexibility, creativity, and inventiveness. Avoid stubbornly sticking to routines if the universe is sending messages that you need to change. Open-mindedness and higher self-awareness can lead to a brave new path with exciting possibilities and opportunities.

New Moons are always a power time for intention setting, but this is even more so when the New Moon falls in the highly creative sign of Leo and alongside the Lionsgate Portal.

This is a time to think about what we wish to create in life, allow this creation to come straight from your heart, and then put it out there into the world so it can be manifested into your reality.

While this Lionsgate New Moon is a magical time for setting intentions, it is also a time of connecting with your Higher Self.

In many ways, moving beyond intention setting and focusing on connecting and merging with your Higher Self can be far more powerful.

Consciously connecting with Higher Self allows us to reach a new place of freedom and power. Instead of wanting or grasping for things, or telling the Universe our wish list, we need to be open and accepting of whatever flows our way, and in a state of complete trust that all is unfolding for our highest good.

Working from this state allows us to work in harmony with the Universe and the journey of our soul. By working from this place, we also tend to find that what we manifest is always automatically aligned with exactly what we need.

Jumping back to the Uranus aspect we are reminded again that Uranus is the planet of awakening and change. It can shake things up and turn things on their head, so we are forced to see them in a new way.

As Uranus is very active under this New Moon, we may receive some information that changes what we once knew, or we could find ourselves feeling scattered or uncertain about something that we once felt very certain about.

Uranus likes to bring the element of surprise, so it is not always possible to predict what will unfold. The only thing to keep in mind is that Uranus shakes things in order to awaken us.

It is through shaking up our reality that we can see things in a new light, perceive things from a new vantage point, and experience growth.

Uncertainty is a part of life, and even though it is uncomfortable, it can be a powerful teacher in learning how to detach, stay in the present moment, and open to our full potential. As the saying goes – when nothing is certain, anything is possible.

As the planet of awakening, Uranus is also connected to third eye openings and the rising of our consciousness.

This gift that Uranus brings may be more noticeable under this New Moon, thanks to the Lionsgate Portal and the other high-frequency energies that are stirring at this time.

Our intuition is very strong under these influences, listen, be open and tap in.

This energy should also make the veil between dimensions thin, making it easier for our loved ones, and angels or spirit guides to make contact with us.

The Leo New Moon is definitely a special one for so many reasons. As it activates the lion-energy within us, it is also the perfect time to find our inner confidence, to push our boundaries, and to feel the limitless potential of our being.

This Leo New Moon is not about playing small or retreating back to what is comfortable. It is about bravely standing in our true, authentic power. It is about owning all of who we are, being proud of where we have come from, and confident in our journey of what lies ahead.

Leo energy is very heart-centered and heart-driven. Staying heart focused and out of ego, we can all work with this beautiful energy from that place of Love.

Love & Blessings ♥♥♥

88 Lionsgate ♥

The 88 Lionsgate peaks on the 8th of August. This happens every year on this day and follows through to the 12th of August… This is when the Sun is in Leo and is marked by the star Sirius moving closer to earth and aligning in Orion’s belt, which perfectly syncs up with the Pyramids in Giza.

Sirius’ energy is all about awakening to new frequencies, energetic potentials, and a higher consciousness at an accelerated rate.
Many ancient civilizations tracked the rising of Sirius, believing it was a powerful time of rebirth, abundance, spiritual advancement, and a shift into a higher state of consciousness.

The number code, 88 represents infinity, spiritual intelligence, and DNA activation. It is believed on this day we can integrate the high-frequency energies of Sirius straight into our being.

You can think of this Sirius energy as a key, helping to unlock greater awareness, our destiny, new layers of our soul contract, and light codes that we came to this Earth to explore and work with.

While the Lionsgate Portal happens every year, 2021 is extra special as it happens to coincide with the Leo New Moon. Having a New Moon can amplify the energy of the portal, turbo-charging its effects and our ability to manifest.

When Sirius is close, he bathes planet Earth with power, potential and a new stream of consciousness that will allow us all to activate our third eye chakra and to tap into the limitless energy of our being.

During this time, we are all going to be reminded that we are connected to the Universe and that we hold an innate wisdom and power to create our own reality through our thoughts and perceptions.

We may also feel a deeper sense of connectedness to the Universe and that we are not the only intelligent beings in this cosmic world.
The ability to cross other dimensions and astral travel will also be strong at this time, as many believe that the activation of the Lionsgate can blur the lines across different dimensions and frequencies. Pay attention to your dreams over the next few days…

The appearance of extraterrestrial activity may also be higher than usual and those who are sensitive to spirit energies may encounter experiences.
Those who identify as being Starseeds will also be feeling this energy strongly and are likely to receive information or downloads about their purpose.
While this Lionsgate New Moon is a magical time for setting intentions, it is also a time of connecting with your Higher Self.

In many ways, moving beyond intention setting and focusing on connecting and merging with your Higher Self can be far more powerful.
Consciously connecting with your Higher Self allows you to reach a new place of freedom and power.

Instead of wanting or grasping for things, or telling the Universe your wish list, you are open and accepting of whatever flows your way, and in a state of complete trust that all is unfolding for your highest good.

This is a time of immense fertility and creativity. After all the rising of Sirius was a sign to Ancient Egyptians that the Nile would soon flood, marking a celebration of the land from desert back to rich nutrient soil – and a time before new seeds would be sowed.

The beauty of these two events occurring together is more evidence of the universe’s beautiful storytelling. Leo is the ruler of our creative essence just as the Lions Gate signals to us the lands creative season starting, this is a time of returning back to our fertile nature. Just like the Earth we are part of, she has her seasons and so do we.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥