New Moon Solar Eclipse

Sunday the 21st of June is one Astrologically Epic day!! The Cancer New Moon & Annular Solar Eclipse occur… as well as Winter Solstice and the shifting of Sun Signs all whilst 5 planets (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto) are  currently Retrograding…

The Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse falls at 00 degree Cancer and will open the ring of fire across our Star – The Sun.

Although the energy of all these celestial events peak on the 21st the building has been coming for a while and will continue for quite a while afterwards as well.

Regions seeing, at least, a partial eclipse will be South/East Europe, Much of Asia, North in Australia, Much of Africa, Pacific & Indian Ocean. To check the time and visibility in your area follow this link.

This Cancerian New Moon Solar Eclipse is the most powerful of the year. This is because it falls just moments after the Solstice at zero degrees of Cancer.

Zero degrees of any zodiac sign is powerful as it represents the field of infinite possibilities, but zero degrees of Cancer also happens to be the Global Axis, a highly charged point in the cosmic skies.

Having a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the Global Axis indicates an opening of a new timeline, a new world, and a new dimension of being.

It represents a point in our history, but also in our hearts, where a new world has dawned. This is powerful energy that doesn’t just come and go on the day of this Eclipse. We feel it building before and, we feel it building for a long time after.

In fact, the steps and choices we make around this Eclipse have the potential to last for many years to come.

The Cancer Solar Eclipse is an Annular Eclipse, which means that the Moon’s shadow will cover the center of the Sun, leaving a brilliant ring of fire.

This ring of fire is a symbol of creation but also destruction.

The dark shadow of the Moon represents the pains and struggles of the past but also a womb of infinite potential that is waiting to birth a new creation.

The ring of fire represents the fuel that is needed to birth this creation, but also the release that has to take place for this new creation be born.

Within all of us is this dark void, this blank slate of creation that is waiting to give rise to something new. It’s brilliant and exciting… But first, we must shed… like the snake. We must shed the old skin of our lives as well as the things & beliefs that no longer serve our higher purpose on our individual journeys.

There is no coincidence that this powerful Solstice Solar Eclipse comes right in the middle of two challenging Lunar Eclipses- the June 5th Sagittarius Eclipse and the July 4th Capricorn Eclipse.

Transformation and change is well underway. We are simultaneously being shown what is possible and what is standing in our way.

Destruction may come, but as always, a rebirth will follow. The Phoenix that rising from the ashes.

Cancer is the ruling sign of the Moon, where the Moon feels more at home. The Moon is connected to creative, nurturing, intuitive energy, and perhaps this is where we need to focus our attention in our own lives.

The Solstice and Cancerian energy that opens just before also adds to the heightened sensitivity of this Eclipse.

We may feel more intuitive and connected during this time or we may be drawn to think about our feelings of safety, security, and comfort.

Cancer energy is all about feeling at home within the self and learning to move through life connected to love and compassion.

We all deserve to feel at home inside ourselves but also on this planet too.

We all belong here, we all belong on this beautiful alive planet that is floating through the expansive, endless sky.

The main planetary influence on the Solar Eclipse comes from the planet Saturn, causing an imbalance between personal freedom and responsibility, between self-expression and restriction.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse joins a Star that gives initiative and enthusiasm, but also a tendency toward pleasure-seeking, impulsiveness, and recklessness. So, this is an Eclipse phase for a patient, cautious and responsible attitude. But flexibility and open-mindedness are also needed as we all adapt to changes in the level of restrictions we have been under.

The Solar Eclipse aspect to Saturn creates an imbalance between what we want to do and what we have to do. Our freedom or self-expression may be hampered by certain restrictions and obligations.

The mix of freedom versus restriction is likely to change during this Eclipse phase. So, it is important to be flexible, adaptable, and open-minded as we adjust to greater or fewer responsibilities or barriers to progress. Hard work, patience, self-restraint, and self-discipline are also needed.

With the Saturn energy connected to the Eclipse, we may find ourselves having to take the time off work because of an illness or to look after a sick family member. As a result, the return to our careers could suffer from the aspect of the Moon to Saturn’s energy. On the other hand, extra responsibilities may be placed on us at work that means we could potentially miss out on something important in our personal lives.

Feeling constantly torn between competing responsibilities can also lead to increasing tension. In extreme cases, it may all seem like too much to bear, or overwork could lead to physical exhaustion or illness.

Trying to find a compromise is difficult but even just a few minor adjustments may restore our balance. We need to avoid wasting valuable time by procrastinating. Just taking one thing at a time and focus on our most important responsibilities first.

It feels like big shifts are coming our way as we wrap up the potential of the old world and head into a new one, but we are ready, oh so ready!! We have been preparing for this, and now the time has come. 

On this new journey that is slowly unfolding, we all trust that more people will begin to awaken and tap into abilities they never knew they had. The discovery of these abilities will help to shift and change how we approach things as a society.

So, as we feel this potent Solar Eclipse brewing, be sure to allow yourself to give… yourself love.

Be sure to give others love. Recognize the healing that comes when you lead with love, not just for yourself but for others too.

Much love and Blessings to you xo

Mercury Retrograde June 2020 ♥

Mercury, messenger of the Gods and the planet of communication has turned retrograde and will remain so until July 12th Three or four times a year, we all go through the infamous Mercury retrograde.

A retrograde occurs when the planet appears to travel backward in the sky and slows down. Most people dread Mercury Retrograde as communications can go haywire. Yes, it’s true, it is a difficult phase, but we can look at it in other ways as well. Sure, communication is wonky. An email from a coworker may randomly decide to send itself to the trash.

We take things personally when we don’t need to or slip and accidentally insult a friend. And of course, there is the infamous return of the exes. Everything can just feel harder, as if you’re dragging yourself through the mud every time you want to have a conversation. And right now, there are many important conversations to be had.

However, we can also see Mercury Retrograde like a good long rainstorm or East Coast Low ? We can sit on our bums and complain about it, or worse, try to rush and get things done while waiting for the sun to come back out. Only be met with delays, contention and frustration!

I feel the better option is to tune into Retrograde energy. Follow the 3 R’s – Rest, Reset and Regenerate!! Clean house, take care of forgotten tasks, double check over future plans and be productive. Either way, the Sun will eventually come out again. Why make it hard on ourselves!

For this Retrograde period Mercury will journey through family-oriented Cancer, turning our attention to our communities. In addition to the sign the planet is in at the time, other planets are often associated with Mercury retrograde and can have an effect on how we experience it. However, this Mercury retrograde makes no planetary aspects. It does, however, connect with a star called Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky. 

Sirius is much less dramatic than any of the planets, but it’s still brilliant. It’s the star of wealth, abundance, honor, passion, and resentment. Overall, it’s pretty positive. When Sirius connects with Mercury retrograde, it can help us make decisions that lead us on a path towards abundance.

When any planet goes retrograde, it gives us a second chance to make things right. For Mercury retrograde, that means we get a chance to make amends when it comes to any recent communication mishaps. 

Though this Mercury retrograde will be easier on us than those in the past, it doesn’t mean we’re having an easy go of it right now by any means. Regardless of what the planetary aspects say, to imply that anything right now will be easier than usual would be false, given the political circumstances we’re currently living under. Many of us are trying to not only navigate surviving a pandemic and an economic collapse but are also protesting police brutality about inequalities and how to break them down and start over to rebuild for a better future.

With our focus on community and the pull of the brightest star, use this Mercury retrograde to reflect and repair any past communication errors. When we ignore unresolved issues, they stay unresolved.

This Retrograde energy also greets us as we walk the Eclipse Gateway, which is the sacred and profoundly transformative time between Eclipses. Collectively, this combination of Retrograde and Eclipse energy will stir up some uncertainty and some deeper questioning about the direction of our lives.

Past wounds may also rise up in order to be cleansed. We may even intuitively feel that our past, or even past lives, hold a clue as to where we are heading. Under all of this energy, Mercury retrograding in the sign of Cancer heightens our sensitivity and brings increased power to the words we speak and the through thoughts we think.

We are going to be able to see how our thoughts and words impact the way we see the world.

Mercury traveling through the underworld of Cancer also means we will be able to feel the vibration, emotion, and true intention behind the words that are shared with us with greater sensitivity.

While we may find ourselves getting easily upset when someone says something harsh to us, we will also find ourselves feeling easily healed and soothed when someone says something kind to us. This energy works both ways.

The words we share always matter, but especially during this Mercury Retrograde in Cancer, we want to be aware that they carry extra power.

This is a wonderful time to reach out to those that are struggling and those that need some extra love – ourselves included, and share some beautiful words of encouragement and compassion.

We can all use the family-focused pull of Cancer to support the communities we align with and have the tough talks with any friends or relatives who still have a lot of work to do. Have them now, because the next Mercury retrograde likely won’t be so friendly.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

The Moon Wobble ♥

The Moon Wobble

A Moon Wobble effects start about 10 days before the exact configuration of the Sun with the Lunar Nodes and lasts 10 days after, around 20 days.

Most years we have 4 Moon Wobbles a year, and occasionally we have 5. We always have a Moon Wobble when there is an Eclipse, because the Eclipses are involved with the conjunction of the Lunar Nodes. But we have Moon Wobbles when there is no Eclipse as well. The effects of each Moon Wobble vary according to the Sign it occurs in and the planets’ relationship to the Moon Wobble.

I am still working with feeling out the Astrological impact of this physical phenomenon but from my understandings during a Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, which can result in more accidents, fires, floods, feats of nature, bizarre weather patterns, earthquakes, tornadoes, violence, terrorism, riots, and political and personal upheavals. Some Moon Wobbles are far worse than others; at the least it is proving to be a crazy phase.

Someday when Astrology has major funding, the latitude and longitude of every city in the world can be fed into a computer and correlated with Moon Wobble Cycles to pinpoint the location and nature of a potential instable time.

The best way to handle Moon Wobble is to be a conscious observer and not to react to the drama, because the picture often changes after Moon Wobble is over. One of the prime examples of this is in the romantic relationship area. More people break up during Moon Wobble, simply because emotions are on an irrational course during Moon Wobble. If you don’t react and wait to deal with the situation after Moon Wobble is over, the other person often changes their mind and says, “they don’t know what got into them.”

However, if you react, the reactions become explosive during Moon Wobble and the relationship can be irreparably damaged. One of the more interesting sides to Moon Wobble is that you often hear from someone out of your past or meet them quite unexpectedly.

As the tides both Ocean and Land are affected by La Lunar one can understand how the wobble of the Moon on her Axis can have an effect here on Earth and within each of us.

Love and Blessings

Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse ♥

In the early morning hours of Saturday the 6th of June, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the freedom loving fire sign of Sagittarius.

A Lunar Eclipse has ten times the potential of Full Moon, and often clears a path that steers us in a new direction on our journey. We may have thought we were going one way, but often an Eclipse comes along to reveal a whole new path.

Sometimes we find that something in our life is coming to an end. Or, we may find that we are called to release and let go of something that we truly thought was right for us.

The feisty Sagittarian Lunar Eclipse is just that… feisty! Its energy can be impulsive and a bit angry because the Moon is in a tight square formation to Mars. The Moon is also opposite Venus retrograde which is not a good omen for love relationships.

Strong relationships will withstand this intensity through patience and unconditional love. However, this feisty impulsive energy poses a real threat to strained relationships. Impatience, sexual frustration, and lack of self-control could turn love to hate, resulting in impulsive actions and hostility. These planetary aspects to the Sagittarian Lunar Eclipse can also point to danger of war between enemies, as well as earthquakes.

With the Moon’s tight square aspect to Mars it can bring simmering anger to the surface, so care is required to avoid being hurt or causing harm. We may feel quick to lose our tempers with a loved one or face emotional attacks from others. There is a danger when taking risks or acting impulsively. But holding onto anger and frustration is not good for us.

The key to handling this quick anger is to release our frustrations in a controlled way. We need to avoid being overly defensive or mean if someone shares their feelings with us, even if it is confrontational. Courage will be needed to face anything that may make us feel threatened over the next few days.

Yes, some fiery oppositions may come up, but the energy of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will be guiding us to stand our ground, claim our power, and allow the voice of our inner fire to speak.

It is the first in a trio of Eclipses, and as we walk this Eclipse Gateway over the coming weeks, we will discover a new path emerging, one that may be very different from the path we were walking before.

With Mars being the major player with the Full Moon we need to remember that Mars is the warrior, which is why this Eclipse very much plays into this idea of finding our inner warrior and inner flame and allowing it to shine.

Emotions may be heated, but we need to learn to listen to ourselves. We must learn to listen to our anger and frustration for there is wisdom inside doing this.

If we allow ourselves to sit gently with our emotions, we are likely to have a breakthrough. If we allow ourselves to feel our anger or feel the intensity of our emotions, we are likely to find the truth of what is bubbling underneath the surface.

If we constantly dismiss the harder or more abrasive thoughts and feelings when they arise, we never really get to understand them.

It’s not that we want or need to sit in our anger forever or allow our inner voice to become drowned by negative talk, but we also don’t want to ignore these voices and push them away.

We want to listen to them and discover what they really mean. We want to look honesty at every single one of them and see the value in what they have to share and offer.

When we listen to ourselves; when we really take the time to go within and listen, we catch things we may have otherwise missed. We learn things about ourselves, and we open to a new truth.

It is not just our love and light that can teach us, but our pain, anger, jealousy, and resentment too.

These emotions are uncomfortable, and no one wants to feel this way, but it is so much a part of our human experience, and we can no longer ignore them or wish them away with false thinking.

We need to listen, seek the jewels of wisdom that they offer, and then let them go.

We cannot rush this process. We cannot just let it go because it’s uncomfortable. We have to sit with it first. We have to own all of it!!! Claim all of it!!! And allow ourselves to rise with it so we can understand what is bringing up the flames within.

As this Eclipse falls in Sagittarius, we are likely going to find ourselves clearing thoughts, beliefs, and ideas in order to prepare for this new journey that is yet to unfold. Sagittarius is freedom loving, expansive and wise. We may feel the need to get out, get away as we have been cooped up for some time now. We should choose wisely what escape we are longing for and make it positive! The feeling to escape reality can be a bad choice as addictions can rise to the surface. A positive and healing adventure in nature is much wiser.

Globally there is a feeling of unrest and rebellion, we may see this Sagittarian Full Moon energy amplifying all of this. Love, Hate, War and clashes are indicated with the planetary aspects. Mars is the biggest influence as mention however the Lunar Eclipse opposite Venus brings the potential for laziness, gluttony, carelessness with money, and indiscretion in love. We may feel we want more love and affection but have trouble giving it.

Venus retrograde also makes giving and receiving love and affection more difficult and can also indicate some kind of financial stress. Old friends or lovers may reappear, or we may relive past life experiences in order to sort out karmic issues.

Venus square to Mars can bring frustration across many levels, Frustration and physical tension can be released more safely through sport and exercise. We can also channel this dynamic energy into hard work, or creativity like painting, sculpture or dance.

Although there is fire and frustration bubbling over the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, there is also an illuminating factor, if we have questions, if we have been feeling confused, now is the time to set an intention and allow this Eclipse to show us the way.

Allow it to illuminate us and bring us to the path that is best for our journey.

This Sagittarius Eclipse will work in harmony with the next two Eclipses, so there is much. Much more to the journey that will unfold.

By the time we have finished walking through this gateway of Eclipses, we are going to feel energized again and reborn.

We may enter this gateway feeling confused, overwhelmed, and unsure, but we will leave it with a clearer knowing, a stronger sense of our destiny, and more connected to our personal power.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

The Rose Of Venus ♥

Wednesday June 3rd retrograding Venus will be conjunct to the Sun and becomes our morning star again, signifying the Rebirth of Venus.

As Venus will be in the direct path of the Sun, we won’t be able to visibly see morning star Venus until mid-June.

The Rebirth of Venus is very similar to the energy of a New Moon and is a powerful time to set intentions, especially when it comes to themes relating to our relationships, love, values, and money. As Venus is reborn so too is our own heart center/heart chakra.

While we experience the rebirth of Venus every 18 months or so, this year is extra special as Venus is also completing a larger, 8-year cycle on this day too known as the Rose of Venus and/or the Pentagram of Venus.

Venus has been retrograding in the sign of Gemini from May 12-13th and will remain so until June 24-25th. With Venus in Gemini we are encouraged to question matters of the heart.

Venus is the Goddess of love, beauty, art, creativity, fashion, and money. It rules over the divine feminine and its energy encourages us to slow down and appreciate the finer things in life.

During a Venus Retrograde, if there are old heart wounds or cracks in our relationships with others, the self, or money, they can rise to the surface in order to be forgiven, cleared, and healed.

When Venus is Retrograde it is a time of heart healing that can trigger Soul Mate Karma which will cause us to work through the lessons of our previous encounters. If we have unresolved karma with another soul in a previous life, or simply more work to do together, we may find ourselves connected with them in some way or another in our present life in order to complete the work.

These are said to be predestined encounters that serve the purpose of advancing our soul and reminding us of who we really are.

A soul mate is anyone who is part of our soul journey including pets, friends, lovers, strangers, enemies or family members. These people and animals are sent to bring growth to our soul just as we bring growth to theirs as well.

We recognise soul mates when we have an inner knowing, a sense of familiarity, an inexplicable connection or a strong physical reaction.

Venus Retrograde will expose the wounds of the heart so that we can work on healing and clearing the karmic bonds collected over our lifetimes – learning how to forgive, set boundaries, stand up for ourselves, and open to a deeper and greater love. We may also clear outdated beliefs about our self-worth, love, and relationships that we have been working on for some time.

As we approach the rebirth of Venus and the beginning on the New Rose, we reach a state of fullness, the rose is at full peak, but we are also approaching a new & beautiful beginning all at the same time.

The lead up over the last couple of weeks may have felt like we have been through a sort of death process, purging, casting out preparing for something new to rise, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

A great transformation is awakening – from the ashes the phoenix rises. A new cycle is beginning, and we are clearing the way to make it happen.

With the start of a new Venus Rose cycle, we are offered to plant a new seed for our futures, a new cycle is beginning, and we can choose what we want to bring in, especially when it comes to love, creativity and beauty.  

The Rose of Venus as seen from Earth is a reminder of the sacred geometry and mystical patterns that always exist in life.

As we walk our journey, we are always encouraged to keep moving forward but also to revisit parts of ourselves, our deeper layers and past lessons so we can keep diving within and opening to more ♥

June Astrology 2020 ♥

June 2020 is a busy month astrologically across our skies. Change is in the air; cycles are shifting and rebirthing into new energy as new power is rising within. This month we have a stack going on beginning with the Rebirth of Venus. After retrograding across the heavens, she will be reborn… after transitioning from our bright evening star to our morning star.

The rebirth of Venus after her retrograde is a significant point in her cycle. This will also birth a new 8-year cycle creating a new Rose of Venus (more on the Rose of Venus later)  

Venus went Retrograde on May 12, slowly disappearing from the night sky. On June 3, she will align with the Sun, reappearing as our morning star.

This Retrograding Venus is a time of heart healing. It is a time where we are drawn inward to clear through the blocks and barriers that prevent us from accessing the love that we are.

The Rebirth of Venus signifies a time where any healing inspired by Venus Retrograde has been completed, making way for our own rebirth.

Friday the 5th of June marks the Sagittarian Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon. This is the 2nd Eclipse for the year and will be visible on the East Coast of Australia.

Check out if it is visible for you and when here >

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse is a strong one and will really be pushing us to shake off and remove any layers that have held us back, made us shrink and feel small.

This Eclipse is about stepping into our power and cutting through the obstacles, many of them we have placed by ourselves… it is time to pull out the warrior swords!

On Wednesday the 19th we roll into the second Mercury Retrograde of the year in the watery, soft sign of Cancer. Soothing self-love and self-talk are going to be a theme of this retrograde. Retrograde of regeneration and reboot time!

June has a lot going on energetically but with the retrograding planets slowing things down a bit it will give us time to step back a little and navigate the new heightened energy

The weekend of the 20/21st is the pivotal point of the month and the big turning of the astrological wheel of the year. This weekend we will usher in the Sun shifting into Cancer, The Winter Solstice (Yule) and the Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse. Kapow!!

She will be a doozy of a weekend. The energy will begin long before, I will post on these three events separately.

The Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse is a potent & powerful Eclipse and one of the most significant of the year. Only visible in the very most Northern regions of Australia as it is time for South/East Europe, Much of Asia, Much of Africa, Pacific and the Indian Ocean areas for a look.

Have a sticky here to see if you can see it in your area >

Falling so close to the Solstice, this Solar Eclipse will bring a grand rebirth and is said that it will open a portal to a whole new dimension. A brand new dawn is awakening and this Eclipse kickstarts the energy.

The energy around this Eclipse feels very “new world” and will be pivotal for the rebirthing a new way of living.

To top the weekend off we have Neptune Retrograding in Pisces the following day Monday the 22nd. As Neptune enters the underworld, we will have a total of six planets in retrograde.

Neptune is the planet of spirituality, escapism, creativity, and illusion. When it turns retrograde, we are guided on a journey inward, to the deep underwater caves to access our inner wisdom from deep within our souls.

Neptune Retrograde is a very subtle energy so we will feel this more on a subconscious level. It’s shadow work time!

At the end of the month Venus will turn direct in Gemini after her rebirth and begin the dance of the New Rose and Mars will enter his ruler Aries.

Mars changes signs roughly every 2 months but moving into Aries is momentous as that is where he will stay for the remainder of the year. This long stay for Mars is due to its retrograde which happens later on in September.

Mars in Aries is at home, he is the strong warrior here! Tuning in to this energy is going to give us some ninja warrior like energy which we will need we navigate through the rest of the year.

To end the month on June 29th we have an alignment of Retrograding Jupiter with Retrograding Pluto. The Jupiter Pluto alignment is a key feature of 2020 and happens three times. The first occurred back in April and this month brings us the second alignment.

This alignment usually brings up energy surrounding the global financial markets. But on a personal level, we may be drawn to look at our financial situation, or to dive deeper into the energy of abundance, which is so much greater than just material wealth.

Yes, there is lot going on in June just as we are emerging from ISO and begin to step into a new way of living. The Astrology for the month will bring us new energy, some very powerful and some very gentle… subtle but profound and deep.  Change is in the air and we have the opportunity to be the change we want to see in this world!

More on these key dates as they come closer! Love and Blessings

Gemini New Moon ♥

Friday the 22nd we have a New Moon falling in Gemini. This New Moon marks the opening of the Eclipse Gateway. The first of three Eclipses occurs in 2 weeks during the Full Moon, but this sparks the opening of the energy which surrounds the Eclipse cycle and begins the powerful portal of transformation that occurs during the Eclipses.

This Gemini New Moon it is very important to pay attention to our energy as well as where we put our focus on during this New Moon and the pre-eclipse period, as what we focus on is supercharged and can manifest quickly during the eclipse cycle.

Gemini is asking us to look at where we have been pleasing people but not ourselves. This can be a call to move away from the need to please everyone else and put ourselves last. Have we been putting too much energy into making sure everyone else is ok around us during these challenging times and not checking in enough on ourselves?

We need to remind ourselves that in order to help and nurture our loved ones we need to nurture and replenish ourselves to be able to do that.

As we look towards peeping out from under the blankets and begin to step out into a changed way of life, some may be a longing for the way that things were before, we are being asked to look with open eyes & hearts from our deep truth as we move forward. This can mean changing things for the better and not holding on to old and outdated ideals.

We are being reminded not to replicate what was out of habit. We have an opportunity to create the new, this is not a time to replicate the past. We can all break free of old patterns in life and our relationships on all levels. Maybe we have been living a life in alignment with someone else’s truth or keeping our own voice hidden.

Whatever it is, we are being asked to step up and embrace our own truth. Now is the time to awaken the truth that has been living dormant in the core of our being as we move towards the dawning of a new time.

We are also being called to connect with the energy of life and joy. This can be a call to move towards relief, happiness and release as we embrace the satisfaction of truly living. The Gemini New Moon calls on us to do something for ourselves that opens us up to deeper bliss and joy.

There is a lot of energy surrounding the Gemini New Moon, high energy is coming in from the Pleiadean Portal, Venus, Mercury, Neptune, and Saturn. It can feel a little overwhelming at times, the best things for us to do is to turn inwards. Always the focus for New Moon energy. The New Moon is the Dark Moon, when the night sky is dark and there is no Moon visible in the sky.

This is a time of magic, of darkness, of transformation and of unknowing.  There is magic in the unknowing. There is magic in being that seed in the dark Earth that is waiting to sprout. It is how all creation begins and the New Moon is a time to honor and tune in to those creative powers.

As the New Moon falls in Gemini, the sign of the twins, we may feel pulled in two directions. We may feel our heart wanting to go one way, and our mind wanting to go the other.

Or, we may simply feel a sense of confusion, a sense of loss or even hopelessness. The dark night of the New Moon can seem endless, but the light always returns.

The Gemini twins also represent being connected to earth and connected to heaven. Being the bridge between these two states is what life is all about during the Gemini New Moon we are being reminded of this.

Planetary influences… Retrograde Saturn is active on this New Moon and provides some grounded energy. It supports us in setting goals and thinking about things in a more practical and methodical way.

Saturn asks us to use our powers of creation during the Gemini New Moon to make wise choices that will stand the test of time.

Saturn calls for us get real with what is happening in our lives. It wants us to think about the long term and put plans in place as best we can.

While Saturn adds some practicality and earthiness, we also have strong water and air energy floating in from Mercury, Venus, and Neptune.

Mercury and Retrograde Venus will be at the exact same degree of the zodiac- 20 degrees of Gemini, at the time of this New Moon.

This duo’s connection is a beautiful match, but they both make alignments to Neptune and this is where the fog and clouds roll in.

Neptune is the planet of spirituality and dreams, but also illusions. Neptune can color our reality, allowing us to see new potentials but also, fogginess. There is some wispy illusionary energy floating about, so we need to be aware of that.

With Venus Retrograde and Neptune’s presence here, we may feel a little confused about which way to turn. This energy may enhance that feeling of being pulled in two directions or create a feeling of disconnect between our heart and mind.

In order to roll with this energy, it is best to go within, to the place of our own inner knowing. Step back and feel into what’s happening if this occurs.

We have so much energy coming in right now and it is supporting us to dive in deep and to trust the process that is unfolding around us. Rather than getting lost indecision, we are asked to wait and trust that we will be guided to the right answers.

The right answers are always there, and with gentle patience, we will break free of the fog and find our way to where we need to be.

This is a powerful time for ritual work, for setting intentions, and for thinking about our long term plans. While we don’t have to map out our entire lives, these planets come together to help us figure out what we want and what we are willing to do to make it happen.

The journey is always moving, snaking forward and shifting. This is the time to trust our inner wisdom, and if we feel confused, retreat within, listed to our inner truth and allow ourselves permission to wait until the right answers float up and we are met with that strong sense of inner knowing.

Love and Blessings CH ♥♥♥

Scorpio Full Moon ♥

Thursday the 7th of May brings us the third and last Super Full Moon of the year in the water sign of Scorpio. Scorpio Full Moons have an intensity about them and offer us a chance of great transformation, they are endings and beginnings like the scorpion/phoenix symbolism of Scorpio, the cycle of death, rebirth, transformation… from the ashes the phoenix rises.

This Scorpio Super Full Moon guides us to honor the beauty of endings. It is highly cleansing and detoxifying and will be preparing us for the Winter Eclipse season that follows.

We may feel extra sensitive and a little moody, and just like the scorpion, we may be tempted to lash out with that stinger! Watching & observing our emotions is important, honour our feelings but watch that temper, Scorpion stings hurt deeply.

As the third and last Super Moon of the year, we are going to feel our emotions and thoughts bubbling up and flowing out of us.

The Scorpio Full Moon is very cleansing and can assist in drawing things out that are no longer serving, that are holding us down, or making us feel stuck.

If we give in to our feelings, if we allow ourselves time to process how we feel, when they come to pass, we can experience a release, like a weight has been lifted. The Scorpio Full Moon is always a special one as it signifies that transformation is always possible.

Just like the scorpion sheds its skin, we too can start again. We too, can transform ourselves simply by making different choices and thinking different thoughts. No matter what our own zodiac sign is, we can all use some of this Scorpio wisdom to bring transformation and to make changes in our lives if that is what is needed.

Full Moons tend to make us purge and release things from our lives, so we need to make sure that we are in control of this and no one is forcing our hand! Sometimes we can let go of things that we regret later, due to heightened emotions and the Full Moon’s impulsivity.’ The bright light of the Sun throws a spotlight on our subconscious and our shadow. This can feel uncomfortable as the Sun blasts out the nasties who have nowhere to hide.

The veils between the worlds are thinnest around a Full Moon, so we need to be very careful what we invite in. Instead, the Full Moon is best used to purge things out. We need to make sure we close the door firmly afterwards and make sure we are completely grounded and fully in control of the process.

If in doubt, lie low and protect yourself. Envision a strong orb of brilliant golden light around your body for extra protection. In saying that, Scorpio energy is highly intuitive and also very protective, so we can also use this energy to tune into our intuition and tap into the extra protection for our energy fields.

We have spent so much time these last few months focusing on sanitizing everything around us and looking after our physical health, let us also remember to turn our attention to our energetic health by cleansing our aura and the energy of our space around us.

Get out the smudge sticks, bells, crystal bowls, whatever you use and give our homes, spaces and selves a good energetic cleanse. Envision pure violet light pulsing through our bodies clearing stuck energy and refill ourselves with pure white light.

Although Scorpio Full Moons have the intensity and heightened emotional factors this Scorpio Super Full Moon has a spiritual, healing and compassionate influence because of Mercury’s aspect to Neptune.

This aspect will make us and others generally more sympathetic and understanding. It will make us more sensitive true…but also better able to understand any conflicting emotions. The healing and compassion flag will fly high during this Full Moon phase.

Sure, misunderstandings and arguments are possible but the harmonious aspect to Neptune reduces these risks. This is a good Full Moon for spending quiet time in reflection or talking with a close friend about our inner feelings which we feel may be holding us back in some way.

Emotions are heightened but so are imagination, and creativity. Increased intuition and psychic awareness will help us to understand our feelings. This reduces anxiety and makes misunderstanding less likely. And if disagreements do occur, this harmonious, compassionate and spiritual influence encourages compromise, cooperation, and forgiveness.

Friends may come to us for comforting or a shoulder to cry on. Our caring, sympathetic sides will be enhanced so this is a good Full Moon to be of service to our loved ones and also the wider community.

All of us will still be extremely sensitive to all vibrational energy from other people and the environment. But we can really trust our gut feelings, intuition and psychic abilities during this Scorpio Super Full Moon. We may receive spiritual information through dreams, meditation, our spirit guides, or through chance encounters.

This is a fabulous Full Moon for creative pursuits like literature, poetry, drama, singing, art, design, gardening and whatever fuels our creative fire. It is also good for relaxation, movies, yoga, astrology, tarot, lucid dreaming, and meditation.

As Autumn comes to a close this month and we tap into La Luna’s energy on the night of the last Super Moon of the year, we are reminded through Scorpio that the cycle of  death and transformation is important for all of us to move forward, so let’s all look for the beauty in whatever endings have come our way.

Make peace through grieving, letting go, through allowing, and by honoring the new beginning that has now been paved for each of us.

Just like the rich colors of autumn, just like the stunning sunsets that we have been experiencing, we too can find the beauty in endings… and then the morning rises on a bright new day and journey on the road ahead.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Upcoming Venus Retrograde ♥

Beautiful Venus has been shining brightly in our night sky. She sparkles and is hard to miss after sunset until around 7pm in Eastern Australia. Very soon Venus will drop below the horizon as it enters retrograde, only to return once again as a morning star. This is the rebirth of Venus and is said to be the rebirth of our hearts as well.

Venus is the Goddess of love, beauty, art, creativity, fashion, and money. It rules over the divine feminine and its energy encourages us to slow down and appreciate the finer things in life.

During a Venus Retrograde, if there are old heart wounds in our relationships with others, the self, or money, they can stir to the surface in order to be forgiven, cleared, and healed.

As Venus goes Retrograde from May 12-13th to June 24-25th, in the sign of Gemini, it will dive into the underworld, encouraging us to question matters of the heart.

Think of Goddess Venus working away in the unseen parts of our heart chakras and energy field, soothing the foundation, ironing out the creases, and helping it to expand bigger and wider.

As Venus works on our heart field, it helps us reconnect with the voice and truth of our higher self and encourages us to act and feel from the place of love that we are.

This is why under a Venus retrograde, it is never wise to make big decisions when it comes to matters of the heart.

While we may receive new insights and wisdom, it is always best to wait until Venus has emerged from its retrograde so we can have the full and complete story.

Under this 2020 Venus Retrograde, we may also find ourselves revisiting themes of the heart that were go way back to March through to July 2012, as this was the last time we had Venus Retrograde in Gemini, and October-November 2018, as this was the last time we experienced Venus Retrograde in general.

If anything pops up from those transit time it is time for us to clear them, forgive and move forward.

The Rebirth of Venus… On June 3rd, the Sun and Venus align, which is considered the rebirth of Venus. It is at this point that Venus will begin appearing as our sparkling morning star.

At this stage of the retrograde journey, we reach a state of clearness. This is that powerful ah-ha moment where the clearing has been completed and Venus can begin planting seeds for the next cycle.

Even though this moment of clarity can be powerful, and an amazing instigator of heart openings and activations, there is another layer present this year that we will need to pay attention to as well.

The Five Retrogrades and Neptunian Influences… Venus goes retrograde alongside five other planets- Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. This will add to the heavy sense of reflection we will feel, and we may even find ourselves in stop and go type situation, push / pull energy. We may feel unsure of how to move forward, or confused about the best action to take. So a little patience will be required.

Along with this, Venus also makes some alignments with Neptune, the planet of illusion, imagination, and dreams, but also confusion.

Neptune can bring beautiful, poetic, and romantic energy, helping to open our hearts bigger and wider, but it can also make us feel a little disillusioned and can make it harder for us to set boundaries with others.

The dates of these alignments are May 3, May 20, and July 27. Pay attention to what stirs in your heart on these days, and perhaps write down your thoughts and feelings.

While this Neptunian energy is present, the solution is communication, not just with others but with ourselves as well. The reason for this is that Venus will retrograde in the big gun of communication… Gemini.

Learning to speak our truth will be important under this energy but listening with compassion is very important as well.

In order to be effective communicators, we have to learn to listen with our whole body. We need to listen not just to others, but to the signs of the Universe and our bodies.

Communication is the foundation for any healthy relationship, including the relationship we have with our body, mind, and soul.

Venus Retrograde can be a great time to start writing or keeping a dream journal. With this dreamy Neptune energy also present, it is likely our dreams can hold powerful clues and intuitive wisdom that we can really learn from.

It can be an amazing reflective tool to look back on showing us insights and inspirations that came through.

Venus going retrograde in 2020 is asking us to become better communicators. It is asking us to rework our relationships with our fellow humans, not just the ones that we love and are close to, but with everyone.

While we have to distance ourselves from others right now, hopefully this experience can open the way for greater love and appreciation for our fellow humans.

Hopefully, this distance teaches us just how valuable human connection is and how we can all work to make it more of a priority in our lives.

For some, this may include setting boundaries, for others, this could be taking down walls and allowing their heart to open.

So, while many of us are loving from a distance right now, we can hold space for a world where human connection is valued, honored, and cherished.

We can hold space for a new world where we recognise the importance of everyone and just how valuable we all are to this world we call home.

We can hold space for healing our planet, looking at better ways we can help our planet & not take from it all the time.  I hold the intention for a New Better World to evolve and be reborn… And So Mote It Be ♥

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Taurus New Moon ♥

Thursday the 23rd of April, we have a New Moon falling in the Earth sign of Taurus. The Taurean New Moon is calling our attention to the simple things that need to be done in order to manifest our desires. Taurus is an Earth sign, and this grounded and practical energy wants us to put in the work when it comes to manifesting what we wish for. This can be anything from relationships to new projects or ideas.

While our lives may feel a little chaotic, we are being called to focus on what we wish to attract and to think about the seeds we wish to plant for our future.

Taurus energy is about slow, methodical building, so while we can set these intentions and plant seeds, we need to be patient and ensure that we are making progress day by day.

Taurus reminds us that we won’t achieve what we want by taking the easy way out or thinking that someone else will do it for us. This is our path. It’s up to us to step up and move forward. We are being reminded to follow our own paths and not worry about what others are doing.

This is a call to honor the truth of our spirit and not shadow the behavior of others. 

The natural world is calling to us during this Taurus Moon, as it connects with Earth Day. We can find great healing in nature. Connect in some way with the Earth and honor the natural world. This is a time of rebirth for the Earth and the people on it. This is a time to focus on natural healing and connection with one another in ways that support the environment.

The Taurus New Moon is softly singing to reminds us that a grand new beginning is on the horizon. This grand new beginning has not yet arrived, but it is slowly drawing closer, and this New Moon is our steppingstone on the path towards it.

During the New Moon is a good time to create some space, hold an intention for the life that we wish to lead. This is a time to step out of our present situations for a moment and ask ourselves, what can we become? How does our journey progress from this point forward?

Even as you are reading this, perhaps take a pause to think about where you would like the direction of your life to go. Make a wish, hold it close. Don’t worry about how “real” it is, just put it out there for yourself and for the Universe.

The sky will be dark under the Taurus New Moon, but this darkness only serves to draw us within. We are being asked to fantasize about where we wish to head, but we are also being asked to sit with our shadows too.

When we sit with our shadows, what do they share with us?

They may feel dark and scary, they may trigger a flutter of the heart or a storm of butterflies deep within our bellies, but we need to keep reminding ourselves that we are safe.

Sitting with our shadows is about acknowledging our deepest fears. It is acknowledging what is behind our anxiety or behind that feeling of insecurity that floats up from time to time.

The thing with shadow work is that it can often feel overwhelming, but simply bringing what you find into the light is very often all it takes to begin our journey to greater healing.

On this New Moon, we should all try to identify our fears. Expose them, allow ourselves to hear them. Write them down so they are in the light, and then we may just find that they no longer have such a grip.

There are challenging energies that are being stirred in the world around us now. We don’t need astrology or Mother Moon to tell us that. But what we can understand and learn from the cosmos above, is that a new cycle is on the way.

Just like the Moon goes through its own phases, so do we all, and so does the state of the world. We all ebb and flow through cycles of change. It is inevitable and the only thing that is really predictable.

Uranus, the planet of change is very active under this New Moon. Uranus likes to shake things up in order to awaken us, but its presence can also feel upsetting and chaotic.

Along with Uranus being active, we also have Saturn active too. If Uranus is about shaking things up, Saturn is about keeping things the same and honoring the traditions of the past.

These two seemingly opposite energies are both going to be highlighted at this time. We may feel this duality within us, but we may also see it playing out on the world stage

Uranus wants the ways of the past to crumble so it can revolutionize and rebuild something new. Saturn wants the change to stop so we can just go back to the way things were.

Do we want to go back to the way things were or do we want something new, something different, something better? These two energies are not here to battle, rather they are here to work together.

This is an opportunity for all of us to acknowledge our past and the gifts it has shared, but to also start thinking about how we would like to move forward. We don’t need to forget our goals and dreams, but something has to change, something has to be different this time around.

Our past gives us guidance, but it is our job now to take this guidance and start using it to pave a way for a different future.

Under all the challenging vibrations this April New Moon offers, there is a vibration of hope too. We need to allow this vibration of hope to enter our beings, allow it to flood our entire minds, body, and soul, and give ourselves permission to start daydreaming about this new life we all wish to create.

On a global level, it may feel like we are in between two worlds and both Saturn and Uranus can amplify that, but we can soften this feeling by taking charge of what seeds we would like to start planting today.

The familiarity of the past can be our guide, but the hope and the promise of the future can guide us to think bigger and better.

There are chances here to upgrade and change our lives, and the Taurus New Moon represents a time where we can plant those seeds.

This is our invitation from the Universe, what seeds will we start planting?

♥♥♥ Love, Healing and Blessings xo CH