
Libra Super Full Moon ❤

Wednesday the 8th of April, we have a Full Moon falling in the Air sign of Libra. This Full Moon is also known as the Pink Moon and is a Super Moon, the closest & brightest one for the year. There is a real mix of energies at play with the Libran Super Full Moon, the scales of balance are tipping very high and very low during this Moon phase.  This Full Moon will most likely amplify all our current emotional states, everyone’s emotions are heightened already which can be overwhelming but… shifting the scales to a positive, it can also be a great time of self-discovery.

Full Moons have the ability to draw things out of us. While this can be cleansing, it can also stir up a lot of emotional energy and expose wounds that we have buried away.

This will likely be a very melancholy Full Moon as it is connected with distance and hardship. The chart for this Full Moon brings this into full light. As the weight of the issues we have been dealing with on a global scale are felt, we may feel trapped by circumstance or the events that have been ongoing. While it is natural to feel overwhelmed by everything, we are reminded not to shut down emotionally in the midst or aftermath of what is going on.

The events of the last few weeks may have shifted the dynamic of relationships as work and homelife are reevaluated. This may have caused some surprising revelations, bringing some closer together and creating distance between others, especially those in long distance connections. This may be causing arguments, upsets and drama. Usually at the root of upsets is fear. It’s important to get to the bottom of what is really going on if we find ourselves in arguments or drama.

Having restrictions put upon us for any length of time can cause us to want to rebel. The Libran Full Moon is urging caution where there is any pull to upset the balance of our lives. This is a time to move back towards our own balance, renewal and nourishment.

The Super Full Moon aspects also cautions against issues with authority, such as restrictions put on by those in government. This can cause additional conflict or stress. There are also aspects warning us to look after our health.

The Super Full Moon makes an aspect to Neptune that is associated with health imbalances. This aspect between Neptune and the Super Full Moon increases our emotional sensitivity which can lead to confusion, insecurity and neurotic distress. This is an aspect of health imbalances, and Neptune rules illness and infection. Cleanliness and hygiene are critical during this two week Moon phase.

There is also a risk of misdiagnosis, over-sensitivity to medications, addiction, and poisoning. Paranoia and suspicion can lead to mistrust and the poisoning of a relationship. We may find ourselves susceptible to isolation, gossip, scandal, betrayal, loss or disappointment… All Neptunian energy.

Mars and the aspect to Uranus can be impulsive and its influence may make people rebellious and aggressive. Jupiter and Pluto amplify the risks but a positive aspect to Mercury gives understanding and common sense. It means smart thinking and cooperation with friends and neighbours is the key to staying safe and relatively happy during the Super Full Moon

Some people may react with ruthless, extreme, self-righteous, prejudiced, immoral or obsessive behavior. Selfishness, greed, jealousy, revenge, racism, violence and crime are connected to this aspect..

Mercury aspected to Jupiter brings positive thinking which should reduce the risk of those destructive behaviors mentioned above. A broad outlook and excellent decision-making skills will allow us to make plans in response to new laws and regulations. This is a good Full Moon to implement new routines at home.

Mercury and Pluto give us an intense focus and concentration to research the truth and uncover secrets. We can trust our intuition to guide our decisions. Mercury aspected to Jupiter-Pluto means we transform our way of thinking and adapt to new restrictions affecting communications and movements.

The Libran Super Full Moon calls for us to start thinking about how we can come together to support one another, rather than getting stuck or bogged down in our own lives and what they have now become since all the changes and big shifts 2020 has brought our way.

Even though we may be feeling alone, isolated, and uncertain, we are all in this together and the only way through is to come together as One.

On spiritual planes, we are all connected, but here in the physical world, we appear as separate. It is part of our journey in this life to be individual beings but at our core, we are one and the same.

It is my belief that all our collective thoughts, actions, and vibrations also make up this reality we find ourselves in. We have always been in this together, but now we are being guided to recognise this Universal truth for ourselves and the power it can bring.

When we start to feel restless or anxious about our current situations, let’s turn it around and think about how we can support and reach out to others.

Let’s get out of our own heads for a moment, put our own troubles to the side, and see what we can offer to the world, to others, to the community, or to the Universe.

It doesn’t have to be big or over the top, it could be a ritual of healing, a phone call, a donation, a helping hand, or an act of compassion. No contribution is too small, and no contribution will go unnoticed or unappreciated.

The fabric of our reality is shifting and changing, which means now is a time where it’s most sensitive to our vibrations. Now is the time where we can upgrade the tapestry of our reality through mindfulness, love, and conscious awareness.

Our vibration radiates the highest when we honor, accept, and love who we are and our journey. Our vibration radiates the highest when we put down our egos and just allow ourselves to be.

We are all needed here at this time, we have all agreed to be here at this time. Even though there is so much destruction, and struggle, and suffering around us, we are creating a new world. We are creating a new reality. And there are higher beings surrounding us and joining in too.

On a more Earth based level, the Libran Super Moon will be highlighting feelings of self-love and stirring things in our relationships. If there are any weaknesses or cracks, this Super Full Moon may expose and shine a light on what needs to be healed.

If any of us are in need, don’t be afraid to reach out for support at this time, whether we go to a friend, relative, professional, or to your angels and guides.

We are all here for each other just like these words are here for you. Let them sink to the depths of your soul and allow them to work and soften you where they need to.

This is a time to practice compassion, to remember that we are all hurting and struggling in our own ways, and to seek how we can lessen the load for those around us.

Gentle loving kindness will help us navigate these strong Lunar vibes, but it is also important that we practice self-care and allow the Full Moon to work on releasing and detoxifying.

Staying hydrated, exercising, writing, painting, dancing, gardening, meditating, being creative, reaching out to friends, all those simple self-care practices are very much needed right now.

There is no doubt these are challenging times and the heavens show some challenging alignments too. But we are not alone in this.

We all need to take some comfort in knowing this journey will soon end. All is temporary, and through this time of uncertainty there is no doubt that we are growing, we are evolving, and the planet is doing the same.

In numerology, the number code 2020 represents infinite possibilities when we work together.

Love, Blessings, Health and Light    CH xo

April 2020 Astrology ♥

As we welcome in April all of us are finding ourselves in a very different world & way of living. It’s definitely huge for everyone right now!!! But… We need to remind ourselves daily to be grateful for what we have & know that we will grow from this experience individually and collectively

Astrologically April brings some quite potent planetary energy. All through the April the planets, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto are very active. Mars heightens fiery emotions, Jupiter amplifies and expands, Saturn wants to restrict, and Uranus brings change.

This combination of cosmic forces could be quite volatile, and we may see and feel an increase in heightened emotions. Let’s face it… April 2020 is going to be quite a month regardless of any input from the planets… so… we gotta hang on and ride the wave. (insert Surf Movie music)

But with everything going on there is also an incredible opportunity for growth and abundance too. Take that along for the ride too as the prize!

The first major alignment taking place in April is the Jupiter Pluto conjunction. This is one of the most significant alignments to take place in 2020 and kicks off this weekend on April 4.

The last time these two planets came together was about 13 years ago, and they will be shining a spotlight on the economy and our finances. Interesting isn’t it?

While the economy may be highlighted on a global level, on a personal level, Jupiter and Pluto can create new opportunities for abundance.

This planetary energy encourages us to seek new ideas and to connect with abundance in a new and deeper way.

We can use this alignment to invite abundance into our lives and to start recognising the abundance that is always around us. Abundance comes in many forms not just monetary…. We can use this energy to see the doors that are opening, rather than the ones that are closing.

The next major alignment comes April 7-8 with the Libra Super Full Moon. This is the closest Super Moon of the year, so we are going to feel La Lunas energy beaming out strongly.

Falling in Libra, this Full Moon will highlight our relationships and get us to question the connections we have in our life. It will also guide us to focus on the relationship we have with ourselves and can be a catalyst in helping us reach a deeper state of self-love and acceptance.

Feelings of loneliness may peak around this Full Moon, so if that starts to resonate, make an extra effort to connect with loved ones.

If we feel isolated due to any lockdown measures, it may also help us to think of this experience as a retreat of sorts, and a time where we can go within and prioritize the things that we love to do. As a mother attempting to distance educate my daughter in her year 6 school work & everything in daily life… finding time for myself is challenging!! Can I hear all the parent out there in the same situation say “YES” I hear you!! Don’t get me started on Year 6 Math … :O :O

Loving the memes on Facebook of parents homeschooling their children, it’s good to have a laugh!!! But seriously we really have to find a little time for ourselves to retreat within  

The week following the Full Moon brings more activity as the Sun Squares Pluto on April 14. During this time period, we are called to remember where our true power and strength lies.

Within each and every one of us is an incredible source of love, power, wisdom, knowledge, and divinity. We need to tap in and use these energies and connect with all of that.

Whenever we have intensity like this, we are only being squeezed so we can release more of our potential and our inner divine spark out into this world.

As the Sun moves into earthy Taurus on April 19, we will start feeling more comfortable and grounded with the direction of our lives. This will also help ease us into the Taurus New Moon on April 22.

This New Moon carries the energy of change and new information may come to the surface that takes us by surprise. But, with the grounded earthiness from the Taurus bull, we will be able to surrender and allow ourselves to go with the flow with greater ease.

On April 24, we have Pluto going retrograde but this is something we feel more on an internal level rather than an external one. With the Taurus New Moon still fading, we may also feel drawn to reflect and perhaps even change or pivot our goals and strategies for the year ahead.

On April 26, the Sun aligns with Uranus reminding us to keep riding the flow and surrendering to the process.

This is a time for all of us to have unwavering faith in ourselves and in the path that is unfolding.

April offers an incredible month of planetary energy, but as we emerge, we have the potential to feel stronger, more aligned, and more confident in ourselves.

Although our lives and daily reality is shifting… and… I feel it is upgrading around us!! we are very much connected to our guides, angels & higher states of being, they are felt strongly now and are very much here to guide us.

Love and Blessings CH xo

Aries New Moon ♥

Tuesday the 24th of March we usher in the Aries New Moon just a few days after a string of powerful cosmic events, including the Equinox, the start of the Astrological New Year, A Mars Jupiter Conjunction, and the most pivotal, Saturn moving into Aquarius.
All of this energy is already sending intense waves out into the Universe and the Aries New Moon will heighten all of this, plus bring some pizazz and spark of its own energy too.

An Aries New Moon is a powerful time for new beginnings and doing things in new ways, well, we are definitely seeing plenty of New, Changes and feeling our ways into that of adaption…
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and when paired with the New Moon, it brings us a time for possibility and potential.

Aries reminds us to embrace the destiny that is flowing to us. This isn’t a time to move away from the dreams and desires that are inspiring us, but a time to move towards them. Sure, we may have to adjust the way we go about doing this during the current situation but we can still strive towards them all the same.

There can be a flood of new ideas or opportunities that can open some amazing doors for us. But we need to give ourselves permission to walk through.
Aries wants us to remember that we ARE ready for everything that is going to be flowing in the new cycle that is coming. To Trust in ourselves and know that we can handle anything that will happen.
To Have courage and trust in our abilities!!

Over last few days we have shifted through a change in the Suns sign, the Equinox, the start of another Astrological Year. These energies are generally the first wave of fresh energy for new beginnings.
We may feel a sense of optimism and feel invigorated by the fresh fiery, energy that is now on offer to us.
Over the Equinox period, the veil between dimensions is thin so if we are open, we may tap into receiving signs from our guides, nature and the Universe.

We have also shifted through the Mars Jupiter Conjunction, which will be triggering some tension and volatility. This alignment is fiery and while it can heighten things in intensity, it can also give us a boost of motivation and enthusiasm as well.

Saturn has moved out of Capricorn into Aquarius, which represents a huge shift and the end of a karmic cycle that we have been working with for over 2.5 years.
This brings us a wave of big transformative energy that has sent ripples through the cosmos, our planet and ourselves.

This is a huge amount of energy to move through in just a few short days, so we may be feeling a range of emotions that are hard to even just identify with.

During the Aries New Moon, the asteroid Chiron, known as the wounded healer, will also be very active. We will be drawn to think about ways to heal, ourselves, each other, and the planet.
We may find ourselves having to care for a loved one or we may find that we need to nurture and look after our own mind, body, and soul.

Black Moon Lilith is also very active right now, many of us will feel the push to take major steps toward healing old wounds and reclaiming aspects of our identity that have been suppressed and rejected by patriarchal culture.
Many are feeling rightfully angry at society’s injustices, but we must all be careful to channel it in ways that promotes healing… rather than spreading suffering and more fear.

As the Aries New Moon also aspects the Lunar nodes, we have the power to break these cycles… as long as we choose to move forward, not backward.
While the Capricorn South Node is pulling us back into played-out patterns of dominance and oppression, the Cancer North Node beckons us toward a more caring and connected future. Personally, and collectively, the choice is ours.

So many of us have had to change our ways these last few weeks and adopt a new routine or schedule. As we move through this transition, it is really important that we find ways to make our new routine productive and healthy.

Chiron’s presence during the Aries New Moon will guide us to take care of ourselves, to set routines that inspire, and to think about how we can use any weaknesses or setbacks in our lives in order to find new strengths.

Chiron is the wounded healer, but it has the gift of being able to take its wounds and make them powerful portals of healing.
How can we embrace the same? Under all of this fiery Aries energy, we may feel wound up or extra emotional if we don’t give ourselves a healthy outlet to express it.
Being mindful to try not to allow our emotions to boil over and try to act from a place of calm and ease will help us all navigate these waters.

We need to take deep breaths, take our time, think things through, and don’t be impulsive. Let’s face it!!!! there is a lot of things going on for everyone at the moment and we all deal with things differently, so simple patience and kindness can go a very long way.

The Numerology surrounding the Aries New Moon is quite interesting. The New Moon falls at 4 degrees of Aries, and 4 degrees has been a trend lately.
Back in February, the New Moon was at 4 degrees Pisces, in January the New Moon was at 4 degrees of Aquarius, in December, the New Moon Eclipse was at 4 degrees of Capricorn. In 2020, we are also in a number 4 year.

In a number 4 year, we are called to return to the self and to find ways to create safety, comfort, and purpose from within. 4 represents feeling at home within ourselves, and it definitely seems this is a trend for many of us right now.
In astrology, 4 degrees of Aries is actually a very spiritually sensitive degree of the zodiac. It indicates advanced psychic energies and the ability to ascend to higher realms while remaining grounded.

At this time, we can all deepen our connection with Spirit and use it as a tool to connect with who we are and what we can do to feel more at home within ourselves.

The Aries New Moon is always a wonderful time to set intentions for the year ahead but rather than telling Spirit and the Universe what we want, why not instead, open our hearts to receive what Spirit and the Universe want from us?

Sometimes one of the most powerful intentions we can set is to surrender to the Divine, Source, the Universe, or whatever we want to call it, and just allow it to show us the way to the perfect new beginnings for all our journeys.

Love, Blessings, Healing and Light to you all ♥♥♥    

Autumnal Equinox ♥

The Sun has crossed the celestial equator dawning the great turn of the Zodiac Wheel bringing us the Autumnal Equinox, also known as the celebration of Mabon, the beginning of the Astrological Year and Aries Season.

This is the time when we experience equal hours of night and day. 12 hours to align with the dark and 12 hours to align with the light, creating the perfect balance.

We can use this balance found on the Equinox to honor the dark and the light within. The Equinox and celebration of Mabon is the time of the year for deep magic and for opening to the mysteries within us and all around us.  

At our core, we are light beings as radiant as the Sun, but we also live in a dense, physical world where shadows exist. The Equinox is a time of inner reflection and preparation (before the colder months arrive). This is a time for inner work and going within… Honour your journey as you reflect, rebalance and recalibrate.

Just as Mother Earth experiences this balance on the Equinox, we too can find a way to acknowledge our eternal soul made of light and the physical, dense world that we live in that is here to teach us so much.

We are light beings on a physical journey. We are here to experience the physical, but we also cannot forget the light and love that we are.

When we allow ourselves to bathe in our light, we see that light is our true essence and our true path. We see that we all return to the light and we all come from the light. We see that there is no separation and that the opposite of light, is needed in order to guide us on the next stage of our journey.

When we allow ourselves to bathe in the dark, dense physical, we see the amazing abilities of our physical bodies, what we can build and create, and how we all bring unique gifts and talents to this world. We see that life is always going through cycles of growing and shedding. We are also able to taste delicious food, hear laughter, feel an amazing array of emotion, smell beautiful flowers, and hold the ones we love.

When we get too caught up in the light, we can lose touch with our reality and forget the purpose of our journey. When we get too caught up in the dark, we can forget who we truly are and become overpowered by materialism and our ego.

Under the energy of the Mabon and the Autumnal Equinox, we are being called to create balance within ourselves and around the world. We are each being called to find our center, and to restore equilibrium to our mind, body, and soul.

We are here for a physical, human journey. Let’s honor that and all the pain and joy it brings. But let us also honor the light that lives in each and every one of us and the optimism and hope it can bring.

At the time of the Equinox, the veil between dimensions is also believed to be thin, so we can more easily access spirit wisdom, our intuition, and psychic messages with ease.

Have you noticed how clear the skies are and the stars amplified, have you noticed how clear the air feels and the oceans? How the mountain streams are healing us, the birds, nature… everything is vibrating higher, beaming brighter and lighter. As the current CV situation around the globe has people isolating and stopped many things putting things on hold so to speak… some may see this as an annoyance, others see it as a time of art and reflection… But bottom line our Planet has had a chance to breathe, to begin the heal…as the veils are down, tap in and feel this wave of higher vibration, you can literally breathe it in through every part of your body and mind… Leave the fear and soak in this wave of healing…

Our planet and us… her custodians, all need to allow ourselves time to find balance. Honour our planet, give gratitude for all the blessings that surround us, including ourselves. 

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Virgo Super Full Moon ❤

Monday the 9th of March, we have a Super Full Moon falling in the sign of Virgo. Shortly after this Full Moon peaks, Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury will station direct, signaling the end of its retrograde, so now is a good time to express what we have been holding back for the past three weeks.

Having these two potent energies back to back allows things to be illuminated so we can see the bigger picture. This is especially so, seeing as March’s Full Moon is a Super Moon.

Super Moons fall close to Earth, allowing us to feel its effects strongly. It is important that we stay hydrated and take the time to recharge our batteries.

This Super Full Moon is going to shine a light on things that have felt foggy or unclear. It is going to leave a trail of breadcrumbs for us to follow so we can find our way forward.

This Virgo Full Moon is a seeker of truth and will be guiding us to follow our intuitions along the way so we can find new realisations, healings, and awakenings.

Virgo is represented by the virgin, but this symbol is more about coming into our own strength and inner wisdom. It is about knowing that we have the power to heal ourselves, others, the planet, and our collective heart.

March has bold, potent energy, and with this Moon, big and bright in the sky, we are going to be feeling the intensities and the transformations that this month brings.

There is strong, transformative energy flowing all the way through the month of March, and with this Virgo Super Full Moon illuminating or highlighting things for us, we need to ensure that we are protecting and looking after our own health and wellbeing.

Schedule that doctor’s appointment, go talk to a therapist, take a walk, sit in meditation, get your hair and nails done. Do whatever you need to honor your own healing journey and feel good about yourself.

March’s Full Moon is also preparing us for the start of the astrological year which begins on the Equinox later this month.

It is time for us to enter a new cycle, but before we can step onto this new path that is opening for us, we must bring acceptance to where we stand today. We have to radically accept our past, our pains, our grief, our mistakes, our triumphs, our family, our story, so we can move forward.

Sometimes it takes time for acceptance to arise, and that’s ok. But this Virgo Full Moon is clearing a path, it is shining a light, and if we want to take that step forward, if we are ready to accept what has come, there is energy supporting and holding us.

Neptune, the planet of spirituality, is also very active at this Full Moon. It will be guiding us to step out of our ego and into a place of heart and soul. The Virgo Full Moon sits opposite Neptune and is one of the most sensitive and compassionate aspects, but sometimes its idealism can be misplaced, unrealistic and impractical. Day-to-day existence can be a struggle coping with the vague and surreal energy of Neptune. We may feel like we are forever walking through a fractal painting, checkerboard staircases tapering off in spirals & melting clocks…

Addictions, especially alcoholism are a very obvious danger during the Virgo Full Moon. We are very sensitive to the environment that self-medication can be the only way to numb the pain. Moon opposition Neptune can cause the demonization of someone as being poisonous to the environment! As we are in the middle of a world pandemic, this opposition is even more poignant. It is the sort of aspect that can cause a lot of panic. Neptune being in Pisces makes this aspect even more about blurred boundaries.

This strong aspect may heighten our intuition and give us vivid or prophetic dreams. Take note, as this is how Neptune communicates with us.

Whatever is exposed under this Virgo Super Full Moon, know that Neptune’s energy encourages us to work from the heart and to keep our ego in check. It encourages us to transcend the physical for a moment and to view things through the lens of our higher self.

This can be hard to do. As life unfolds, we can get reactive, we can get stuck, we can get upset and triggered. And this is ok. We are human, we need our egos and we need to learn to get along with them.

But we also need our spiritual connection too. We also need to step outside of the mundane and the physical and see that we are so much more. Earth is like a school where we come to learn, grow, taste, and experience. All these experiences, no matter how painful or tragic, or wonderful, or beautiful, are here to help us grow.

Full Moons tend to make us purge and release things from our lives, so we need to make sure that we are in control of this and no one is forcing our hand! Sometimes we can let go of things that we regret later, due to heightened emotions and the Full Moon’s energetic fondness for saying ‘F*** it!’

The bright light of the Sun throws a spotlight on our subconscious and our shadow. This can feel uncomfortable as the Sun blasts out the demons who have nowhere to hide. Often the full moon is a time when we reap what we sowed at the New Moon… for good or for ill.

The veils between the worlds are thinnest around a full moon, so be very careful what you invite in. Instead, the full moon is best used to purge things out.

The Astrology surrounding the Virgo Super Full Moon continues the similar patterns as the last New Moon in Pisces, so we could see this as a part two. The Virgo/Pisces axis is also one that plays out the Victim/Savior polarity. If one has been feeling a victim of their own emotions, then grab a paintbrush or dive into anything creative that moves the soul and inspires release.  Giving ourselves an outlet to express opens us up as a channel to the divine. And divine energy is healing.

The Virgo Super Full Moon prepares us for a new chapter that is awakening. It is a time of illumination, healing, and radical self-acceptance.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Pisces New Moon ♥

The New Moon is sitting in the watery & intuitive sign of Pisces and connecting to our intuition and being guided by our souls/guides & inner knowing is just what this New Moon is all about. Pisces is also highly creative, so this is a great time for creative projects and ventures.

Pisces governs what’s hidden, the background, the past, and endings, so we may come to learn something that was unknown to us and sheds light on something important; we may feel more comfortable in the background and set things up as we ready for the energy of the next new moon in Aries; we may think more about the past and feel willing to move on without so much of the baggage weighing us down; and we may finish something important, see something through to the end, and come out of it feeling renewed. This can be a good time to construct healthy boundaries, and to gain some subconscious understanding. 

The Pisces New Moon beckons us to dive deep into the ocean of our soul. Submerge into the great depths as if we are magnificent whales diving deeper & deeper into the ocean.

All of us should simply take a moment wherever we are and draw a deep breath. Sink into our inner selves. Pause and feel what it’s like to be in our bodies in this moment. Recognise that our body is more than 70 percent water. Recognise that while we have this density to our bodies within us is our own ocean. Within us is the same ocean that ebbs and flows with the cycle of the Moon. This is the watery depth this Pisces New Moon is asking us to enter.

The Pisces New Moon is asking us to take a dive to the bottom of the ocean within us, not to analyze, pick apart, or judge what is there, but to simply observe. To watch the memories, the pains, the dreams, and the triggers. To see them floating by like they are a part of us, but not really us! Just to witness them floating by on the gentle waves from inside our inner minds, no action, no judgment…just watching.

When we look back in time, we may feel as if certain events and memories were nothing more than a dream. But life is like that sometimes. It is only when you step outside it all for a moment, that you see the lines of reality are often blurred.

The magical harmony of the Pisces New Moon will guide us within, helping to open and unlock our intuition, our hidden depths and our creative potential.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so under this energy, we may also find ourselves feeling a sense of completion or reflecting on the journey we have traveled over the last 12 months.

Beyond the ethereal qualities of this watery Pisces New Moon, it also forms a configuration known as a Talent Triangle with Uranus and Mars.

Imagine the Moon at the apex and Uranus and Mars with their strong planetary forces, forming the base of this triangle. These three planets are interlocked, their energy flowing harmoniously back and forth, creating a portal of influence.

As the name suggests, this Talent Triangle will guide us to unlock our talents and natural gifts. If there is something we have wanted to try or a hidden gift waiting to be unearthed, this configuration will be the key that opens the door.

This energy will inspire us to feel motivated, confident, and ready to step out of our comfort zones into new beginnings. It will beam down rays that remind us that our dreams can indeed become reality.

Mars will drive our ambition and remind us that we are worthy. It will support us to release our fears and to know we are so much stronger than we have ever believed ourselves to be.

Uranus will drive our feelings of freedom and independence. It will support us to take a leap of faith and to step out of any imposed cages or walls we have built around ourselves.

We all have things we are naturally gifted at, but sometimes it is hard for us to see them in ourselves. Sometimes it is really all just about stepping out and having a go at something that inspires us & the creative juices can begin to flow.

New Moons are a wonderful time to embrace the new, however with Mercury in Retrograde and the strong Piscean vibes, we may not be able to put our finger on this new beginning just yet. Something will be unlocked for us under this New Moon energy, but we will have to be patient and give it some time to take root and begin the grow.

That’s ok, it will become clearer, there is that little tune again…just go with the flow! During this Piscean New Moon one of the best things we can do is to clear space to receive intuitive energy and be open to diving into a deeper truth.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Mercury Retrograde Feb/March 2020 ♥

The first round of Mercury Retrogrades for 2020 has begun, starting in the water sign of Pisces. This retrograde will finish on the 9th of March with the shadow period completing on the 29th of March. Mercury takes 88 days to do one trek around our Sun. Mercury moves into retrograde three times per year, for anywhere between 19 to 24 days.

Although retrograding planets are the cause of an optical illusion, as our planets actually can’t physically move backwards…well as far as we know right now ?… the energy from the retrograding planets cause a ripple that we on Earth feel energetically.

Mercury retrograde is generally associated with communication and technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, travel delays, and lost items. We may find ourselves reminiscing about the past or unexpectedly meet up with people from our past. Business negotiations are often in a state of flux during Mercury retrograde, with some important details not clear or available to us during this time.

Some people dred Mercury Retrograde and see it as a terrible time to navigate through. Sure, it can be challenging but if we flip the coin, we can view the positive side of Mercury retrograding. This is a time to slow down, work on chilling out the mind chatter, work on how we communicate with others and make sure we check over anything important in detail, twice or more. Retrogrades can be positive retrospect’s just as there are polarities in all signs, planets, nature and people!

With Mercury beginning his retrograde in Pisces, we can get stuck in the Piscean fog, struggle with focus, and feel scattered. Imagination runs strong, and we can get lost in daydreams and fantasies. This is great if you have nothing to focus on, but we always do! So we have to work harder at trying to stay tethered to reality and not get lost in the whimsy.

Pisces is a compassionate sign requiring a gentle touch, and with Mercury retrograde, we can be too sensitive, to easily wounded, and require more boundaries so we’re not taken advantage of. Some can lack sensitivity at all and act in cruel ways. Try to have healthy boundaries to protect yourself, but also be mindful of others and what they need.

Pisces is a highly intuitive, spiritual sign, so focusing on spiritual pursuits and strengthening your intuition can be a good thing to do during the retrograde in Pisces. When the fog sets in and uncertainty is strong, your intuition can act as a guide. Just make sure what you’re listening to is your intuition and not the Devil in disguise!

Mercury retrogrades for the last few days in the air sign of Aquarius. In Aquarius, we can feel extra rebellious, wanting to push boundaries and try things in new ways. We can crave change and feel restless, making us act impulsively and impatiently. But this does us no good, so try to keep that energy under control and focus it productively.

Aquarius rules friends, groups, and the masses, so we can experience issues with any of these. Friends can have a falling out, or old friends can come back; some may leave groups and causes while others pick up old ones and reconnect with old groups; and some may come before the masses and fall while others triumph, some may fade into the crowd, and some crowds may get wild and need a calming influence.

Aquarius is independent and innovative, the inventor and always thinking outside of the box. With Mercury retrograde, we may think a little TOO far outside of the box and need to be more realistic, or we may struggle with unconventional ideas and need to be more open.

Mercury will be anaretic during this retrograde, which is when a planet is 29 degrees of any sign. In transit, this is a crisis period where energy is super high, and this can often be a trigger for something. Mercury retrograde will be at 29 degrees Aquarius March 4th – 6th, so these will be dates to look for. With Aquarius, there may be something sudden or unexpected that comes about that we have to adjust to, there can be something that happens that impacts a big group of people, or there may be a surge in rebellion.

Mercury will be at a critical degree, the special degrees of critical energy, February 27th – 28th, at 4 degrees Pisces. All Energy will be a lot higher, and we can be a bit more scattered & frazzled.

There will be a New Moon in Pisces on February 23rd while Mercury is still retrograde in Pisces. This brings much more focus to the retrograde energy, and we can feel it in a big way. It’s a great time to pursue an opportunity for a second chance or do-over.

New moons with Mercury retrograde tend to be pretty positive, so hopefully this brings positive energy for us. Extra intuition, productive imagination, creative pursuits, feeling sweet and whimsical. Some happy Pisces vibes should be buzzing & blissing us out… More on the New Moon later!

Love and Blessings

Leo Full Moon ❤

Sunday the 9th of February, we have a Full Moon falling in the Fire Sign of Leo. There are many layers to this Leo Full Moon, so it is best to feel into any interpretations you read and go with the energy that feels right for you.  

The Leo Full Moon brings energy, courage, vibing with passion & the aspects at play are mostly influenced by the planet Mars and also on two other Mars-like stars, Merak in the Great Bear constellation & Ras Elased Australis in the Lions Head.

There is something strengthening, motivating, and restorative about this Leo Full Moon due to the harmonious alignment with the planet of motivation, Mars.

Mars will be like a motivational speaker at our side, spurring us along as we take on any challenges or projects during this time. Mars’ energy will help inspire us to push past any fears that are holding us back or keeping our inner light small. 

If there are fears that we have been holding onto, if there are things we would rather not look at, or pains that have felt just too heavy to carry, we should all allow a little space for this Full Moon energy to hold us. 

Allow a little space for this Full Moon to start moving and shifting things out of our bodies, out of our minds, out of our hearts, and out of your lives.

Full Moons are always portals for releasing, so if we tune in and allow the Full Moon’s energy to infuse with our own, we will find ourselves supported to let go of anything that has been holding us back. The Lions strength will hold us as we dive in bravely, we just have to be honest with ourselves and pull back the layers.

Leo is ruled by the Sun, so whenever we have a Full Moon in the sign of the Sun, it’s extra special. With the Sun sitting opposite the Moon in Aquarius father Sun shines his brilliant light towards the Full Moon, energizing and magnifying the energy of Leo, of whom he rules.

When Leo holds space for the Full Moon, it’s like a ray of light shining down on all that feels dark and heavy in our lives.

Leo is a fire sign that reminds us to connect with all that lights us up. It reminds us to connect with our inner fire, with our inner Sun, and to remember that life is for experiencing rather than controlling.

The Leo Full Moon asks us to think and feel about what sets our soul on fire? What fans our inner flame? What brings us a sense of purpose as we move through the journey of life?

This Moon wants us to connect with these questions so we can work on clearing away all that separates us from feeling present and at peace with our lives.

We are all given a little push, some extra strength and initiative to chase our desires and take what we want. There is courage and a little vanity, or power hunger in the air so we also asked to watch letting our emotions or greed get out of control.

The Leo Full Moon is also linked back to August of 2019. Every August brings the Lionsgate Portal which falls when the Sun is in Leo on the 8th of the 8th Month.

Now that we have the Full Moon in Leo, we may find ourselves revisiting things that were happening for us during Lionsgate of last year. 

The Leo Full Moon is spurring us along with a little Fire in our bellies…. If there is something we have wanted to do, something we have wanted to try, something we have wanted to say, this Full Moon will give us a good dose of self-belief and self-confidence that we need. 

Its energy is there for us to use, but it’s only real if we act on it, if we let it in, if we allow it to guide us.

This is definitely one of those Full Moons where we want to set an intention to push past a fear or barrier in order to breakthrough to the other side. As long as we are moving from the heart, we should allow ourselves the freedom to try, fail, learn, and everything in between.

Putting ourselves on the line, even if it makes us feel vulnerable, even if it’s scary, because that’s how we Grow, that’s how we learn, that’s how we keep leveling up on our journey.

There is another interesting energy at play at this Full Moon and this is the meeting of Venus and Black Moon Lilith. More on that later… Lilith the Triple Goddess of Astrology deserves her own story and the current alignment will support us in finding our strength and confidence and breaking away from any chains or restraints that have held us back.

So….. ❤Shine on Sistars and Brothers❤… This Leo Full Moon is a time to stand in our power. It is a time to connect to our higher selves, and to walk in alignment with our highest calling. It is a time to connect to our own inner Sun, the core of who we are.

Love and Blessings ❤

New Moon in Aquarius ❤

Happy Luna New Year falling in the Chinese Zodiac of the Rat and Many Blessings for the first New Moon of the year falling in Aquarius today, January 24th ❤

The first New Moon in Aquarius is making quite an impact and is set to maybe bring some volatile, wavy energy through our cosmic skies.

This Aquarian New Moon may bring abrupt changes or a sense of unease that we may have been feeling brewing over the past week.

This is because just a few days ago, on January 22nd, the Sun and Uranus fell in a tense alignment, which is now further triggered on this Aquarian New Moon.

Uranus is ruled by Aquarius and is the planet of change and awakening, but the changes we feel on this New Moon are more likely to be emotional ones.

Change can manifest in a variety of ways, but it seems that this Aquarian New Moon will be working on our emotions and triggering us to change the way we have been feeling about an event or our lives.

Sometimes our feelings are lying deep within us and we don’t always have access to them. Sometimes we don’t feel stressed even though we are. Sometimes we don’t feel hurt until we sit down and actually allow ourselves to process the emotion.

This is what the vibration of this Aquarian New Moon calls for us to do, not just now but throughout the entire year.

We all need to get better at feeling our emotions right now. We need to stop burying or stuffing stuff away and allow ourselves to move through the world with a little more emotional freedom.

Being emotionally free can make many of us, feel far too vulnerable and far too open. Moving through the world this way can be a scary thing and can send empathic qualities into overdrive.

But if 2020, with all its huge cosmic alignments and planetary changes is trying to teach us anything, it’s that we have to open our hearts deeper, wider & look deeply within.

The New Moon reminds us that an open heart is a ‘Strong Heart’. It reminds us that when we allow ourselves to soften, the world ‘Softens’ back.

Mother Moon knows that moving through the world with an open heart is a struggle for many, which is why she allows herself to move in phases.

She shows us this when she is full and open and also when she is dark and needs to retreat. Her heart is always open, she just works differently according to her rhythms and cycles.

Just like the Moon, sometimes we need to wear our heart on our sleeve and sometimes we need to love from a distance.

Lunar energy is strong all through 2020, and as we begin this Lunar New Year with the first New Moon, we can all invite more openness and emotional freedom into our lives.

We can all open our hearts big and wide, for there is new space opening for us to tap into.

On a more surface note, the vibration around this Aquarian New Moon is tense and erratic, so we may need to be mindful of this and find ways to ground ourselves if we feel too overwhelmed.

But I feel that if we can all open our hearts a little wider than we feel comfortable, and shine our heart energy out when we are feeling overwhelmed or a little vulnerable, that something in that exchange will make us feel safer and stronger, and more aligned in our power.

This is not to say that we need to allow ourselves to be taken advantage of, or to keep giving when it is not serving us. Rather it is about learning to own the power that comes through an open heart and learning to use this to give more love towards ourselves and others.

Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian and of community. It is a sign associated with helping others and thinking about the collective.

There is so much trauma and tragedy in the world that if you have any energy to even just give a little more love to yourself, to others, or to the planet, then you should make this a priority, even if it’s just for a few minutes this night of the Aquarian New Moon.

So yes, while the energy around this New Moon is all shades of volatile and a time where you would think to protect your energy and hunker down, I say listen to your intuition and do the opposite. Be brave and open your heart a little wider.

Be safe about it, but courageous to love a little more and to allow yourself to truly feel all you have tucked and buried away.

When you feel, you heal. And the healing doesn’t come from dissecting the emotion with your mind, it comes from just simply allowing it to move through your open heart, undisturbed and held in the space of full belonging.

Let’s all pull down our barriers down a bit and as soon as we feel the impulse to run and hide, let’s see if we can challenge ourselves to do the reverse. We’ve all got this! And Mother Moon is on our side!

Happy first New Moon of the year!

And… Happy Chinese New Year of the Rat.

Love and Blessings xo ❤  

Aquarius Season 2020 ❤

On January 20th the Sun shifted out of Earthy Capricorn into the Air sign of Aquarius, the water bearer. Happy Birthday all you quirky Aquarians out there. I’m surrounded by you and love your wacky ways ? ❤ ?

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac and is represented by the water bearer. The water bearer has the unique gift of being able to take the watery emotions of the planet and turn them into the lightness of air.

The water bearer gathers the collective vibrations in its vessel in order to cleanse, purify, and restore them before returning them to the Earth.

We too can mirror the work of the water bearer in our own lives by honoring our true feelings and also clearing through any emotions that no longer serve so we can feel light and airy.

In fact, this Aquarius Season, think about ways you can bring some lightness and airiness into your life. Think about what watery emotions are keeping you stuck out at sea and find ways to fly above it all so you can be free of the crashing waves.

One way that Aquarius Season encourages us to do this is by getting a birdseye perspective on things that are taking place in our lives. While Aquarius is the water bearer, it is also an air sign, and we can use this airy energy to lift ourselves higher to see things from above.

When we fly high and view our lives from beyond what we see in front of us, we can gain a new perspective and remind ourselves that this life is part of a much bigger tapestry that is almost impossible to really understand.

We all come into this world to achieve a mission of sorts. We all come here to experience love, to give love, and to receive love.

Aquarius Season, as the 11th and almost final cycle of the zodiac, encourages us to look at the bigger picture, to get out of our own way, and to stop focusing on just ourselves. We can all fall into the trap of getting so caught up in our own lives and in our own problems that we forget it’s not just about us.

We are each a thread in the tapestry of life, but if we focus on our single thread for too long we lose sight of the tapestry. Sometimes, we have to step back and remember that we are part of the whole.

Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian and under the Aquarius Sun, we are all reminded of the importance of thinking about others and the fact that all of our thoughts and actions are co-creating life on this planet.

We each have a responsibility through our thoughts, words, and actions to make this world a safer and happier place for every plant, animal, and person and this is the message the water bearer leaves with us as we move through the Season.

One of the key events this Aquarius Season 2020, is the Aquarius New Moon that falls on January 24th, and brings the start of the Lunar New Year which will bring in the energy of the Rat, the first animal of the Chinese Zodiac.

This New Moon carries the winds of change and will guide us all to view our lives from a different perspective. Our lives may also receive a shake-up under this new lunar cycle and we may find ourselves walking a path we didn’t expect to find ourselves. I’ll post on the Aquarian New Moon shortly.

Over the last few months we have had a string of planets in Capricorn and while this will still be in effect during Aquarius Season 2020, the Sun moving into this air sign will help to bring some relief from all the heavy earthy energy we have been working with.

Aquarius Season 2020 also gives us a taste of what’s to come and the end of the year when we experience the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.

The Grand Conjunction happens every 20 years and represents a new cycle in astrology. For the last 200 years, these defining conjunctions between Saturn and Jupiter have all taken place in Earth signs but now in 2020, it is time for the air signs to have their turn and Aquarius is first in line ❤

Love and Blessings ❤