88 The Lions Gate ♥♥

Today on the 8th of the 8th we reach the peak of the Lions Gate Portal. In numerology, the 8th day of the 8th month is a highly spiritual and charged time. This year the Lion’s Gate Portal is occurring in the aftermath of a very intense Eclipse Cycle  

The number 8 represents infinity, the infinite soul that we are and the infinite journey that we take. It represents a part of our soul; the soul that has lived and will continue to live long after this incarnation.

It is a time of deep cosmic awakening that calls us to truth, authenticity and opens us to the depths of our hearts. This Gateway coincides with the aftermath of our powerful Eclipse season and is supercharging the manifestation and transformation possible during this time.

This powerful time gives us chances to make some very big changes and transitions in our lives in correlation to our path, our intimate relationships and our purpose. This is a huge pull towards the unveiling of our authentic selves, our truth and our light.

This is amplified right now with the aftermath of the Eclipse season energy in a big way and gives us the chance to make some huge shifts in our lives, in our environments, our feelings, our work and in our relationships.

It gifts us a time of transformation that is allowing us the ability to let go once and for all what is no longer serving us allowing us the courage, passion and focus to draw in what is in alignment with our soul.

The number 8 is the number associated with DNA activation, abundance, power, and higher realms of consciousness, making 8/8 a super potent time to charge and clear our energy for receiving.

Lionsgate is not just about Numerology but also Astrology and involves the Sun in its ruling sign of Leo and the rising of the star Sirius.

Sirius is one of the brightest stars in the sky and is known as our Spiritual Sun. While our earthly Sun illuminates our physical world which is an illusion, our Spiritual Sun illuminates the truth of our timeless soul.

The ancients were very in tune with the star Sirius, as they believed it was the gateway to heaven and the home of higher vibrational beings. They believed the energy of Sirius carried highly advanced wisdom that we could tap into and utilize whenever Sirius was strong in the sky.

Sirius Rising at this time of year was a special and sacred occasion and marked the start of the new year. The ancients would also observe things happening to Mother Earth as well.

In Ancient Egypt, the rising of Sirius coincided with the flooding of the Nile. They viewed this as a gift of prosperity and fertility and revered Sirius so much, they even aligned their pyramids with its rising as well.

There are also theories that the pyramids would act as transmitters, helping to amplify the energy of Sirius in order to channel and download its messages with greater ease.

The Great Sphinx with its lion-like qualities, also aligns with the Leo zodiac during this time of year. This alignment is believed to aid in the receiving of Divine messages from both Isis and Anubis, the Gods connected to Sirius.

It wasn’t just the Egyptians that revered Sirius, all across the world from the Mayans, to the Sumerians, Babylonians, and the Dogon tribe, there is a strong connection with this bright blue star.

While our Sun is responsible for shining down life for our physical bodies, especially when it’s in its ruling sign of Leo, Sirius is responsible for shining down life for our spiritual bodies.

During the Lions Gate Portal we are offered a highly powerful time to receive Heart Healings as  the Lionsgate portal activates the heart chakra. Third eye awakenings are activated. the third eye chakra. We may feel more intuitive or learn something new about the way our intuition speaks to us. Our intuition is likely to be strong and if this is something we want to work with more, the Lionsgate portal is a great time to begin.

Psychic downloads are activated with the high vibrational energy from Sirius beaming our way. These can come through our dreams, visions, spirit guides and angels, or through simply hearing and feeling things while in a state of relaxation. It really is a matter of being open to receive.

Visitations come under this umbrella as well. The ancients believed that Sirius was home to heaven, angels, and other worldly beings. Under the Lionsgate Portal energy, we are more likely to receive messages, dreams, signs, and visits from our loved ones who have passed and from our spirit guides and guardian angels.

Sirius has very peaceful vibrations, so spending time in nature and meditation is a great way to tap into this peaceful energy and use it for healing and restoring our mind, body, and soul.

Lionsgate is also a highly creative time and the perfect opportunity to try a new creative project. The energy of Lionsgate can connect us with the cosmic skies, galactic frequencies, and our own intuition.

Today’s Lionsgate 88 2020 is the perfect time to set an intention of how to work with use this divine energy. Tap in and be open to receive. To project Love Out Out to others, our entire planet and into the cosmos.

Love and Blessings  

Aquarius Full Moon ♥

We have a Full Moon falling in Aquarius on Tuesday the 4th, La Lunar welcomes us into the month of August as the energy builds for the peak of the Lionsgate Portal on the 8th.

Full Moons are always illuminating things, helping us to see a bigger truth and to expand our way of thinking.  There’s a fresh vibe in the air as this is the first Full Moon since the end of the Winter Eclipse Season, so we should all be feeling happier as we are given a break from the chaotic energy of the recent Eclipses.

However, the Aquarian Full Moon will still throw a cosmic wildcard on us, as the Full Moon falls in the visionary sign of Aquarius and aspecting to rebellious planet Uranus. This will bring about all sorts of unpredictable circumstances and inspiring us to seek freedom at all costs.

The Full Moon in Aquarius squares off tight with Uranus, pushing us all to take a walk on the wild side and embrace our uniqueness. Because of the unpredictable nature of Uranus on the Lunar energy, we need to be aware that things might not go according to plan.

However, this leaves room for exciting new opportunities to present themselves, so this is the time to keep an open mind. Stepping outside the box might bring us more creativity and imagination that we didn’t know was there.

Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and this aspect to the Aquarian can trigger things in our lives to feel shaky and unsteady.

We may notice things moving and shifting around us, causing us to feel uncertain and unstable. It may be hard to know what to trust and what direction to choose.

When this level of shaky uncertainty enters our life, it allows us to see what is weak and needs to fall, and what is strong. Whatever withstands the shaking remains, whatever was already weak will fall away.

This energy is not there to upset our lives, rather it is there to help us remove and let go of the things that no longer work for us on our journeys.

Most of us know when it’s time to let go of something or someone, but sometimes it can be hard to do so.

The shake-up from this Full Moon will help us to gently let go of these things, and to remind us that we need not hold on in fear.

Under this Aquarius Full Moon energy, it is better to let things shake and fall where they fall, rather than holding on and trying to control what is happening.

If we surrender and go with the flow, we open ourselves up to the Universe to show us the way. This shaky energy from Uranus also serves another purpose by awakening our soul energy.

When things shake and rattle us, it causes us to see things in a new light and to feel differently about ourselves and the world we live in. This can trigger an awakening, and a coming into new knowledge and wisdom.

Uranus also rules over Kundalini energy, which is known as a serpent that lives at the base of our spine.

When our Kundalini energy rises, as it does when we are under the presence of Uranus, the snake uncoils itself, traveling up the chakras of the body, all the way to the top of our head and beyond.

When the snake awakens, we can learn new things, see new things, and experience life at a different vibration of frequency.

This awakening and activating energy will also be energized by the opening of the Lionsgate Portal.

The Lionsgate Portal opens every year and peaks on August 8th; however the energy of the portal is pumping at the time of the Aquarian Full Moon.

As the Sun reaches the peak of Leo Season and we have Sirius, our Spiritual Sun high in the sky, Lionsgate is activated, sending high energy, messages, downloads, and insights to us on Earth.

The Aquarian Full Moon will help to illuminate these energies as they grow, and if we tap in, we may start receiving downloads, intuitive wisdom, or even new ideas and inspirations to guide us on our way.

This is beautiful energy to tap into, and one that can advance us further on our path. This Full Moon asks us to open to the energy and allow information to flood in.

Very often on a Full Moon, we like to dictate what we wish to release or call in, but this energy calls for us to get still and enter a place of allowing.

If we quiet our mind, and reach beyond our knowing, we may find new information and messages easier to receive.

We all have the power to receive higher frequency messages and insights. Under the Full Moon light we can ask for it to bring us wisdom; ask for it to send its ancient messages straight into our being.

Open and receive, we need to trust our abilities, and be patient if things start to move and shake.

As we shake, we let go of the things no longer meant for us, we clear out things that were weak and crumbling.

After the pieces have landed where they may, we will feel renewed, restored, and awakened with a greater knowing of who we are and where we need to be.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

New Moon Solar Eclipse

Sunday the 21st of June is one Astrologically Epic day!! The Cancer New Moon & Annular Solar Eclipse occur… as well as Winter Solstice and the shifting of Sun Signs all whilst 5 planets (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto) are  currently Retrograding…

The Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse falls at 00 degree Cancer and will open the ring of fire across our Star – The Sun.

Although the energy of all these celestial events peak on the 21st the building has been coming for a while and will continue for quite a while afterwards as well.

Regions seeing, at least, a partial eclipse will be South/East Europe, Much of Asia, North in Australia, Much of Africa, Pacific & Indian Ocean. To check the time and visibility in your area follow this link.


This Cancerian New Moon Solar Eclipse is the most powerful of the year. This is because it falls just moments after the Solstice at zero degrees of Cancer.

Zero degrees of any zodiac sign is powerful as it represents the field of infinite possibilities, but zero degrees of Cancer also happens to be the Global Axis, a highly charged point in the cosmic skies.

Having a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the Global Axis indicates an opening of a new timeline, a new world, and a new dimension of being.

It represents a point in our history, but also in our hearts, where a new world has dawned. This is powerful energy that doesn’t just come and go on the day of this Eclipse. We feel it building before and, we feel it building for a long time after.

In fact, the steps and choices we make around this Eclipse have the potential to last for many years to come.

The Cancer Solar Eclipse is an Annular Eclipse, which means that the Moon’s shadow will cover the center of the Sun, leaving a brilliant ring of fire.

This ring of fire is a symbol of creation but also destruction.

The dark shadow of the Moon represents the pains and struggles of the past but also a womb of infinite potential that is waiting to birth a new creation.

The ring of fire represents the fuel that is needed to birth this creation, but also the release that has to take place for this new creation be born.

Within all of us is this dark void, this blank slate of creation that is waiting to give rise to something new. It’s brilliant and exciting… But first, we must shed… like the snake. We must shed the old skin of our lives as well as the things & beliefs that no longer serve our higher purpose on our individual journeys.

There is no coincidence that this powerful Solstice Solar Eclipse comes right in the middle of two challenging Lunar Eclipses- the June 5th Sagittarius Eclipse and the July 4th Capricorn Eclipse.

Transformation and change is well underway. We are simultaneously being shown what is possible and what is standing in our way.

Destruction may come, but as always, a rebirth will follow. The Phoenix that rising from the ashes.

Cancer is the ruling sign of the Moon, where the Moon feels more at home. The Moon is connected to creative, nurturing, intuitive energy, and perhaps this is where we need to focus our attention in our own lives.

The Solstice and Cancerian energy that opens just before also adds to the heightened sensitivity of this Eclipse.

We may feel more intuitive and connected during this time or we may be drawn to think about our feelings of safety, security, and comfort.

Cancer energy is all about feeling at home within the self and learning to move through life connected to love and compassion.

We all deserve to feel at home inside ourselves but also on this planet too.

We all belong here, we all belong on this beautiful alive planet that is floating through the expansive, endless sky.

The main planetary influence on the Solar Eclipse comes from the planet Saturn, causing an imbalance between personal freedom and responsibility, between self-expression and restriction.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse joins a Star that gives initiative and enthusiasm, but also a tendency toward pleasure-seeking, impulsiveness, and recklessness. So, this is an Eclipse phase for a patient, cautious and responsible attitude. But flexibility and open-mindedness are also needed as we all adapt to changes in the level of restrictions we have been under.

The Solar Eclipse aspect to Saturn creates an imbalance between what we want to do and what we have to do. Our freedom or self-expression may be hampered by certain restrictions and obligations.

The mix of freedom versus restriction is likely to change during this Eclipse phase. So, it is important to be flexible, adaptable, and open-minded as we adjust to greater or fewer responsibilities or barriers to progress. Hard work, patience, self-restraint, and self-discipline are also needed.

With the Saturn energy connected to the Eclipse, we may find ourselves having to take the time off work because of an illness or to look after a sick family member. As a result, the return to our careers could suffer from the aspect of the Moon to Saturn’s energy. On the other hand, extra responsibilities may be placed on us at work that means we could potentially miss out on something important in our personal lives.

Feeling constantly torn between competing responsibilities can also lead to increasing tension. In extreme cases, it may all seem like too much to bear, or overwork could lead to physical exhaustion or illness.

Trying to find a compromise is difficult but even just a few minor adjustments may restore our balance. We need to avoid wasting valuable time by procrastinating. Just taking one thing at a time and focus on our most important responsibilities first.

It feels like big shifts are coming our way as we wrap up the potential of the old world and head into a new one, but we are ready, oh so ready!! We have been preparing for this, and now the time has come. 

On this new journey that is slowly unfolding, we all trust that more people will begin to awaken and tap into abilities they never knew they had. The discovery of these abilities will help to shift and change how we approach things as a society.

So, as we feel this potent Solar Eclipse brewing, be sure to allow yourself to give… yourself love.

Be sure to give others love. Recognize the healing that comes when you lead with love, not just for yourself but for others too.

Much love and Blessings to you xo

The Moon Wobble ♥

The Moon Wobble

A Moon Wobble effects start about 10 days before the exact configuration of the Sun with the Lunar Nodes and lasts 10 days after, around 20 days.

Most years we have 4 Moon Wobbles a year, and occasionally we have 5. We always have a Moon Wobble when there is an Eclipse, because the Eclipses are involved with the conjunction of the Lunar Nodes. But we have Moon Wobbles when there is no Eclipse as well. The effects of each Moon Wobble vary according to the Sign it occurs in and the planets’ relationship to the Moon Wobble.

I am still working with feeling out the Astrological impact of this physical phenomenon but from my understandings during a Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, which can result in more accidents, fires, floods, feats of nature, bizarre weather patterns, earthquakes, tornadoes, violence, terrorism, riots, and political and personal upheavals. Some Moon Wobbles are far worse than others; at the least it is proving to be a crazy phase.

Someday when Astrology has major funding, the latitude and longitude of every city in the world can be fed into a computer and correlated with Moon Wobble Cycles to pinpoint the location and nature of a potential instable time.

The best way to handle Moon Wobble is to be a conscious observer and not to react to the drama, because the picture often changes after Moon Wobble is over. One of the prime examples of this is in the romantic relationship area. More people break up during Moon Wobble, simply because emotions are on an irrational course during Moon Wobble. If you don’t react and wait to deal with the situation after Moon Wobble is over, the other person often changes their mind and says, “they don’t know what got into them.”

However, if you react, the reactions become explosive during Moon Wobble and the relationship can be irreparably damaged. One of the more interesting sides to Moon Wobble is that you often hear from someone out of your past or meet them quite unexpectedly.

As the tides both Ocean and Land are affected by La Lunar one can understand how the wobble of the Moon on her Axis can have an effect here on Earth and within each of us.

Love and Blessings

The Rose Of Venus ♥

Wednesday June 3rd retrograding Venus will be conjunct to the Sun and becomes our morning star again, signifying the Rebirth of Venus.

As Venus will be in the direct path of the Sun, we won’t be able to visibly see morning star Venus until mid-June.

The Rebirth of Venus is very similar to the energy of a New Moon and is a powerful time to set intentions, especially when it comes to themes relating to our relationships, love, values, and money. As Venus is reborn so too is our own heart center/heart chakra.

While we experience the rebirth of Venus every 18 months or so, this year is extra special as Venus is also completing a larger, 8-year cycle on this day too known as the Rose of Venus and/or the Pentagram of Venus.

Venus has been retrograding in the sign of Gemini from May 12-13th and will remain so until June 24-25th. With Venus in Gemini we are encouraged to question matters of the heart.

Venus is the Goddess of love, beauty, art, creativity, fashion, and money. It rules over the divine feminine and its energy encourages us to slow down and appreciate the finer things in life.

During a Venus Retrograde, if there are old heart wounds or cracks in our relationships with others, the self, or money, they can rise to the surface in order to be forgiven, cleared, and healed.

When Venus is Retrograde it is a time of heart healing that can trigger Soul Mate Karma which will cause us to work through the lessons of our previous encounters. If we have unresolved karma with another soul in a previous life, or simply more work to do together, we may find ourselves connected with them in some way or another in our present life in order to complete the work.

These are said to be predestined encounters that serve the purpose of advancing our soul and reminding us of who we really are.

A soul mate is anyone who is part of our soul journey including pets, friends, lovers, strangers, enemies or family members. These people and animals are sent to bring growth to our soul just as we bring growth to theirs as well.

We recognise soul mates when we have an inner knowing, a sense of familiarity, an inexplicable connection or a strong physical reaction.

Venus Retrograde will expose the wounds of the heart so that we can work on healing and clearing the karmic bonds collected over our lifetimes – learning how to forgive, set boundaries, stand up for ourselves, and open to a deeper and greater love. We may also clear outdated beliefs about our self-worth, love, and relationships that we have been working on for some time.

As we approach the rebirth of Venus and the beginning on the New Rose, we reach a state of fullness, the rose is at full peak, but we are also approaching a new & beautiful beginning all at the same time.

The lead up over the last couple of weeks may have felt like we have been through a sort of death process, purging, casting out preparing for something new to rise, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

A great transformation is awakening – from the ashes the phoenix rises. A new cycle is beginning, and we are clearing the way to make it happen.

With the start of a new Venus Rose cycle, we are offered to plant a new seed for our futures, a new cycle is beginning, and we can choose what we want to bring in, especially when it comes to love, creativity and beauty.  

The Rose of Venus as seen from Earth is a reminder of the sacred geometry and mystical patterns that always exist in life.

As we walk our journey, we are always encouraged to keep moving forward but also to revisit parts of ourselves, our deeper layers and past lessons so we can keep diving within and opening to more ♥

Saturn Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn ♥

Sunday January 12th, we have a special alignment occurring in our Solar System, it is quite a rare alignment and it will make us feel the urge to stop and take notice. This alignment is the Saturn Pluto Conjunction falling at exactly 22 degrees in Capricorn. Although they will only come together once, their energy will create a ripple that will be felt the entire year and beyond.

Astrologically, a conjunction is the alignment of two planets at the exact same degree of the zodiac. Conjunctions happen all the time, it’s just that some are rarer than others.

Saturn and Pluto last aligned in 1982 in the sign of Libra, but this time in 2020, they align in Capricorn, which is something none of us alive today have experienced before or will again.

The rarity of Saturn and Pluto coming together in Capricorn makes it special, and an alignment that all astrologers and those sensitive to the cosmos are going to connect with.

So, What Can We Expect… One of the foundational principles of Astrology is- as above, so below.

We are all connected to the heavens and the stars, and we can use the energies, formations, and alignments of the planets for clues on what is happening in the world around us and outside of us.

Astrology helps us to understand what vibrations are coursing through the cosmic skies, but how we feel those vibrations and integrate them into our being is entirely up to us, which is why our experience tends to be unique.

Saturn and Pluto aligning is one of those things we will all feel differently and our experience of it will be different too, however there are some important themes that we are likely to see, feel, and observe.

In fact, the energy of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction is something we are likely to see playing out on the world stage because it is such a strong and rare alignment.

The Saturn–Pluto cycle occurs roughly every 33 to 38 years, varying according to Pluto’s highly elliptical orbit. This meeting of forces represents, among other things, the redistribution of power in the world or, in other words, which faction will make the decisions that affect the greater collective, whether this occurs in plain sight or behind the scenes.

From a spiritual perspective, this cycle reflects a rite of passage determining who is most qualified to be the custodian of resources, and thus regulates who will be in a position of influence. In its purest form, this cycle is one of the highest tests of integrity and morality for those in authority, along with a test of capacity and resilience. Beyond the management of power, this cycle is also about the skill to increase power and the value of resources.

When we look to the past to see what unfolded under previous Saturn-Pluto conjunctions, we find world wars, economic collapses, stricter governments, a collapse of establishment in some way, and mass disease.

Saturn and Pluto don’t exactly have the greatest reputations. Saturn is known to be cold, strict, stern, almost like that unforgiving father figure that is never pleased no matter what you do or how much you achieve.

Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth. It wants to destroy things in order to create more power and more freedom. It wants to rise up, strong and powerful like a Phoenix from the ashes, but sometimes the things that rise up can be too domineering or power-hungry for their own good.

Saturn and Pluto are definitely darker planets on the surface, but if we look a little deeper we can see that their darkness serves a higher purpose that bursts forward a new light that is stronger than before.

On higher levels, Saturn is ambitious and knows how to set healthy boundaries in order to find success in life. It is hard-working, persistent, loyal, and will never let you down. Saturn symbolizes strength and the willpower to go on, even when you are met with challenge after challenge.

Pluto is also the artist of transformation in our lives. It is the alchemy responsible for turning the caterpillar into a butterfly and helping us to transcend the lessons we learn in this life so we can fly higher.

Pluto also represents the highest transformation of them all, and that is the return to the love that we came from and the love that we are.

Whatever these two conjure up for us throughout 2020, it is certain that it will bring strong awakenings that will help to transform and shift us to new waves of consciousness.

A new way is emerging and that is what Saturn and Pluto are working towards. Some of the energies of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction…

On the highest vibration, Saturn and Pluto aligning would help us to shift to a place of unconditional love, where we would all be able to work hard, remain loyal to our cause, and to find our own definition of success.

We can very much tap into this energy and achieve this for ourselves in 2020 under these energies, but we are likely to see some of the shadow stuff playing out too.

Life is full of duality, and while Saturn and Pluto aligning does have gifts, it can also bring a breakdown and a need to completely reorganise or rebuild things. Because of the strong Capricorn energy, this is most likely to play out in areas relating to our career, our ambition, and our definition of success.

On a global level, we are likely to see this energy playing out in areas relating to government, banking, and big corporations. These areas of society are destined to be in the spotlight under this energy resulting in either more power or complete destruction.

More likely than not, we will probably see both of these things happening in different ways and to varying degrees. Power struggles are also going to be a theme under this alignment.

We are going to be called to stand in our power and claim it back, or we may find ourselves too willing to hand it over to someone we think is going to help or save us. While it is fine to lean on others for support, there is a real lesson under this alignment of learning to stand in our power from a place of love.

We are all here on the planet under this special cosmic alignment, and it is a chance for all of us to choose a different way for ourselves and for the generations after us.

Love and Blessings

Click here for a brief summary on The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction for your Sign

Crossing the Galactic Centre ♥

In the busy lead up to Christmas we also have some big energetic and astrological shifts going on. All in all, they are positive influences but there is intensity surrounding the waves of cosmic energy that we will be feeling. From tomorrow the 18th to the 20th of December the Sun will cross across the backdrop of the Galactic Centre of our Milky Way and this is a very supercharged crossing in the cosmos.

The Galactic Center sits at around 26 to 27 degrees in Sagittarius. These are the last few days in Sag before we flip into Capricorn on December 22nd brining in the Earthy Capricorn vibes.

Summer Solstice also falls on Sunday the 22nd just before Christmas and then we have the New Moon falling on Boxing day. This will be the last New Moon & major Moon phase for 2019. The New Moon will be falling in Capricorn and be an Eclipse and we have already entered the Eclipse gateway back with the last Full Moon for the year & Decade in Gemini.

So, yep…. just a bit going on!! So, if we find ourselves tired and on the edge of exhaustion, can’t seem to get enough sleep, fluey symptoms and just generally flat, it’s not just the lead up to Christmas we can add a lot of energetic influences to the mix.

In Astrology, the Sun represents the core of who we are. It represents what makes us feel alive and what makes us feel most like ourselves. It represents the essence of our soul and what gifts we have come to shine out into the world.

The Galactic Center falls in Sagittarius, a sign that’s all about Freedom and Truth. It follows from there then, that wherever it sits in our natal birth charts connects us to our own Freedom & our deep inner Truth

Because it remains at the same degree of Sagittarius for most of our lives, our personal connection to it comes from what House the Galactic Centre falls at our time of birth. If you know where this falls in your chart explore what this means to you.

Over the next few days, as the Sun is activated by the energies of the Galactic Center, we are going to be called to align with the truth of who we are.

We are going to be called to tune into our true essence and our true calling and to think about ways we can bring this to the world.

As the Sun flows and breathes with the Galactic Center, and galactic waves stream down to Earth, it’s the perfect time to step into our power, to know we are stronger than any fears we may have, and to remember just how worthy and special we truly are.

Our calling in this life is to shine our light on the world in whatever way resonates with us at this particular time in our lives

There are no wrong ways to shine, for even if we don’t feel particularly sparkly right now, we still glow.

Know that even though we may feel afraid, even though we may not be feeling up for it, our light still shines. No fear, no grief, no pain, no amount of trauma can dim our light.

We need not force or pressure ourselves to be anything other than exactly who we are and what we feel in this moment. For when we embrace and accept the moment we are in, our light shines, our individual beat plays in the exact harmony of our tribal rhythm.

As the Sun crosses the Galactic Center, it helps to activate our soul, to awaken us deeper, and to remind us that there is so much more to this life that we can see or even really fathom.

Sagittarius is the sign of the adventurer and the wanderer, and even though we have physical lives to lead on earth, who’s to say what our soul gets up to when we are dreaming? Who’s to say where our soul goes or what adventures it has!

You are far more powerful than you realise and as the Sun merges with the Galactic energies, I hope you are able to tune in to just how special you are, just how needed you are, and just how beautiful your music makes the world… Love and Blessings ♥

What’s your Sun Signs trigger

This is an interesting, although quite broad look into the triggers that can cause the snapping point of each Suns Sign. Astrology is SO much more in depth than simply looking at your Sun Sign but this little snippet on each Sign is pretty close to home.

Everyone has a breaking point. Whether someone says something to you or does something to get on your last nerve, we all have that one thing that just makes us snap without a second thought…

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)aries

Aries puts a lot of time and effort into being the person she’s always wanted to be. To everyone else, it seems like everything comes easy to an Aries, but in reality, she has had to work for it all; her confidence, her determination, everything that makes an Aries an Aries. Aries has a pretty strong head on her shoulders, but sometimes she loses her cool.

The worst thing you can do to her is mess with her emotions. Making her feel even the least bit bad for getting upset or acting anything less than the bad ass bitch she is will only lead to trouble.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)taurus

For the most part, Taurus is a chill person who doesn’t really let anyone get to her. Being the bull, she can get lost in her stubbornness, but it is usually for good reason (so she says). That said, you should always be careful around her when things get out of hand.

Taurus may be able to handle a lot of things, but one thing she won’t stand for is when people cross her.

Whether that means picking a fight, showing her you can’t be trusted, or putting her down, you better hope she’s able to control her anger. Taurus is NOT one to mess with.


GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)gemini

Gemini wants nothing but to enjoy life, which is why she always surrounds herself with friends, fun, and love. What sets her apart from others is her impeccable ability to know when it’s time to be an adult and when she can play.

The minute you start to belittle a Gemini and the choices she makes, you better start working on an apology.

Not only can Gemini handle confrontation like a boss, but her communication skills will put you in your spot fast. Gemini doesn’t live life for anyone but herself, so she will definitely not be taking sh*t from you.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)cancer

Cancer loves to love, but unlike a hopeless romantic, she knows who deserves her time and affection, and who isn’t worth anything at all. She believes that love should come with respect, which means that those who want to stay in her life should prove it.

You can’t expect to have an open, honest relationship with a Cancer if you can’t be trustworthy. If you are just u sing her because she’s fun or she’s good in bed, you are intentionally hurting her.

You should never make a Cancer regret loving you because I promise that she will make your life a living hell for leading her on and stepping all over her heart.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)leo

Leo knows she deserves the best when it comes to love, which is why she has such high standards. Many people think she’s conceited or spoiled, but she would rather not waste her time with people who don’t want her for her.

Unfortunately, her radar can be a little off at times and people can slide into her life under false pretenses. Whether or not she catches it quickly, a Leo will ALWAYS know if you are playing her.

If you use a Leo – for sex, company, love, or anything in between – she will show you that she can push back twice as hard. When Leo puts her heart out on the line, she expects love in return. Always!!

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)virgo

Virgo takes a lot of pride in  the kind of person she is – methodical, intelligent, and hardworking – and honestly, she doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. This attitude can sometimes annoy people because not everyone understands how she can be on her own level.

Virgo doesn’t believe in always sharing her goals and ideas because she knows that some of the best things in life are kept a secret (giving her complete control). However, this can sometimes lead to people talking down to Virgo like she doesn’t know what she’s doing, just because she isn’t always vocal about her next moves… BIG mistake.  Every time someone treats her like she’s dumb, she’ll come back with her claws out.

libraLIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Libra might spend a lot of time making sure her friends and family are happy, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want the same kindness shared with her. In fact, Libra has huge dreams for herself, ones that she loves sharing with the people in her life.

Libra can be a very introspective individual, one who would rather keep her hopes and dreams inside until she’s ready to share. That said, she puts a lot of time and effort into thinking about the future, so when she’s finally ready to share, she wants people to make her feel welcome and loved.

Tearing down a Libra’s dreams is one of the worst things you can do because it shows her that after all the time she spent loving you, you’re still able to make her feel like she doesn’t matter.


SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)scorpio

Scorpio believes in living life to the fullest, which means she doesn’t have time to slow down for anyone. She manages to inject life and passion into everything she does, from dressing to the nines to being the life of the party.

It’s not totally untrue that Scorpio can sometimes be a little too much to handle for some people, but if you have an issue with the way she lives her life, it’s best to just keep your comments to yourself.

Picking a fight with a Scorpio is only going to leave you with a bruised ego and some serious emotional hurt later on. Scorpio doesn’t need people telling her what to do or how to do it simply because it’s her life, not yours. Keep doing you, girl.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)sagittarius

Sagittarius loves having a good time. Being with friends, having someone to love, just being herself; all of these things give the sign life. If anyone is more prepared for the future than a Sagittarius is, I haven’t found her yet.

She often gets into the mindset that if everything is going awesome for her now, then it must be even better in the future.

This enthusiasm is what makes Sagittarius so lovable and great to be around, but unfortunately, there are still people around her who would rather be negative all the time. Luckily for her, nothing really brings her down when she’s feeling herself, so when someone tries to hold her back from succeeding and having a good time, Sagittarius is able to put them in their place where they belong – behind her.


capricornCAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn wants nothing more in life than to be happy, be surrounded by people who care about her, and be successful. She has worked hard to get where she is today and is constantly looking towards her bright future, which sometimes means she’s quick to move on from anything she deems problematic or negative.

So, when people try to bring up Capricorn’s past, including all of her bad decisions and mistakes, she won’t hesitate to shut them down.

Capricorn doesn’t understand why you would continue to bring up things from the past unless you are intentionally trying to upset her and if that is the case, then you’re no longer welcome.



aquariusAQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius loves being different and in fact, thrives best when she knows she’s the only one marching to the beat of her own drum. She doesn’t have to try very hard to be different, but she does make an effort to make sure the things she does in life are recognized for the right reasons.

Being such a big believer in wanting to make a difference, Aquarius is always hoping people will want to join her, not one-up her.

You should never overshadow an Aquarius; not because she can’t handle a little competition (you’d be surprised), but because she puts the most effort into things that matter most to her in life, so having someone tell her it still isn’t good enough is incredibly harsh.


piscesPISCES (February 19 – March 20)

One of the best things about Pisces is that she is able to handle a lot of things at once. Even when she’s in a sticky situation, she knows how to keep a level head and get sh*t done.

In addition to this awesome attitude of hers, she also doesn’t let people she doesn’t care about bring her down. That said, she can sometimes be seen as too nice or someone who can’t stand up for herself, which makes some people think they can take advantage of her.

However, what they clearly DON’T know is that when you make a Pisces furious, you’re in big trouble. Pisces is well aware of how she acts and just because it doesn’t seem like she has a backbone doesn’t actually make it true.  Anger a Pisces and you had better hope you come out of it one piece.