Prehnite is a stone of prophesy believed to enhance precognition, visualisation and inner knowledge. Prehnite is used to aid spirit communication through meditation or visualization, out-of-body travel, and powerful dream work. It is also said to alleviate nightmares, deep fears and phobias.
This piece of Prehnite comes from the Northern Tablelands of NSW, was hand fossicked , sliced and slightly polished on one face. The pendant has been hand set in resin and is 7cm long x 3cm wide & comes with your choice or black or chocolate hand plait.
$30 + postage. Simply contact us here to purchase. Pay Pal and Direct Deposit available.
Prehnite is said to calm the environment and to bring peace and protection. Prehnite can help to restore your trust in the universe. It can also help to bring you into harmony with nature and the elemental forces.
It is an excellent Feng Shui stone, said to aid you in decluttering your life of unwanted possessions and helping you to reorganise what you keep.
In healing Prehnite is believed to heal the kidneys and the bladder, to treat gout and to help repair the body’s connective tissue
Prehnite is a very protective stone and can protect one on all levels. It strengthens the life force and generally increases and stimulates energy, while at the same time bringing powerful calming energies.
(Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments)