12:12 Gateway ~ Saturday the 12th of the 12th we enter the final Gateway of this transformational year. The beginnings of a powerful time on Earth.
We are currently traveling the Eclipse corridor as we enter the 12:12 Gateway and the upcoming total Solar Eclipse at 23° Sagittarius on December 14th. The entire year has been preparing us for these powerful cosmic events aligned with the zero point Source field located at the galactic center at 26° Sagittarius. We are experiencing year-end gateways that initiate a zero point reset for rapid transformation.
2020 has been a year for the history books, a year so revealing we can no longer look away. Many of us may be experiencing energy clearing on multiple levels, as the Higher Self prepares the physical plane for the coming shifts. Flu like symptoms, body fatigue & disturbed sleep are just a few physical symptoms of energy clearing. Existing in zero point energy is the eternal Now Moment, the stillness between past and future, matter and antimatter.
The final Gateway of this transformational year has taken us into the depths of our soul for healing and alchemizing fear, and our primal survival instincts of safety and security in order to surrender more and more to the universal flow.
This gateway offers us rapid spiritual growth and soul alignment carrying the codes of unity consciousness and enlightenment. We are in the beginning stages of monumental change and huge shifts on Earth, and we are continually upgrading and raising our vibration and preparing for this time.
This is the Awakening so many have been waiting for, the true unveiling of all illusion/delusion is being illuminated in divine truth.
12:21 Gateway will open to the Great Central Sun at the galactic center, located at 26° Sagittarius. 12:12 is the sacred day of attunement with all 12 dimensions of our Universe….and ignites the sacred geometry of Union!
12:12 is a powerful angel number that indicates wholeness and completion. It is also a number code to help activate our light body. When our light body is activated, we can gain a new understanding of the dimension of time, and traveling to higher realms, whether astrally or in dreams is much easier.
The angelic number sequence of 12:12 is a divine message that we are on the cusp of significant change. While the gateway is open, the Angels are supporting all of us in manifesting our dreams, goals and finding our divine mission.
Love and Blessings xo ♥