Aquarius Super Full Moon ♥

Friday the 12th of August, we have a Super Full Moon in the Air sign of Aquarius. This will be the final Supermoon for 2022

Full Moons, especially Super Full Moons, are always bringing to our attention what needs to be released from our lives. They bring our awareness to all that must be stripped away to keep us evolving and moving higher on our path.

August’s Full Moon falls in the air sign of Aquarius, the sign of the water bearer. The water bearer is a symbol of healing and transmutation. It has the gift of collecting “water”- the emotional, psychic energy of the world around us, in its vessel and clearing it using the power of the breath before returning it to the Earth.

As Aquarian energy will beam strong under this Full Moon, we can use it to connect with the gift of the water-bearer. We can use the power of our breath to transform dense, heavy, negative, or grief-stricken energies around us into something lighter, hopeful, and more loving.

As the last Super Moon of the year, the Aquarian Full Moon may also bring us closure or guide us to finally reach a decision point on our journey. We may now know exactly which way we need to turn. We may now know which way we need to travel in order to reach our chosen destination.

Saturn, the Lord of Karma is very active under this Full Moon. Whenever Saturn is active, it can press on us to take greater responsibility for our actions and to ensure we are moving in accordance with our higher self.

If any actions you are taking are not in alignment with your soul, or if you are forgoing some of your responsibilities, this Full Moon may bring this information into your awareness.

The lessons that Saturn brings can sometimes be harsh, but they always bring opportunities for greater growth. With Saturn, as long as you are willing to show up, do the work, and take ownership over the direction of your life, it will lend its support and help you to reach heights you never dreamed you could. When you do the work that Saturn puts in front of you, it can bring success, honors, and rewards.

The August Full Moon is also closely connected with the Uranus North Node conjunction, which is a major cosmic energy we are working with all through the month.

This cosmic energy is set to shake things up and bring instability to the things that we once considered stable. This is happening on more of a global level than a personal one and may activate issues around farming, agriculture, natural resources, and finance.

We have already seen a lot of issues unfolding in these areas, but the Uranus North Node conjunction will continue to reveal things, helping us to ultimately make sustainable, long term changes that will hopefully push us to a higher state of our collective destiny.

On a personal level, the Full Moon triggering the Uranus North Node energies may get us thinking about what we can truly rely on and how to navigate any sense of instability that may have cropped up in our lives. We may need to change our ways to adapt or decide if we really want to continue on the path we are traveling.

Ultimately this Full Moon will act as a catalyst to help bring more of this energy into our awareness and into the foundation of our greater society.

The combination of energy stirred under this Aquarian Full Moon has the potential to make it feel like a bit of a harsh one.

With Saturn and the Uranus North Node conjunction triggered, we may feel a bit heavy, or extra sensitive and emotional. In fact, when Saturn energy is strong, we can often feel smothered or stifled. And when Uranus energy is strong, we can often feel unsettled, uneasy, or have this looming sense that change is on the way. The Moon then acts as an amplifier of our emotions, supercharging all of these feelings.

The best way to navigate through all of this energy is to remember the healing gifts that Aquarius can bring. Remember that we hold the power in our breath to regulate our mind, body, and emotions.

We have no control over what happens in the world around us, we have no control over the events that unfold, but we do have control over how we choose to show up, how we choose to handle things, and what we choose to give our energy to.

Make a conscious decision under this Full Moon to give your energy to all that fills you up. Make a conscious decision to choose to see things in a way that both honors your truth and brings peace. Allow your heart to radiate like the Moon, big, bright, and Full.

Love and Blessings

Aquarius New Moon ♥

Tuesday the 1st of February, we have a New Moon falling in the Air sign of Aquarius. This day is also Lunar New Year, and we begin the Chinese year of the Water Tiger.

The Lunar New Year is celebrated by many cultures around the world and is a time of new beginnings. Right before the Lunar Year begins, many take the time to clear out the house, reduce the clutter, and bring fresh energy into their homes. The past is forgiven, and a new, inspired mindset is also encouraged.

As this is an Aquarius New Moon and holds strong air energy, any actions we take to bring new energy into our lives is likely to inspire new ways of thinking, bright ideas, and a clearer mind.

Given that Aquarius is the sign of social circles, friendship, humanitarianism, technology, and individuality, we can understand that these topics will be taking center stage on the days surrounding February first.

Aquarius is an excellent creative problem solver; this is something we can all use to our advantage. With the New Moon in Aquarius, we have the chance to reboot our own minds, get a fresh dose of mental clarity, and attack old problems from a new angle. Out-of-the-box thinking will become very intuitive during this lunation.

This is a time during which we can develop a hopeful vision for the future by separating ourselves a little from all the distractions in our lives. It will serve us well to give our emotions and passions a “break” as we practice more objectivity and try to determine what level of attachment works best for us.

While there are some wonderful, fresh energies on offer under this New Moon, there are a few things to keep in mind. Mercury will still be in retrograde under this New Moon, which means we must be a little patient when it comes to fully moving forward.

Mercury Retrograde is a time of reflection and revisiting the past. It is a time when our subconscious thought patterns may come up to the surface for reviewing and revising. When Mercury is in Retrograde, we may feel like we are taking steps backward rather than forward.

Know that this retrograde energy will be short-lived, as just a few days following this New Moon on February 3rd, Mercury will station direct. It is after this date that we may start feeling the full effects of any fresh energies this New Moon has brought our way.

The other important factor under this New Moon is the influence of Saturn. Saturn will be hovering close to the Aquarius New Moon, exerting its influence.

Saturn can sometimes be a harsh energy, but this is only because it wants us to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. Saturn requires us to ask the hard questions and to ensure that what we say we want, and our behavior is in alignment.

Saturn may deliver to us some real-world lessons, giving us a much-needed reality check. We may be forced to confront something we have not been taking responsibility for in our lives, or we may find we are confronted with a challenge that is necessary to achieve our goals.

Know that whenever Saturn is involved, there is an opportunity for growth and success. Saturn gives us the hard lessons because it knows we can handle them. It gives us the hard lessons so we can keep growing, keep leveling up, and lead the life we are destined to lead.

If we notice any challenges or hard obstacles arriving with this New Moon, we need to remember that we are being supported & given the strength to move through it, and on the other side of it, we will be rewarded! Saturn always leaves rewards whenever it stirs lessons in our lives.

Saturn’s influence is also a strong cosmic support of longevity, so this will be the perfect New Moon to create long-term goals. Saturn can give us the perseverance needed to stand the test of time, so know this is on your side too.

Another cosmic force worth mentioning around the time of this New Moon is the harmonious alignment between Jupiter and Uranus.

Uranus is the natural ruler of Aquarius, so it is always worthwhile to see what a planetary ruler is up to under its corresponding New Moon.

Uranus being in harmonious alignment with Jupiter is definitely a positive omen that will help to shift us out of limiting thoughts and into a more hopeful and abundant mindset.

Uranus is the planet of awakening, and as it teams up with expansive Jupiter, there is also the opportunity for some serious ah-ha moments and illumination. While this can definitely be triggered by the New Moon, know we are working with this energy all through the month of February.

Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign. Fixed energy is stable and stubborn. While it is resilient and deeply values commitment, it can be afraid of change in any form, whether that is a new beginning or a necessary ending.

Air energy, on the other hand, is playful, flirtatious, and incredibly adaptable. It can be flighty and inconstant, but this is largely due to its insatiable curiosity.

Combining this energy, we can understand that Aquarius is actually very balanced, it has the stability of Fixed energy and the flexibility of Air energy. Aquarius possesses much mental strength and is driven through life by its active mind, constantly searching for more wisdom and experience.

Additionally, Aquarius is the ruling sign of The Star in Tarot. The Star is a card of hope, faith, and destiny. It is an abstract card, coming directly after the Tower in traditional Tarot.

The Star helps us to find hope in darkness; it depicts the ways in which we recover from tragedy, re-center ourselves when we get lost on our journeys, and settle into a sense of interconnectedness within the cosmos. The link here to Aquarius is fairly intuitive.

Just as the Star refers to interconnectedness, so too does Aquarius. Aquarius urges us to find our place in the Universe, and to dare to shine bright enough to guide others on their journey, as well.

One of the major lessons of this lunation is that a certain level of emotional distance is necessary from time to time, and that we cannot be in a hotheaded and codependently attached state 24/7.

For that reason, practicing healthy and moderate detachment can help us break away from destructive behaviors that are holding us back, and craft a more inspired perspective in their wake.

Overall, the Aquarius New Moon is about clearing our mind so we can expand it to bigger and brighter horizons. With a clear mind, we can also start seeing new opportunities and welcoming in fresh new perspectives.

Love and Blessings

Aquarius Full Moon ♥

Sunday the 22nd of August, we have a Full Moon rising in the sign of Aquarius. This will be the second Aquarius Full Moon of the year with the previous one being in July. The Aquarian Full Moon is also a seasonal Blue Moon. It is rare to have two Full Moons back to back in the same zodiac sign and indicates strong transformative Aquarian energy on offer & that the two Moons are linked.

What was focused on around the first one in July is again focused on with this second one in August. It may be that something started in July and finishes in August, or we get an idea of things in July and see culminations in August. This can be a bit time for culminations and results, and this may focus on change, the future, our dreams, or the masses.

Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, which has the ability to take the emotions (water) of the world, transmute them using the power of air, and return them to the earth cleansed and renewed. Whenever we have strong Aquarian energy, we receive added support to shift and clear dense energies.

During the Aquarian Full Moon, there is the potential to amplify change, activate our desire for greater freedom, or shine a spotlight on all that needs to be revolutionized in our lives.

Aquarius energy is all about doing things differently and stepping away from our comfort zone in order to experiment with something new. It encourages innovation, growth, and looking at things from a new perspective.

The Aquarian Full Moon is extra strong because it occurs at 29 degrees. 29 degrees is the last degree of a Zodiac sign and is called the anaretic degree. In transit, it’s a point of crisis energy. So, the culminations and results we may see can have a major impact on us, and we have to make sure we’re reacting appropriately, not lashing out or rushing. This is hot energy, and we have to be smart!

With the Sun also winding up its journey through Leo at the time of this Full Moon, there is an added boost of creative and courageous energy on offer to us, which can be used to help any new visions take flight.

While Full Moons typically represent completion points, know that there are creative energies on offer to help take any endings and shift them into new potentials.

Aquarius also rules over technological advancements and policies that are put in place to protect the whole, rather than just the individual.

While focusing on the community and the whole is great, when it swings too far out of balance, Aquarian energy can sometimes be too quick to bypass the emotional, compassionate side of humanity and instead, can look at things from a more technical and machine-like viewpoint.

We may see more of these themes come to light, especially on a global level, under the second wave of this Aquarius Full Moon.

Know that with Aquarius energy, it is all about seeing things from a new perspective, keeping an open mind, and finding ways to stay out of black and white thinking.

Jupiter, which is currently retrograde in the sign of Aquarius is also conjunct this Full Moon, making its energy very active.

Jupiter expands what it touches, so it’s likely that whatever is manifesting for us under this Full Moon will be loud, bold, and clear for all to see. Jupiter tries to make things better, since Jupiter doesn’t like anything serious or intense or negative. But Jupiter can expand on anything, including the bad. Jupiter just makes it easier to make it better if you put in the effort.

Saturn, the traditional ruler of Uranus, aligns harmoniously with planet Venus. Venus trine Uranus is wonderful for dealing with long-term investments and commitments. It is also an excellent opportunity to work through any relationships or financial problems there might be in your life. Any artistic or creative work can result in heightened productivity.

There is no guesswork with this August Full Moon, it will deliver what it needs to deliver and will take what it needs to take.

Trust your instincts and try not to second guess yourself. The energies of this Full Moon are strong and courageous, so connect with that place and push ahead in whatever direction feels right to you.

On a deeper level, this Full Moon is guiding us to connect to the energies of our past in order to use them as fuel for our future.

We may have had to let go of so much over the last year. We may find ourselves standing in an empty field, wondering where our “old life” has disappeared to.

There is a beautiful frequency flowing in with this Full Moon that reminds us that no matter where we stand today, the power and love that we have cultivated in the past still exists.

While we may be looking at a totally different life, the energy of our past achievements still remain, and we can use that power, that love, and that strength of our past and apply it to this new chapter that is waiting for us.

All is not lost. There is wisdom in the air. There is an energy dancing in the breeze of all who have traveled on this land before us and all who will travel on this land after us.

We can connect with that energy; we can connect with that breeze and feel into the strength and wisdom that it offers.

So many things have transpired on this Earth. Good things, bad things, tragic things, heroic things; so many lives and stories have graced the surface of this planet, and all that energy, all of that fuel, is carried in the wind.

Under the Aquarian Full Moon, we can connect to the energy that reminds us of our strength, our power, and our courage. We can connect to the energy that created the rivers and the mountains and some of the greatest ancient civilizations.

We can connect to our ancestors, their voices, and their wisdom. We can connect to the life force that lives all around us and will continue to live on till the end of time.

There are strong cosmic currents linked to this Full Moon. It is a time of expansion, clarity, and honoring the changes within us. It is a time for making clear-cut decisions and for trusting our instincts.

It is also a time to remember that all your past achievements and successes exist as energy. They surround you and support you and are there to be used by you under the light of the Full Moon.

Tune in with that energy and recreate it in a new and better way. Tune in with that energy under the Aquarian Full Moon and use it to surrender to the new.

Love & Blessings ♥♥♥

Aquarian New Moon ♥

Friday the 12th of February, we have a New Moon falling in Aquarius & this day also ushers in the Chinese New Year of – The Yin Metal Ox.

Coinciding with the New Moon we have a mega line up of planets in Aquarius known as a Stellium & the New Moon will supercharge the current Stellium to the max!!!

At the time of this New Moon, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will all be in Aquarius.

If you’ve been itching for a little inspiration, the New Moon in Aquarius will be just the astrological event you’ve been waiting for. 

Aquarian energy is revolutionary, innovative, awakening, and expansive. It brings with it new ideas, new ambitions, and the gift of seeing ourselves in one another.

With this strong pull of planets in one sign of the zodiac, we may notice our focus widening or shifting to new heights.

What we choose to focus on expands, and even though this is always true, we may feel it amplified under the energies of this Aquarian New Moon.

With this strong force of planets in Aquarius activated by the New Moon, we may also see shifts on a global level too.

The last time we had strong Aquarian energy like this was back in the ’60s and it coincided with the hippie counterculture movement. All the things that this movement stood for… equality, peace, and community, are all very much linked to the energy of Aquarius. 

At the time of this New Moon, there may be a strong desire to return to some of these values, or to perhaps engrain them more into our society. Creating community, equality, and social programs that benefit all, are all possible under this energy. 

As this is a New Moon, we may notice seeds being planted in this direction that will blossom in the months and years to come. 

Every month, the universe gifts us with a window of time that is prime for manifestation, in the form of a New Moon. We may have been thinking of some ideas hidden in the deepest recesses of our minds, similar to the Moon is in its most hidden dark phase.

The New Moon is a time for us to call these ideas to the surface and start embracing them! Just as farmers used to plant under the darkness of the New Moon’s night sky to give their crops the chance to grow without being targeted by predators, putting our thoughts, ideas and goals on paper during this time will allow us to plant our own seeds of intention.

Given that this New Moon will be illuminated by Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, it will be more powerful than the last few new moons we’ve been graced with. Mercury will allow us to channel our ideas more clearly and concisely, and this will be especially true if working to tweak an idea or project that is already in process, since Mercury is still retrograde until February 20.

If it’s a new project that’s been in the beginning stages, it’s still a great time to brainstorm, but know that once Mercury goes direct, there may need to be some additional tweaks to get it just right.

In addition to Mercury’s impact, Venus will bring her powers of love and beauty, giving our intentions a little bit of sparkle. On top of that, Jupiter will only magnify the energy we are putting out there. 

While this New Moon brings so much beauty and a reminder that we are co-creators of our reality, not just on a personal level but on a collective level too, it may trigger some tension.

Whenever we have a line up of planets so tightly together, their energy merges and this can create feelings of being overwhelmed, confusion, and that we are wading through a fog.

This strong charge of energy may cloud our mind, make it hard to see the road ahead, or we may find ourselves needing to rest or sleep. 

Self-care practices, especially ones that are focused around forgiveness and clearing resentments from the past may be particularly beneficial at this time. 

While we may feel a little mentally foggy and confused, this is always our signal to get out of our head and into our heart. 

So very often we get lost in the mental chatter of our mind, but sometimes there is a power in silencing our thoughts so our inner knowing can rise up from within. 

With all of this strong air energy floating around at the time of this New Moon, it also worthwhile remembering not to believe everything we think, and to gravitate towards thoughts that make us feel good, rather than thoughts that don’t. 

These small little practices can help the energy of this potent February New Moon feel a little gentler, free-flowing, and channeled in a more positive direction.

What we choose to focus on expands. So, we all definitely need to think about where we wish to direct this energy for our best outcomes.

Love and Blessings  ♥♥♥