Aries New Moon April 2022 ♥

We are building up to the Aries New Moon which will fall in full shadow on Friday the 1st of April for us in Australia.

The Aries New Moon makes aspects to the planet Mercury and the minor planet Chiron. So, the spiritual meaning of the Aries New Moon Astrology is related to the sharing of painful memories and experiences in order to heal. 

The close conjunction with Mercury, the planet of communication who moved into Aries on March 27th, brings in a more straightforward, unfussy, and heated, possibly even combative, tone to the way we deliver our thoughts. And on the day of the Aries New Moon, cerebral Mercury will pair up with La Luna, combining emotion and self-expression in a fearless, direct Aries way. 

It’ll be easier to own our voices and share a bold game plan with friends and colleagues or to speak right from the heart with a loved one. At the same time, there may be a tendency to steer a bit too far into argumentative territory, as Aries is innately competitive, has a desire for a good debate and, occasionally, fierce verbal aggression.

Jupiter, the planet of fortune, and Neptune, the planet of spirituality, are closing in on a conjunction in dreamy, ethereal Pisces, which will be exact on April 12th. This aspect, which hasn’t occurred since 1856 and won’t again until 2188, marks the beginning of an emotional, empathic, and mystically charged cycle. Its effect will heighten intuition, spirituality, and a longing to move through life wearing rose-colored glasses. 

While other aspects around this new moon are so action-oriented, this pairing can infuse the moment with more creativity and a desire to swim in our emotions a bit before diving into our next adventure. 

With the beginning on the Astrological year turning since the Equinox and as we arrived at the first sign of the zodiac, Aries…. Aries energy is all about new beginnings. As the New Moon brings the start of a new lunar cycle, it is also about beginnings. This combination of energy makes the Aries New Moon one of the best opportunities in the year for thinking about what new beginnings or new chapter we wish to start in our lives.

Along with the beautiful creative manifestation energies that this New Moon provides, there is another energy that is rippling through the cosmic skies currently thanks to the asteroid Chiron.

Chiron is known as both the wounded healer and the rainbow bridge. As the wounded healer, Chiron is able to take its wounds and struggles and use them as powerful portals of healing and wisdom. It is Chiron’s wounds that allow him to work his magic, heal others, and be a source of psychic knowledge.

As the rainbow bridge, Chiron helps us to shift to a higher state of consciousness, allowing us to move from one state of awareness to the next.

With Chiron energy strong under this New Moon, we all have the power to take our wounds and find the beauty in them. We all have the power to acknowledge how our wounds, even though painful, have shaped us into better and more compassionate people.

Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to fix our wounds, bury them, or pretend they didn’t happen, when sometimes all we need to do is allow our wounds to show us a new way forward.

Discovering this state of being for ourselves is what Chiron’s energy can help us to do. It reminds us that some wounds will never heal, and rather than being buried by this idea or overwhelmed by it, we instead, accept it as a part of who we are.

When we allow and create space for this way of being, it helps us to find the strength and wisdom that our wounds can hold. It also allows us to take our wounds and put them to work to help guide others.

That is the magic of Chiron, and if it feels applicable to your life right now, know that this energy is present and ready to serve you.

Along with the generous healing energies that Chiron offers, we also have Jupiter and Neptune inching closer in our cosmic skies.

Jupiter and Neptune coming together is a rare event that will shape the rest of the year to come.

Together, Jupiter and Neptune represent collective awakening and heighten our psychic senses. A New Moon also can enhance our intuition, so we are likely to feel extra sensitive and very connected to higher worlds.

If you have been looking to start a new artistic/spiritual practice or return to one, know that this New Moon will heighten the call. If you have been wanting to explore your spiritual gifts or have been ignoring your own intuition, this New Moon will offer the push you may be needing.

As we are likely to be feeling closer to the veil and extra sensitive under these energies, be sure you take steps to protect and recharge your energy field.

Know that when the night sky is without a Moon, that is our time to retreat within, to listen to our inner voice, and to trust what we know to be true in our hearts.

It is worthwhile remembering that often whatever is troubling us around the time of the New Moon is something we have the power to work through by going within and working on ourselves first.

Going within also allows us to connect to the power that lives inside. We all hold great power within ourselves. Claim this power. Stand firm and true in who you are. Know that you are worthy of a beautiful life, regardless of what wounds you carry. Know that your wounds are portals to wisdom, to helping others, and to creating a more beautiful world.

Walk the rainbow bridge as it unfolds from the depths of the dark moonless sky. Let yourself be carried to higher states of being. Know you deserve whatever fresh start you are looking for.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Aries Full Moon ♥

Thursday the 21st of October, we have a Full Moon falling in the fire sign of Aries. There is a lot of energy surrounding this Aries Full Moon & we may start feeling a little overwhelmed! The energies are intense, but they offer us some wisdom, healing, and insights too.

There are quite a few strong planetary aspects with the Aries Full Moon, the biggest & most intense is the T-Square between Mars, Pluto & the dwarf planet Eris.

This configuration of energy can create a building of tension, but sometimes we need tension to inspire ourselves into action.

Sometimes, it takes feeling stretched to our limits to put our foot down, speak our truth, set boundaries, and act, to propel forward and change the current situation.

The Aries Full Moon is calling for us to take affirmative action. But this is where it gets a bit tricky. With Mars, Pluto, and Eris involved, sometimes it can be hard to know what action to take.

Sometimes, these planetary forces can see us acting from a place of ego or in an effort to gain control. Sometimes these planetary forces can trigger our darker, more heated emotions, causing us to lash out or perhaps be too forceful.

Simply knowing that these energies are at play can help us navigate through the fiery bits.

This is very assertive energy, and sometimes we do have to be firm, stand our ground, and communicate what we need.

The Aries Full Moon also aligns with a positive fixed star that gives preparedness, steadiness, determination, and final success. So, the only things standing in our way of success are the ruthlessness, jealousy, and aggression of Mars square Pluto.

Mars is the fearless warrior, and when its energy is strong, it can be a good time to overcome some of our deep-seated fears. It can be a good time to put on our warrior helmet and find a new level of confidence.

Fear is popping up under this Full Moon & we are being asked where fear may be guiding our decisions and see if any of that fear is justified or simply linked to insecurities from our past. By acknowledging our fears and sitting with them can help us find the next step to take.

Another thing we are being asked is to look at the ways we have transformed and rebirthed over the course of the year. What would the new you do? Who do you want to be in this situation?

Thinking of things from this vantage point may help us to shift out of old habits of the past, and instead embrace new habits that are a result of the rebirths we have gone through.

Sometimes there is no such thing as the “right” decision. Instead, it is just about making the best of the decisions that we do make.

At the end of the day, every decision and action we take is an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to shift our life in a new direction.

On a deeper level, this Full Moon may also be guiding us to think about what goals or values we wish to let go of. As this Full Moon falls in the sign of Aries, we may be taken back to earlier this year when we set some intentions or perhaps had some well-meaning plans about what this year was going to look like for us.

At this stage in the year, we may be feeling proud of ourselves for accomplishing all that we have, or we may be feeling upset that this year didn’t turn out the way we thought it would.

Regardless of where we stand, this Aries Full Moon is a bit of a reality check, helping us to reassess some of our goals and dreams, and what we have been doing, or not doing, to achieve them.

While there is a lot of action based energy under this Full Moon, there is another softer, subtler energy we can tune in and connect with too, and this comes from the asteroid Chariklo.

Chariklo is known as the asteroid of Spirit Medicine, the partner of Chiron & considered a magical Lady Shaman. It carries a feminine energy that can remind us to connect with our spiritual side and to honor the soul part of our journey.

Sometimes it can feel like we are living two lives, we have our human self that must navigate the 3D world and all the ups and downs it brings, but we also have our spirit self too, that knows that everything is ultimately perfect and always manifesting exactly as it should be. Sometimes it is hard to create a bridge between these two ways of being, but that is where Chariklo can help.

Its energy encourages us to view things from that spiritual perspective. To get out of 3D thinking and look beyond to that place in our heart where we know that everything is always just as it should be.

Chariklo’s energy is like that sweet spot we can find when we are in deep meditation. It is the peace, the stillness, the calm, and the love that we feel when we reconnect with the true essence of who we are.

With the quite intense energy surrounding the Aries Full Moon, take the time to tap into the softer energy of Chariklo.

As always when navigating through intense themes spending time in nature, getting creative, meditating, dancing, singing listening to our favourite music all helps us feel grounded & less in our heads.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Aries New Moon ♥

Monday the 12th of April, we have a New Moon falling in the fire sign of Aries. During the New Moon phase, we have a Stellium in Aries as there are several planets and asteroids all whizzing about in the constellation of Aries the Ram.

Anything that is started today will be for the long haul and anything that does end today will not be reborn. It will end so something new can begin.

This Aries New Moon carries powerful energy for manifestation, intention settings, and new beginnings.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and a New Moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle. This energy combined sends powerful waves of new energy into our lives, calling us to make changes, plant seeds, and to embrace a new chapter.

At the peak of the New Moon, it is completely invisible, and the night sky looks like a blank slate full of stars. That blank slate is what each of us is being granted on this Aries New Moon. It is blank for we get to fill it with our desires. We get to choose what we wish to draw, paint, or write across our canvas.

Under the Aries New Moon, our powers of manifestation are heightened and our ability to draw in and attract what we desire is enhanced.

The choices, words, and emotions we put out into the world are always influencing our reality, but at the time of the New Moon this is heightened even more so.

We need to be mindful of our thoughts, words, and the choices we are making at this time. We need to be sure that we are focusing on what we want, rather than what we do not want.

We are reminded to watch our language and how we are choosing to speak to ourselves and others. Words are powerful, so let’s be mindful that we are speaking with loving kindness.

If we find ourselves saying or feeling self-sabotaging or self-limiting thoughts like, “I can’t do that” or “nothing ever works out for me”, see if we can stop the thought and turn it into something more positive and affirmative like, “this may be challenging, but I’ll give it a go.”

We can all use the energies of the Aries New Moon to speak kindly to ourselves, and to remind ourselves that there are always opportunities to begin again, to try new things, and to make different choices.

At the time of the Aries New Moon, we have Venus, Mercury, the Sun, three asteroids Eric, Ceres, Chiron and the Moon all in the sign of Aries, (the Stellium) which is bringing in a strong blast of fiery energy.

The energy of fire is about passion, moving forward, and allowing our desires, rather than out fears to guide our way. Fiery energy can also be impulsive, which when used in the right way can help us make leaps forward and shift out of any bogged down energy we may be feeling.

This is a time to take some action, follow your instincts or an impulse to help get things moving.

The fact that no major planets are in retrograde at the time of this New Moon also supports this energy and indicates that the Universe is really giving us the green light to move ahead and make some bold choices.

Pluto is also very active during the Aries New Moon as is Venus. The combination of Pluto and Venus energy at this time may stir our relationships and get us questioning where we are choosing to give our power away.

Is there a relationship, either with a person or with an event or situation in your life that is making you feel powerless?

We may be drawn to focus on this at the time of the New Moon, or we may feel power struggles play out in some of our relationships.

If this happens, know there is always a path to making better choices. Rather than getting stuck going down the same old path and repeating the same conversations, see if you can switch it up and try something different, as you never know where that may lead you.

Venus and Pluto energy at this New Moon may also heighten our emotions in general. We may feel extra sensitive, or in need of some loving support from those around us and from our higher self.

We also need to check in and give ourselves a little self-care to body, mind, or soul. We should take a little me time, to take rest and recharge the batteries. With all this forward-moving energy it can be tempting to rush ahead, but we also must know when to take pause too.

Enjoy this fabulous, ultra-creative, fresh energy that is coursing through the cosmic skies. A new beginning is here!

We can feel confident in what we are doing under the dark skies of the Aries New Moon and trust that it’s all working out for our highest potential. Today is our day to claim your power!

This Aries New Moon will also cement how we are in the here and now. We are progressing even if it seems at times that we are not; trust that we are. Going back is no longer an option and whatever does come back is renewed.

Today is a day of confidence, of facing our fears head on, and of exuberance energy. The energy feels new and welcoming so, why not embrace this? This is a time to put our weapons down and allow the Universe to show the way to our heart’s truest desires. 

Love and Blessings for the Aries New Moon ♥♥♥

The Season of Aries ♥

On Saturday March 20th, the Sun enters the fire sign of Aries. We also have the Autumnal Equinox, the Sabbat of Mabon on this day for us in the Southern Hemisphere. Plus, the beginning of the Astrological year & the official beginning of Autumn.   

The Autumnal Equinox marks the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator, the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator, from south to north. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and we once again start a new turn of the Astrological Wheel.  

This is a time for new beginnings. It is a season for finding our inner strength and igniting the flames of our inner fires. 

Aries is represented by the head of the ram, which is believed to embody the creative, strengthening, and nourishing qualities of the womb. 

It is in the womb that new ideas can sprout, new beginnings can be birthed, and our creative potential can be realized. Aries cry call is ‘I am’ and is the beginning of the soul’s journey through the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

For the season of Aries, we have no major planets in retrograde, meaning that the will have the astrological energy supporting us in moving full steam ahead. This is a time to leap forward, to go for our goals, and to push past any fears that have kept us held back.

We are encouraged to work in harmony with the creative energies that are on offer and to use them as fuel to push forward on our goals, projects, and dreams.

As we begin the first step, the new beginning of the astrological year, we can wipe the slate clean and begin again. We can move ahead with new wisdom and feel confident in our abilities to take a new trip around this zodiac wheel once again.

Looking at a glimpse into the season of Aries, we have some wonderful energies that are helping us to embrace the qualities of this fire sign and make the most of wherever this new beginning is guiding us. 

The start of Aries Season coincides with the Equinox, a time of equal hours of night and day. The Equinox has long been considered a sacred time of balance, unity, and working in harmony Mother Nature. On the Equinox, the veil between dimensions is believed to be thin, making it easier for us to connect with higher realms and our spirit ancestors and guides.

Some key astrological dates for the season of Aries…

 March 25th… The Sun & Venus 

As Venus aligns with the Sun, we receive a strong dose of its energy. Venus is the planet of love, relationships, and money. She reminds us of our connection to the Divine feminine, and the power we each have to create. Under the Aries Sun especially, this is amazing energy to own the feminine side, to honor our creative powers, and to make some bold and brave heart-led decisions. 

March 29th… Full Moon in Libra & a Grand Trine

Aries Season offers us one of the most magical Full Moons of the year. At the time of the Libra Full Moon, the Moon, along with Mars and Saturn will align in a perfect triangle known as a Grand Trine. Grand Trines are considered lucky, protective, and even magical! They represent harmony, and an easy flow of energy between these cosmic energies.

Mars and Saturn, along with the Moon, join forces to help us get motivated, work hard, and go after our dreams and goals. This is strong manifestation energy that can really help us tackle projects we may have thought were too big or too ambitious. Something may also culminate on this Full Moon where we are able to see the rewards of all our hard work and risk-taking efforts.

The Sun & Chiron

March 29th brings us the Full Moon but also the alignment of the Sun and Chiron. Chiron is an asteroid that is known as the wounded healer. Its energy helps us to take our traumas and wounds and turn them into portals of strength, inspiration and healing for ourselves and for others. As Chiron infuses its energy with the Sun, we receive more support to heal and transmute our wounds into powerful resources of inspiration. 

April 3rd… Mercury Enters Aries 

Mercury enters Aries creating a line up of cosmic bodies in this sign. At this point we have the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aries, along with the asteroids Ceres and Chiron, and the dwarf planet Eris. All of this strong Aries energy is adding fuel to our fire and helping us to make some bold moves. With Mercury now in Aries, we may have to be a little mindful over what we choose to share with others and not saying things we may regret later. Aries energy can be impulsive and hotheaded, so it’s something to watch!

April 9th… Mars & Neptune

This is an interesting dynamic of energy that can help us think more creatively and flexibly. With all this motivating energy circulating over these last few weeks, this energy can help us to think differently and perhaps find a new creative way of doing things. If anyone is searching for clarity or looking to push past a road bump, this energy can be beneficial.

April 12th… Aries New Moon 

The Aries New Moon is one of the most powerful for manifestation work and drawing in all that we wish to attract. At the time of this New Moon, both Venus and Pluto are very active, strengthening our inner power and giving us an opportunity to step up and claim what is rightfully ours. This is a power time for connecting with our higher selves and knowing our worth. 

April 14th…Venus enters Taurus 

Venus loves being in Taurus making this a harmonious shift of energy. We will start feeling things slow down a little and perhaps we will want to be more meticulous about our next steps forward. 

April 18th… Sun & Mercury

The Sun and Mercury aligning is always a special event in matters of communication and tapping into the hidden messages of our subconscious and intuition. Pay attention to any messages or intuitive pings you receive on this day.

April 19/20th… The Sun leaves Aries and Taurus Season begins.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Aries Full Moon October 2020 ♥

October 1st, we have a Full Moon falling in the fire sign of Aries. The Moon has only just shifted from Pisces which has bought in some highly dreamy, intuitive energy along with some totally spaced our dream time.

The level of crazy dreams has been off the chart. I’m not even going to try to work through my dream states from the last few nights, they are indescribable even to my whacky self 😉 lol  

The Feisty Aries Full Moon is the first of two Full Moons for the month of October. There will be another Full Moon, a Blue Moon at the month’s end on Halloween in the sign of Taurus. Ooooohh!

October is definitely one of the more heated months of the year. It seems that everything 2020 has brought us is coming to a head and having two Full Moons in the same month indicates a theme of mega clearing and deep purging. Uhg!

All through October, and even as we enter the Eclipse Season in November, it seems that we are being guided to clear and purge, not just on a personal level, but on a collective level too.

The shadows are coming to the surface to be birthed into a new light, and it seems like we are clearing not just for ourselves, but for our past and future generations too.

As the October 1st Full Moon falls in Mars’ ruling sign of Aries, it is going to activate the Mars Retrograde which is currently doing it’s usual thing, either creating chaos or helping us to reset and re-align, but probably a bit of both.

2020 has already brought a lot of tension and heated emotions to the surface in countries all over the world, but the Full Moon has the power to amplify all of this. It will be interesting to see what unfolds across our planet in regard to society and how all countries are holding up or not.

In our personal lives, the Aries Full Moon has the power to stir some drama, but we must remember that getting caught up in drama is toxic to our mind and body.

This is a time to stay out of any drama that comes our way and remember that it is often a distraction from the real issue and the truth that is hiding at the core. With some awareness, we can walk past the drama and address the real cause of any issues.

Even though we have this dramatic energy being stirred on this Aries Full Moon, there is a strong healing vibe on offer to us too, and this is where we should put our focus.

This healing presence is given to us by the asteroid Chiron, which will be conjunct to the Full Moon.

Chiron is known as the wounded healer but also the rainbow bridge. Its energy represents the process of awakening. As we awaken, we can take our wounds and turn them into powerful portals of strength, wisdom, and compassion.

When we channel Chiron’s energy, we are also able to walk the bridge into higher states of consciousness.

We can see that all that ever happens and unfolds in our lives is for our highest good. We can see that even though tragedy and awful things happen in this life, there is always a bigger picture.

On an even deeper level, walking the rainbow bridge reminds us that all we experience in this life is a paradox. It is both real but also an illusion.

By connecting with Chiron’s energy, we can remember that whatever drama or chaos is happening around us is just a minuscule fraction of the bigger picture that we are walking, not just in this life, but across all lifetimes.

At this Full Moon, but more importantly as we enter Eclipse Season next month, it is going to be important to keep our vibration high and hold the light.

We now just must ride the wave. We now must keep ourselves pointed towards the future and away from repeating habits of the past.

We must keep ourselves in a vibration of unity rather than getting sucked into division or a “them vs. us” mentality.

Just before we shift out of this old karmic cycle, we are going to feel the chaos ringing the loudest. The storm always gets worse before it gets better. This will be challenging time, a time of deep transformation, a time for us to trust and stay strong. It could very much be a wild ride!

Brighter things are on the horizon, so under this Feisty Aries Full Moon, even though we may be feeling irritable, antsy, and even a little held back. Even though we may feel a strong wave of emotions bubbling up in order to purge and release them, know that this is an important moment we all have been working towards.

We all need to keep this in our hearts as we journey through not just this Full Moon but also the months ahead.

Together… Let’s channel the Aries warrior energy, and ride confidently into the next chapter.

Together… Let’s channel the fire in our hearts and in our souls and move this planet to the next level.

Together… Let’s not get sucked in with division, drama, and the ways of the past.

Lets’ all stay connected to the light, to or tribe, grounded to the Earth, and aligned with our highest and truest self.

Love and Blessings for the Aries Full Moon ♥♥♥