Thursday the 21st of October, we have a Full Moon falling in the fire sign of Aries. There is a lot of energy surrounding this Aries Full Moon & we may start feeling a little overwhelmed! The energies are intense, but they offer us some wisdom, healing, and insights too.
There are quite a few strong planetary aspects with the Aries Full Moon, the biggest & most intense is the T-Square between Mars, Pluto & the dwarf planet Eris.
This configuration of energy can create a building of tension, but sometimes we need tension to inspire ourselves into action.
Sometimes, it takes feeling stretched to our limits to put our foot down, speak our truth, set boundaries, and act, to propel forward and change the current situation.
The Aries Full Moon is calling for us to take affirmative action. But this is where it gets a bit tricky. With Mars, Pluto, and Eris involved, sometimes it can be hard to know what action to take.
Sometimes, these planetary forces can see us acting from a place of ego or in an effort to gain control. Sometimes these planetary forces can trigger our darker, more heated emotions, causing us to lash out or perhaps be too forceful.
Simply knowing that these energies are at play can help us navigate through the fiery bits.
This is very assertive energy, and sometimes we do have to be firm, stand our ground, and communicate what we need.
The Aries Full Moon also aligns with a positive fixed star that gives preparedness, steadiness, determination, and final success. So, the only things standing in our way of success are the ruthlessness, jealousy, and aggression of Mars square Pluto.
Mars is the fearless warrior, and when its energy is strong, it can be a good time to overcome some of our deep-seated fears. It can be a good time to put on our warrior helmet and find a new level of confidence.
Fear is popping up under this Full Moon & we are being asked where fear may be guiding our decisions and see if any of that fear is justified or simply linked to insecurities from our past. By acknowledging our fears and sitting with them can help us find the next step to take.
Another thing we are being asked is to look at the ways we have transformed and rebirthed over the course of the year. What would the new you do? Who do you want to be in this situation?
Thinking of things from this vantage point may help us to shift out of old habits of the past, and instead embrace new habits that are a result of the rebirths we have gone through.
Sometimes there is no such thing as the “right” decision. Instead, it is just about making the best of the decisions that we do make.
At the end of the day, every decision and action we take is an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to shift our life in a new direction.
On a deeper level, this Full Moon may also be guiding us to think about what goals or values we wish to let go of. As this Full Moon falls in the sign of Aries, we may be taken back to earlier this year when we set some intentions or perhaps had some well-meaning plans about what this year was going to look like for us.
At this stage in the year, we may be feeling proud of ourselves for accomplishing all that we have, or we may be feeling upset that this year didn’t turn out the way we thought it would.
Regardless of where we stand, this Aries Full Moon is a bit of a reality check, helping us to reassess some of our goals and dreams, and what we have been doing, or not doing, to achieve them.
While there is a lot of action based energy under this Full Moon, there is another softer, subtler energy we can tune in and connect with too, and this comes from the asteroid Chariklo.
Chariklo is known as the asteroid of Spirit Medicine, the partner of Chiron & considered a magical Lady Shaman. It carries a feminine energy that can remind us to connect with our spiritual side and to honor the soul part of our journey.
Sometimes it can feel like we are living two lives, we have our human self that must navigate the 3D world and all the ups and downs it brings, but we also have our spirit self too, that knows that everything is ultimately perfect and always manifesting exactly as it should be. Sometimes it is hard to create a bridge between these two ways of being, but that is where Chariklo can help.
Its energy encourages us to view things from that spiritual perspective. To get out of 3D thinking and look beyond to that place in our heart where we know that everything is always just as it should be.
Chariklo’s energy is like that sweet spot we can find when we are in deep meditation. It is the peace, the stillness, the calm, and the love that we feel when we reconnect with the true essence of who we are.
With the quite intense energy surrounding the Aries Full Moon, take the time to tap into the softer energy of Chariklo.
As always when navigating through intense themes spending time in nature, getting creative, meditating, dancing, singing listening to our favourite music all helps us feel grounded & less in our heads.
Love and Blessings ♥♥♥