88 Leo New Moon ♥

On Sunday the 8th of August we have a New Moon falling in the fire sign of Leo, this day is also the peak of the 88 Lionsgate portal. This amplifies both the energy of the New Moon & the 88 Lionsgate, it is quite a magical day & uncommon for these two events to happen simultaneously.

New Moons always represent the beginning of a brand new cycle. The Moon has been gradually disappearing from our sight, and from now on she will start growing again, showing a little more of herself each night.

The days before the New Moon, also known as the Dark or Balsamic phase, are days of healing and rest, of introspection and reflection. 

The Sun and the Moon join forces in Leo, inviting us to celebrate our individuality, our passions, and our need to be seen and appreciated. The message of this New Moon is that we are safe to be ourselves and to explore the desires of our hearts. She inspires us to develop unshakable self-confidence and faith in who we are and encourages us to share our true and authentic self with the world without fear of being judged.

The New Moon in Leo reminds us not to be afraid to dream big. She inspires us to define a vision that inspires and motivates us, to believe in it, and in our power to manifest it. Sun and Moon in the sign of the Lion invite us to visualize a bright future for ourselves and our loved ones despite the hard and uncertain times we are living in.

Leo is a fierce Fire archetype, corresponding to our upper back, heart, and solar plexus. Its energy is Yang or masculine: this means that when we have a cosmic event happening here, its effects are mostly directed outwards. During this New Moon, we naturally tend to express the qualities of Leo outwardly, we show their expression to the world around us.

Leo inspires us to let go of any shyness and self-consciousness. The archetype of the Lion invites us to be bold and unapologetic, to take the space we deserve, reminding us that we all have the right to shine and be seen.

This New Moon is a strong call for honoring our personal path and letting go of the need to measure up to someone else’s standards. Success has a different meaning for everybody. This celestial event invites us to make choices that reflect our souls’ purpose and to hold on to our vision even if other people don’t support it.

 The Leo New Moon shakes up our desire for change. The Moon will square Uranus in Taurus, stirring our desire to express the truth in our hearts no matter what the consequences may be. This lunation signifies a boost of passion and courage, and creative urges could run high.

The Uranus aspect to the New Moon is a challenging one and can bring sudden and unexpected change, instability, chaos, and revolution. An unsettling feeling of impending change can make us feel excited but also restless, anxious, and nervous. This, in turn, can lead to abruptness, unreliability, impulsiveness, rebelliousness, unpredictable behavior & rapid changes in direction.

This New Moon aspect can amplify ego and pride. We may feel a strong urge to express our true inner self without restriction. But willfulness and arrogance could easily lead to ego conflicts, especially if one takes on superiors.

This is not a good time for impulsive changes, but we may have to react to change. And the best way to do this is with flexibility, creativity, and inventiveness. Avoid stubbornly sticking to routines if the universe is sending messages that you need to change. Open-mindedness and higher self-awareness can lead to a brave new path with exciting possibilities and opportunities.

New Moons are always a power time for intention setting, but this is even more so when the New Moon falls in the highly creative sign of Leo and alongside the Lionsgate Portal.

This is a time to think about what we wish to create in life, allow this creation to come straight from your heart, and then put it out there into the world so it can be manifested into your reality.

While this Lionsgate New Moon is a magical time for setting intentions, it is also a time of connecting with your Higher Self.

In many ways, moving beyond intention setting and focusing on connecting and merging with your Higher Self can be far more powerful.

Consciously connecting with Higher Self allows us to reach a new place of freedom and power. Instead of wanting or grasping for things, or telling the Universe our wish list, we need to be open and accepting of whatever flows our way, and in a state of complete trust that all is unfolding for our highest good.

Working from this state allows us to work in harmony with the Universe and the journey of our soul. By working from this place, we also tend to find that what we manifest is always automatically aligned with exactly what we need.

Jumping back to the Uranus aspect we are reminded again that Uranus is the planet of awakening and change. It can shake things up and turn things on their head, so we are forced to see them in a new way.

As Uranus is very active under this New Moon, we may receive some information that changes what we once knew, or we could find ourselves feeling scattered or uncertain about something that we once felt very certain about.

Uranus likes to bring the element of surprise, so it is not always possible to predict what will unfold. The only thing to keep in mind is that Uranus shakes things in order to awaken us.

It is through shaking up our reality that we can see things in a new light, perceive things from a new vantage point, and experience growth.

Uncertainty is a part of life, and even though it is uncomfortable, it can be a powerful teacher in learning how to detach, stay in the present moment, and open to our full potential. As the saying goes – when nothing is certain, anything is possible.

As the planet of awakening, Uranus is also connected to third eye openings and the rising of our consciousness.

This gift that Uranus brings may be more noticeable under this New Moon, thanks to the Lionsgate Portal and the other high-frequency energies that are stirring at this time.

Our intuition is very strong under these influences, listen, be open and tap in.

This energy should also make the veil between dimensions thin, making it easier for our loved ones, and angels or spirit guides to make contact with us.

The Leo New Moon is definitely a special one for so many reasons. As it activates the lion-energy within us, it is also the perfect time to find our inner confidence, to push our boundaries, and to feel the limitless potential of our being.

This Leo New Moon is not about playing small or retreating back to what is comfortable. It is about bravely standing in our true, authentic power. It is about owning all of who we are, being proud of where we have come from, and confident in our journey of what lies ahead.

Leo energy is very heart-centered and heart-driven. Staying heart focused and out of ego, we can all work with this beautiful energy from that place of Love.

Love & Blessings ♥♥♥

New Moon Solar Eclipse ♥

Thursday the 10th of June, we have our annular New Moon Solar Eclipse falling in the sign of Gemini.

Since the Blood Moon Eclipse last month, we have been walking a portal between the old and the new, between one state of consciousness and the next. This portal finally comes to an end with the Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse.

The Eclipse is not visible to us in Australia however it is visible from parts of Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada. Weather permitting, those in Northern Asia, Europe, and the United States will see a partial Eclipse.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse represents a new beginning. Whatever path has been cleared for us by the Blood Moon, we can now begin to see where we are heading. The theme around the New Moon Solar Eclipse is seeing beyond the veil.

No matter where we currently stand, this Solar New Moon Eclipse will ensure that we are headed in the right direction. It signals a time to embrace the new.

We need to trust in whatever has been moving and shaking us recently. Trusting that whatever needs to fall away will fall, and whatever needs to stay will stay. That is the nature and power of Eclipses.

There are some interesting aspects to the New Moon Solar Eclipse. A conjunction forms to the ruler of the Eclipse, Mercury who is retrograde and at the midpoint of his Underworld journey exact at the time of the Eclipse.

Essentially the Sun – Mercury conjunction is getting a massive activation by the Eclipse which really brings into awareness our thoughts, ideas, and perceptions of reality.

Normally such a strong Mercury – Gemini Eclipse would be amazing for clarity, discernment, and communication. But all the Gemini bodies are squaring off to Neptune, so not all is as it seems. There is an energy of elusiveness, confusion, illusion, deception and/or purposeful burying of heads in the sand happening right now. it takes a lot of focus to be grounded, discerning and willing to see clearly right now both personally and collectively.

This influence can also have a weakening effect on our vitality, making it hard to get motivated or enthusiastic about anything, especially hard work. Events or other people can cause confusion and disappointment. We may also feel insecure, guilty, and apologetic.

Personal relationships may be subject to dishonesty and deception. Secrets will be harder to keep and harder to uncover. Seeing only the best in people increases the chance of becoming disillusioned or worse.

The energy here calls for us to move slowly and to trust in our intuition. If something feels off, listen. In fact, a good reminder is to not believe everything we think or hear.

The New Moon Eclipse certainly brings us new beginnings and is a fantastic time to plant the seeds of our goals and dreams. We do need to remember that we are walking on new ground now, and we need to get our balance before we can confidently move ahead, so do not be afraid to pause and wait till you feel clearer.

Our intuition will be our guide, so if things feel mentally foggy or we find ourselves feeling like we are being manipulated by someone, this is the time to stop and trust that feeling in the gut. 

Another aspect is connecting the New Moon Solar Eclipse is Saturn squaring Uranus that will climax on June 14th which adds restrictive change or unexpected restrictions to the Astrology around the Solar Eclipse. It can bring change that we do not want. It also makes it harder to make the kind of changes we do want.

This can be a very frustrating time of rising tension and sudden, expected changes. But it does not have to be like that. If we stay open-minded, patient, and flexible, what at first seem like challenges, can be turned into opportunities to rid ourselves of negative, restrictive, and limiting things in our lives. It is about looking at things from another perception and trying our best to be patient.

The sign of the New Moon Solar Eclipse is Gemini. Gemini is represented by the twins, with one twin being mortal and the other immortal. These two twins represent the duality we face on Earth. We are humans, limited by our physical bodies and in need of material comforts, but we are also limitless souls, on an endless journey of growth. 

On a human level, we can find ourselves labeling things or events as good or bad, but on a soul level, we understand the bigger picture and know that all experiences serve their purpose.

Recognising this dualism within us can be tricky, but if we can… this helps to bring some ease as we navigate any changing or unsettling energies that come our way.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse is a North Node Eclipse, which signifies an opening to a new chapter of our collective destiny.

On a global level, the collective choices we make around the time of this Eclipse are dictating our collective future. This is also the last Eclipse we will experience in Gemini until 2029, so whatever is planted now will create a ripple until this time.

What type of planet do we want to live on? What type of society do we want to create? Our choices, words, and thoughts have a power here that can help shift the planet into a higher frequency.

While we cannot control what others do, we can take the power into our own hands by being mindful of our own thoughts, actions, and choices.

We can all use the energy of the Eclipse to focus on the things that we want, rather than the things we don’t want. Being mindful about where our thoughts are going out to and how they are making us feel.

By being aware of how we are allowing our thoughts to lead us can be quite powerful. We should ask ourselves. are we leading from a place of love or fear?

And if the answer is fear, how can we confidently acknowledge this, take ownership of it, and support and love ourselves through the process? 

The New Moon Solar Eclipse brings an end to Winter Eclipse Season, so let’s use this energy to its fullest advantage.

Eclipses thin the veil and allow us to access our intuition with greater ease. They provide us with guidance, and the opportunity to take a leap into a higher vibration. 

We need to remember not to force things or push our way forward under this energy. Allowing ourselves to be shown the way. Allowing the fairy dust sprinkles to appear and then see where they lead us. 

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Aries New Moon ♥

Monday the 12th of April, we have a New Moon falling in the fire sign of Aries. During the New Moon phase, we have a Stellium in Aries as there are several planets and asteroids all whizzing about in the constellation of Aries the Ram.

Anything that is started today will be for the long haul and anything that does end today will not be reborn. It will end so something new can begin.

This Aries New Moon carries powerful energy for manifestation, intention settings, and new beginnings.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and a New Moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle. This energy combined sends powerful waves of new energy into our lives, calling us to make changes, plant seeds, and to embrace a new chapter.

At the peak of the New Moon, it is completely invisible, and the night sky looks like a blank slate full of stars. That blank slate is what each of us is being granted on this Aries New Moon. It is blank for we get to fill it with our desires. We get to choose what we wish to draw, paint, or write across our canvas.

Under the Aries New Moon, our powers of manifestation are heightened and our ability to draw in and attract what we desire is enhanced.

The choices, words, and emotions we put out into the world are always influencing our reality, but at the time of the New Moon this is heightened even more so.

We need to be mindful of our thoughts, words, and the choices we are making at this time. We need to be sure that we are focusing on what we want, rather than what we do not want.

We are reminded to watch our language and how we are choosing to speak to ourselves and others. Words are powerful, so let’s be mindful that we are speaking with loving kindness.

If we find ourselves saying or feeling self-sabotaging or self-limiting thoughts like, “I can’t do that” or “nothing ever works out for me”, see if we can stop the thought and turn it into something more positive and affirmative like, “this may be challenging, but I’ll give it a go.”

We can all use the energies of the Aries New Moon to speak kindly to ourselves, and to remind ourselves that there are always opportunities to begin again, to try new things, and to make different choices.

At the time of the Aries New Moon, we have Venus, Mercury, the Sun, three asteroids Eric, Ceres, Chiron and the Moon all in the sign of Aries, (the Stellium) which is bringing in a strong blast of fiery energy.

The energy of fire is about passion, moving forward, and allowing our desires, rather than out fears to guide our way. Fiery energy can also be impulsive, which when used in the right way can help us make leaps forward and shift out of any bogged down energy we may be feeling.

This is a time to take some action, follow your instincts or an impulse to help get things moving.

The fact that no major planets are in retrograde at the time of this New Moon also supports this energy and indicates that the Universe is really giving us the green light to move ahead and make some bold choices.

Pluto is also very active during the Aries New Moon as is Venus. The combination of Pluto and Venus energy at this time may stir our relationships and get us questioning where we are choosing to give our power away.

Is there a relationship, either with a person or with an event or situation in your life that is making you feel powerless?

We may be drawn to focus on this at the time of the New Moon, or we may feel power struggles play out in some of our relationships.

If this happens, know there is always a path to making better choices. Rather than getting stuck going down the same old path and repeating the same conversations, see if you can switch it up and try something different, as you never know where that may lead you.

Venus and Pluto energy at this New Moon may also heighten our emotions in general. We may feel extra sensitive, or in need of some loving support from those around us and from our higher self.

We also need to check in and give ourselves a little self-care to body, mind, or soul. We should take a little me time, to take rest and recharge the batteries. With all this forward-moving energy it can be tempting to rush ahead, but we also must know when to take pause too.

Enjoy this fabulous, ultra-creative, fresh energy that is coursing through the cosmic skies. A new beginning is here!

We can feel confident in what we are doing under the dark skies of the Aries New Moon and trust that it’s all working out for our highest potential. Today is our day to claim your power!

This Aries New Moon will also cement how we are in the here and now. We are progressing even if it seems at times that we are not; trust that we are. Going back is no longer an option and whatever does come back is renewed.

Today is a day of confidence, of facing our fears head on, and of exuberance energy. The energy feels new and welcoming so, why not embrace this? This is a time to put our weapons down and allow the Universe to show the way to our heart’s truest desires. 

Love and Blessings for the Aries New Moon ♥♥♥

Libra Full Moon ♥

Monday the 29th of March, we have the first Full Moon for the Astrological New Year falling in the sign of Libra.

At the time of this Libra Full Moon, Venus, Chiron, and the Sun will all be aligned. The Moon will also make a perfect triangle configuration to both Saturn and Mars, known as a Grand Trine. The Libran Full Moon will be quite close to Earth, not considered a Super Moon but very close to one.

All this combined gives the Libran Full Moon some potent energies. Full Moons are always a time of release, and we may find ourselves in a state of natural cleansing and clearing of the past.

As the Equinox and a new astrological cycle has begun the Libran Full Moon is supporting us to let go of all that we no longer need to carry and to create space for new fresh energy.

When we first started this zodiac cycle back in March of 2020, the world was a different place. We have all changed. We have all evolved and grown.

We have all had new experiences that have shaped and moved us, and this Full Moon is our chance to acknowledge and release all that no longer needs to be with us.

Libran Full Moons are energetically about relationships and other people, so we can be extra focused on that. We may work on being more emotionally connected with the people we care about, and we can express more of what we feel with others. Others may be more expressive with us as well, and this can help open up emotional pathways, but we also need to make sure we’re not creating drama.

Libran Full Moons are also times when we feel the need to surround ourselves with peace and harmony. When we are not dealing with chaos, we can be much more decisive and emotionally secure. If we have chaos to deal with, it can throw us off in a big way, and we can struggle with seeing things clearly or making a sound judgment. 

Libra is the sign of balance, so Libran Full Moons are great times to work on eliminating blocks to achieve balance in our lives. The more balanced we feel, the easier it can be to deal with everything.

The Full Moon is opposite Venus in Aries, and Venus is the natural ruler of Libra, so we may not be as comfortable with this Full Moon as we are with the New Moon in March.

We may be at odds, deal with oppositional and aggressive people, and there can be a degree of competition that needs to be toned down. We have to work on compromise and diplomacy, and not identify so strongly with our positions that we don’t see possible solutions right in front of us.

Venus & Chiron are both in Aries opposite the Full Moon in Libra. They lie with the Sun in Aries, which shines upon the Moon in Libra. Venus and Chiron together are a beautiful and complex combination.

Venus calls us into the love that lies at the centre and supporting all creation; and Chiron shows us the path to get there. A path that involves genuine healing and remembrance of our power.

Chiron is known as the wounded healer. Where he appears, he calls us into that wounding that stands between who we think we are the who we truly are. You might think of that like the wounded child and the divine child within…or even simpler the ego and the soul.

His meeting with the energy of the Sun + Venus is a calling to look at all those blocks (normally stemming from one very core wounding) that stop the realisation of love within. There are many paths to work through this, and all of them lead to the realisation that we are love.

If we notice old woundings resurfacing, we should allow this Full Moon to take us on a healing journey. To take from us the resistance we hold within to the bigger journey we are on (yes, this Moon is very much about divine destiny) which is calling us back to love.

This is a time to see that no relationship, no partner, no amount of passion, no amount of sex, no amount of distraction is going to fix this problem on our behalf. In our hands are the keys to the realisation of our own love (no one else).

The other astrological alignment that sweetens up the Libra Full Moon is the Grand Trine alignment between the Moon, Mars, and Saturn.

These three will form a perfect triangle, which is said to bring protection, harmony, and ease.

A Grand Trine is considered a positive omen, where things flow in an easy and smooth direction.

Both Mars and Saturn can be intense planets to work with, but in this formation, they offer us motivation, dedication, longevity, and the willpower to make it through any difficulties.

This Full Moon Grand Trine is a sign, that whatever hardship or struggles we are currently facing will soon pass, especially if we take positive action, use our inner strength, and source from the wisdom of those that have come before us.

The combination of Mars, Saturn, and the Moon also indicates rewards after hard work. Full Moons also represent harvest and completion points, so many may find themselves at the end of the road on a long journey they have been working hard to complete.

The Libran Full Moon is a time to recognize our hard work and to give acknowledgement to all we have achieved & become since to beginning of the last cycle back in March 2020. It is also the time we begin a new cycle taking our new energy & knowledge forward on the journey.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Pisces New Moon ♥

Saturday the 13th of March, we have a New Moon falling in the water sign of Pisces. Pisces is the twelfth & last sign of the zodiac. The mutable, shapeshifting, water sign which rules the magical, emotional realms of the subconscious and dream worlds.

It is the sign of the poet and mystic… the artist and healer… the savior and sinner, the shaman and physicist. The sign of Pisces is considered the “Key to the Subconscious” and the vast ocean of collective human memory.

Memories and dreams which have been buried just below consciousness now come to the surface to offer more insight and information. Under the dark Piscean Moon is a good time to look to our dreams for messages.

Pisces is probably the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac and, like its symbol, the two fishes swimming in opposite directions, it is a sign that embraces both duality and Oneness.

The Piscean New Moon carries soft, ethereal energy that inspires us to dream, create, and imagine a better reality for ourselves. The energy around the New Moon asks us to pay more attention to the creative, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life.

Pisces is our inner Healer and Psychic. This is the perfect time to tap into our inner Psychic and pay attention to messages & synchronicities.

Under the dark New Moon sky, Venus and Neptune will also be in close alignment with one another. This combination of energy can activate our heart chakra and inspire us to delve into a deeper and greater love.

This very close alignment of Venus and Neptune astrologically relates to idealistic love, compassion, and empathy. 

Venus and Neptune together in the sky can be a recipe for attracting love, heart healing, and heart awakening. 

This can be a good time for finding the dream lover or adding romance to an existing relationship. There is a challenging fixed star on the same degree as the New Moon & it can bring the risk of deception and disappointment, just to be aware.

If matters of the heart are stirred under this New Moon, we need to try to stay out of our heads and see if we can lead from the heart. Listen to the wisdom the heart has to offer and follow through on its guidance.

Neptune is the planet of intuition and listening to our inner voice. Sometimes it can cloud things or fog our vision, but this is only so we learn what it means to go within and source from our own inner wisdom.

Buried within each and every one of us are lifetimes of ancestral wisdom. Wisdom of the lives we have led before this one, and the knowledge we have of our true nature and existence.

This is the perfect New Moon to acknowledge this deep, and perhaps forgotten wisdom. As well as listening deeply to our intuition, if something feels a little off, it may well just be! Listen!

Venus is the planet that rules over relationships, but these relationships extend past romance and include our relationships with family and friends, with money, and even the relationship with ourselves. 

If there are strains in any of these areas, this New Moon may inspire us to do things differently or to perhaps see things in a new way.

If there is any area, we feel we need to resolve or forgive, this energy is particularly beneficial, and can help us connect with deeper compassion.

Neptune energy can sometimes create a rose-colored tint over everything we see, so if something feels too good to be true, or if we feel indecisive about anything at this time, we need to find the patience needed to wait for more clarity. Eventually, the fog will lift, and we will be able to see the path with clearer vision.

Pisces the last sign of the zodiac, and its energy is always reminding us that as that there are always new levels to delve and travel to.

Life is less a straight line and more of a spiral. We are always revisiting and returning to things, but each time our understanding is deeper.

Just like the two Pisces fish swimming in different directions, we can sharpen our own perspective, see things in a new way, and remember that our true state is wholeness.

New Moon Aspects

New Moon & Venus…  brings love, peace, harmony, and beauty, with a focus on love relationships, creativity, and finances. This pleasant, affectionate, charming, and sociable influence is a good omen for friendships and romance.

Sun & Neptune…  increases our sensitivity, intuition, and empathy. Being more affected by the thoughts and feelings of others and the environment can be a positive or negative experience. The result depends on the people and conditions we find ourselves in.

Negative people or environments could drain our energy and leave us feeling depressed, scared, or ill. Being so caring and compassionate, our kindness can be seen as a weakness in the eyes of the shady types and try to take advantage. Being aware of the drainers and setting boundaries will allow us to pass through this energy.

Venus & Neptune… brings the potential for new love relationships or more compassion and spiritual bonding in an existing relationship. This is a romantic, dreamy and idealistic alignment that enhances our imagination and creativity. So, this is a good New Moon for musical and artistic projects, as well as for relaxing or partying.

However, there is a risk of loss, deception, disappointment, or scandal. Especially if one over idealizes a potential partner or ignore the harsh realities of a challenging relationship. Daydreaming and laziness could also lead to problems if there are any serious commitments at work or home.

All in all, the Pisces New Moon offers us a softness, a time to reflect, a time to create, a time to love, a time to tap into our old, old wisdom and a time for deeper connections & compassion.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Virgo Full Moon ♥

Saturday the 27th of February, we have a Full Moon falling in the Earth sign of Virgo.

Virgo is represented by the virgin-goddess, but “virgin” has taken on a new meaning since this sign was named. Virgin implies independence, inner strength, and the freedom to do as one pleases.

The Virgin Goddess, Virgo, did not need a partner, she was whole and complete in her own right. She carried the strength of all she needed to live a whole, happy, and hearty life. This strength was not born out of trauma or ego, but her connection to her true and higher self.

After all the intensity and the rare cosmic alignments that have taken place during this month, the Earthy Virgo Full Moon brings a more calming vibration.

2021 is destined to be a transformative year and even though there is so much more to unfold, the Virgo Full Moon reminds us that we have arrived in the right place.

February has been a pivotal month seeing as it brought the Aquarius Stellium– a lineup of four planets in the air sign of Aquarius, and the first of three Saturn Uranus Squares, which is a major and defining vibration for the rest of the year.

These energies combined may have led us to make some drastic changes in our lives. We may have felt called to find a new freedom, or perhaps, with all this air energy, we have felt very caught up in our minds and mental chatter.

We may have found ourselves considering between two options or feeling uncertain about so many things. We may have found our mind working in overdrive, assessing, questioning, and even deeply reflecting on the past.

Under the power of this Virgo Full Moon however, there is a calm that can wash over us. There is a calm that can remind us that it is always in our power to make the best of wherever we have landed.

The Virgo Full Moon is linked to Saturn square Uranus. So, the spiritual meaning of this Full Moon relates to making or dealing with difficult changes.

However, the energy around the Full Moon makes positive change more likely and easier to implement. It is ideal for making changes that are long overdue. This is a good full moon for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer our responsibility.

Making necessary or difficult changes is always a challenge on many levels & feeling at peace with change is not always easy, but any effort taken to bring some acceptance, as small as it is, can make a huge difference to our inner wellbeing.

Full Moons are always a time of illumination, however due to the energies around this Full Moon, it seems that whatever needs to come to the surface may arrive before the Full Moon does.

As the Full Moon peaks however, it feels that things may settle. While Full Moons tend to heighten emotions, it feels that the Virgo Full Moon is a little softer in its energy and will perhaps allow us to see things from a new, and gentler vantage point.

Virgo’s ability to connect with their higher self, listen to the needs of their body, and follow their heart while staying grounded, is the gift that is offered to us all under this February Full Moon.

Many different things block us from our connection with our higher self. But like the Virgin Goddess reminds us, we always have the strength within to clear those blocks and listen to the truth and wisdom of our higher self.

There is a tendency at times, for Virgo energy to be hyper-critical, or to overthink things, so we need to be aware of this, and try to return to our heart centre if we notice ourselves falling down this path.

Aspects for the Virgo Full Moon

Saturn square Uranus … Can create a conflict between responsibility and independence, stability and change, duty, and freedom, traditional and progressive, obedience and rebellion, routine and excitement, religion and science, conservative and liberal, sane and crazy, old and new, and the past and the future.

As a result, changes can occur that we do not want or are challenging to cope with. Or it can be harder to make positive changes, the kind of changes we do want. Changes in government or corporation rules and laws could restrict our choices or restrict our freedom.

Full Moon & Saturn… May create an imbalance between our personal and professional life, or between our emotional needs and those of others. At times, we may feel forced to carry out our duties without having emotional security. At other times we might feel emotionally secure but neglect our duties.

This makes it difficult to maintain harmony in intimate relationships because of emotional coldness, feeling of guilt and fear, or having to attend to other responsibilities.

If this is the case, an adjustment may be needed in our level of responsibility. The best way to handle this rebalancing is with self-control, patience, dedication, trust, loyalty, and forgiveness.

Full Moon & Uranus… Gives the self-awareness, freedom, creativity, and intuition to make positive changes. It helps us to remain flexible and open-minded so we can take advantage of exciting new opportunities. This harmonious influence makes change flow more smoothly with less upset and chaos.

We may feel a twitch or feeling of anticipation that something is about to happen. Chance encounters are possible, and some may be attracted to unusual types of people or those from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds. This is also a good time to break bad habits and to leave boring, unhealthy & toxic relationships.

The aspects throw up some contradictions but overall, it balances out. The Virgo Full Moon has a calmness around her, the possibility of decisions and change are big on the agenda too.

We should allow a calmness to wash over us during the Full Moon. Sit under her glow on the Earth,  draw her down to our being, feeling grounded yet connected directly to La Lunar… And tap in & listen to our higher selves and come from our heart space… that way we can choose a peaceful path on our journey’s.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Aquarian New Moon ♥

Friday the 12th of February, we have a New Moon falling in Aquarius & this day also ushers in the Chinese New Year of – The Yin Metal Ox.

Coinciding with the New Moon we have a mega line up of planets in Aquarius known as a Stellium & the New Moon will supercharge the current Stellium to the max!!!

At the time of this New Moon, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will all be in Aquarius.

If you’ve been itching for a little inspiration, the New Moon in Aquarius will be just the astrological event you’ve been waiting for. 

Aquarian energy is revolutionary, innovative, awakening, and expansive. It brings with it new ideas, new ambitions, and the gift of seeing ourselves in one another.

With this strong pull of planets in one sign of the zodiac, we may notice our focus widening or shifting to new heights.

What we choose to focus on expands, and even though this is always true, we may feel it amplified under the energies of this Aquarian New Moon.

With this strong force of planets in Aquarius activated by the New Moon, we may also see shifts on a global level too.

The last time we had strong Aquarian energy like this was back in the ’60s and it coincided with the hippie counterculture movement. All the things that this movement stood for… equality, peace, and community, are all very much linked to the energy of Aquarius. 

At the time of this New Moon, there may be a strong desire to return to some of these values, or to perhaps engrain them more into our society. Creating community, equality, and social programs that benefit all, are all possible under this energy. 

As this is a New Moon, we may notice seeds being planted in this direction that will blossom in the months and years to come. 

Every month, the universe gifts us with a window of time that is prime for manifestation, in the form of a New Moon. We may have been thinking of some ideas hidden in the deepest recesses of our minds, similar to the Moon is in its most hidden dark phase.

The New Moon is a time for us to call these ideas to the surface and start embracing them! Just as farmers used to plant under the darkness of the New Moon’s night sky to give their crops the chance to grow without being targeted by predators, putting our thoughts, ideas and goals on paper during this time will allow us to plant our own seeds of intention.

Given that this New Moon will be illuminated by Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, it will be more powerful than the last few new moons we’ve been graced with. Mercury will allow us to channel our ideas more clearly and concisely, and this will be especially true if working to tweak an idea or project that is already in process, since Mercury is still retrograde until February 20.

If it’s a new project that’s been in the beginning stages, it’s still a great time to brainstorm, but know that once Mercury goes direct, there may need to be some additional tweaks to get it just right.

In addition to Mercury’s impact, Venus will bring her powers of love and beauty, giving our intentions a little bit of sparkle. On top of that, Jupiter will only magnify the energy we are putting out there. 

While this New Moon brings so much beauty and a reminder that we are co-creators of our reality, not just on a personal level but on a collective level too, it may trigger some tension.

Whenever we have a line up of planets so tightly together, their energy merges and this can create feelings of being overwhelmed, confusion, and that we are wading through a fog.

This strong charge of energy may cloud our mind, make it hard to see the road ahead, or we may find ourselves needing to rest or sleep. 

Self-care practices, especially ones that are focused around forgiveness and clearing resentments from the past may be particularly beneficial at this time. 

While we may feel a little mentally foggy and confused, this is always our signal to get out of our head and into our heart. 

So very often we get lost in the mental chatter of our mind, but sometimes there is a power in silencing our thoughts so our inner knowing can rise up from within. 

With all of this strong air energy floating around at the time of this New Moon, it also worthwhile remembering not to believe everything we think, and to gravitate towards thoughts that make us feel good, rather than thoughts that don’t. 

These small little practices can help the energy of this potent February New Moon feel a little gentler, free-flowing, and channeled in a more positive direction.

What we choose to focus on expands. So, we all definitely need to think about where we wish to direct this energy for our best outcomes.

Love and Blessings  ♥♥♥

Leo Full Moon ♥

Friday the 29th of January, we have a Full Moon falling in the Fire sign of Leo who sits opposite the Sun in Aquarius. Our first Full Moon for the year offers us a clear understanding that we are standing at a gateway between the ‘old way’ and the ‘new way’ in our personal lives (as well as in the collective), and we should be feeling more enthusiastic than ever to accept the invitation to jump full force into a new more heart centred journey, as Leo rules the Heart.

We are also approaching the end of the current zodiac cycle, which will conclude just before the March Equinox and things may feel like they are reaching a climax point. The Leo Full Moon may very well trigger this climax point.

A lot of stuff may brew up for us during this Full Moon & not all of it will be pretty…Ugh ?

This is one of those Full Moons that feels like a mixed bag of tricks and perhaps a little chaotic. We may feel knocked off guard or perhaps confused or uncertain about something we were once sure of.

Information may come to the surface that challenges us, or we may notice the unraveling of hidden emotions and feelings that were once neatly tucked away.

While the alignments around this Full Moon are chaotic, they also offer us protection, especially if we look further out and to the big picture.

A Leo Full Moon is the sign that rules the heart and certain ‘matters of the heart’ including romance, risk, speculation, games, recreation, and creativity. These are the happy things that we choose to connect with because they bring us joy and pleasure and are ways of expressing and engaging ‘our hearts true desires’.

Leo is also associated with childhood since this is a period in life when we feel less constricted and self-conscious about letting these parts of ourselves shine. However, unfortunately, in our modern culture it is during childhood that these very parts of ourselves frequently get diminished, squashed, or warped.

If we feel held back, we tend towards rebellion and extremism, as exemplified by Leo’s opposite sign of Aquarius. Leo and Aquarius are both fixed signs, so once they ‘take a stand’ on something it can be hard to sway them. There may be confusion, frustration, and stubbornness around this Leo Full Moon, especially if the creative is stifled.

This Full Moon asks us …where is your Leo heart, full of its own sense of adventure, wonder, creativity and to find its expression in this life?

The Inner Child is very active during a Leo Full Moon, we should all let them out to play!

Although there is some chaotic energy around the Full Moon, we do have a very positive alignment of Jupiter and the Sun occurring.

Jupiter aligning with the Sun is considered fortunate energy, and a fantastic time for signing new deals, launching an event or business, or connecting with and experiencing synchronicities.

It is a day that brings abundance and an expansion of our talents and gifts.

Although under the influence of some chaotic Full Moon energies, it may be a little harder to connect with this abundant energy, but it does not mean it’s not there.

If we keep our minds open, we may just be able to find the little jewels that the Universe has to offer us.

This Jupiter Sun alignment also holds the Jupiter motto… “go big or go home”. The planet of luck and expansion is sending this signal quite clearly during the Leo Full Moon.

This is the time to get truly real and honest with ourselves about how we have been holding ourselves back, holding our hearts back, so that Jupiter can take the sledge-hammer and break these fixed patterns once and for all. Now let’s be real, experiencing a sledge-hammer is not always fun.

But the story of most of 2020 was Jupiter and Pluto teamed up with Saturn to take a sledge-hammer to our outdated institutions and patriarchal norms. So at least now we can accept a parting gift from Jupiter and Pluto during this Leo Full Moon of a reset of our outdated personal emotional patterns.

Pay attention to the signs of the Universe and nature on this day, staying open to their messages and keep our sights set on the bigger picture. Know that if things are confusing, they won’t be that way forever.

Clarity will soon arise, and in time, we may even be able to look back on these events as necessary for the next steps on our journey.

Leo is also about leadership and finding our confidence. Let’s all tap into that. Yes, there can be obstacles in our path, but the courage and determination that Leo energy brings reminds us that we always have the power to make the best of whatever situation we find ourselves in.

Whenever we have strong energy, like we do with this Full Moon, it is easy to fall victim to our fears and to old, familiar habits, even if we know they are not the best for us.

It takes courage to rise from our fears and to remove ourselves from our comfort zones. It takes an inner strength to face adversity and to look at the bigger picture.

These are definitely no easy tasks, but under the bright Leo Full Moon, we will be guided as long as we take the courage to make that first step.

Sometimes taking that first step is the hardest part, but also the most important & rewarding.

Leo is heart-centered energy, so let us all use this time to open our hearts to the Universe and to our unseen journeys coming up.

We need to remember to open our hearts to ourselves, to others and remember just how brave and bold we are. We got this!!

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Capricorn New Moon ♥

Wednesday the 13th of January our first New Moon of 2021 falls in the sign of Capricorn.

This New Moon falls at 23 degrees of Capricorn, which all through 2020, was a sensitive degree in our cosmic skies. It was at this very degree in January of 2020, that Saturn and Pluto aligned, and the stirrings of what was to come for the year ahead kicked into gear.

The New Moon arriving at this 23rd degree of Capricorn may remind us of the journey we have traveled since January 2020 and stir memories back to this time last year. How much we have all grown. How much our lives have changed.

We experienced so many rare astrological alignments last year, and while 2021 is quieter in comparison, we are still assimilating all of the energies of 2020.

With strong Earthy Capricorn energy under the New Moon we can set new goals, work on long-term plans, and make sure we’re going in the right direction for this year. We can be Capricornial practical about what we can achieve and know what our abilities are.

Capricorn helps us to get more disciplined, responsible, cautious, and considerate. We can try to do things the right way and for the right reasons, and we can work to build something that will last for a long time. Our focus is in realistic and the energy is here to encourage us to stick to our plans faithfully.

There may be focus on governments, institutions, corporations, the establishment, or politics with this New Moon (hopefully not in a negative way!).

This New Moon is conjunct to Pluto in Capricorn, and this increases passion and intensity for the New Moon. Whatever we work on, we can throw ourselves into fully, and channel our passionate energy productively.

A Capricorn New Moon is always a grounding influence and a good time to reconnect with the Earth, our ancestors, and our roots. We are going to have to keep these gifts in mind as there are some volatile energies surrounding this New Moon that could knock us off balance.

The aspects and energy indicates a chance of upheaval, shock, and restlessness. It seems there may be a push-pull dynamic or some opposing forces that create a feeling of division.

There are a lot of aspects around the Capricorn New Moon and not all of them are favorable.

There is volatile energy triggered in part by the dwarf planet Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Strife, which will be in a tense square aspect to the Capricorn New Moon.

Uranus, Mars, and Black Moon Lilith will also be active at this time, further pushing this idea of some shocking news or surprising change. We may even notice Mother Earth speaking up by way of some strong weather patterns.

A few days after this New Moon Uranus, the planet of awakening, will also turn direct, further enhancing its energetic effects and revealing the true colours of something that was stirring for us back in August 2020, when it first went retrograde.

We also have Mars square Saturn which brings frustration and inhibition. And Jupiter square Uranus that can create tension and sudden change.

All the other aspects create complex aspect patterns that indicates an ongoing crisis trigger but can open up great opportunities for development. But also, a deep-seated problem that will take time and effort to adapt to.

No matter what challenges come our way, just like the Capricorn Seagoat who has the talent and skill to climb to the tallest mountain and swim to the deepest depths of the ocean, we too have the ability to overcome any hurdles that are sent our way.

While there are many layers to this January New Moon, let’s not forget that New Moons also signal new beginnings and the start of a new cycle.

They remind us that there are always opportunities to start new things or to try again, especially if something didn’t quite go according to plan the first time around.

The Capricorn New Moon also offers us motivation that will inspire and fuel us to tackle any challenging tasks that need to be completed. We may also notice a sudden burst of confidence and clarity, allowing us to make difficult decisions.

2020 was not a wasted year. It was a year to wake-up, to realign our values, and to view things in a new way. Let us all use what we have learnt and apply it to whatever seeds of intention we plant under the Capricorn New Moon.

Let us all honor just how much we have grown, learnt deeper appreciation and how our priorities have shifted for the better.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Cancer Full Moon ♥

There is this sense of heightened emotions bubbling under this final Full Moon of the year.

It seems that whatever emotional weight we have carried may feel extra heavy, and in this heaviness, it may crash to the shore like a wave, drowning us in its weight.

Even though this sounds a bit intense, it is actually more cleansing and freeing.

There is this sense that whatever we have been carrying on our backs, whatever weight of the world we have felt on our shoulders, is now being washed away.

The Cancer Full Moon is shining a big bright light onto those who have been wearing a mask and pretending to be people that they are not. 

This may be government officials, partners in relationships, friends or those we work with. Deception is revealed and we see the truth once and for all. This is a good time to take off the rose-colored glasses and see things in the light of truth.

The Cancer Full Moon reminds us that there is great potential as we move forward into the new year, and there is no need to take these unhealthy connections with us into 2021.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so the Moon shines in its element on this night, big and full for all of us to see. As the Moon returns to its favorite spot in our sky, it is able to express its powers to the fullest.

The Moon represents our emotions, but also what makes us feel safe and secure. It represents our ability to nurture ourselves and to take care of our emotional needs.

So much of our safety and security has been up for evaluation this year. It reminds us that we always have the power to create safety, comfort, love, and strength within ourselves.

The Cancer Full Moon ushers us to look and step within. This is a time to nurture ourselves and to the depths of our very souls.

This is a time to listen to the needs of our bodies, hearts, and our souls. There has been much attention, and even fear, placed on the state of our health this year, so we should all take a moment to honor, nourish, and look after our own well-being.

Flipping back to the start of the year, on January 10, 2020, we also had a Cancer Full Moon, however, this Full Moon was a Lunar Eclipse and its energy was much stronger.

It is interesting that we opened the year with a Cancer Full Moon, and we are now closing the year with a Cancer Full Moon. The difference between then and now however, is that things have softened, the energies are not as strong, there is this gentleness and a time of rest.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is also very active under this Full Moon. It supports this idea of allowing the murky water to settle, rather than trying to interfere or fix things.

Under this final Full Moon of 2020, Chiron works with the energies to remind us that we don’t need to prove ourselves to anyone.

We don’t need to hold the weight of the world on our shoulders. We don’t need to try… we can just be

Where are we over-extending or overreaching in our lives Where are we burning the candle too fast or strong? Where are we all trying too hard?

These areas of our lives can indicate our insecurities. Where we care too much can indicate something deeper that may be worthwhile exploring under the illuminating light of the Moon.

The Cancer Full Moon is also in a harmonious aspect to Uranus, indicating that we may receive some rewards or conclusion for our efforts. Perhaps these come by way of a tangible gift, but perhaps they also come in an intangible way too.

Perhaps our true gift is realising how much we have achieved, how much we have grown, and how much love we have poured into the world.

We very often measure our productivity based on the concrete things we have achieved, but why not measure it on how much we have loved, shown gratitude, and practiced kindness.

The Cancer Full Moon will light the path for the new year. It calls for us to let go of all that is weighing us down and all that feels heavy.

It asks for us to let go of anything we no longer wish to bring with us into this new chapter we are about to begin. It calls for us to let it go, not through struggle or effort but through allowing ourselves to just be.

Let’s all allow the energy of the Cancer Full Moon to soothe us and free us. Allow the energies of the Moon to guide us to our inner home, to our hearts where all is safe, and all is well.

Love and Blessings as we close the year of 2020