New Moon Solar Eclipse ♥

Monday December 14th we have a Total New Moon Solar Eclipse falling in the Fire sign of Sagittarius

This Total Solar Eclipse brings a burst of fresh energy, indicating new beginnings but also Great change. The full extent of these new beginnings or changes may not be realised straight away. There is a certain element of things being hidden or not fully exposed, but whatever seeds are planted on this day will eventually rise, strong and tall.

The Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse + the upcoming Grand Cross is the highest vibrational energetic New Moon to bring 2020 to a close. 

As we head toward both the Galactic Alignment on December 19, followed by the The Great Conjunction on December 22nd, I feel that this Solar Eclipse New Moon + Grand Cross is igniting a brilliant light filled energy of a Great Awakening.    

This powerful New Moon will Light us all up from the inside out bringing much potential for growth

New Moons are all about setting intentions for the forthcoming cycle… how perfect then that our last New Moon for the year falls in the forward thinking sign of Sagittarius.  And that our New Moon is also being amplified through a Grand Cross & Total Solar Eclipse.

Unfortunately, we in Oz wont have the chance to views the Eclipse but it’s energy will be felt globally.

The total Solar Eclipse is visible from parts of Chile and Argentina in the afternoon. Some locations in southern South America, south-west Africa, and Antarctica will see the partial phase of this South American total solar eclipse, if the weather permits.

 If you want to sus out if you can view it follow this link > Total Solar Eclipse on 14 December 2020 (

The Sagittarius New Moon feels so very alive, abounding with Joy, and enthusiastically refreshing in her exuberance.  A welcome ray of Solar-Lunar-Light after a year that has been quite challenging.

She will demand of us to Step up. To break free of the illusion. To envision a more awakened experience of heart & soul for the year ahead. A guiding light of possibility & purpose over the coming cycle.

2020 came with 6 eclipses, which is an unusually high amount. 4 were lunar eclipses though, so they just added on to the intense energy of this year. We finalise the year eclipse-wise with a Solar eclipse being in Sagittarius which is a much more optimistic, positive, forward-thinking eclipse. We can look at things with a brighter view and believe in what’s possible.

There may be more opportunities to pursue, bigger ideas to work on, and we want to expand, explore, and have new experiences. We can focus on being free to do what we want, when we want, and break out from something that has boxed us in for too long. We can get excited and focus on what we really believe in.

This Eclipse comes just a few days before both Jupiter and Saturn move into changeable Aquarius, so this is big energy for mid-December! It’s all about the future, what’s possible, and what new ventures we can embark on.

There is so much fresh energy on offer for us under this Eclipse. It brings the promise of brand new beginnings, fresh starts, and the opportunity to set wheels into motion.

The strong, abundant energy flowing around this Eclipse may also bring some gifts and rewards our way. This will be extra amplified by Saturn, who a few days later on December 17, will leave Capricorn where it has been for the last 2.5 years, for the sign of Aquarius.

It is said that whenever Saturn leaves one zodiac sign for another, we are gifted and rewarded for all of the hard work we have achieved.

The energy of the Solar Eclipse has the power to amplify these gifts and rewards, so think about where you have felt most challenged and where you have done the most growth, and then stay open to any gifts and rewards that may be illuminated for you under this energy.

The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse falls at 23-24 degrees of Sagittarius, which is also just a couple of degrees shy of the Galactic Center.

The Galactic Center is believed to be the center of our Universe and sits at about 27 degrees of Sagittarius. This is a highly sensitive degree of the zodiac and indicates strong cosmic activations.

Under the light of this Eclipse, we may notice our frequency lifted and our consciousness ascending. We may begin to become aware of growing pains or ascension symptoms, similar to flu like symptoms and lethargy. We may even find ourselves tapping into the wisdom of our intuition, spirit guides, and higher self with greater ease.

The Sabian Symbol for this Solar Eclipse, which falls between 23-24 degrees of Sagittarius is – a Blue Bird standing at the entrance to a house.

The idea of this bluebird standing at the door is a happy one. What a treat it would be to see a bright bluebird waiting at our door! It would feel like a special gift or a loving sign from the Universe.

However, the Bluebird could also be missed. We may be too busy on our phone, bustling about for Christmas coming, caught up with the thoughts in our minds or how many things we have to get done, that we miss the bluebird altogether.

And this energy is carried through the Solar Eclipse as well. It offers new beginnings; it offers signs and gifts from the Universe- but will we be open to see them? Will we be open to see the bluebird sitting at our door? This is the time to un plug and connect with nature, listen and feel the signs of these gifts!

The Universe is always offering things to us, but we have to be in an open state to notice and receive these offerings too.

The fastest way to get into a state of receiving is to shift our mindset, and the easiest way to do that is to focus on abundance, appreciation, and gratitude as often as we can.

When we shift out of complaining, wishing things were different, or self-limiting thinking, and open instead to abundance, we open the door to not just seeing the offering of the bluebird, but all that we have to offer too.

Giving from the pureness of our hearts is also another way to open to receiving.

Mercury, the “messenger of the Gods” is also very active under this Eclipse. Mercury rules over communication and our mind.

Under this Eclipse, our powers to create and draw things to us are amplified, so this is a time to pay attention to what we are choosing to focus on and think about.

What we think about expands, and this is doubly true under the power of this Eclipse.

While we do have to be mindful of our thought processes on this day, it is also important to remember that being true to ourselves is what we should aim for.

The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse beckons us to rise up and observe the many blessings that have been hidden in the shadows. As we bring our blessings into the light, it also shines a spotlight on our relationship with the Universe.

Overall, the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse carries some of the brightest energy we have experienced all year.

This is a time to stay open to the light and be grateful. Yes 2020 has been challenging but it has also made us look & go back to the important things in life. What is important, what do we all really need has been the lesson this year.

It has been an epic year of reset & reevaluating. Sure, parts of it Really sucked but hasn’t life simplified? Have we reassessed the beauty of family and our planet? YES…Do we all need to have everything all the time?  No!

I have missed seeing my family big time, especially my adult children & my heart broke for my tween ager missing her friends during lock down. Online schooling was very challenging & shutting my business down for months was financially hard… but we survived & I have more appreciation for the simple things in life.

All of us have a story of 2020 & I personally feel this year has had many positives amongst the restrictions and loss of freedom. We have Reset!

SO…. Lets’ look out for bluebirds. Listen to our own inner voices and keep our hearts pointed in the direction we wish to head!!

Love and Blessings xo ♥♥♥

Scorpio New Moon ♥

Sunday, November 15th we have a New Moon falling in the water sign of Scorpio. Take a deep breath as into the deep watery depths we dive for third and final Super New Moon of the year. Scorpio New Moons I find & feel quite intensely as my ascendant is Scorpio. However, this one definitely has the very deep emotional tones but there is a ribbon of light that offers powerful healing as we build to end a year of epic change.

The Scorpio New Moon will bring things up to the surface, especially on an emotional level. It has been building this last week and many of us have felt overwhelmed, emotional, teary and scattered. The Scorpio Moon guides to allow the deepest of fears, loves, hopes, and dreams, to rise up from the pit of our belly, up and out into a new space of awareness.

Under the dark night of the Scorpio New Moon, we are being guided to sit with ourselves and ‘All’ of our emotions. It may not feel comfortable, but it is very necessary. Ugh!

Sometimes we have to do what is uncomfortable, sometimes we have to face whatever is lurking within the shadows of our own fears and doubts. For when we do, we gain so Much!! Understanding ourselves on a deeper & more profound level.

In those moments of wading through what is uncomfortable; when we realize and see fully and wholly our greatest pains, we gain a strength and a wisdom.

This strength, this wisdom is something that only comes when we have found the courage and determination to face up to our greatest wounds and struggles.

The healing is never complete from the darkness, it is something we carry with us on this journey home. But, when we look at it, when we face it, when we hold it and acknowledge it, that is when we can start to rise above it.

Scorpio is represented by the Scorpion but also the Phoenix. Both the Scorpion and the Phoenix have the same ability to transform. The Scorpion sheds its skin and the Phoenix learns how to rise from the ashes.

Both creatures hold within them the power to completely rebirth themselves, no matter what the past has brought their way.

The past has brought so much our way. We are all facing our own struggles, fear, uncertainty, and instability. 2020 has changed so many things.

But under the message of this Moon, we are reminded that it is always within our strength and power to rise again when the time is right.

We are reminded that even when things burn to ashes and crumble around us, even when things in our lives are shedding and we can’t recognize ourselves in the mirror, that this is all part of the great cycle of death and rebirth.

We die and we are reborn so many times on this life journey, so let’s all sit with this and allow this New Moon to show us the way through our own metamorphosis and transformation.

While this New Moon carries some deep and intense emotional energy, it is also is beautifully aspected with the planet Jupiter. The planet of expansion. Jupiter is known for allowing us to see the silver lining in things. It shines rays of hope and positivity our way.

Jupiter and Pluto hold a positive conjunction over the Scorpio New Moon that reminds us to hold that ribbon of light within our hearts and to remember that there is always a higher plan unfolding.

Jupiter is expansive and offers us the ability to see things from a wider perspective. Its energy allows us to break free of our limitations and fixed mindset, and to rise above it all where we can see how every action and every event is always leading us to where we need to be.

If we can detach from where we are sitting, especially on an emotional level and zoom out, zoom right out without judgment we can see that everything has its place, it’s place and lessons learnt on our journey.

Even if we can’t see the full journey of this chapter just yet, or understand the full extent of what is happening around us, there is energy on offer under this New Moon that beckons us to remember that things are always changing and transforming, and while we may not have control over it all, we do have control over how we choose to show up, react, and respond.

Repeat….. We choose to show up, react, and respond.

So, as we sit with any heavy or fragile emotions that are stirred. As we sit with all we are feeling and try to bring acceptance, we need to remember that good phrase…. this too shall pass!

We should only focus on that which we can control and try to keep our vision set to that zoomed out perspective. Try to see beyond the fixed limitations of today and try to imagine where it can lead us tomorrow and for the future. It all sounds and feels pretty full on and intense but this Scorpio New Moon is going to provide one of the most transformational turning points of 2020 and an ability to alchemize all that we have learned and been through this year into a powerful driving force to propel us forwards.

Let’s all breathe deeply and reach for the ribbon of light

Love and Blessings

Aries Full Moon October 2020 ♥

October 1st, we have a Full Moon falling in the fire sign of Aries. The Moon has only just shifted from Pisces which has bought in some highly dreamy, intuitive energy along with some totally spaced our dream time.

The level of crazy dreams has been off the chart. I’m not even going to try to work through my dream states from the last few nights, they are indescribable even to my whacky self 😉 lol  

The Feisty Aries Full Moon is the first of two Full Moons for the month of October. There will be another Full Moon, a Blue Moon at the month’s end on Halloween in the sign of Taurus. Ooooohh!

October is definitely one of the more heated months of the year. It seems that everything 2020 has brought us is coming to a head and having two Full Moons in the same month indicates a theme of mega clearing and deep purging. Uhg!

All through October, and even as we enter the Eclipse Season in November, it seems that we are being guided to clear and purge, not just on a personal level, but on a collective level too.

The shadows are coming to the surface to be birthed into a new light, and it seems like we are clearing not just for ourselves, but for our past and future generations too.

As the October 1st Full Moon falls in Mars’ ruling sign of Aries, it is going to activate the Mars Retrograde which is currently doing it’s usual thing, either creating chaos or helping us to reset and re-align, but probably a bit of both.

2020 has already brought a lot of tension and heated emotions to the surface in countries all over the world, but the Full Moon has the power to amplify all of this. It will be interesting to see what unfolds across our planet in regard to society and how all countries are holding up or not.

In our personal lives, the Aries Full Moon has the power to stir some drama, but we must remember that getting caught up in drama is toxic to our mind and body.

This is a time to stay out of any drama that comes our way and remember that it is often a distraction from the real issue and the truth that is hiding at the core. With some awareness, we can walk past the drama and address the real cause of any issues.

Even though we have this dramatic energy being stirred on this Aries Full Moon, there is a strong healing vibe on offer to us too, and this is where we should put our focus.

This healing presence is given to us by the asteroid Chiron, which will be conjunct to the Full Moon.

Chiron is known as the wounded healer but also the rainbow bridge. Its energy represents the process of awakening. As we awaken, we can take our wounds and turn them into powerful portals of strength, wisdom, and compassion.

When we channel Chiron’s energy, we are also able to walk the bridge into higher states of consciousness.

We can see that all that ever happens and unfolds in our lives is for our highest good. We can see that even though tragedy and awful things happen in this life, there is always a bigger picture.

On an even deeper level, walking the rainbow bridge reminds us that all we experience in this life is a paradox. It is both real but also an illusion.

By connecting with Chiron’s energy, we can remember that whatever drama or chaos is happening around us is just a minuscule fraction of the bigger picture that we are walking, not just in this life, but across all lifetimes.

At this Full Moon, but more importantly as we enter Eclipse Season next month, it is going to be important to keep our vibration high and hold the light.

We now just must ride the wave. We now must keep ourselves pointed towards the future and away from repeating habits of the past.

We must keep ourselves in a vibration of unity rather than getting sucked into division or a “them vs. us” mentality.

Just before we shift out of this old karmic cycle, we are going to feel the chaos ringing the loudest. The storm always gets worse before it gets better. This will be challenging time, a time of deep transformation, a time for us to trust and stay strong. It could very much be a wild ride!

Brighter things are on the horizon, so under this Feisty Aries Full Moon, even though we may be feeling irritable, antsy, and even a little held back. Even though we may feel a strong wave of emotions bubbling up in order to purge and release them, know that this is an important moment we all have been working towards.

We all need to keep this in our hearts as we journey through not just this Full Moon but also the months ahead.

Together… Let’s channel the Aries warrior energy, and ride confidently into the next chapter.

Together… Let’s channel the fire in our hearts and in our souls and move this planet to the next level.

Together… Let’s not get sucked in with division, drama, and the ways of the past.

Lets’ all stay connected to the light, to or tribe, grounded to the Earth, and aligned with our highest and truest self.

Love and Blessings for the Aries Full Moon ♥♥♥

Leo New Moon ♥

Wednesday the 19th of August we have a New Moon residing in the Fire sign of Leo. This New Moon is also a Black Moon. There are several definitions of a Black Moon. It can be the third New Moon in an astronomical season with four New Moons (as this one is) or the second New Moon in the same calendar month.

A Black New Moon holds potent energy as a time for manifesting new dreams and visions. This Leo New Moon also brings us very strong solar energy.

The Sun has been in its fullest power under the sign of its ruler, Leo, and on this New Moon, it brings a reminder that no matter what happens in life, no matter how dark things may seem, the dependable Sun will always rise again.

The New Moon is the Dark Moon and is a time where we need to tune in to our own inner Sun and light up the parts of ourselves that have been hidden in the shadows.

The Leo New Moon will activate a rising of darkness so it can be cleansed and released for good. Sometimes, the shadows must be exposed before they can return to the light.

With the exposure of the dark we may notice growing tensions in the world around us, or with the ones we love. Some things may get heated, so it’s important we keep ourselves centered and moving from a place of compassion and love.

Judgmental attitudes may pop up and we must remember that we don’t know what it’s like to walk someone else’s path, we need to stay open-minded and try to remember that we and everyone is just doing the best they can.  

This may be quite a challenging New Moon. There is an emphasis on fiery Aries where both Chiron (the wounded healer) and Mars are travelling through. Wounds from war, wounds from past lives, inner wars, or battles in relationships want to be healed, but only to the degree, we are willing to take responsibility for our part.

Blaming others, as well as taking on too much responsibility, will be a huge temptation. The opportunity here is to put an end to fighting others and take the battle within, to claim independence from ego attachments and self-destructive traits.

Sometimes we need to be quiet and other times we need to speak up. This New Moon will teach us how to know the difference. Listening and taking just a little step back before we launch in will be the secret.

Ruled by the Sun and ruler of the heart the Leo New Moon will bring an immense amount of power, light and healing… but just as the saying goes: ‘the darkest hour is just before the dawn’.

For us to be able to embrace and shine the full light of our hearts, Leo will make us look into all that remains unhealed, hidden and avoided. Leo wants us to be able to live from our heart, and the only way to be able to do this is to remove all that blocks that keeps us closed.

Leo also wants to remind you that life should be fun, Leo brings a childlike energy that’s inspired by just about anything and everything. We can allow this Leo energy to remind us of what life was like before all the responsibilities and fears and opinions and ‘reality’ got in the way.

2020 has bought us many setbacks, challenges and circumstances we never could have imagined but it has also offered the opportunity for a lot of growth and change.

A few questions we can ponder on and ask ourselves under the dark night of the Leo New Moon…

What would life be like if there were literally no boundaries, restrictions or responsibilities and nothing to fear? What could we do right now if we knew without doubt that we would be supported?

What are our hearts and our authentic selves calling us to do?

How are we going to make the best of the time we have been given? How can we maximize what is left of this year?

For some of us, this may be completing projects, for others, this may be about learning how to rest and to dedicate time to wellness.

There is no wrong way to use our time, we just must not give up on ourselves or our dreams. We need to try to make the best of the hand we have been dealt and see what miracles and opportunities we can make from wherever we stand right here and now…today.

The Leo New Moon will be guiding us with this. It will be offering us an optimistic hand and sending positive beams of uplifting energy to remind us to make the most of our time and what is left of the year.

While we do have this motivating and inspiring energy on offer to us, there is also another layer to this New Moon too.

At the time of this New Moon, we have the planet Mars very active. Not only is Mars conjunct to Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Strife (Eris is the most massive and second-largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System) Mars is also in a square to Saturn and Pluto, plus trine to the Sun and Moon.

Essentially, this just means that Mars is very, Very busy! Mars will definitely be a star planet to watch as we wrap up this ultra-transformative year.

Yes, Mars is very active at the time of the Leo New Moon, but this can offer us increased motivation and drive. We may feel this inspired, fiery energy bubbling at our core and motivating us to get things done.

Alternatively, if we have been overdoing it, or just sensitive to strong fiery energy, we may find that this active Mars energy leads us to feel overwhelmed and burnt out. 

It will be important to listen to our bodies and to connect with our own inner wisdom, as Mars is going to be triggering our energy levels and either wiping us out so we can get in balance, or boosting us up so we can get in balance. 

Protecting our energy is also going to be important under the Leo New Moon. We can do this in many ways, shielding our energy, herbal cleansing smudges, saltwater baths, or working with our favourite crystals. 

Because Mars is an action planet, doing things like exercise, eating well, and breathwork can also be beneficial too. 

The potency of this New Moon has the power to raise things from the dark, so we may begin noticing or feeling this now, especially on a global level.

Following this New Moon, we may notice hidden information rising to the surface, or painful truths floating into our awareness. We can observe these & step back if it’s too much right now, but…. They will need to be looked at and dived right into as the transformation is here now to heal.

Overall, the Leo New Moon will be filling us with light so we can handle the tensions that may be swirling around us. 

We need to stay connected to this light, breathing in the strength and the inner-fire that is on offer under Leo energy. Holding the flames of our purpose, our passion, and love within. Knowing that they are bright and powerful enough to guide us through whatever needs to rise following the Dark Moon. 

Let’s use this powerful New Moon in Leo to connect deeply to our hearts, our truth, our passions and desires. Choose faith over fear and really go after what we desire and are passionate about.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥