Aries New Moon April 2022 ♥

We are building up to the Aries New Moon which will fall in full shadow on Friday the 1st of April for us in Australia.

The Aries New Moon makes aspects to the planet Mercury and the minor planet Chiron. So, the spiritual meaning of the Aries New Moon Astrology is related to the sharing of painful memories and experiences in order to heal. 

The close conjunction with Mercury, the planet of communication who moved into Aries on March 27th, brings in a more straightforward, unfussy, and heated, possibly even combative, tone to the way we deliver our thoughts. And on the day of the Aries New Moon, cerebral Mercury will pair up with La Luna, combining emotion and self-expression in a fearless, direct Aries way. 

It’ll be easier to own our voices and share a bold game plan with friends and colleagues or to speak right from the heart with a loved one. At the same time, there may be a tendency to steer a bit too far into argumentative territory, as Aries is innately competitive, has a desire for a good debate and, occasionally, fierce verbal aggression.

Jupiter, the planet of fortune, and Neptune, the planet of spirituality, are closing in on a conjunction in dreamy, ethereal Pisces, which will be exact on April 12th. This aspect, which hasn’t occurred since 1856 and won’t again until 2188, marks the beginning of an emotional, empathic, and mystically charged cycle. Its effect will heighten intuition, spirituality, and a longing to move through life wearing rose-colored glasses. 

While other aspects around this new moon are so action-oriented, this pairing can infuse the moment with more creativity and a desire to swim in our emotions a bit before diving into our next adventure. 

With the beginning on the Astrological year turning since the Equinox and as we arrived at the first sign of the zodiac, Aries…. Aries energy is all about new beginnings. As the New Moon brings the start of a new lunar cycle, it is also about beginnings. This combination of energy makes the Aries New Moon one of the best opportunities in the year for thinking about what new beginnings or new chapter we wish to start in our lives.

Along with the beautiful creative manifestation energies that this New Moon provides, there is another energy that is rippling through the cosmic skies currently thanks to the asteroid Chiron.

Chiron is known as both the wounded healer and the rainbow bridge. As the wounded healer, Chiron is able to take its wounds and struggles and use them as powerful portals of healing and wisdom. It is Chiron’s wounds that allow him to work his magic, heal others, and be a source of psychic knowledge.

As the rainbow bridge, Chiron helps us to shift to a higher state of consciousness, allowing us to move from one state of awareness to the next.

With Chiron energy strong under this New Moon, we all have the power to take our wounds and find the beauty in them. We all have the power to acknowledge how our wounds, even though painful, have shaped us into better and more compassionate people.

Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to fix our wounds, bury them, or pretend they didn’t happen, when sometimes all we need to do is allow our wounds to show us a new way forward.

Discovering this state of being for ourselves is what Chiron’s energy can help us to do. It reminds us that some wounds will never heal, and rather than being buried by this idea or overwhelmed by it, we instead, accept it as a part of who we are.

When we allow and create space for this way of being, it helps us to find the strength and wisdom that our wounds can hold. It also allows us to take our wounds and put them to work to help guide others.

That is the magic of Chiron, and if it feels applicable to your life right now, know that this energy is present and ready to serve you.

Along with the generous healing energies that Chiron offers, we also have Jupiter and Neptune inching closer in our cosmic skies.

Jupiter and Neptune coming together is a rare event that will shape the rest of the year to come.

Together, Jupiter and Neptune represent collective awakening and heighten our psychic senses. A New Moon also can enhance our intuition, so we are likely to feel extra sensitive and very connected to higher worlds.

If you have been looking to start a new artistic/spiritual practice or return to one, know that this New Moon will heighten the call. If you have been wanting to explore your spiritual gifts or have been ignoring your own intuition, this New Moon will offer the push you may be needing.

As we are likely to be feeling closer to the veil and extra sensitive under these energies, be sure you take steps to protect and recharge your energy field.

Know that when the night sky is without a Moon, that is our time to retreat within, to listen to our inner voice, and to trust what we know to be true in our hearts.

It is worthwhile remembering that often whatever is troubling us around the time of the New Moon is something we have the power to work through by going within and working on ourselves first.

Going within also allows us to connect to the power that lives inside. We all hold great power within ourselves. Claim this power. Stand firm and true in who you are. Know that you are worthy of a beautiful life, regardless of what wounds you carry. Know that your wounds are portals to wisdom, to helping others, and to creating a more beautiful world.

Walk the rainbow bridge as it unfolds from the depths of the dark moonless sky. Let yourself be carried to higher states of being. Know you deserve whatever fresh start you are looking for.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Virgo Full Moon March 2022 ♥

Friday the 18th of March, we have a Full Moon rising in the Earth sign of Virgo. With the Sun sitting opposite the Full Moon in the dreamy sign of Pisces, the Virgo Full Moon pulls in the energy of practical, thought out ideas & a grounded vibe.

Though Pisces has a reputation for being the sign most likely to wear rose-colored glasses, Virgos absolutely do this in their very own way, idealizing, breaking facts down and often overthinking. That said, the Virgo Full Moon is fertile ground for teasing out which aspects of our emotional bonds are real versus imagined and doing our best to listen to both our head and our hearts. 

 Virgo is renowned for being a perfectionist. Sometimes perfectionism gets in the way of us taking that leap of faith, launching that project, or allowing the world to see the true and real. Where does perfectionism show up in our lives, and could it be blocking us from living to our fullest lives. This can be a stumbling block when Virgo gets too deep in one’s headspace.

By taking the deep dive to ask ourselves do we get up in these Virgo traits, we may just uncover some hindering beliefs, or help ourselves get to the bottom of some self-esteem issues. We may also find ourselves becoming more aware of our self-worth and what it is that we truly deserve.

While this self-exploration is likely to run deep, Full Moons are always a supportive time in the month for release.

Once we have identified something we no longer wish to carry, we can trust that the Full Moon energies will help guide our way to letting go. All we have to do is set an intention and then wait for the inspired action that tends to follow under the lunar energy.

This is a good time to work with this Virgo Full Moon to confront and release where we may be holding on to perfectionism.

We can also use this Full Moon energy to think about how we are acknowledging, or not acknowledging our self-worth.

By working through these points, we are being offered a way to progress as the Virgo March Moon guides us.

The Virgo Full Moon is also the last before the March 2022 Equinox. The March Equinox is a pivotal point in astrology as it’s considered the start of the astrological year.

Before we begin a new astrological year, we can use the cleansing energies of this Full Moon to reflect on the journey we have traveled over the last 12 months and to do away with things that we no longer wish to take with us into the new year.

Full Moons are always a powerful time for cleansing and releasing, so along with letting go of perfectionism, we should also think about what other areas of our lives or even emotions we wish to clear.

This is the perfect Full Moon to set intentions for these and then allow the Full Moon magic to show us the way. By working in harmony with the cycles of the Universe, we can find a greater ease in everything that we do.

Our intuition to connect with the Virgo Full Moon is also highly energised thanks to the planet Neptune.

Neptune is the planet of spiritual growth and can help accelerate the development of our intuition and the opening of our third eye. Under this energy, our intuition is likely to be heightened to be sure to listen to any gut feelings or nagging tugs from your inner voice.

On the surface, Neptune can sometimes cloud things, making it hard to see the path forward or confusing to know which way to turn. This is an effort to get us to stop seeking validation from our external world and instead, turn within.

If there is something unsettling going on under this Full Moon energy, it is time to see if we can remove the noise and turn our attention away from the external to the internal. Get still and quiet with whatever is troubling and look at things from the perspective of Spirit.

Taking this approach under Neptune energy is often a little easier and can guide us to a richer and deeper understanding. Working with Neptune can also help change how we see things, allowing us to understand that we are all on a spiritual journey, that all is temporary, that there really is no separation, and most of life’s lessons are here to support the growth of our soul.

Looking at things from a spiritual perspective and understanding the higher purpose doesn’t spare us from working through our human emotions, but it can create some ease and allow us to feel supported, even if we are going through something challenging.

If it feels aligned, reach out to your guardian angels, spirit guides, or a loved one passed under this Full Moon. Know that Divine support is always just a call away and be open to any signs that these beings wish to send your way.

The energy of Virgo can sometimes also stir things in regard to our health, so be sure to look after yourself under this energy and try not to overdo it or take on too much. There are no prizes for running yourself into the ground!

Under this Virgo Full Moon energy, give yourself permission to disconnect from ideas of perfectionism, and reinstate your self-worth. Allow this to fuel a spiritual journey, one where you travel to dimensions beyond this time and place and gain the understanding that your soul has a plan and already knows the way.

Love and Blessings

Leo Full Moon ♥

Thursday the 17th of February, we have a Full Moon falling in the fire sign of Leo. With the Sun sitting opposite in Aquarius and as the Full Moon rises in the passionate & fun-loving sign of Leo all heart-centered matters of love, passion, and creativity come to the forefront.

It’s a great time to let go of the negative self-talk, self-doubt, and insecurity that keeps us from being our best and brightest self. This lunation asks us to be loud and proud about our desires and embrace some parts of ourselves that we sometimes see as too out there.

The Leo Full Moon is making aspects with the Lunar Nodes, which are mathematical points in our sky that represent our highest destiny.

Under the influence of this Full Moon, we are guided to remember that our highest destiny is not some faraway place that we must struggle to reach, but rather a small quiet space that lives within us.

Very often we are tricked into believing that living our highest destiny and leading our lives from a place of purpose must be directly tied to our career and how we are choosing to spend our time. While these can be relevant on the journey, being aligned with our purpose is more of a state of mind and state of being.

It doesn’t really matter what we do, being aligned with our purpose comes from a much deeper & simpler place.

Purpose, highest destiny, all these beautiful terms may also conjure different things within each of us. This is a time to observe what feelings they create. A time to feel into what being aligned with our purpose and highest destiny feels like.

These feelings may hold clues as to where we need to hold our attention, and what areas we need to explore. Sitting with any thoughts that arise on this matter and see how the Full Moon works with us will help us to recreate and build on new ideas.

One of the gifts that this Full Moon offers us is also the energy of lightness. It reminds us to soften our being and to focus on creating joy. Being in a state of joy is one of the fastest ways to connect us with the Divine, and the path of our highest destiny.

The Leo Full Moon also offers us a time to get inspired by this celestial energy. Bask in its boldness. Be authentic. Be vulnerable. Speak our inner wisdom. Share our point of view. Assert ourselves. And always, practice compassion towards others and most of all, to ourselves.  

As the Lunar Nodes of Fate are  activated by the Leo Full Moon,  this is a time when we are invited to pay close attention to exits and entrances now. 

Pay attention to the conversations we have during this time. The people who come in or go out of our lives. New doors will open, and some will be paths we can no longer pursue. 

The Leo Full Moon is lighting up the way, so we know where we need to focus in order to grow even in new & unexpected ways.

If we find ourselves feeling heavy about something in our life or frustrated by the events that are currently unfolding around us, we can reach out to the energy of the Full Moon. Allowing its vibrations to bring some lightness into our being and into the situation.

This is a time to see if we can step back and allow any heaviness or frustrating situations to soften.

Venus and Mars are also together in a sacred union under this Leo Full Moon, sending supercharged rays of passionate, creative, and balancing energies our way.

Venus and Mars represent the feminine and the masculine, the Goddess and the God. Both of these energies live within us and can rebirth themselves under this Full Moon.

The rebirth of these principles can see us open our hearts wider, boost our feelings of passion, rethink our connection with both masculine and feminine energies, and help us connect to the Divine Goddess or God within.

Venus and Mars are also a highly creative force, which we can use not just for creative projects and inspiration, but also for manifestation work. By working with these energies, we can boost our magnetic powers and the air of attraction around us.

Full Moons are typically a time where energy is drawn out of us. Full Moons are points of release, however with Venus and Mars together in the sky, we can also draw energy to us, especially energy that allows us to feel empowered, sexual, passionate, creative, and in full ownership of our bodies.

We can use the fiery energy of the Leo Moon to embrace and own all of who we are. Feel beautiful and confident in our skin, make empowering decisions, and allow the vibrations of passion to rise up through our chakras.

Dance and movement can help with this, as can reciting self-love affirmations, and adorning our body in clothes and accessories that make us feel good.

Overall, this is a powerful Full Moon with so much goodness to offer. While we may find ourselves questioning our “purpose” and looking for deeper meaning in our lives, if we look from within, the answers will reveal themselves to us.

Enjoy the vibrations of this Full Moon, and we can use its energy to create a balance between our masculine and feminine sides, and to support creating more passion and joy into our lives.

Remember that Full Moons are release points in the lunar cycle. It’s when truths are revealed, conclusions are drawn, and the climax has been reached. From this point forward, we take the information that’s been given to us, and we are encouraged to find a new way forward.

Fixed signs will be most impacted by this lunation. This means that if you have your Rising, Sun, or Moon in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, you will feel the energy of the Full Moon most potently.

Love and Blessings

The Black Water Tiger 2022

Today, February 1st marks the beginning of the Lunar New Moon and the year of the Black Water Tiger.

Many cultures around the world celebrate the Lunar New Year, including China, Vietnam, Singapore and South Korea. The Lunar New Year is marked by the second New Moon after the December Solstice. 

Chinese Astrology involves 12 zodiac signs, each ruled by a different animal, and the five elements- wood, water, metal, earth, and fire.

The story goes that the emperor sent out 12 animals to compete in a race and the order the animals came home would become the Chinese zodiac. Tiger being the king of beast felt he had it in the bag as he was the strongest of all the animals.

As the race came to an end strong, hardworking Ox was in the lead. Suddenly, the clever Rat, jumped on the Ox’s back, he did not even feel the little thing getting a free ride, he had outsmarted him.

At the last second before reaching shore, the Rat jumped on land, winning the race! The Ox came in second, the Tiger third, and so it went… the happy-go-lucky Pig took his time and came in last… and the Chinese Zodiac and its twelve signs were born.

The Tiger is a fierce, brave, and courageous animal, signaling that this Lunar year ahead is one where we can conquer our fears and go for our goals. There is no dream too big or ambition too great in the year of the Tiger!

The year of the Tiger allows us to tap into our own inner power and know that there is nothing we can’t achieve when we put our mind to something. In fact, the year of the Tiger is often a positive omen when it comes to career advancement.

The year of the Tiger offers the confidence and support we need to make things happen. To pursue big dreams, a daring goal, or a project.

Keep in mind however, that the Tiger is a patient creature that takes time to stalk its prey and make its move. While we can absolutely leap and make daring strides, we also must be patient and trust that things will align in perfect timing.

Just like the tiger hunts for its prey, we can make calculated moves but also be patient and wait for the perfect opportunity to pounce.

In Chinese Astrology, the year of the Tiger is said to bring sudden change and can shift the balance of power and money. We may see this manifesting in the world around us as we collectively begin to review what we truly value.

Western Astrology also supports this idea in 2022, as there is energy floating through the cosmos this year that is likely to change the things we value and the things that we deem as worthy on both a personal and societal level.

Our values are up for review, and with this review, we may find that we begin prioritizing new things and ways of being in our own lives.

The Tiger is not just a powerful, courageous creature but also a very intuitive one too. It has a keen sixth sense and can perceive things in its environment that we cannot.

In the year of the Tiger, we can take on some of these intuitive skills and use them to help guide our decisions forward. By trusting our inner voice and paying attention to the subtle cues of our environment, we may notice the signs and clues the Universe is sending to guide us.

The element of water also enhances the intuitive energies of the 2022 Lunar New Year. The element of water can also heighten our emotions and make us more sensitive to the energies of the world around us.

Feeling extra sensitive can be a superpower and help us connect to the frequencies of the Universe, allowing us to feel at one with it all. But feeling extra sensitive can also be draining and depleting if we don’t protect ourselves or take effort to care for our energy.

Taking extra steps to protect our energetic body is going to be important this year, and we can do so by working with the healing powers of water.

Water holds vibration, so charging up a glass of water before we drink it, setting an intention before getting into the bath or shower, or spending time in the ocean are all ways we can connect with the healing powers of water.

The element of water also indicates we have to be willing and ready to go with the flow this year. We may find it hard to feel stable or secure in our footing, but if we join the rhythm of the waves, we will have a much easier time than trying to fight against them.

In Western Astrology, there is a strong pull to creating security and a building solid foundation in 2022. Perhaps the Water Tiger energy reminds us that while we can build our foundations and take steps to create a feeling of security, we can’t get too attached. Perhaps there is a certain element of surrender still needed as we progress through the year.

Water is also a highly creative energy, indicating that this Lunar New Year can be particularly favorable for creative projects.

Western Astrology also supports this idea with Jupiter spending most of the year in the water sign of Pisces. While in Pisces, Jupiter will also join Neptune, the God of the Sea, enhancing the creative and intuitive force of the element of water.

In the year of the Water Tiger, and with Jupiter and Neptune both in Pisces, the element of water will be extra strong. We may also see this reflected in mother nature with an increase in rainfall or even flooding or tidal waves.

Our attention may also be drawn to ways we can create more sustainability around our water supply and the treatment and management of water.

The year of the Water Tiger is one of ambition, courage, intuition, and creativity and water is a big theme!

Black Water Tiger Year 2022 is said to be most favorable to the Ox and the Pig, least favorable to the Monkey.

Love and Blessings 


Aquarius New Moon ♥

Tuesday the 1st of February, we have a New Moon falling in the Air sign of Aquarius. This day is also Lunar New Year, and we begin the Chinese year of the Water Tiger.

The Lunar New Year is celebrated by many cultures around the world and is a time of new beginnings. Right before the Lunar Year begins, many take the time to clear out the house, reduce the clutter, and bring fresh energy into their homes. The past is forgiven, and a new, inspired mindset is also encouraged.

As this is an Aquarius New Moon and holds strong air energy, any actions we take to bring new energy into our lives is likely to inspire new ways of thinking, bright ideas, and a clearer mind.

Given that Aquarius is the sign of social circles, friendship, humanitarianism, technology, and individuality, we can understand that these topics will be taking center stage on the days surrounding February first.

Aquarius is an excellent creative problem solver; this is something we can all use to our advantage. With the New Moon in Aquarius, we have the chance to reboot our own minds, get a fresh dose of mental clarity, and attack old problems from a new angle. Out-of-the-box thinking will become very intuitive during this lunation.

This is a time during which we can develop a hopeful vision for the future by separating ourselves a little from all the distractions in our lives. It will serve us well to give our emotions and passions a “break” as we practice more objectivity and try to determine what level of attachment works best for us.

While there are some wonderful, fresh energies on offer under this New Moon, there are a few things to keep in mind. Mercury will still be in retrograde under this New Moon, which means we must be a little patient when it comes to fully moving forward.

Mercury Retrograde is a time of reflection and revisiting the past. It is a time when our subconscious thought patterns may come up to the surface for reviewing and revising. When Mercury is in Retrograde, we may feel like we are taking steps backward rather than forward.

Know that this retrograde energy will be short-lived, as just a few days following this New Moon on February 3rd, Mercury will station direct. It is after this date that we may start feeling the full effects of any fresh energies this New Moon has brought our way.

The other important factor under this New Moon is the influence of Saturn. Saturn will be hovering close to the Aquarius New Moon, exerting its influence.

Saturn can sometimes be a harsh energy, but this is only because it wants us to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. Saturn requires us to ask the hard questions and to ensure that what we say we want, and our behavior is in alignment.

Saturn may deliver to us some real-world lessons, giving us a much-needed reality check. We may be forced to confront something we have not been taking responsibility for in our lives, or we may find we are confronted with a challenge that is necessary to achieve our goals.

Know that whenever Saturn is involved, there is an opportunity for growth and success. Saturn gives us the hard lessons because it knows we can handle them. It gives us the hard lessons so we can keep growing, keep leveling up, and lead the life we are destined to lead.

If we notice any challenges or hard obstacles arriving with this New Moon, we need to remember that we are being supported & given the strength to move through it, and on the other side of it, we will be rewarded! Saturn always leaves rewards whenever it stirs lessons in our lives.

Saturn’s influence is also a strong cosmic support of longevity, so this will be the perfect New Moon to create long-term goals. Saturn can give us the perseverance needed to stand the test of time, so know this is on your side too.

Another cosmic force worth mentioning around the time of this New Moon is the harmonious alignment between Jupiter and Uranus.

Uranus is the natural ruler of Aquarius, so it is always worthwhile to see what a planetary ruler is up to under its corresponding New Moon.

Uranus being in harmonious alignment with Jupiter is definitely a positive omen that will help to shift us out of limiting thoughts and into a more hopeful and abundant mindset.

Uranus is the planet of awakening, and as it teams up with expansive Jupiter, there is also the opportunity for some serious ah-ha moments and illumination. While this can definitely be triggered by the New Moon, know we are working with this energy all through the month of February.

Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign. Fixed energy is stable and stubborn. While it is resilient and deeply values commitment, it can be afraid of change in any form, whether that is a new beginning or a necessary ending.

Air energy, on the other hand, is playful, flirtatious, and incredibly adaptable. It can be flighty and inconstant, but this is largely due to its insatiable curiosity.

Combining this energy, we can understand that Aquarius is actually very balanced, it has the stability of Fixed energy and the flexibility of Air energy. Aquarius possesses much mental strength and is driven through life by its active mind, constantly searching for more wisdom and experience.

Additionally, Aquarius is the ruling sign of The Star in Tarot. The Star is a card of hope, faith, and destiny. It is an abstract card, coming directly after the Tower in traditional Tarot.

The Star helps us to find hope in darkness; it depicts the ways in which we recover from tragedy, re-center ourselves when we get lost on our journeys, and settle into a sense of interconnectedness within the cosmos. The link here to Aquarius is fairly intuitive.

Just as the Star refers to interconnectedness, so too does Aquarius. Aquarius urges us to find our place in the Universe, and to dare to shine bright enough to guide others on their journey, as well.

One of the major lessons of this lunation is that a certain level of emotional distance is necessary from time to time, and that we cannot be in a hotheaded and codependently attached state 24/7.

For that reason, practicing healthy and moderate detachment can help us break away from destructive behaviors that are holding us back, and craft a more inspired perspective in their wake.

Overall, the Aquarius New Moon is about clearing our mind so we can expand it to bigger and brighter horizons. With a clear mind, we can also start seeing new opportunities and welcoming in fresh new perspectives.

Love and Blessings

Cancer Full Moon ♥

Our first Full Moon of 2022…. A Full Moon will be rising in the watery, intuitive sign of Cancer on Wednesday the 18th of January. The Moon loves to be in the sign of Cancer as this is the sign where La Lunar is exalted, it is where she feels most at home, and each of us can tap into this harmonious energy.

We have begun to feel the building energy of the Cancerian Full Moon already and we can begin to tap, then as the Full Moon wanes we can begin to settle into the energies and whatever has arrived.

Full Moons are a time of release and letting go, and we are going to have to give this some extra consideration under the Cancer Full Moon. There may be a heaviness in the air which means we have to take conscious effort to shake off all that feels suffocating or disempowering.

The reason for this is the planet Pluto, which is hovering close to the Full Moon, exerting its influence on the sensitive Lunar energies. Pluto is the planet of power, so our attention may be drawn to the power dynamics in our lives, where we feel the most powerful and even where we feel the most powerless.

Sometimes Pluto’s influence can make us feel stifled or that we are under the thumb in some way. It can intensify any pressure we are feeling, particularly in our relationships.

If any of these themes come up, we need to think about how we can claim our power back. How can we put ourselves in the driver’s seat of our lives?

Constantly waiting or depending on the actions of others can put us in a powerless position, so we need to be mindful of thinking this way. Be mindful of basing any of our actions and beliefs on the attitudes and values of others. Be mindful of any thoughts that start with – “When this happens, then I will be at peace/happy/calm.”

Waiting for “this” to happen is the trap! So, in these instances we need to find ways to tune into the calm regardless of the actions of others or the climate that surrounds us.

If we find ourselves feeling any oppressive energy under this Full Moon, just know that the Universe is supporting us to shake it off using the power of movement. Movement can be very healing and we may feel this even more so under the Full Moon.

Dancing, running, walking, swimming, or simply standing up and shaking out our entire body from head to toe are all ways to release and free any built-up tension or feelings of restlessness.

Another practice we can do is to simply observe the relationships in our lives and any dynamics that are contributing to feelings of powerlessness.

Becoming aware of any of these dynamics can be enough to help us create a shift.

While power dynamics are a theme for this Full Moon, there is another sweeter and softer energy floating through the cosmic skies at this time too.

This sweeter energy comes from the planet Neptune, which is in a harmonious position at the time of the Full Moon. Neptune is the planet of dreams and spiritual growth. It holds the vibration of unconditional love and reminds us of our connection to the entire Universe.

Whatever we find ourselves through during this time, we need to remember we are not alone. We have a Divine spirit team on our side and they can work with us to help release and shift any heaviness, sadness, or worry we may be feeling.

The Full Moon is a time where the veil is naturally thin anyway, and with the beautiful energies of Neptune, it will be easier for us to connect with higher realms and our higher self. All of this can be incredibly healing and remind us that we are all part of something so much bigger than we can really comprehend.

Connecting with our spirituality can also be a soothing practice under this Full Moon. We can use the energies of Neptune to deepen our meditation practice, to pull some oracle cards, or to connect with our intuition.

This energy also supports any creative projects we may be working on. In fact, the power energies from Pluto and the soothing, creative energies of Neptune can be a wonderful dynamic for supporting creative work and for getting our “art” out in front of our desired audience.

Full Moons can also be points of completion, so we may just find that any projects we are working on, particularly creative ones, come to a natural end.

Overall, this Full Moon offers some moments of harmony but also some heaviness too. Our attention may be drawn to the power dynamics in our relationships, and we may find ourselves needing to consciously adjust our behaviors.

Let’s focus on empowering ourselves and trusting that there is celestial support raining down upon us.

Get creative and shine under the light of the Cancerian Full Moon.

Love and Blessings

Capricorn New Moon ♥

We have a New Moon falling in the Earth sign of Capricorn Monday the 3rd of January.

Having a New Moon very early at the beginning of the year sets us up to bring some fresh energy into our lives. The start of the year is typically a time when we start thinking about our goals and ambitions for the months to come so, a New Moon here adds to that fresh start energy.

Capricorn is ruled by the Sea-Goat, an ambitious sign, a mythical creature that can swim the deepest oceans and climb the tallest mountains. It is this agility, skill, and ambition that flows through us when the Sun and Moon align in Capricorn.

Goal setting, setting intentions and making our wish lists for the year ahead is perfect here with the New Moon in Capricorn as we are very supported during this time. But we also have to follow up with actions that we can take too.

This is a time to take responsibility for the life we have always wished to lead. It’s a time to put any excuses we may have to the side and to set the structure and boundaries needed in order to achieve our goals.

The start of 2022 may feel a little sluggish with Venus in Retrograde and Mercury about to follow on the 14th, but the Capricorn New Moon offers a gentle reminder that it’s time. It is time for us to instigate real change and to help us along even more as we have a positive aspect between the Moon and Uranus.

Uranus is the planet of freedom, liberation, and awakening, and its favorable position under this New Moon means we can harness its energy and use it to our fullest advantage. This aspect’s spiritual meaning to positive change, freedom, and higher self-awareness.

This aspect makes us more open-minded, adventurous, experimental, and progressive. Heightened intuition can lead to flashes of insight and glimpses of the future. It can also lead to greater self-awareness and the confidence to express the more unique, creative, or quirky sides of our personalities.

This is a time of unexpected but positive change, freedom, opportunity, and excitement.

Now is also a very good time to think and reflect within to see if we have any self-limiting beliefs or thoughts that run through our minds. Are we self-sabotaging, are we shrinking ourselves down or stuck in old programming patterns? We are fully supported under the dark night of the New Moon to help release any of these behaviors and to switch any limiting beliefs into ones of expansion.

While switching out of limiting thinking can take time, know that simply becoming aware of where those limiting beliefs are hiding can often be 90 percent of the healing process.

The Capricorn New Moon also is conjunct to fixed Star Nunki which brings the energy of honesty and optimism. So, this really is a positive and hopeful moon phase. There should be more freedom and opportunity to bring back some adventure and excitement into our lives.

The asteroid Pholus is also active under the energy of this New Moon, which indicates that some new and perhaps surprising information may come into our awareness.

Whatever is revealed to us under this New Moon, the presence of the asteroid Pholus indicates that the information can bring healing or perhaps closure to a wound.

On a global level, the Capricorn New Moon is likely to trigger the effects of the Saturn Uranus Square that we have been working with all through 2021.

The Saturn Uranus Square is a long-running energy that is essentially about freedom vs. control. We are seeing this manifesting on a global level, especially in regards to the pandemic but we may also be feeling it in our personal lives as well.

Again, as Uranus is in a favorable position under this New Moon, know that the pendulum leans more towards freedom than it does control. While we need some control and stability in our lives and in society at large, the alignment of the planets shows us that the call for greater independence and freedom will eventually triumph.

I think a lot of us are questioning just what freedom means to us now after the last 2 years. Here in Australia, we have been so controlled and now that “they” say we are opening & offering us back “Our” freedom many of us still feel limited in what we can actually do as the virus is running rampant at the moment.

But people are becoming less fearful and less rebellious. The Capricorn New Moon should bring unexpected breakthroughs or changes in relation to the pandemic.

Such changes would lead to more personal freedom, air travel, and greater opportunity to add some adventure and excitement back into our lives. This more optimistic outlook is supported by the next major planetary aspect: Jupiter sextile Uranus in February 2021.

All in all, I feel this Capricorn New Moon is swinging the pendulum towards positive change and beginnings. This is a powerful New Moon for setting ambitious goals and intentions, as well as taking some actionable steps to push our lives in a more progressive direction.

Happy New Year… Much Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Gemini Full Moon ♥

Sunday the 19th of December, we have our last Full Moon for 2021 falling in the Air sign of Gemini.

The Sun is currently crossing the arc through Sagittarius and the great Galactic Centre.  This puts our Gemini Full Moon directly opposite the Galactic Centre known as the heart of our Universe, and home to some of the most potent, magical, and mysterious energy.

With the Full Moon directly opposite this sacred point in the sky, the energies are likely to be powerful and may even feel other worldly.

Full Moons have a way of drawing things out of us. They are the peak of the lunar cycle and tend to bring things to the peak in our own lives too.

The Gemini Full Moon makes a harmonious aspect to Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance. Jupiter magnifies whatever it touches, but it also holds the gift of allowing us to see the silver lining.

Gemini is represented by the twins, one twin is mortal, the other immortal, signifying the balance between the physical and the spiritual.

We are both a body and soul. We have a human life and a spirit life. We are both human and being. And it is looking at things from both of these viewpoints that may help us to find the answers we are seeking.

As it is the last Full Moon of the year, it is also a good time to check-in and do away with all that we no longer wish to carry with us into the new year.

While the Gemini Full Moon carries some strong galactic energies and some sweetness from Jupiter, there are other events brewing in the cosmic skies that could also influence the energies we are experiencing at this time.

Shortly after this Full Moon peaks, Venus, the planet of love, relationships, and money stations retrograde. The day a planet stations retrograde is when it is at one of its most powerful points.

Venus retrograde may stir matters relating to the heart and the relationships in our lives. These relationships are not just with others but also our relationship with money and the things that we value.

As Venus is stationing retrograde close to Pluto, the planet of power, we may find a new sense of power budding within our heart center. We may even feel more empowered to make heart-led decisions.

Alternatively, we may also find that this Venus-Pluto dynamic highlights where we are not standing in our power, and where we need to find more balance in our relationships with others. This energy may also expose power struggles in our relationships and where we need to release or regain control.

Along with the energy of Venus and Pluto, we also have Saturn and Uranus getting ready to form their third and final square for the year.

While Saturn and Uranus have been doing this dance all year long, under this Full Moon we may be feeling the cumulative effects of this energy.

This may manifest as feeling a push-pull between freedom and boundaries, but also a restlessness when it comes to how to approach something.

Saturn wants us to follow the rules and fall in line, whereas Uranus wants us to think outside the box and do things differently. Saturn represents the past, whereas Uranus represents the future.

Our imaginations may be very active under the Full Moon and could bring out some two-faced and untrustworthy behavior.

Gemini, the sign flip-flops between positions and the Moon is very changeable emotionally as well. We may find ourselves dancing around different subjects and moods. There is also strong psychic energy surrounding this Full Moon, tap in and be open to receive messages from our guides.

The final Full Moon of the year will illuminate things for us to see a new and brighter perspective, and we need to aware that there are other cosmic activities occurring in our night sky that may bring some heightened energy.

To balance all these energies in our lives, we need to acknowledge the lessons and wisdom of our past but now, look forward to the future and to the new possibilities that may lie ahead.

The duality of the Gemini twins asks us to view both sides of our journey, one of our human experience and the other of our spiritual lives.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Sagittarius New Moon – Solar Eclipse ♥

Saturday December 4th, we have a New Moon falling in the sign of Sagittarius which brings us a Total Solar Eclipse.

Eclipses represent portals into new states of awareness. They tend to bring events that shift and transform our lives, allowing us to step into a new chapter of our soul’s evolution. The final Eclipse for 2021 is this Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius.

This is also the final Eclipse for the Gemini-Sagittarius Eclipse set, so we’re closing the books in some ways or seeing the results of what we’ve done for the last 1 1/2 years.

It opens the final door on this path we have been navigating and can bring the rewards of our hard work.

Whatever this Eclipse cycle has triggered in us, however we have been asked to grow and change, we will now start to see the end of the journey.

A new clarity will emerge, and with that new clarity, it will feel like we are opening to a new chapter.

A New Moon Total Solar Eclipse is one of the most powerful Eclipses we can experience. Even just the visual of seeing the shadow of the earth pass over the Sun is an enchanting sight, reminding us of the beauty and vastness of this Universe.

In ancient times, Solar Eclipses were viewed as a time of great change. The darkness befalling on the usually bright day was seen as an omen that whatever karmic debts are owed were now going to be collected.

There is no doubt that New Moon Eclipses are powerful times of manifestation and can activate whatever we have been focusing on.

Under their presence, energy is drawn towards us, allowing our energy field to become a magnet to whatever needs to come our way.

While this Solar Eclipse is bringing the culmination of all our energies since this Eclipse cycle began, we can also use it to set an intention about what we wish to attract. We can use its energy in a deliberate way to draw in all that we wish to experience.

Solar Eclipses are great for new beginnings and new journeys, and Sagittarius rules opportunity, expansion, and new experiences. We’re more optimistic, and we want to embrace the new. We can think bigger and brighter, and our big ideas can bring us new possibilities.

Looking deeper into the cosmic skies, both Mercury and Neptune are active at the time of this Eclipse, suggesting that some new information may be revealed to us.

The presence of Neptune suggests that we may find the veil lifted, allowing us to see a deeper truth.

Whenever Neptune is involved however, it is always important to listen and trust our instincts regardless of what insights come our way. Neptune is the planet of spirituality and intuition, and there is a strong call for us to dial in and listen to what our inner voice is saying.

Neptune requires us to let go of our five senses and instead tune into the power and wisdom of our sixth sense, for that is where we will find our own highest truth.

Chiron, the asteroid known as the wounded healer is also active under this Eclipse and may help us to heal and mend some broken relationships through healing conversations.

If there is someone you need to have a healing conversation with, know that this Solar Eclipse will be sending waves of support your way. Think about what you want to say, allow it to come from a place of love, truth, and kindness, and then see how you feel guided to share what you feel.

Also, keep in mind that sometimes we just need to have a healing conversation with ourselves! Sometimes talking through or writing down what is on our mind can be highly therapeutic and can help us to reflect from a place of openness.

Whatever conversations are stirred under this Eclipse, remember to be gentle, patient, and loving with yourself.

It is also worthwhile mentioning that on an Eclipse it is best not to force or push things. Eclipses are powerful and tend to direct us wherever we need to go. Trust in this process. Trust our instincts and don’t be tempted to force things that are not meant to be.

Solar Eclipses can also bring new opportunities and new beginnings into our lives, so stay open to what comes your way. You may just find that whatever you have been working hard to achieve finally lands before you.

As Solar Eclipses bring powerful energy, we may find ourselves feeling depleted or zapped leading up to its arrival. If this is the case, don’t underestimate the importance of staying hydrated and making time for simple grounding practices.

Overall, this New Moon Total Solar Eclipse is a power moment in the year and is likely to bring us to the destination we have been working hard to reach this last year and half.

As we arrive at our new destination, it’s important to make time to be thankful for the journey and to honor the lessons and growth we have achieved.

Love and Blessings

Taurus Full Moon ~ Lunar Eclipse ♥

Friday the 19th of November, we have a Taurus Full Moon & partial Lunar Eclipse. This Eclipse will be visible to most places in Australia and for us in the Northern Rivers NSW the Eclipse will begin just after 7pm, Max at 8pm and finish at 11pm. Fingers crossed for clear skies. A total Lunar Eclipse tends to turn the Moon Red, with a partial we get a tinge and a very bright illumination.

Eclipses represent portals of transformation and awakening. They tend to bring fated events into our lives that help to elevate the evolution and growth of our soul.

These transformations and awakenings may be quick and sudden, or they may be slow and linger for the weeks and months to come.

Eclipses are powerful and can set things into motion for us. They tend to help us cut the cord, take a leap of faith, and awaken us to new insights.

The Taurus Partial Lunar Eclipse is the first Taurus Eclipse we have experienced since 2014. It represents the starting point of a new Eclipse cycle which we will see unfold over the months to come.

Eclipses tend to come in pairs, falling in the two opposite signs of the zodiac. This Taurus Eclipse will be partnered with the Scorpio Eclipses, which we will experience through 2022.

There are some positive influences with planetary aspects to the Lunar Eclipse, but we also have some not so positive influences in the mix.

The Taurus Lunar Eclipse also aligns with Algol, renowned to be the most destructive star in heaven. Its energetic vibe is that of misfortune, violence, and sickness. So, looking into the spiritual meaning of the Taurian Full Moon… to master the big lesson we should gravitate towards using honesty, faith, a strong sense of purpose to evolve your soul to a higher level.

Relationships, evolving, and change seem to be the theme surrounding this Full Moon. Relationships in our lives are at the forefront and this includes our relationship with others, but also our relationship with ourselves and with money.

Venus is very active at the time of this Eclipse as it is the natural ruler of Taurus. Venus rules over all matters of the heart, love, and our finances. Venus also rules over what we value and what we find worthy, so all of these themes have the potential to rise to the surface at this time.

If we have been treading on rocky ground with a certain relationship in our lives, we may find that this Eclipse brings things to a head. As this is a Lunar Eclipse, it is very possible that whatever has been on shaky ground may fall away.

We may also find that attitudes and beliefs that are blocking us from forming deeper and more intimate relationships with others and with ourselves fall away under the energy of this Eclipse.

In fact, this Eclipse is perfect for self-love work and for boosting our feelings of self-worth.

We need to be reminded that we can be too hard on ourselves, and we actually are doing much better than we give ourselves credit for. The past 2 years have been a rocky ride and we need to be reminded to kind to ourselves. Remember to look at our achievements and successes.

It’s also worth keeping in mind that Eclipses tend to put us where we need to be, so let’s trust in the flow and keep our hearts open to allowing whatever needs to come and whatever needs to go.

There is some funky energy around the Taurian Full Moon Eclipse that has the possibility to shake things up quite a bit but we if we can embrace any changes that come about and use them as an opportunity to awaken our hearts to a deeper and richer love. We can then connect to the new energy and allow it to show us the way to the next chapter of our journey’s…

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Eclipse Aspects…

Moon square Jupiter can make us feel hopeful and enthusiastic. But exaggerated emotional reactions and impulses can also bring carelessness, irresponsibility, and excessiveness. Loss and disappointment may result from blind faith, overconfidence, greed, and immorality.

Possible changeable moods, and changing tastes can cause relationship difficulties.

Moon trine Pluto brings emotional sensitivity and psychic perception. We may feel things more powerfully and are likely to be transformed by intense emotional reactions.

A subconscious urge to evolve at the emotional level assists with the Jupiter urge to expand our horizons. It helps us to focus our energy and grow in the direction that best aligns with our karmic destiny.

Psychological self-analysis can help us to access the deep, dark areas of our subconscious.

All in all… work with what we can