Scorpio Blood Moon Eclipse

Monday the 16th of May we have a Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse rising in the water sign of Scorpio.  The Eclipse will be visible from across North and South America, plus parts of Europe and Africa.

A Blood Moon Eclipse is rare and potent. It signifies an ending, a closure point to a chapter not just in our lives, but on our soul journey too.

Blood Moon Eclipses get their name from the reddish hue the Moon takes on when a Total Lunar Eclipse occurs. A Total Lunar Eclipse or Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse always falls on a Full Moon and is the most potent kind we can experience. They carry the weight of a thousand Full Moons!

Eclipses can activate our soul’s contract which can bring forward events that are essential for our growth and evolution. Eclipses can place obstacles on our path, but they also eventually put us in a place, where we need to be.

This Scorpio Blood Moon Eclipse is called the carrier of endings and closures

The Blood Moon Eclipse will guide us to close the doors on certain chapters of our lives as it signifies closure, completions, and endings. This Eclipse may just be the trigger something that needs to stop.

As the Blood Moon Eclipse falls in the sign of Scorpio we may find ourselves retreating to shed our layers and transform deeper into another aspect of ourselves on life’s journey.

Scorpio is represented by a Scorpion that can shed its skin and transform itself. The Scorpio energy is also linked to the Phoenix as this mythical creature has the strength to birth itself from ashes.

We will be offered the power to do this for ourselves and rise into our highest form from the ashes. The Eclipse may bring ashes to us, but it will also promise that we too will be able to rise like the Phoenix and be reborn to fulfill our true potential.

As we feel the Eclipse energy building, we may find ourselves needing to retreat or conserve our energy. In this quiet space, we may find ourselves experiencing awakenings, ah-ha moments, and deeper realisations about our paths journey, our relationships, and the situations we find ourselves in.

Eclipses are a highly sensitive, psychic time, so pay attention to any nagging feelings or intuitions. As Mercury will also be in retrograde under this Eclipse, we may find ourselves feeling mentally foggy or even a little confused about how to proceed in our external world.

If this arises, we should take it as a call to go within, be patient, and get still with our inner voice.

Our inner voice always knows the way, and even though this Eclipse may require us to be a little patient in what unfolds, we can trust that we will have all the answers we need in time.

Under this Blood Moon Eclipse, Venus and Chiron will also be in alignment. This planetary combination can send purifying, healing vibrations our way, helping us to find closure on wounds that have troubled us.

Some wounds can never be healed, but under this Eclipse there are soothing energies that can support us in finding our balance and strength.

As Blood Moon Eclipses are a good time for endings, we can consciously use this energy to set an intention to bring an ending to any painful wounds, stories, or situations that we may find ourselves in.

Mars and Neptune are also in alignment under this Eclipse, guiding us to focus on our spiritual connection. Mars is a fearless, warrior-driven energy, whereas Neptune is all about a higher love and connection.

This combination of energy under the Blood Moon Eclipse guides us to focus on our spiritual wellbeing and to remember that we are souls here for a human experience.

This is also a highly dramatic Moon as Scorpio Full Moons tend to be with every potential of conflict, argument and power and control games. If not for the help and support of Pluto, Mars and Neptune, this one could be a train wreck.

Full Moons are known for making big emotional waves, but with supportive aspects from Pluto in Capricorn (integrity and truth), as well as Mars and Neptune in Pisces (action guided by spirituality, faith, and compassion), we are offered many possible paths to finding smooth cleansing with this energy.

There will be one more Blood Moon Eclipse this year in November and it will be visible to us in Australia ?. These two Eclipses will work together. It is very likely that the November Eclipse will carry similar themes to whatever is unfolding for us under the Scorpio Blood Moon Eclipse.

Pay attention to what comes up during the Eclipse, if it still needs time to bubble up to the surface then we just need to observe, catalogue it and allow it to unfold as needed.   

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Taurus New Moon Eclipse ♥

On Sunday the 1st of May we have a New Moon rising in the sign of Taurus for us here in Australia. This New Moon also heralds our first Eclipse for 2022. It is a partial Eclipse and will be visible across parts of South/West South America, Pacific, Atlantic and Antarctica. Not visible in Australia

Solar Eclipses always fall on a New Moon, and while this is only a Partial Solar Eclipse, it is still ultra-potent and carries the weight of a hundred New Moons!

New Moons always represent new beginnings, so this Eclipse is likely to open doors, open windows, and draw entirely new paths for us in the cosmic skies.

This lunation opens the Eclipse portal and begins a cycle that will keep unfolding for six months. The New Moon Solar Eclipse takes place on the Lunar North Node, the point in space indicating our evolutionary direction. The Sun and the Moon will be conjunct Uranus, the Great Awakener.

The activation of Uranus exponentially increases the unpredictability and the possibilities of sudden, unexpected changes that are already high during Eclipse season. Shifts in the global economy and financial markets, and disruption to food production and distribution are possible. This Eclipse will accelerate our movement towards the future inviting us to accept change and adapt to it, even if it doesn’t conform to our expectations.

The keyword for the Taurus New Moon Eclipse is opportunity, so if there is something we want, this is our cosmic invitation to connect with our heart’s desire and see what comes in.

While New Moons are typically powerful moments in the month for manifestation work, under a Solar Eclipse it is actually better to go with the flow and trust what the Universe brings our way.

Eclipses can always take us by surprise, but it is worthwhile remembering that they always put us where we need to be, even if it doesn’t feel like it at first! In fact, Eclipses can accelerate our timeline, bringing forward things that were ultimately inevitable. Things can happen quickly under an Eclipse!

This is extra true for the Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse as the planet Uranus is very active. Uranus is known for bringing surprises and events that seem to appear out of the blue. Its energy promises some sort of radical shift from one state to the next.

Uranus can sometimes be a bit shocking in the way that it works, but ultimately its goal is to bring more freedom into our lives. It wants to liberate us from all that is holding us back so we can step into a truer and more authentic place.

Uranus is also the planet of awakening, so if any surprises do show up under this Eclipse, treat it as a sort of wake-up call to reassess our path and our actions.

Awakening moments can be painful, but if we allow ourselves to blossom rather than retreat back, it can lead to wonderful places!

Jupiter and Venus will also be in perfect alignment under this April Eclipse, offering sweet, nurturing, and abundant vibrations. Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus, so its energy is extra strong at this time too and will give this Eclipse a much softer expression.

With Jupiter and Venus in harmony at this time, it seems that no matter what the Eclipse brings, there will likely be a silver lining, or we may just find it easier to join the flow and create ease amongst any changes.

As this Eclipse is about opportunity, this planetary combination can also bring long-held wishes into our reality. If there is something we have been working towards for a long time, this Eclipse may just bring the rewards of our hard work!

Venus and Jupiter are one of the sweetest combinations of cosmic energy out there, and to feel it, all we have to do is breathe it in and know we are worthy to receive it.

Venus and Jupiter are also the signature for abundance, so keeping our minds focused on abundant thinking and aligned with thoughts of gratitude will be extra beneficial and will allow us to align with the flow of abundant energies this cosmic energy brings.

While Solar Eclipses don’t really require us to set goals or request anything of the Universe, they are a good time to bring our awareness to our hearts and ensure they are open to receiving.

Taurus is the sign associated with self-worth, so bring attention to where you are holding your worth and to any known or hidden feelings of unworthiness. More self-love is often the antidote whenever feelings of not being good enough show up.

We are navigating a time of profound personal and collective transformation, full of upheavals, challenges, and trials. The structures, the lifestyles, the coping mechanisms, and the patterns that have been working for us so far aren’t working any longer. Even if we don’t feel ready to let go of the known, we are being encouraged to explore new ways of being and learn what works as we go.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Super Blood Moon Eclipse ♥

This Wednesday the 26th of May we have a Super Blood Moon Eclipse falling in the sign of Sagittarius… and for most parts of Australia it will be visible weather permitting.

The Eclipse takes place just a few hours after the Moon reaches perigee, the closest point to Earth on its orbit, making it a Super Blood Moon.

This Eclipse also marks the beginning of an “almost tetrad” because it kicks off a series of four big Lunar Eclipses in two years. Three of these Eclipses are total, while one of them, on November 18-19, 2021, is a deep partial Eclipse. So deep that it is almost a total Eclipse.

The Penumbral Eclipse begins at 6:50pm for us on the East Coast of Australia & the Full Eclipse begins at 9:11pm with its peak at 9:18pm. The duration of the Full Eclipse lasts around 14 minutes, so fingers crossed for cloud free skies.

Blood Moon Eclipses are quite special and get their name due to the reddish colour the Moon takes on when there is a Total Eclipse.

The ancient civilizations often saw them as ominous and signaling troubled times ahead. Astrologically a Blood Moon Eclipse are about sudden change or a need to transform or shift our lives in a new direction. The spiritual tone behind this Blood Moon Eclipse is about ethics and morals.

Falling in the sign of Sagittarius the Blood Moon Eclipse takes on Sagi vibrations. Sagittarius rules over the higher mind and wisdom. Its energy allows us to focus on the bigger picture and to see things from a more expansive point of view.

Represented by the arrow of the archer, Sagittarius energy allows us to set our intentions and aim our arrow in that direction. Even though our intention guides its journey, it is not in our complete control as to where it is going to land.

Whatever unfolds at the time of this Eclipse, we can connect with Sagittarian energy for guidance. Use it to focus on the bigger picture, see if we can expand our mindset, and look at things from a more abundant perspective.

We need to trust and honor wherever our arrow has landed, even if it is not where we thought it would end up. Knowing that the time will soon come for new intentions to be set, and a new adventure to unfold.

On a Blood Moon Eclipse, we may find that something is released from our lives or a path is cleared for us, even if we were not necessarily looking for a clearing.

The thing with Eclipses is that they put us where we need to be. They represent portals that elevate and push us to that next chapter and to a higher evolution of our soul. They represent a quantum jump into a new and higher state of consciousness.

We need to trust what falls away from our lives around the time of an Eclipse, even if it feels challenging, for Eclipses are often direct messages from the Cosmos that it is time to let go.

Due to planetary aspects around the Super Blood Moon Eclipse, we may also discover secrets or hidden information rising to the surface. It is this information that may inspire change or transformation, but it is this information that can also give rise to an awakening.

Knowledge is power, and we may very well find that this new information can give us much-needed clarity and answers to where we are heading and what our next steps need to be.

Mercury, the planet of communication will be close to Venus at the time of this Eclipse, signaling a time to speak from the heart, to speak with compassion, and to come from a place of love, not fear.

Eclipses can affect us all differently, but we are all bound to feel the deep stir of emotions that they can bring.

Full Moons are always a time where our own emotions can bubble to the surface, and on an Eclipse, especially a Blood Moon Eclipse, this can be amplified.

As the Moon falls into the darkness, it symbolizes all our own dark emotions rising to the surface. All the shadows that have lurked behind the scenes suddenly come into our awareness.

Honor any emotions that come, but if you begin to feel overwhelmed, it may help to give yourself space and compassion until the Eclipse energies have passed.

As Eclipses are powerful, we may not reach the other side of its energy until the Solar Eclipse of June, so be patient and know that any funky things will soon pass.

Blood Moon Eclipses are also said to bring an increase in extreme weather and can also amplify tensions that are playing out on the global stage.

As the shadow falls across the face of the Moon, our intuitive & hidden powers are elevated. We are encouraged to take our focus off the 3D world and enter into the unseen world of spirit, higher consciousness, and infinite possibilities.

Eclipses are magical events that are gifts from the Universe and put us where we need to be. They challenge us to walk that bridge into a new state of our evolution. They bring change but they also bring awakening and an opportunity to level up on our soul path.


The Moon is square Jupiter which is not usually that challenging and the orb for this aspect is over four degrees which is not strong. But this is a total Lunar Eclipse, and all the other significant aspects are very challenging. The Eclipse is also affected by nasty Mars-Saturn-type stars. So, the more negative qualities of Jupiter are likely to be expressed. These include greed, excess, waste, immorality, overconfidence, and over-optimism.

We may experience changeable moods and changing tastes can present relationship difficulties. You may also have to watch a tendency toward excess when it comes to food, alcohol, drugs, and gambling, especially if you have problems with addiction.

Mercury & Neptune stays within a two-degree orb from May 25 to June 9 because Mercury stations retrograde on May 29. So, confusion, deception, insecurity, and misunderstanding have a major influence on the Super Blood Moon.

This aspect can distort our thinking which can complicate discussions and business dealings. So, it is important to listen carefully and speak in simple, clear terms. Allow no room for misinterpretation. If you must deal with any very important business, government, or legal matters, seek professional advice or help from a trusted friend.

There is some icky energy floating around about treachery and scandal. Even little white lies could lead to major embarrassment or the need for more convoluted cover-ups. Avoid conspiracy theories or strange and extreme spiritual and religious views. Protect yourself against loan sharks, pushy salespeople, cult leaders, and psychic vampires.

Venus & Neptune gives a heightened need for tenderness but also increases the risk of over-idealization. A tendency to form a distorted image of someone else could lead to disappointment, scandal, and being taken advantage of. Matters of trust may become an issue in relationships.  Low self-esteem and feelings of insecurity are possible.

With both Mercury and Venus square Neptune, it is very easy to become confused, deceived, and generally get the wrong impression. This applies to our thoughts, communications, love life, finances, business dealings, and our health and diet.

Saturn square Uranus brings restrictive change or unexpected restrictions. It can bring change that we don’t really want. It also makes it harder to make the kind of changes we do want. This can be a very frustrating time of rising tension and sudden, expected changes. But it does not have to be like that. If we stay open-minded, patient and flexible, what at first seem like challenges, can be turned into opportunities to rid ourselves of negative, restrictive, and limiting things in our lives.

Things will become clearer and move forward with more ease with the sister Solar Eclipse in June.

We can use the energy of the Lunar Eclipse to dive in deep, connect with our inner, true self. Recognise that any changes or transformations that unfolding are part of our destiny and are there to take us to the next chapter of our story.

Love and Blessings

December 2020 ♥

As we Zoom towards the close of 2020, this month is full of magical energy, some we are already familiar with and others that are new, shiny and revolutionary.

2020 has been of great awakening, and epic change. All through the year, we have seen so many historically defining alignments taking place and December is no exception.

Throughout this month we have a Solar Eclipse, the Solstice, a special Full Moon, and the fated alignment of Jupiter and Saturn, which is known as the Great Conjunction. 

The Great Conjunction is going to steal the show this month due to its rare and potent energy.

While the Great Conjunction happens every 20 years or so, for the last 200 years, it has predominantly taken place in earth signs. But this year, the Great Conjunction unfolds in the air sign of Aquarius.

As Jupiter and Saturn align in Aquarius for the first time in centuries, kickstarting a new 200 year cycle, it is also believed to usher in the Age of Aquarius and bring many activations, which will help our planet ascend into higher frequencies. 

There is no doubt that December is a big, bold, and busy month. But it’s important to keep in mind that this is just the beginning.

While there are so many activations and energy unfolding for us this month, it is likely that we won’t fully understand them until we are deeper down the rabbit hole.

Some of the big events for December 2020…

On December 7th we experience a Moon Wobble

When the Moon is in a square alignment (90 degrees) to the Lunar Nodes we have what’s known as a Moon Wobble. The Moon Wobble typically takes place during an Eclipse Gateway, which is the time between two Eclipses. This can bring heightened energy that makes us feel caught off-balance or a little “wobbly.” Moon Wobbles do bring uncertainty, but it is through trekking through the unknown that we are able to grow.

December 12th…  The 12/12 Gateway

1212 is a powerful angel number that indicates wholeness and completion. It is also a number code to help activate our light body. When our light body is activated, we can gain a new understanding of the dimension of time, and traveling to higher realms, whether astrally or in dreams is much easier.

December 14th… A Total New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

This Total Solar Eclipse brings a burst of fresh energy, indicating new beginnings but also great change. The full extent of these new beginnings or changes may not be realised straight away. There is a certain element of things being hidden or not fully exposed, but whatever seeds are planted on this day will eventually rise, strong and tall.

December 15th… Chiron Moves Direct

Chiron, the asteroid associated with healing turns direct after being retrograde since July. As Chiron was traveling retrograde, wounds from our past may have resurfaced to be revisited once again. Now with Chiron traveling direct, we can take away new wisdom and strength from all we have been through. 

December 17th… Saturn enters Aquarius

Saturn shifts into Aquarius, where it will remain for the next 2.5 years. On a personal level, this signifies the end of a karmic cycle and the starting of a new one. Saturn is the Lord of Karma, and as it shifts from sign to sign, it brings a new set of lessons, challenges, and growth.

Saturn also rewards us for wherever we have shown up and done the work. He’s not all discipline without gifts of good work done!

December 18th… Sun on Galactic Center

The center of our galaxy is believed to sit at about 27 degrees of Sagittarius. As the Sun aligns on this position of the zodiac, we experience galactic, high-frequency energy beaming down to Earth. This high vibrational energy can be used for manifestation work, alchemy, ritual work, and more!

December 19th… Black Moon Lilith Conjunct Uranus

As Uranus aligns with Black Moon Lilith, it brings revolutionary energy. Whatever has been suppressed has the power to rise to the surface for release. This is liberating energy that can help us to push forward if we have been holding ourselves back.

December 20th… Jupiter enters Aquarius

Jupiter spends 12 months in each sign of the zodiac, so its placement indicates the themes for the coming 12 months. Jupiter moving into the sign of Aquarius indicates a focus on humanitarian efforts, community building, healing, and focusing on our collective consciousness. Jupiter is the bringer of expansion and abundance, and will shine a spotlight on a particular area of our life, helping us to harvest the rewards and gifts. Jupiter was last in Aquarius in 2009, so this may provide clues as to where those spotlights may be shining. 

December 21/22th… The Great Conjunction/ Solstice/ Capricorn Season

This is the showstopper of December and brings not only the Solstice and the start of Capricorn Season, but also the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees of Aquarius.

This alignment of Jupiter and Saturn, known as the Great Conjunction, is ushering us into a new era. There is so much to talk about this magical date and why it is extra significant this year. More later….

December 23rd… Mars Squares Pluto

This is the final Mars Square Pluto alignment in a series of three. Mars Square Pluto is typically a volatile energy that indicates increased agitation, frustration, and even anger. Throughout the year, these alignments coincided with protests that were seen all around the world for various reasons. As this is the final of these alignments, hopefully we will receive a sense of deeper understanding that then allows us to move forward feeling heard and seen. 

December 30th… The Full Moon in Cancer

This Full Moon is a little special as is also the second Cancer Full Moon we have experienced this year. The first Cancer Full Moon was an Eclipse, which occurred back at the start of January. The energy of this Full Moon is not as strong as the Eclipse, but it indicates the turning of a new page. There is a strong energy of healing around this Full Moon due to the asteroid, Chiron being very active. As this is a Cancer Full Moon, we may also feel extra sensitive at this time. 

2020 has been a very challenging year and as we reach its end, it’s important to think about all we have to be grateful for, all the strength we have accumulated, and all the growing we have done. 

It is easy to look back on this year and see it as a write off or as a year we want to forget, but if we look at it through the eyes of softening & gratitude…. we may just find some bright jewels of wisdom that are important for us to take forward on our journey into 2021. 

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Summer Eclipse Season ♥

We are currently moving through the gateway for the upcoming Summer Eclipse season.

The first Eclipse falls at the end of the month November 30th as a Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. Lunar Eclipses typically bring about endings. They help us to release things from our lives that are no longer aligned with where we are heading.

While Eclipses can be powerful, there is some softer energy around this one that will inspire us to see a new road ahead.

We have just come out of a period of many retrogrades and heavy energy that may be making us feel sluggish and uncertain. There is this feeling that so many things are changing, but perhaps it is not yet clear what these changes are going to look like or what they are going to bring.

As we enter Sagittarius Season this weekend 21st/22nd we will begin the shift from the energy of water to fire and feel brighter and lighter than many of us have been feeling.

Sagittarius is represented by a Centaur pointing its arrow high into the starry night sky. If we trace the direction of its arrow, we can see that the Centaur is pointing directly to the star Antares, which is located in the constellation of Scorpio and is known as the “heart of the Scorpion”. 

Antares is a star associated with the deep pains of the heart. It can bring destruction and death, but also the chance of a grand rebirth that is led by the heart

Neptune turns direct on the 29th just before the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse leaving only one planet (Uranus) in retrograde! This is the first time in months that we have had so few planets in retrograde. Things are going to feel like they are moving forward nicely.

Where we had felt confused and foggy, we will now start seeing things with a newfound sense of clarity. Neptune turning direct may also help us get clearer about our dreams and goals and what we wish to create in our lives moving forward. If there have been any illusions, this is a time where we may see a new truth revealed. 

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥