Gemini New Moon ♥

Monday 30th we have a New Moon in Gemini and this will close the Eclipse Portal, bringing an end to the Autumn Eclipse Season.

New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and manifestation. New Moons ask us to make space for new beginnings.

Gemini is a mutable air sign that is ruled by Mercury, the planet associated with communication, short-distance travel, and thinking. Mercury is currently retrograde and will remain so until June 3rd. When a planet is in retrograde, we are called to dedicate time to reflection, revaluation, and review. That’s especially important during this New Moon because Gemini is notable for being a bit of a trickster, the vibration of the twin dual energy has two sides & faces.

The past 4 weeks have seen an abundance of disruption, as the Eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio were triggering karmic Saturn, and coinciding with the Mercury retrograde. While this New Moon represents a fresh start after Eclipse season, we also have a continuation of some of the primary themes that have been coming up for us recently.

Eclipse season is always a highly transformative time with a lot of new information coming in and brings a high manifestation energy.

Whatever manifested, Eclipses always put us where we need to be, even if it doesn’t quite feel like it at first! They are known for bringing fated events and situations that are designed to boost our level of consciousness, often quite quickly!

No matter where we stand after these Eclipses, the Gemini New Moon will be like a gentle hand, guiding us to digest all the energies that have come our way.

The first New Moon after Eclipse Season is always an important one, as it brings a dose of fresh energy and fresh perspective, allowing us to integrate all that has unfolded, and feel more confident when it comes to taking our next steps forward.

While this fresh energy from the Gemini New Moon will be welcomed, there is some mentally foggy energy stirring at this time, cautioning us to move slowly and be patient. While we may feel some ease as we settle on new ground, the Universe is asking us to take it easy.

This mentally foggy energy partially comes from Mercury, which is the ruling planet of Gemini, currently retrograde. As Gemini’s ruler, Mercury takes on an even greater influence under this New Moon.

During the New Moon, we need to give ourselves permission to take our time and not rush into any decisions with haste. The Universe is slowing things down so we can take our time, so we can catch your breath, and make the best decision moving forward.

If the mentally foggy energy rolling in under this New Moon starts to feel uncomfortable, focus on clearing your mind, removing obsessive or repetitive thinking, and bringing your awareness to the present. Try to keep your mind clear of clutter, and it will be easier to navigate some of this foggy energy.

Mercury has to do with our communication, both internally and externally. We often focus on external communication, but our inner dialogue is equally significant, and Mercury Retrograde in Taurus is asking us to take a look at old stories and inner dialogues that need to be released.

Especially in the Taurean themes of money, relationships, values, self-worth, romance, and our ability to care for “our garden”. Self-awareness and self-reflection about how we can improve our inner dialogue and stories about these topics can yield us wonderful results now. Gemini is a storyteller, and it’s time for some new stories!

Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is our ally here. Venus in Taurus is gently helping us release those old stories that have no place in our lives anymore and remind us of the natural abundance of the Universe, which Taurus is deeply in tune with.

Another carry-over from Eclipse season is the dominance of karmic Saturn right now in Aquarius, getting ready to retrograde on June 4th. This sets up an aspect between Mercury in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius, both stationing. Again, a strong energy surrounding external communications. There may be confusion and mixed messages swirling, so staying clear and steady rather than flying-off-the-handle or making assumptions is important. Taking a pause before reacting or hitting “send” on the text or email could end up making a big difference. Whenever Saturn is involved, the repercussions of our actions can have big significance.

Uranus in Taurus brings in that Uranian unpredictability, we can see this in some ways like having an “itchy trigger finger” right now. Gemini can be restless and impulsive, and Mercury retrograde can cloud our judgment, so it’s important to refine our internal sensitivity about when we are tapped into our intuition, and when we are merely caught in the sway of one of those old ‘stories’.

Our “trigger finger” is also especially eager right now thanks to the rare conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter is only in Aries every 12 years, and Mars is only in it’s home sign every 2 years, so this conjunction happens once a decade at most, but in any case, it is a rare and exciting conjunction!

Which once again pushes us towards the optimism of fresh starts and new beginnings. But besides for optimism, Jupiter is also known for its blind faith and sometimes recklessness. And active Mars can easily be spurred on by Jupiter’s extravagance.

Under the Gemini New Moon, there is also a softer, more gentle energy floating by which is worth tapping into, and that is the energy of Chariklo.

Chariklo is known as the asteroid of Spirit Medicine. It represents returning to the Earth for spiritual healing and remembering that we are an intrinsic part of life on this planet.

Chariklo is a very gentle energy that can help to facilitate and bring ease to any healing journeys we have been on. It reminds us to turn to nature for grounding and support.

Another sweet, yet subtle energy that surrounds this Gemini New Moon is Aldebaran, a Royal Star that has been highly revered by many ancient cultures around the world. At this time of this New Moon, both the Sun and Moon will be conjunct Aldebaran.

Aldebaran carries the energy of success, honor, and rewards, giving this New Moon a lucky glow. Aldebaran is also believed to be home to the Silver Gate Portal.

After the heavy energies of Eclipse Season, the Gemini New Moon should feel much quieter and should bring a softening.

While this New Moon won’t bring total clarity, it does remind us to be patient, to move slowly, and to focus on the gentler and more subtle aspects of our healing journey.

If life is still feeling hectic after the Eclipse transformations, know that this New Moon brings a reminder that it is ok to take our time to process, digest, and reflect.

Love and Blessings

Gemini Full Moon ♥

Sunday the 19th of December, we have our last Full Moon for 2021 falling in the Air sign of Gemini.

The Sun is currently crossing the arc through Sagittarius and the great Galactic Centre.  This puts our Gemini Full Moon directly opposite the Galactic Centre known as the heart of our Universe, and home to some of the most potent, magical, and mysterious energy.

With the Full Moon directly opposite this sacred point in the sky, the energies are likely to be powerful and may even feel other worldly.

Full Moons have a way of drawing things out of us. They are the peak of the lunar cycle and tend to bring things to the peak in our own lives too.

The Gemini Full Moon makes a harmonious aspect to Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance. Jupiter magnifies whatever it touches, but it also holds the gift of allowing us to see the silver lining.

Gemini is represented by the twins, one twin is mortal, the other immortal, signifying the balance between the physical and the spiritual.

We are both a body and soul. We have a human life and a spirit life. We are both human and being. And it is looking at things from both of these viewpoints that may help us to find the answers we are seeking.

As it is the last Full Moon of the year, it is also a good time to check-in and do away with all that we no longer wish to carry with us into the new year.

While the Gemini Full Moon carries some strong galactic energies and some sweetness from Jupiter, there are other events brewing in the cosmic skies that could also influence the energies we are experiencing at this time.

Shortly after this Full Moon peaks, Venus, the planet of love, relationships, and money stations retrograde. The day a planet stations retrograde is when it is at one of its most powerful points.

Venus retrograde may stir matters relating to the heart and the relationships in our lives. These relationships are not just with others but also our relationship with money and the things that we value.

As Venus is stationing retrograde close to Pluto, the planet of power, we may find a new sense of power budding within our heart center. We may even feel more empowered to make heart-led decisions.

Alternatively, we may also find that this Venus-Pluto dynamic highlights where we are not standing in our power, and where we need to find more balance in our relationships with others. This energy may also expose power struggles in our relationships and where we need to release or regain control.

Along with the energy of Venus and Pluto, we also have Saturn and Uranus getting ready to form their third and final square for the year.

While Saturn and Uranus have been doing this dance all year long, under this Full Moon we may be feeling the cumulative effects of this energy.

This may manifest as feeling a push-pull between freedom and boundaries, but also a restlessness when it comes to how to approach something.

Saturn wants us to follow the rules and fall in line, whereas Uranus wants us to think outside the box and do things differently. Saturn represents the past, whereas Uranus represents the future.

Our imaginations may be very active under the Full Moon and could bring out some two-faced and untrustworthy behavior.

Gemini, the sign flip-flops between positions and the Moon is very changeable emotionally as well. We may find ourselves dancing around different subjects and moods. There is also strong psychic energy surrounding this Full Moon, tap in and be open to receive messages from our guides.

The final Full Moon of the year will illuminate things for us to see a new and brighter perspective, and we need to aware that there are other cosmic activities occurring in our night sky that may bring some heightened energy.

To balance all these energies in our lives, we need to acknowledge the lessons and wisdom of our past but now, look forward to the future and to the new possibilities that may lie ahead.

The duality of the Gemini twins asks us to view both sides of our journey, one of our human experience and the other of our spiritual lives.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

New Moon Solar Eclipse ♥

Thursday the 10th of June, we have our annular New Moon Solar Eclipse falling in the sign of Gemini.

Since the Blood Moon Eclipse last month, we have been walking a portal between the old and the new, between one state of consciousness and the next. This portal finally comes to an end with the Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse.

The Eclipse is not visible to us in Australia however it is visible from parts of Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada. Weather permitting, those in Northern Asia, Europe, and the United States will see a partial Eclipse.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse represents a new beginning. Whatever path has been cleared for us by the Blood Moon, we can now begin to see where we are heading. The theme around the New Moon Solar Eclipse is seeing beyond the veil.

No matter where we currently stand, this Solar New Moon Eclipse will ensure that we are headed in the right direction. It signals a time to embrace the new.

We need to trust in whatever has been moving and shaking us recently. Trusting that whatever needs to fall away will fall, and whatever needs to stay will stay. That is the nature and power of Eclipses.

There are some interesting aspects to the New Moon Solar Eclipse. A conjunction forms to the ruler of the Eclipse, Mercury who is retrograde and at the midpoint of his Underworld journey exact at the time of the Eclipse.

Essentially the Sun – Mercury conjunction is getting a massive activation by the Eclipse which really brings into awareness our thoughts, ideas, and perceptions of reality.

Normally such a strong Mercury – Gemini Eclipse would be amazing for clarity, discernment, and communication. But all the Gemini bodies are squaring off to Neptune, so not all is as it seems. There is an energy of elusiveness, confusion, illusion, deception and/or purposeful burying of heads in the sand happening right now. it takes a lot of focus to be grounded, discerning and willing to see clearly right now both personally and collectively.

This influence can also have a weakening effect on our vitality, making it hard to get motivated or enthusiastic about anything, especially hard work. Events or other people can cause confusion and disappointment. We may also feel insecure, guilty, and apologetic.

Personal relationships may be subject to dishonesty and deception. Secrets will be harder to keep and harder to uncover. Seeing only the best in people increases the chance of becoming disillusioned or worse.

The energy here calls for us to move slowly and to trust in our intuition. If something feels off, listen. In fact, a good reminder is to not believe everything we think or hear.

The New Moon Eclipse certainly brings us new beginnings and is a fantastic time to plant the seeds of our goals and dreams. We do need to remember that we are walking on new ground now, and we need to get our balance before we can confidently move ahead, so do not be afraid to pause and wait till you feel clearer.

Our intuition will be our guide, so if things feel mentally foggy or we find ourselves feeling like we are being manipulated by someone, this is the time to stop and trust that feeling in the gut. 

Another aspect is connecting the New Moon Solar Eclipse is Saturn squaring Uranus that will climax on June 14th which adds restrictive change or unexpected restrictions to the Astrology around the Solar Eclipse. It can bring change that we do not want. It also makes it harder to make the kind of changes we do want.

This can be a very frustrating time of rising tension and sudden, expected changes. But it does not have to be like that. If we stay open-minded, patient, and flexible, what at first seem like challenges, can be turned into opportunities to rid ourselves of negative, restrictive, and limiting things in our lives. It is about looking at things from another perception and trying our best to be patient.

The sign of the New Moon Solar Eclipse is Gemini. Gemini is represented by the twins, with one twin being mortal and the other immortal. These two twins represent the duality we face on Earth. We are humans, limited by our physical bodies and in need of material comforts, but we are also limitless souls, on an endless journey of growth. 

On a human level, we can find ourselves labeling things or events as good or bad, but on a soul level, we understand the bigger picture and know that all experiences serve their purpose.

Recognising this dualism within us can be tricky, but if we can… this helps to bring some ease as we navigate any changing or unsettling energies that come our way.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse is a North Node Eclipse, which signifies an opening to a new chapter of our collective destiny.

On a global level, the collective choices we make around the time of this Eclipse are dictating our collective future. This is also the last Eclipse we will experience in Gemini until 2029, so whatever is planted now will create a ripple until this time.

What type of planet do we want to live on? What type of society do we want to create? Our choices, words, and thoughts have a power here that can help shift the planet into a higher frequency.

While we cannot control what others do, we can take the power into our own hands by being mindful of our own thoughts, actions, and choices.

We can all use the energy of the Eclipse to focus on the things that we want, rather than the things we don’t want. Being mindful about where our thoughts are going out to and how they are making us feel.

By being aware of how we are allowing our thoughts to lead us can be quite powerful. We should ask ourselves. are we leading from a place of love or fear?

And if the answer is fear, how can we confidently acknowledge this, take ownership of it, and support and love ourselves through the process? 

The New Moon Solar Eclipse brings an end to Winter Eclipse Season, so let’s use this energy to its fullest advantage.

Eclipses thin the veil and allow us to access our intuition with greater ease. They provide us with guidance, and the opportunity to take a leap into a higher vibration. 

We need to remember not to force things or push our way forward under this energy. Allowing ourselves to be shown the way. Allowing the fairy dust sprinkles to appear and then see where they lead us. 

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥