Gemini Full Moon ♥

Sunday the 19th of December, we have our last Full Moon for 2021 falling in the Air sign of Gemini.

The Sun is currently crossing the arc through Sagittarius and the great Galactic Centre.  This puts our Gemini Full Moon directly opposite the Galactic Centre known as the heart of our Universe, and home to some of the most potent, magical, and mysterious energy.

With the Full Moon directly opposite this sacred point in the sky, the energies are likely to be powerful and may even feel other worldly.

Full Moons have a way of drawing things out of us. They are the peak of the lunar cycle and tend to bring things to the peak in our own lives too.

The Gemini Full Moon makes a harmonious aspect to Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance. Jupiter magnifies whatever it touches, but it also holds the gift of allowing us to see the silver lining.

Gemini is represented by the twins, one twin is mortal, the other immortal, signifying the balance between the physical and the spiritual.

We are both a body and soul. We have a human life and a spirit life. We are both human and being. And it is looking at things from both of these viewpoints that may help us to find the answers we are seeking.

As it is the last Full Moon of the year, it is also a good time to check-in and do away with all that we no longer wish to carry with us into the new year.

While the Gemini Full Moon carries some strong galactic energies and some sweetness from Jupiter, there are other events brewing in the cosmic skies that could also influence the energies we are experiencing at this time.

Shortly after this Full Moon peaks, Venus, the planet of love, relationships, and money stations retrograde. The day a planet stations retrograde is when it is at one of its most powerful points.

Venus retrograde may stir matters relating to the heart and the relationships in our lives. These relationships are not just with others but also our relationship with money and the things that we value.

As Venus is stationing retrograde close to Pluto, the planet of power, we may find a new sense of power budding within our heart center. We may even feel more empowered to make heart-led decisions.

Alternatively, we may also find that this Venus-Pluto dynamic highlights where we are not standing in our power, and where we need to find more balance in our relationships with others. This energy may also expose power struggles in our relationships and where we need to release or regain control.

Along with the energy of Venus and Pluto, we also have Saturn and Uranus getting ready to form their third and final square for the year.

While Saturn and Uranus have been doing this dance all year long, under this Full Moon we may be feeling the cumulative effects of this energy.

This may manifest as feeling a push-pull between freedom and boundaries, but also a restlessness when it comes to how to approach something.

Saturn wants us to follow the rules and fall in line, whereas Uranus wants us to think outside the box and do things differently. Saturn represents the past, whereas Uranus represents the future.

Our imaginations may be very active under the Full Moon and could bring out some two-faced and untrustworthy behavior.

Gemini, the sign flip-flops between positions and the Moon is very changeable emotionally as well. We may find ourselves dancing around different subjects and moods. There is also strong psychic energy surrounding this Full Moon, tap in and be open to receive messages from our guides.

The final Full Moon of the year will illuminate things for us to see a new and brighter perspective, and we need to aware that there are other cosmic activities occurring in our night sky that may bring some heightened energy.

To balance all these energies in our lives, we need to acknowledge the lessons and wisdom of our past but now, look forward to the future and to the new possibilities that may lie ahead.

The duality of the Gemini twins asks us to view both sides of our journey, one of our human experience and the other of our spiritual lives.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥