✨The Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction

On April 12-13th Jupiter will enter Pisces and Neptune a few days later on April 17-18th Their conjunction in the same sign occurs approximately every twelve years, but it is not usually near the ingress (entry into a new sign). The last time they were together in Aquarius was in 1856, and in Pisces in 1869.

Their meeting in Pisces is arguably the most intense energetic combination as Jupiter is considered the ancient ruler of Pisces and Neptune is considered the modern ruler.

As Jupiter and Neptune both have strong energetic cords when moving through Pisces, it allows us to harness the full potential of this energy.

It brings a significant emphasis on all things Pisces, the sign represented by two fishes swimming in opposite directions, which are symbolic of the natural duality of material creation.

The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction can embody an idealistic, spiritual, creative, generous, and sympathetic spirit. It may indicate a powerful desire for justice, to the point of being willing to make personal sacrifices for an ideological cause. Substance abuse issues may also be indicated, along with a weak will or impractical nature in some instances. Choose wisely!

Neptune and Jupiter coming together can inspire new forms of media and movements in film, photography, and music. It is a highly creative energy that thins the veil, allowing us to see or realise things we couldn’t before.

The Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces unlock the door to the hidden realms, to viewpoints that have only existed in the shadows or beneath the surface. This energy combination is also a classic signature for spiritual awakening.

All things in the spiritual realm can expand, flourish, and grow under this energy. We may even find ourselves exploring new understandings of life beyond life or connections with otherworldly beings. 

Under this energy, we may feel the desire to create deeper spiritual connections, and that inner divine flame that lives within may call out to us more and more.

On its highest vibration, Neptune is the planet of unconditional love and Jupiter is the planet of expansion. As they join forces, we can be reminded of our connection to each other, and the love that flows within and around each and every one of us. Rather than seeing division, we can see that we are connected, that we all deserve love, and that separation is just an illusion. 

While Jupiter and Neptune coming together offer beautiful vibrations, they can also trigger events around water, such as flooding and water supply issues. As if we haven’t heard enough fury from the energy of the Black Water Tiger here on the East Coast of Australia.

Water is also symbolic of our collective emotions, so with Neptune and Jupiter coming together, there may be an increase in the emotional aura of the planet. 

As a collective, we may find ourselves dealing with something that triggers a high emotional response, or we may simply find that the already present emotional, psychic energies of the planet are ready to be cleansed and cleared away. 

Healers, psychics, creatives, and spiritual teachers are likely to be in high demand under this energy. If this is your calling, you may find your gifts awakened under this energy. If you are yet to step into this calling, these energies may make it hard for you to ignore.

Neptune also rules over escapism, so we could see an increase in drug use and other things that are used to escape from reality. Neptune can also create fogginess and illusion, making it hard for us to see the truth or to know which path we wish to take.

Under this energy, we may find it hard to get grounded or to know where we stand. We may find it hard to commit, to make decisions, or to source all of the information we need for security and comfort. 

As this is such strong, watery energy, the best way to navigate through all of this is to go with the flow, to surrender, and to see the perspective of all sides.

Jupiter and Neptune expand our awareness, allowing us to recognize that not everything is black and white, and in the eyes of the Universe there is no right or wrong, only vibration. 

Trusting and following our instincts is also going to become important under this energy. When the road ahead is foggy and we can’t see our way forward using our traditional senses, we have to go within, we have to connect to our subtler senses to find our way forward. 

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

The Great Conjunction ♥

December 21st… To say today has a bit going on is an understatement. We have the Great Conjunction, The Equinox, Summer Solstice and Capricorn Season all happening at once.

I’ll just focus on the Great Conjunction… the Great Conjunction is a rare and very special astrological event that happens every 20 years or so. It involves the meeting of both Jupiter and Saturn at the same degree of the zodiac.

For the last 200 years, the Great Conjunction has occurred almost always in earth signs, but now, on December 21, 2020, both Jupiter and Saturn will align in the air sign of Aquarius.

This Great Conjunction has both planets the closest in a Very Long time and this alignment is called the ‘Christmas Star’ or Star of Bethlehem.

Last seen in 1266 in the Middle Ages, the ‘Christmas Star’ or Star of Bethlehem is a very rare astronomical occurrence.

According to NASA, this event won’t happen again until 2080.

As Jupiter and Saturn align in Aquarius it is going to kickstart a new era. It is also going to usher us deeper into the Age of Aquarius.

There is much debate on when the Age of Aquarius actually begins. Some astrologers believe it has already started; others believe we are still hundreds of years away. 

Regardless of when the Age of Aquarius officially begins, it seems this Great Conjunction falling in Aquarius, is a sign that we are about to see many Age of Aquarius themes unfold.

For the last 200 years, as Jupiter and Saturn have been coming together in earth signs, they have shaped and defined the world we currently live in. 

Earth energy is very tangible. It is all about building things, creating foundations, using the resources of the Earth, and focusing on material possessions.

Under this Earth energy, we have achieved a lot, but the time has come for a shift back into balance. We need to move away from material possessions, from robbing the Earth of its resources, and away from creating the tangible to creating the intangible.

And that is where the air energy of Aquarius comes into play. Aquarius energy is revolutionary & high-tech. Rather than wanting to create something tangible, Aquarius energy is all about the digital world.

In 2020, we have already seen a huge increase in people using the digital world.

Along with the world becoming more digital, we may also start to see a rise in community-based living.

Rather than looking to big organizations or government, we may instead find the support we need from our own community members. Creating a sense of community may also feel more important or necessary. Fabulous!!!

Aquarius energy can also bring advancements to the medical arena by encouraging alternative healing practices like sound healing, crystal healing, laser technology, and even more digitized healthcare services.

As the sign that rules over humanitarian efforts, we may also see developments surrounding issues such as homelessness, world hunger, and equal rights. Yeah…let’s see that happen!!

Aquarius energy allows us to focus on what is good for the whole. Rather than focusing solely on our own needs and wants, we are able to see that we are all connected and that we all need to come together in order to create a better world.

When this energy is in balance, it allows us to create a more peaceful and compassionate world where we are able to put ourselves in the shoes of others, where we are able to create supportive and loving communities, and where we are able to work together and share common goals.

This is the Age of Aquarius utopia that has been sung about and talked about for decades. This is the better life we can envisage for ourselves, where we are all honored for our individual selves but then also connected and working together as a whole and for the greater good.

Like with all things, there is a dark side to this energy too that we have to be mindful to avoid.

When not in balance, this energy can make us ignore the beliefs of others and fall into “sheep” mentality. Rather than being able to think for ourselves, we are told what to believe and have to follow the group in order to feel accepted.

We need to be mindful of not allowing our own individual spark to be lost in trying to serve others and our community. We need to make sure we are acting from a place of truth and authenticity, or we will find that society becomes based on ideas of a single few rather than the collective.

We have 200 years to find this balance, as both Jupiter and Saturn will travel through predominantly air signs for this next cycle.

We should all embrace the energies of this cycle by thinking about where we have been too attached to material possessions. 

This is a time for us to remember the power of our thoughts and that our thoughts are powerful seeds of creation. 

When we are in a place where we feel aligned and in an authentic headspace, we are automatically attracting whatever is best for us. 

Rather than trying to manifest our goals, we should instead focus on bringing ourselves into a state of complete alignment. From this place, our goals and whatever we wish to manifest comes naturally.

Jupiter is the planet associated with abundance and expansion. Its energy is naturally optimistic and allows us to see possibilities and potentials.

Jupiter expands whatever it touches, allowing us to welcome abundance and to see things with a greater clarity. Jupiter is considered to be the lucky planet and the one that brings us our natural gifts and rewards in this life.

Saturn in many ways is seen as the opposite, however this is a bit of mistaken identity. Saturn is considered a harsh planet that likes to impose rules and restrictions.

It wants us to set boundaries and may make us feel held back and even oppressed. Its energy is similar to that of a strict teacher, always wanting us to follow the rules, work hard, and scolding us when we don’t.

However, Saturn is also where we do our most growing and most learning. 

It is through Saturn that we are able to mature, to become wiser, and to find our true inner strength and power.

Both Jupiter and Saturn coming together in this conjunction is like the Lord of Karma meeting the planet of expansion. Here, Jupiter is able to shine a light on all of our Saturn lessons. It is able to soften them, make us see them with more clarity, but also in many ways, expand them. 

As the Jupiter Saturn conjunction is so pivotal, this energy affects us on a global level too. It is almost like Earth is waking up to its karma. In many ways, our entire planet is advancing to a new level and looking for debts to be paid.

Whatever our collective Earth karma is, this Great Conjunction has arrived to set things into balance. 

On a global level, whatever needs to be repaid will have to be repaid. Whatever is owed will have to be given. 

On deeper spiritual levels, this alignment of Jupiter and Saturn indicates a rise in consciousness for the planet, where we are able to see with more clarity the karmic energy of the globe, and what we can do to create more balance.

It is also interesting to note that both Jupiter and Saturn will come together at zero degrees of Aquarius, which is a highly charged point of any zodiac sign.

0 degrees represents infinite potential and possibilities. It represents a time where all things are possible, and a new foundation is opening.

On this day, it will feel like Earth is moving through a portal of energy where it will be rebirthed and hold millions of new possibilities for all of us. 

This is very fertile energy, which indicates new beginnings on a grand scale. Earth will never be the same again and as beings of this Earth, we will have no choice but to adapt and embrace this new chapter that is on offer to us.

The energy of the Great Conjunction will feel most powerful for the next few weeks. Then it will fade into the background of our lives, where it will continue to influence us most strongly for the coming years.

Love and Blessings xo ♥♥♥

Image by timeanddate.com