Libra Full Moon April 2022

Sunday the 17th of April, we have a Full Moon rising in the sign of Libra. The Libran Full Moon is also knowns as the Pink Moon and is the opening of the Eclipse Gateway. The first of two Eclipses occurs in 2 weeks later on April 30th during the New Moon Solar Eclipse.

There is a lot of strong energy building up to the Full Moon and during this Lunation. There is a lot of tension in the astrological air right now. It seems that wherever there has been tension, whatever has been pulled too tightly, is going to snap back, forcing us to make changes and to find a new way to harmony.

The Libran Full Moon is shining the light on indecision and scattered energy in our lives. It may be showing us where we have been on the fence when it comes to choices we need to make or that we keep changing our minds back and forth. It can be frustrating as we feel all over the place, pulled in multiple directions, and perhaps that we don’t have all the information needed in order to make a decision. 

As Libra rules over how we connect with others, our relationships may also come into the spotlight under this Full Moon.

Keep in mind that most of the people we encounter in this life can be mirrors, reflecting back to us the things that we need to work on or celebrate within ourselves, however, due to the cosmic forces surrounding this Full Moon, there is a strong need for us to assert ourselves, set firm boundaries, and ensure that the flow of giving and receiving is equal when it comes to our relationships.

Whatever may come up we need to keep the idea of harmony in our mind. Knowing that anything that falls apart, any “disharmony” that presents itself, is simply an opportunity to smooth the flow of energy in and out of our lives.

The chart surrounding the Libran Full Moon is quite complex with plenty of things going on.

La Luna makes positive aspects to Mars and Saturn, and challenging aspects to Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. There are also two very positive fixed stars that align with this Full Moon and we have the conjunction of Jupiter & Neptune energy at play here to.. But the one planet that stands out the most in the chart is Pluto, dwarf planet Eris comes in strong to.

Pluto’s influence here can lead to compulsive and destructive behavior as deeply buried feelings are exposed. Things may rise to the surface that we are completely unaware of, feelings and wounds deeply buried.

Emotional power struggles are possible and may become quite ruthless. Jealousy, manipulation, guilt-tripping, bullying, sexual abuse, or domestic violence may be involved.

Such intense emotions and reactions may become difficult to control and lead to a personal crisis. This aspect is also associated with spying and other invasions of privacy. Confronting family secrets may be revealed, or your own secrets or embarrassing habits may be exposed.

Although sometimes very painful, gaining awareness of destructive Pluto influences can be healing, with opportunities to transform and evolve. The Moon trine Mars and Saturn make this easier. It also makes this a good Full Moon to eliminate prejudice, racism, fears and phobias, addiction, sexual problems, and unhealthy relationships.

The positive influences combined will help to reduce the challenging influence of Pluto. It gives us the chance to let go of bad habits, obsessions, and compulsions. This will lead to healing from a positive transformation of our emotions and relationships.

Along with Pluto, Eris is very active under the Libran Full Moon. Eris is known as the Goddess of Discord and Strife. Eris is a powerful warrior that moves from her feminine instincts, not her masculine ones. Her warrior-like nature comes from her heart. She is the mother that can lift a car in order to save her baby. She is the witch that is strong and confident in her magic. She is the woman that owns her sexuality and knows she is desirable. Her energy can be in some way likened to Black Moon Lilith.

Dark feminine qualities can include things like jealousy, possessiveness, and manipulation, but it can also include transformation, magic, alchemy, healthy sexual expression, and feeling self-assured.

No matter our gender expression, when we work consciously with the energy of Eris, it helps us to embrace our darker feminine side, the side that is shunned by society the most.

When we embrace our dark feminine, it allows us to balance the light feminine qualities, so we are not just agreeable and nurturing towards others all the time, but we can also stand in our power and own all of who we are.

Wherever Eris creates discord and strife, is often where we need to stand up and embrace our shadow feminine side. Sometimes this embrace requires us to clear things that are not serving our highest good, and other times, this embrace requires us to step into our power more.

While Eris may be stirring things under this Full Moon, whatever destruction she leaves in her path is a call for us to find a new way to harmony. Libra is all about creating harmony and balance, so know this is a cosmic force that is on our side.

As always, Full Moons are powerful moments of release and endings. We can tap into the Libran Full Moon energy to bring closure to anything in our lives that no longer brings us harmony. Trust the wisdom that lives within us when it comes to any decisions that need to be made.

There is a duality to this Full Moon which advises us to be strong in what needs to be done but soft and allowing in the way that it can be done.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Libra Full Moon ♥

Monday the 29th of March, we have the first Full Moon for the Astrological New Year falling in the sign of Libra.

At the time of this Libra Full Moon, Venus, Chiron, and the Sun will all be aligned. The Moon will also make a perfect triangle configuration to both Saturn and Mars, known as a Grand Trine. The Libran Full Moon will be quite close to Earth, not considered a Super Moon but very close to one.

All this combined gives the Libran Full Moon some potent energies. Full Moons are always a time of release, and we may find ourselves in a state of natural cleansing and clearing of the past.

As the Equinox and a new astrological cycle has begun the Libran Full Moon is supporting us to let go of all that we no longer need to carry and to create space for new fresh energy.

When we first started this zodiac cycle back in March of 2020, the world was a different place. We have all changed. We have all evolved and grown.

We have all had new experiences that have shaped and moved us, and this Full Moon is our chance to acknowledge and release all that no longer needs to be with us.

Libran Full Moons are energetically about relationships and other people, so we can be extra focused on that. We may work on being more emotionally connected with the people we care about, and we can express more of what we feel with others. Others may be more expressive with us as well, and this can help open up emotional pathways, but we also need to make sure we’re not creating drama.

Libran Full Moons are also times when we feel the need to surround ourselves with peace and harmony. When we are not dealing with chaos, we can be much more decisive and emotionally secure. If we have chaos to deal with, it can throw us off in a big way, and we can struggle with seeing things clearly or making a sound judgment. 

Libra is the sign of balance, so Libran Full Moons are great times to work on eliminating blocks to achieve balance in our lives. The more balanced we feel, the easier it can be to deal with everything.

The Full Moon is opposite Venus in Aries, and Venus is the natural ruler of Libra, so we may not be as comfortable with this Full Moon as we are with the New Moon in March.

We may be at odds, deal with oppositional and aggressive people, and there can be a degree of competition that needs to be toned down. We have to work on compromise and diplomacy, and not identify so strongly with our positions that we don’t see possible solutions right in front of us.

Venus & Chiron are both in Aries opposite the Full Moon in Libra. They lie with the Sun in Aries, which shines upon the Moon in Libra. Venus and Chiron together are a beautiful and complex combination.

Venus calls us into the love that lies at the centre and supporting all creation; and Chiron shows us the path to get there. A path that involves genuine healing and remembrance of our power.

Chiron is known as the wounded healer. Where he appears, he calls us into that wounding that stands between who we think we are the who we truly are. You might think of that like the wounded child and the divine child within…or even simpler the ego and the soul.

His meeting with the energy of the Sun + Venus is a calling to look at all those blocks (normally stemming from one very core wounding) that stop the realisation of love within. There are many paths to work through this, and all of them lead to the realisation that we are love.

If we notice old woundings resurfacing, we should allow this Full Moon to take us on a healing journey. To take from us the resistance we hold within to the bigger journey we are on (yes, this Moon is very much about divine destiny) which is calling us back to love.

This is a time to see that no relationship, no partner, no amount of passion, no amount of sex, no amount of distraction is going to fix this problem on our behalf. In our hands are the keys to the realisation of our own love (no one else).

The other astrological alignment that sweetens up the Libra Full Moon is the Grand Trine alignment between the Moon, Mars, and Saturn.

These three will form a perfect triangle, which is said to bring protection, harmony, and ease.

A Grand Trine is considered a positive omen, where things flow in an easy and smooth direction.

Both Mars and Saturn can be intense planets to work with, but in this formation, they offer us motivation, dedication, longevity, and the willpower to make it through any difficulties.

This Full Moon Grand Trine is a sign, that whatever hardship or struggles we are currently facing will soon pass, especially if we take positive action, use our inner strength, and source from the wisdom of those that have come before us.

The combination of Mars, Saturn, and the Moon also indicates rewards after hard work. Full Moons also represent harvest and completion points, so many may find themselves at the end of the road on a long journey they have been working hard to complete.

The Libran Full Moon is a time to recognize our hard work and to give acknowledgement to all we have achieved & become since to beginning of the last cycle back in March 2020. It is also the time we begin a new cycle taking our new energy & knowledge forward on the journey.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Libran Super New Moon ♥

Saturday the 17th of October, we have a New Moon falling in the Air sign of Libra. This New Moon is also a Super Moon and the closest one to Earth for the year. The Super New Moon in Libra also occurs during the Arcturian Alignment. Even though this is the dark Moon phase, as being a Super New Moon, we are going to feel the lunar energies very strongly.

The pull of the Moon will be drawing us inward and into the deeper depths of our soul. This is quite an intense New Moon as it is harshly aspect by the three most challenging planets: Mars, Saturn, and Pluto. This is a time of shadow work and balancing the light.  

Libra is depicted as the scales, the scales of balance, fairness, and justice, and these are qualities we are going to need to hold in mind under the intense energies this New Moon brings.

There is some dense, heated energy surrounding this Libra Super New Moon. It feels quite harsh, but it also has a magical vibe hidden in the layers. This twist of magic comes from the alignment with two very fortunate stars. One of them being the fixed star Arcturus. So, there is some possibility of achievement and success if this highly competitive New Moon energy is channeled into hard work and determination.

This New Moon may stir some troubles for us or bring some pain points to the surface of our heart. It may make us feel a little heavy or lethargic and add to the confusion or uncertainty we may already be feeling.

With the three most challenging planets (Mars, Saturn, and Pluto) harshly aspected to the Super New Moon we can have an eruptive vibration around anger, resentment, frustration, the abuse of power and authority.

There is an energetic ruthless quest for power which may result in polarization, extremism, conflict, and violence. Interestingly the US presidential election on November 3 falls within this Moon phase.

Libra energy can also touch on our relationships and reveal to us where things may be out of balance.

If we have been giving too much of ourselves away, if we have been acting for the sake of others rather than ourselves, the Libran Super New Moon may help us all to return to ourselves and to find a new way to balance the giving and receiving in life on all levels.

If anyone is dealing with a challenging relationship, this New Moon may bring things to a head. A new strategy may have to be taken, but first, allow the dust to settle. There is no point in running into a dust storm as you cant see!

We need to remember that we can’t always have it all figured out in one go, as this New Moon calls for patience, reflection, and a lot of inner work.

New Moons are always a time of new beginnings, and while we may feel this in the air, we may also feel a growing sense of confusion about how to move forward.

This confusion is amplified by the fact that both Mars and Mercury are still in retrograde at the time of the Super New Moon.

When the world outside us feels confusing and unsure, there are always things we can feel certain about, and those are the things that we should keep in our focus.

Having both these planets in retrograde at the same time is a challenging combination and may make us feel like we are taking steps backward not forward!

It can also add to miscommunications, so we need to be mindful of this during any important conversations.

While this feels like a challenging cycle for us under this New Moon, know that it is also powerful for spiritual awakenings and intuitive work.

If we can open to the energies, there is a chance to receive some new spiritual insights and understandings. Connecting with our spirit guides and angels becomes a little easier too.

Another way we can tap into this energy on offer is through creative projects, especially ones that require us to make something with our hands. Getting creative is always a great expression of ourselves and adds a calming grounding experience.

There are some very strong aspects to the Libran Super New as outlined below.

New Moon opposite Mars ~ creates irritability, hostility, jealousy, aggression, impulsiveness, and sexual tension. It makes us more willful, assertive, and competitive in achieving our strongest desires.

But strong resistance and aggressive responses are likely if we are too forceful in trying to get our own way. Patience, tactics, and a more subtle approach are required to succeed. Underhand tactics like trickery or passive-aggressiveness will not work.

The key to dealing with any arguments or conflict is to be open and honest about our strong desires. Avoid risk-taking and acting rashly. Exercise, sport, and hard physical will release tension from the body.

New Moon square Saturn ~ presents tests and challenges that make it harder to get our own way and reach our goals. Delays, restrictions, deadlines, criticism, and extra responsibilities may damage our self-confidence and leave us feeling weighed down, pessimistic, or depressed. Pressure may come from authority figures, government agencies, or banks.

This is a test of your character. Trying to avoid responsibility or procrastinating would only delay the inevitable and probably make matters worse. We need to strive to meet our responsibilities with patience, determination, persistence, and a strong work ethic. Facing challenges head-on will reduce worry and lead to achievement, satisfaction, and respect.

New Moon square Pluto ~ increases our need to be in control but can also lead to ego conflicts with powerful people or authority figures. A crisis or conflict could feel intense and could lead to obsessions, possessiveness, or other extreme behavior.

Deeply buried fears may be exposed involving death, loss of control, abuse, or persecution. Gaining conscious awareness of fears and controlling behavior will make us feel less threatened and help us to work through the journey. This transformation will give a greater sense of inner power. Then it can be channeled into success through ambition and hard work.

Mars square Pluto ~ intensifies our passionate desires and our need to be in control. A ruthless quest for power and success can make others feel threatened and lead to power struggles and aggressive reactions. Or others may try to dominate or control us. Try to avoid resentment, provocation, and subversive tactics.

The Libran Super New Moon is a powerful one, it’s feisty, with a splash of magic & transformation thrown into the mix… This is a time to be gentle with ourselves, do the shadow work and remember, that the darkest nights often lead to the brightest Sunrises!

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Libra Super Full Moon ❤

Wednesday the 8th of April, we have a Full Moon falling in the Air sign of Libra. This Full Moon is also known as the Pink Moon and is a Super Moon, the closest & brightest one for the year. There is a real mix of energies at play with the Libran Super Full Moon, the scales of balance are tipping very high and very low during this Moon phase.  This Full Moon will most likely amplify all our current emotional states, everyone’s emotions are heightened already which can be overwhelming but… shifting the scales to a positive, it can also be a great time of self-discovery.

Full Moons have the ability to draw things out of us. While this can be cleansing, it can also stir up a lot of emotional energy and expose wounds that we have buried away.

This will likely be a very melancholy Full Moon as it is connected with distance and hardship. The chart for this Full Moon brings this into full light. As the weight of the issues we have been dealing with on a global scale are felt, we may feel trapped by circumstance or the events that have been ongoing. While it is natural to feel overwhelmed by everything, we are reminded not to shut down emotionally in the midst or aftermath of what is going on.

The events of the last few weeks may have shifted the dynamic of relationships as work and homelife are reevaluated. This may have caused some surprising revelations, bringing some closer together and creating distance between others, especially those in long distance connections. This may be causing arguments, upsets and drama. Usually at the root of upsets is fear. It’s important to get to the bottom of what is really going on if we find ourselves in arguments or drama.

Having restrictions put upon us for any length of time can cause us to want to rebel. The Libran Full Moon is urging caution where there is any pull to upset the balance of our lives. This is a time to move back towards our own balance, renewal and nourishment.

The Super Full Moon aspects also cautions against issues with authority, such as restrictions put on by those in government. This can cause additional conflict or stress. There are also aspects warning us to look after our health.

The Super Full Moon makes an aspect to Neptune that is associated with health imbalances. This aspect between Neptune and the Super Full Moon increases our emotional sensitivity which can lead to confusion, insecurity and neurotic distress. This is an aspect of health imbalances, and Neptune rules illness and infection. Cleanliness and hygiene are critical during this two week Moon phase.

There is also a risk of misdiagnosis, over-sensitivity to medications, addiction, and poisoning. Paranoia and suspicion can lead to mistrust and the poisoning of a relationship. We may find ourselves susceptible to isolation, gossip, scandal, betrayal, loss or disappointment… All Neptunian energy.

Mars and the aspect to Uranus can be impulsive and its influence may make people rebellious and aggressive. Jupiter and Pluto amplify the risks but a positive aspect to Mercury gives understanding and common sense. It means smart thinking and cooperation with friends and neighbours is the key to staying safe and relatively happy during the Super Full Moon

Some people may react with ruthless, extreme, self-righteous, prejudiced, immoral or obsessive behavior. Selfishness, greed, jealousy, revenge, racism, violence and crime are connected to this aspect..

Mercury aspected to Jupiter brings positive thinking which should reduce the risk of those destructive behaviors mentioned above. A broad outlook and excellent decision-making skills will allow us to make plans in response to new laws and regulations. This is a good Full Moon to implement new routines at home.

Mercury and Pluto give us an intense focus and concentration to research the truth and uncover secrets. We can trust our intuition to guide our decisions. Mercury aspected to Jupiter-Pluto means we transform our way of thinking and adapt to new restrictions affecting communications and movements.

The Libran Super Full Moon calls for us to start thinking about how we can come together to support one another, rather than getting stuck or bogged down in our own lives and what they have now become since all the changes and big shifts 2020 has brought our way.

Even though we may be feeling alone, isolated, and uncertain, we are all in this together and the only way through is to come together as One.

On spiritual planes, we are all connected, but here in the physical world, we appear as separate. It is part of our journey in this life to be individual beings but at our core, we are one and the same.

It is my belief that all our collective thoughts, actions, and vibrations also make up this reality we find ourselves in. We have always been in this together, but now we are being guided to recognise this Universal truth for ourselves and the power it can bring.

When we start to feel restless or anxious about our current situations, let’s turn it around and think about how we can support and reach out to others.

Let’s get out of our own heads for a moment, put our own troubles to the side, and see what we can offer to the world, to others, to the community, or to the Universe.

It doesn’t have to be big or over the top, it could be a ritual of healing, a phone call, a donation, a helping hand, or an act of compassion. No contribution is too small, and no contribution will go unnoticed or unappreciated.

The fabric of our reality is shifting and changing, which means now is a time where it’s most sensitive to our vibrations. Now is the time where we can upgrade the tapestry of our reality through mindfulness, love, and conscious awareness.

Our vibration radiates the highest when we honor, accept, and love who we are and our journey. Our vibration radiates the highest when we put down our egos and just allow ourselves to be.

We are all needed here at this time, we have all agreed to be here at this time. Even though there is so much destruction, and struggle, and suffering around us, we are creating a new world. We are creating a new reality. And there are higher beings surrounding us and joining in too.

On a more Earth based level, the Libran Super Moon will be highlighting feelings of self-love and stirring things in our relationships. If there are any weaknesses or cracks, this Super Full Moon may expose and shine a light on what needs to be healed.

If any of us are in need, don’t be afraid to reach out for support at this time, whether we go to a friend, relative, professional, or to your angels and guides.

We are all here for each other just like these words are here for you. Let them sink to the depths of your soul and allow them to work and soften you where they need to.

This is a time to practice compassion, to remember that we are all hurting and struggling in our own ways, and to seek how we can lessen the load for those around us.

Gentle loving kindness will help us navigate these strong Lunar vibes, but it is also important that we practice self-care and allow the Full Moon to work on releasing and detoxifying.

Staying hydrated, exercising, writing, painting, dancing, gardening, meditating, being creative, reaching out to friends, all those simple self-care practices are very much needed right now.

There is no doubt these are challenging times and the heavens show some challenging alignments too. But we are not alone in this.

We all need to take some comfort in knowing this journey will soon end. All is temporary, and through this time of uncertainty there is no doubt that we are growing, we are evolving, and the planet is doing the same.

In numerology, the number code 2020 represents infinite possibilities when we work together.

Love, Blessings, Health and Light    CH xo