December 2020 ♥

As we Zoom towards the close of 2020, this month is full of magical energy, some we are already familiar with and others that are new, shiny and revolutionary.

2020 has been of great awakening, and epic change. All through the year, we have seen so many historically defining alignments taking place and December is no exception.

Throughout this month we have a Solar Eclipse, the Solstice, a special Full Moon, and the fated alignment of Jupiter and Saturn, which is known as the Great Conjunction. 

The Great Conjunction is going to steal the show this month due to its rare and potent energy.

While the Great Conjunction happens every 20 years or so, for the last 200 years, it has predominantly taken place in earth signs. But this year, the Great Conjunction unfolds in the air sign of Aquarius.

As Jupiter and Saturn align in Aquarius for the first time in centuries, kickstarting a new 200 year cycle, it is also believed to usher in the Age of Aquarius and bring many activations, which will help our planet ascend into higher frequencies. 

There is no doubt that December is a big, bold, and busy month. But it’s important to keep in mind that this is just the beginning.

While there are so many activations and energy unfolding for us this month, it is likely that we won’t fully understand them until we are deeper down the rabbit hole.

Some of the big events for December 2020…

On December 7th we experience a Moon Wobble

When the Moon is in a square alignment (90 degrees) to the Lunar Nodes we have what’s known as a Moon Wobble. The Moon Wobble typically takes place during an Eclipse Gateway, which is the time between two Eclipses. This can bring heightened energy that makes us feel caught off-balance or a little “wobbly.” Moon Wobbles do bring uncertainty, but it is through trekking through the unknown that we are able to grow.

December 12th…  The 12/12 Gateway

1212 is a powerful angel number that indicates wholeness and completion. It is also a number code to help activate our light body. When our light body is activated, we can gain a new understanding of the dimension of time, and traveling to higher realms, whether astrally or in dreams is much easier.

December 14th… A Total New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

This Total Solar Eclipse brings a burst of fresh energy, indicating new beginnings but also great change. The full extent of these new beginnings or changes may not be realised straight away. There is a certain element of things being hidden or not fully exposed, but whatever seeds are planted on this day will eventually rise, strong and tall.

December 15th… Chiron Moves Direct

Chiron, the asteroid associated with healing turns direct after being retrograde since July. As Chiron was traveling retrograde, wounds from our past may have resurfaced to be revisited once again. Now with Chiron traveling direct, we can take away new wisdom and strength from all we have been through. 

December 17th… Saturn enters Aquarius

Saturn shifts into Aquarius, where it will remain for the next 2.5 years. On a personal level, this signifies the end of a karmic cycle and the starting of a new one. Saturn is the Lord of Karma, and as it shifts from sign to sign, it brings a new set of lessons, challenges, and growth.

Saturn also rewards us for wherever we have shown up and done the work. He’s not all discipline without gifts of good work done!

December 18th… Sun on Galactic Center

The center of our galaxy is believed to sit at about 27 degrees of Sagittarius. As the Sun aligns on this position of the zodiac, we experience galactic, high-frequency energy beaming down to Earth. This high vibrational energy can be used for manifestation work, alchemy, ritual work, and more!

December 19th… Black Moon Lilith Conjunct Uranus

As Uranus aligns with Black Moon Lilith, it brings revolutionary energy. Whatever has been suppressed has the power to rise to the surface for release. This is liberating energy that can help us to push forward if we have been holding ourselves back.

December 20th… Jupiter enters Aquarius

Jupiter spends 12 months in each sign of the zodiac, so its placement indicates the themes for the coming 12 months. Jupiter moving into the sign of Aquarius indicates a focus on humanitarian efforts, community building, healing, and focusing on our collective consciousness. Jupiter is the bringer of expansion and abundance, and will shine a spotlight on a particular area of our life, helping us to harvest the rewards and gifts. Jupiter was last in Aquarius in 2009, so this may provide clues as to where those spotlights may be shining. 

December 21/22th… The Great Conjunction/ Solstice/ Capricorn Season

This is the showstopper of December and brings not only the Solstice and the start of Capricorn Season, but also the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees of Aquarius.

This alignment of Jupiter and Saturn, known as the Great Conjunction, is ushering us into a new era. There is so much to talk about this magical date and why it is extra significant this year. More later….

December 23rd… Mars Squares Pluto

This is the final Mars Square Pluto alignment in a series of three. Mars Square Pluto is typically a volatile energy that indicates increased agitation, frustration, and even anger. Throughout the year, these alignments coincided with protests that were seen all around the world for various reasons. As this is the final of these alignments, hopefully we will receive a sense of deeper understanding that then allows us to move forward feeling heard and seen. 

December 30th… The Full Moon in Cancer

This Full Moon is a little special as is also the second Cancer Full Moon we have experienced this year. The first Cancer Full Moon was an Eclipse, which occurred back at the start of January. The energy of this Full Moon is not as strong as the Eclipse, but it indicates the turning of a new page. There is a strong energy of healing around this Full Moon due to the asteroid, Chiron being very active. As this is a Cancer Full Moon, we may also feel extra sensitive at this time. 

2020 has been a very challenging year and as we reach its end, it’s important to think about all we have to be grateful for, all the strength we have accumulated, and all the growing we have done. 

It is easy to look back on this year and see it as a write off or as a year we want to forget, but if we look at it through the eyes of softening & gratitude…. we may just find some bright jewels of wisdom that are important for us to take forward on our journey into 2021. 

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

The Moon Wobble ♥

The Moon Wobble

A Moon Wobble effects start about 10 days before the exact configuration of the Sun with the Lunar Nodes and lasts 10 days after, around 20 days.

Most years we have 4 Moon Wobbles a year, and occasionally we have 5. We always have a Moon Wobble when there is an Eclipse, because the Eclipses are involved with the conjunction of the Lunar Nodes. But we have Moon Wobbles when there is no Eclipse as well. The effects of each Moon Wobble vary according to the Sign it occurs in and the planets’ relationship to the Moon Wobble.

I am still working with feeling out the Astrological impact of this physical phenomenon but from my understandings during a Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, which can result in more accidents, fires, floods, feats of nature, bizarre weather patterns, earthquakes, tornadoes, violence, terrorism, riots, and political and personal upheavals. Some Moon Wobbles are far worse than others; at the least it is proving to be a crazy phase.

Someday when Astrology has major funding, the latitude and longitude of every city in the world can be fed into a computer and correlated with Moon Wobble Cycles to pinpoint the location and nature of a potential instable time.

The best way to handle Moon Wobble is to be a conscious observer and not to react to the drama, because the picture often changes after Moon Wobble is over. One of the prime examples of this is in the romantic relationship area. More people break up during Moon Wobble, simply because emotions are on an irrational course during Moon Wobble. If you don’t react and wait to deal with the situation after Moon Wobble is over, the other person often changes their mind and says, “they don’t know what got into them.”

However, if you react, the reactions become explosive during Moon Wobble and the relationship can be irreparably damaged. One of the more interesting sides to Moon Wobble is that you often hear from someone out of your past or meet them quite unexpectedly.

As the tides both Ocean and Land are affected by La Lunar one can understand how the wobble of the Moon on her Axis can have an effect here on Earth and within each of us.

Love and Blessings