Leo New Moon ♥

We have a New Moon this Friday 29th of July falling in the fire sign of Leo. With both the Sun and Moon in Leo all things associated with the Leo the Lion will be amplified.

When the Sun and Moon link up in the same sign it marks the beginning of a new Lunar cycle for the Moon and represents the formation of a new venture in the birth charts of all of us.

So even if we don’t have any planets in the sign the Leo New Moon’s taking place in, it still brings forth a time where we are being called to embark on something new.

Taking place in Leo this time around, these new beginnings are all about identity and sense of self. Now is the time to incorporate new ways of honoring our most authentic expression into our lives unapologetically.

Since Leo is the sign ruled by the Sun, there can often be a desire to be seen or acknowledged by others, but the Leo New Moon is less about validation from others and more about how we authenticate ourselves, regardless of who’s watching.

If you can, look at the house in your birth chart Leo governs over. This is where you can expect some new beginnings to be brought forth surrounding self-expression, acknowledgement, and authority.

There is s softness to the Leo New Moon that will feel like quite a relief. Leo rules the heart, loves to play and be creative. As one of  the sweetest New Moons we have experienced in a while. It carries the vibration of abundance, joy, and creativity. It is a beautiful New Moon for checking in with the flow of our lives and if we are where we want to be.

Some days, life tends to pass in a blur. We get caught up in the rush and swept up in the flow of our past actions and beliefs. But the Leo New Moon is a good time to pause and consider the direction of our lives.

Are we moving in a direction that feels good? Are we taking actions each day that fill us with joy and inspiration, or are we living merely out of habit?

Whatever awakenings we may have around these questions, the Leo New Moon will be on our side, supporting us through any changes we wish to make or any new ideas, habits, or ventures we wish to try.

We can also use the symbolism of the Leo Lion to help guide our direction. Leo the Lion shares the message that we can be proud, confident, and fierce in who we are.

When we shed the superficial, when we shed the burdens, when we shed the things that block us from being our true selves, we are able to truly shine.

Venus and Black Moon Lilith are traveling closely together at the time of this New Moon, further amplifying this need to be our true authentic selves, especially when it comes to embracing more of our feminine qualities, which live within us all.

But, the most active planet under this Leo New Moon is Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and expansion. Coupled with the energy of the Leo New Moon, it will guide us to bring more of our heart energy into the world. The world definitely needs more heart energy right now, and this New Moon offers all of us that gift.

Moments after this New Moon, Jupiter also stations retrograde, making its energy doubly strong and more influential.

In astrology, Jupiter is known for bringing optimism and allowing us to see the silver lining, so if there is something challenging going on in your life, use this New Moon to help see a more positive or hopeful side to things.

While the Leo New Moon brings waves of harmonious energy into our being, there is another force that is humming along in the background, which may bring some unsettling energies into our world.

This unsettling energy comes from the Uranus North Node Conjunction. As nice as this Leo New Moon is, we may not be able to escape some of the upheaval that is destined to unfold from this powerful conjunction.

The Uranus North Node conjunction is about raising our collective destiny. The things that we once relied on may not feel so reliable anymore. Our values and the things we depend on as a society is changing. But all of this is in an effort to escalate our collective consciousness and to move us to a higher timeline of our destiny.

A certain amount of chaos is inevitable on this journey, and we may see some of that triggered around the Leo New Moon. But we all must remember that the Leo New Moon offers us a beginning to a beautiful authentic way of being, a beacon of light.

So if we feel or world is a little rocky, or unsettling energies are whirring around, remember to look for and know that the beacon of light is pulsing outwards and getting stronger.

Love and Blessings

Gemini New Moon ♥

Monday 30th we have a New Moon in Gemini and this will close the Eclipse Portal, bringing an end to the Autumn Eclipse Season.

New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and manifestation. New Moons ask us to make space for new beginnings.

Gemini is a mutable air sign that is ruled by Mercury, the planet associated with communication, short-distance travel, and thinking. Mercury is currently retrograde and will remain so until June 3rd. When a planet is in retrograde, we are called to dedicate time to reflection, revaluation, and review. That’s especially important during this New Moon because Gemini is notable for being a bit of a trickster, the vibration of the twin dual energy has two sides & faces.

The past 4 weeks have seen an abundance of disruption, as the Eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio were triggering karmic Saturn, and coinciding with the Mercury retrograde. While this New Moon represents a fresh start after Eclipse season, we also have a continuation of some of the primary themes that have been coming up for us recently.

Eclipse season is always a highly transformative time with a lot of new information coming in and brings a high manifestation energy.

Whatever manifested, Eclipses always put us where we need to be, even if it doesn’t quite feel like it at first! They are known for bringing fated events and situations that are designed to boost our level of consciousness, often quite quickly!

No matter where we stand after these Eclipses, the Gemini New Moon will be like a gentle hand, guiding us to digest all the energies that have come our way.

The first New Moon after Eclipse Season is always an important one, as it brings a dose of fresh energy and fresh perspective, allowing us to integrate all that has unfolded, and feel more confident when it comes to taking our next steps forward.

While this fresh energy from the Gemini New Moon will be welcomed, there is some mentally foggy energy stirring at this time, cautioning us to move slowly and be patient. While we may feel some ease as we settle on new ground, the Universe is asking us to take it easy.

This mentally foggy energy partially comes from Mercury, which is the ruling planet of Gemini, currently retrograde. As Gemini’s ruler, Mercury takes on an even greater influence under this New Moon.

During the New Moon, we need to give ourselves permission to take our time and not rush into any decisions with haste. The Universe is slowing things down so we can take our time, so we can catch your breath, and make the best decision moving forward.

If the mentally foggy energy rolling in under this New Moon starts to feel uncomfortable, focus on clearing your mind, removing obsessive or repetitive thinking, and bringing your awareness to the present. Try to keep your mind clear of clutter, and it will be easier to navigate some of this foggy energy.

Mercury has to do with our communication, both internally and externally. We often focus on external communication, but our inner dialogue is equally significant, and Mercury Retrograde in Taurus is asking us to take a look at old stories and inner dialogues that need to be released.

Especially in the Taurean themes of money, relationships, values, self-worth, romance, and our ability to care for “our garden”. Self-awareness and self-reflection about how we can improve our inner dialogue and stories about these topics can yield us wonderful results now. Gemini is a storyteller, and it’s time for some new stories!

Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is our ally here. Venus in Taurus is gently helping us release those old stories that have no place in our lives anymore and remind us of the natural abundance of the Universe, which Taurus is deeply in tune with.

Another carry-over from Eclipse season is the dominance of karmic Saturn right now in Aquarius, getting ready to retrograde on June 4th. This sets up an aspect between Mercury in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius, both stationing. Again, a strong energy surrounding external communications. There may be confusion and mixed messages swirling, so staying clear and steady rather than flying-off-the-handle or making assumptions is important. Taking a pause before reacting or hitting “send” on the text or email could end up making a big difference. Whenever Saturn is involved, the repercussions of our actions can have big significance.

Uranus in Taurus brings in that Uranian unpredictability, we can see this in some ways like having an “itchy trigger finger” right now. Gemini can be restless and impulsive, and Mercury retrograde can cloud our judgment, so it’s important to refine our internal sensitivity about when we are tapped into our intuition, and when we are merely caught in the sway of one of those old ‘stories’.

Our “trigger finger” is also especially eager right now thanks to the rare conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter is only in Aries every 12 years, and Mars is only in it’s home sign every 2 years, so this conjunction happens once a decade at most, but in any case, it is a rare and exciting conjunction!

Which once again pushes us towards the optimism of fresh starts and new beginnings. But besides for optimism, Jupiter is also known for its blind faith and sometimes recklessness. And active Mars can easily be spurred on by Jupiter’s extravagance.

Under the Gemini New Moon, there is also a softer, more gentle energy floating by which is worth tapping into, and that is the energy of Chariklo.

Chariklo is known as the asteroid of Spirit Medicine. It represents returning to the Earth for spiritual healing and remembering that we are an intrinsic part of life on this planet.

Chariklo is a very gentle energy that can help to facilitate and bring ease to any healing journeys we have been on. It reminds us to turn to nature for grounding and support.

Another sweet, yet subtle energy that surrounds this Gemini New Moon is Aldebaran, a Royal Star that has been highly revered by many ancient cultures around the world. At this time of this New Moon, both the Sun and Moon will be conjunct Aldebaran.

Aldebaran carries the energy of success, honor, and rewards, giving this New Moon a lucky glow. Aldebaran is also believed to be home to the Silver Gate Portal.

After the heavy energies of Eclipse Season, the Gemini New Moon should feel much quieter and should bring a softening.

While this New Moon won’t bring total clarity, it does remind us to be patient, to move slowly, and to focus on the gentler and more subtle aspects of our healing journey.

If life is still feeling hectic after the Eclipse transformations, know that this New Moon brings a reminder that it is ok to take our time to process, digest, and reflect.

Love and Blessings

Taurus New Moon Eclipse ♥

On Sunday the 1st of May we have a New Moon rising in the sign of Taurus for us here in Australia. This New Moon also heralds our first Eclipse for 2022. It is a partial Eclipse and will be visible across parts of South/West South America, Pacific, Atlantic and Antarctica. Not visible in Australia

Solar Eclipses always fall on a New Moon, and while this is only a Partial Solar Eclipse, it is still ultra-potent and carries the weight of a hundred New Moons!

New Moons always represent new beginnings, so this Eclipse is likely to open doors, open windows, and draw entirely new paths for us in the cosmic skies.

This lunation opens the Eclipse portal and begins a cycle that will keep unfolding for six months. The New Moon Solar Eclipse takes place on the Lunar North Node, the point in space indicating our evolutionary direction. The Sun and the Moon will be conjunct Uranus, the Great Awakener.

The activation of Uranus exponentially increases the unpredictability and the possibilities of sudden, unexpected changes that are already high during Eclipse season. Shifts in the global economy and financial markets, and disruption to food production and distribution are possible. This Eclipse will accelerate our movement towards the future inviting us to accept change and adapt to it, even if it doesn’t conform to our expectations.

The keyword for the Taurus New Moon Eclipse is opportunity, so if there is something we want, this is our cosmic invitation to connect with our heart’s desire and see what comes in.

While New Moons are typically powerful moments in the month for manifestation work, under a Solar Eclipse it is actually better to go with the flow and trust what the Universe brings our way.

Eclipses can always take us by surprise, but it is worthwhile remembering that they always put us where we need to be, even if it doesn’t feel like it at first! In fact, Eclipses can accelerate our timeline, bringing forward things that were ultimately inevitable. Things can happen quickly under an Eclipse!

This is extra true for the Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse as the planet Uranus is very active. Uranus is known for bringing surprises and events that seem to appear out of the blue. Its energy promises some sort of radical shift from one state to the next.

Uranus can sometimes be a bit shocking in the way that it works, but ultimately its goal is to bring more freedom into our lives. It wants to liberate us from all that is holding us back so we can step into a truer and more authentic place.

Uranus is also the planet of awakening, so if any surprises do show up under this Eclipse, treat it as a sort of wake-up call to reassess our path and our actions.

Awakening moments can be painful, but if we allow ourselves to blossom rather than retreat back, it can lead to wonderful places!

Jupiter and Venus will also be in perfect alignment under this April Eclipse, offering sweet, nurturing, and abundant vibrations. Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus, so its energy is extra strong at this time too and will give this Eclipse a much softer expression.

With Jupiter and Venus in harmony at this time, it seems that no matter what the Eclipse brings, there will likely be a silver lining, or we may just find it easier to join the flow and create ease amongst any changes.

As this Eclipse is about opportunity, this planetary combination can also bring long-held wishes into our reality. If there is something we have been working towards for a long time, this Eclipse may just bring the rewards of our hard work!

Venus and Jupiter are one of the sweetest combinations of cosmic energy out there, and to feel it, all we have to do is breathe it in and know we are worthy to receive it.

Venus and Jupiter are also the signature for abundance, so keeping our minds focused on abundant thinking and aligned with thoughts of gratitude will be extra beneficial and will allow us to align with the flow of abundant energies this cosmic energy brings.

While Solar Eclipses don’t really require us to set goals or request anything of the Universe, they are a good time to bring our awareness to our hearts and ensure they are open to receiving.

Taurus is the sign associated with self-worth, so bring attention to where you are holding your worth and to any known or hidden feelings of unworthiness. More self-love is often the antidote whenever feelings of not being good enough show up.

We are navigating a time of profound personal and collective transformation, full of upheavals, challenges, and trials. The structures, the lifestyles, the coping mechanisms, and the patterns that have been working for us so far aren’t working any longer. Even if we don’t feel ready to let go of the known, we are being encouraged to explore new ways of being and learn what works as we go.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Aries New Moon April 2022 ♥

We are building up to the Aries New Moon which will fall in full shadow on Friday the 1st of April for us in Australia.

The Aries New Moon makes aspects to the planet Mercury and the minor planet Chiron. So, the spiritual meaning of the Aries New Moon Astrology is related to the sharing of painful memories and experiences in order to heal. 

The close conjunction with Mercury, the planet of communication who moved into Aries on March 27th, brings in a more straightforward, unfussy, and heated, possibly even combative, tone to the way we deliver our thoughts. And on the day of the Aries New Moon, cerebral Mercury will pair up with La Luna, combining emotion and self-expression in a fearless, direct Aries way. 

It’ll be easier to own our voices and share a bold game plan with friends and colleagues or to speak right from the heart with a loved one. At the same time, there may be a tendency to steer a bit too far into argumentative territory, as Aries is innately competitive, has a desire for a good debate and, occasionally, fierce verbal aggression.

Jupiter, the planet of fortune, and Neptune, the planet of spirituality, are closing in on a conjunction in dreamy, ethereal Pisces, which will be exact on April 12th. This aspect, which hasn’t occurred since 1856 and won’t again until 2188, marks the beginning of an emotional, empathic, and mystically charged cycle. Its effect will heighten intuition, spirituality, and a longing to move through life wearing rose-colored glasses. 

While other aspects around this new moon are so action-oriented, this pairing can infuse the moment with more creativity and a desire to swim in our emotions a bit before diving into our next adventure. 

With the beginning on the Astrological year turning since the Equinox and as we arrived at the first sign of the zodiac, Aries…. Aries energy is all about new beginnings. As the New Moon brings the start of a new lunar cycle, it is also about beginnings. This combination of energy makes the Aries New Moon one of the best opportunities in the year for thinking about what new beginnings or new chapter we wish to start in our lives.

Along with the beautiful creative manifestation energies that this New Moon provides, there is another energy that is rippling through the cosmic skies currently thanks to the asteroid Chiron.

Chiron is known as both the wounded healer and the rainbow bridge. As the wounded healer, Chiron is able to take its wounds and struggles and use them as powerful portals of healing and wisdom. It is Chiron’s wounds that allow him to work his magic, heal others, and be a source of psychic knowledge.

As the rainbow bridge, Chiron helps us to shift to a higher state of consciousness, allowing us to move from one state of awareness to the next.

With Chiron energy strong under this New Moon, we all have the power to take our wounds and find the beauty in them. We all have the power to acknowledge how our wounds, even though painful, have shaped us into better and more compassionate people.

Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to fix our wounds, bury them, or pretend they didn’t happen, when sometimes all we need to do is allow our wounds to show us a new way forward.

Discovering this state of being for ourselves is what Chiron’s energy can help us to do. It reminds us that some wounds will never heal, and rather than being buried by this idea or overwhelmed by it, we instead, accept it as a part of who we are.

When we allow and create space for this way of being, it helps us to find the strength and wisdom that our wounds can hold. It also allows us to take our wounds and put them to work to help guide others.

That is the magic of Chiron, and if it feels applicable to your life right now, know that this energy is present and ready to serve you.

Along with the generous healing energies that Chiron offers, we also have Jupiter and Neptune inching closer in our cosmic skies.

Jupiter and Neptune coming together is a rare event that will shape the rest of the year to come.

Together, Jupiter and Neptune represent collective awakening and heighten our psychic senses. A New Moon also can enhance our intuition, so we are likely to feel extra sensitive and very connected to higher worlds.

If you have been looking to start a new artistic/spiritual practice or return to one, know that this New Moon will heighten the call. If you have been wanting to explore your spiritual gifts or have been ignoring your own intuition, this New Moon will offer the push you may be needing.

As we are likely to be feeling closer to the veil and extra sensitive under these energies, be sure you take steps to protect and recharge your energy field.

Know that when the night sky is without a Moon, that is our time to retreat within, to listen to our inner voice, and to trust what we know to be true in our hearts.

It is worthwhile remembering that often whatever is troubling us around the time of the New Moon is something we have the power to work through by going within and working on ourselves first.

Going within also allows us to connect to the power that lives inside. We all hold great power within ourselves. Claim this power. Stand firm and true in who you are. Know that you are worthy of a beautiful life, regardless of what wounds you carry. Know that your wounds are portals to wisdom, to helping others, and to creating a more beautiful world.

Walk the rainbow bridge as it unfolds from the depths of the dark moonless sky. Let yourself be carried to higher states of being. Know you deserve whatever fresh start you are looking for.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Capricorn New Moon ♥

Wednesday the 13th of January our first New Moon of 2021 falls in the sign of Capricorn.

This New Moon falls at 23 degrees of Capricorn, which all through 2020, was a sensitive degree in our cosmic skies. It was at this very degree in January of 2020, that Saturn and Pluto aligned, and the stirrings of what was to come for the year ahead kicked into gear.

The New Moon arriving at this 23rd degree of Capricorn may remind us of the journey we have traveled since January 2020 and stir memories back to this time last year. How much we have all grown. How much our lives have changed.

We experienced so many rare astrological alignments last year, and while 2021 is quieter in comparison, we are still assimilating all of the energies of 2020.

With strong Earthy Capricorn energy under the New Moon we can set new goals, work on long-term plans, and make sure we’re going in the right direction for this year. We can be Capricornial practical about what we can achieve and know what our abilities are.

Capricorn helps us to get more disciplined, responsible, cautious, and considerate. We can try to do things the right way and for the right reasons, and we can work to build something that will last for a long time. Our focus is in realistic and the energy is here to encourage us to stick to our plans faithfully.

There may be focus on governments, institutions, corporations, the establishment, or politics with this New Moon (hopefully not in a negative way!).

This New Moon is conjunct to Pluto in Capricorn, and this increases passion and intensity for the New Moon. Whatever we work on, we can throw ourselves into fully, and channel our passionate energy productively.

A Capricorn New Moon is always a grounding influence and a good time to reconnect with the Earth, our ancestors, and our roots. We are going to have to keep these gifts in mind as there are some volatile energies surrounding this New Moon that could knock us off balance.

The aspects and energy indicates a chance of upheaval, shock, and restlessness. It seems there may be a push-pull dynamic or some opposing forces that create a feeling of division.

There are a lot of aspects around the Capricorn New Moon and not all of them are favorable.

There is volatile energy triggered in part by the dwarf planet Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Strife, which will be in a tense square aspect to the Capricorn New Moon.

Uranus, Mars, and Black Moon Lilith will also be active at this time, further pushing this idea of some shocking news or surprising change. We may even notice Mother Earth speaking up by way of some strong weather patterns.

A few days after this New Moon Uranus, the planet of awakening, will also turn direct, further enhancing its energetic effects and revealing the true colours of something that was stirring for us back in August 2020, when it first went retrograde.

We also have Mars square Saturn which brings frustration and inhibition. And Jupiter square Uranus that can create tension and sudden change.

All the other aspects create complex aspect patterns that indicates an ongoing crisis trigger but can open up great opportunities for development. But also, a deep-seated problem that will take time and effort to adapt to.

No matter what challenges come our way, just like the Capricorn Seagoat who has the talent and skill to climb to the tallest mountain and swim to the deepest depths of the ocean, we too have the ability to overcome any hurdles that are sent our way.

While there are many layers to this January New Moon, let’s not forget that New Moons also signal new beginnings and the start of a new cycle.

They remind us that there are always opportunities to start new things or to try again, especially if something didn’t quite go according to plan the first time around.

The Capricorn New Moon also offers us motivation that will inspire and fuel us to tackle any challenging tasks that need to be completed. We may also notice a sudden burst of confidence and clarity, allowing us to make difficult decisions.

2020 was not a wasted year. It was a year to wake-up, to realign our values, and to view things in a new way. Let us all use what we have learnt and apply it to whatever seeds of intention we plant under the Capricorn New Moon.

Let us all honor just how much we have grown, learnt deeper appreciation and how our priorities have shifted for the better.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

December 2020 ♥

As we Zoom towards the close of 2020, this month is full of magical energy, some we are already familiar with and others that are new, shiny and revolutionary.

2020 has been of great awakening, and epic change. All through the year, we have seen so many historically defining alignments taking place and December is no exception.

Throughout this month we have a Solar Eclipse, the Solstice, a special Full Moon, and the fated alignment of Jupiter and Saturn, which is known as the Great Conjunction. 

The Great Conjunction is going to steal the show this month due to its rare and potent energy.

While the Great Conjunction happens every 20 years or so, for the last 200 years, it has predominantly taken place in earth signs. But this year, the Great Conjunction unfolds in the air sign of Aquarius.

As Jupiter and Saturn align in Aquarius for the first time in centuries, kickstarting a new 200 year cycle, it is also believed to usher in the Age of Aquarius and bring many activations, which will help our planet ascend into higher frequencies. 

There is no doubt that December is a big, bold, and busy month. But it’s important to keep in mind that this is just the beginning.

While there are so many activations and energy unfolding for us this month, it is likely that we won’t fully understand them until we are deeper down the rabbit hole.

Some of the big events for December 2020…

On December 7th we experience a Moon Wobble

When the Moon is in a square alignment (90 degrees) to the Lunar Nodes we have what’s known as a Moon Wobble. The Moon Wobble typically takes place during an Eclipse Gateway, which is the time between two Eclipses. This can bring heightened energy that makes us feel caught off-balance or a little “wobbly.” Moon Wobbles do bring uncertainty, but it is through trekking through the unknown that we are able to grow.

December 12th…  The 12/12 Gateway

1212 is a powerful angel number that indicates wholeness and completion. It is also a number code to help activate our light body. When our light body is activated, we can gain a new understanding of the dimension of time, and traveling to higher realms, whether astrally or in dreams is much easier.

December 14th… A Total New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

This Total Solar Eclipse brings a burst of fresh energy, indicating new beginnings but also great change. The full extent of these new beginnings or changes may not be realised straight away. There is a certain element of things being hidden or not fully exposed, but whatever seeds are planted on this day will eventually rise, strong and tall.

December 15th… Chiron Moves Direct

Chiron, the asteroid associated with healing turns direct after being retrograde since July. As Chiron was traveling retrograde, wounds from our past may have resurfaced to be revisited once again. Now with Chiron traveling direct, we can take away new wisdom and strength from all we have been through. 

December 17th… Saturn enters Aquarius

Saturn shifts into Aquarius, where it will remain for the next 2.5 years. On a personal level, this signifies the end of a karmic cycle and the starting of a new one. Saturn is the Lord of Karma, and as it shifts from sign to sign, it brings a new set of lessons, challenges, and growth.

Saturn also rewards us for wherever we have shown up and done the work. He’s not all discipline without gifts of good work done!

December 18th… Sun on Galactic Center

The center of our galaxy is believed to sit at about 27 degrees of Sagittarius. As the Sun aligns on this position of the zodiac, we experience galactic, high-frequency energy beaming down to Earth. This high vibrational energy can be used for manifestation work, alchemy, ritual work, and more!

December 19th… Black Moon Lilith Conjunct Uranus

As Uranus aligns with Black Moon Lilith, it brings revolutionary energy. Whatever has been suppressed has the power to rise to the surface for release. This is liberating energy that can help us to push forward if we have been holding ourselves back.

December 20th… Jupiter enters Aquarius

Jupiter spends 12 months in each sign of the zodiac, so its placement indicates the themes for the coming 12 months. Jupiter moving into the sign of Aquarius indicates a focus on humanitarian efforts, community building, healing, and focusing on our collective consciousness. Jupiter is the bringer of expansion and abundance, and will shine a spotlight on a particular area of our life, helping us to harvest the rewards and gifts. Jupiter was last in Aquarius in 2009, so this may provide clues as to where those spotlights may be shining. 

December 21/22th… The Great Conjunction/ Solstice/ Capricorn Season

This is the showstopper of December and brings not only the Solstice and the start of Capricorn Season, but also the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees of Aquarius.

This alignment of Jupiter and Saturn, known as the Great Conjunction, is ushering us into a new era. There is so much to talk about this magical date and why it is extra significant this year. More later….

December 23rd… Mars Squares Pluto

This is the final Mars Square Pluto alignment in a series of three. Mars Square Pluto is typically a volatile energy that indicates increased agitation, frustration, and even anger. Throughout the year, these alignments coincided with protests that were seen all around the world for various reasons. As this is the final of these alignments, hopefully we will receive a sense of deeper understanding that then allows us to move forward feeling heard and seen. 

December 30th… The Full Moon in Cancer

This Full Moon is a little special as is also the second Cancer Full Moon we have experienced this year. The first Cancer Full Moon was an Eclipse, which occurred back at the start of January. The energy of this Full Moon is not as strong as the Eclipse, but it indicates the turning of a new page. There is a strong energy of healing around this Full Moon due to the asteroid, Chiron being very active. As this is a Cancer Full Moon, we may also feel extra sensitive at this time. 

2020 has been a very challenging year and as we reach its end, it’s important to think about all we have to be grateful for, all the strength we have accumulated, and all the growing we have done. 

It is easy to look back on this year and see it as a write off or as a year we want to forget, but if we look at it through the eyes of softening & gratitude…. we may just find some bright jewels of wisdom that are important for us to take forward on our journey into 2021. 

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Scorpio New Moon ♥

Sunday, November 15th we have a New Moon falling in the water sign of Scorpio. Take a deep breath as into the deep watery depths we dive for third and final Super New Moon of the year. Scorpio New Moons I find & feel quite intensely as my ascendant is Scorpio. However, this one definitely has the very deep emotional tones but there is a ribbon of light that offers powerful healing as we build to end a year of epic change.

The Scorpio New Moon will bring things up to the surface, especially on an emotional level. It has been building this last week and many of us have felt overwhelmed, emotional, teary and scattered. The Scorpio Moon guides to allow the deepest of fears, loves, hopes, and dreams, to rise up from the pit of our belly, up and out into a new space of awareness.

Under the dark night of the Scorpio New Moon, we are being guided to sit with ourselves and ‘All’ of our emotions. It may not feel comfortable, but it is very necessary. Ugh!

Sometimes we have to do what is uncomfortable, sometimes we have to face whatever is lurking within the shadows of our own fears and doubts. For when we do, we gain so Much!! Understanding ourselves on a deeper & more profound level.

In those moments of wading through what is uncomfortable; when we realize and see fully and wholly our greatest pains, we gain a strength and a wisdom.

This strength, this wisdom is something that only comes when we have found the courage and determination to face up to our greatest wounds and struggles.

The healing is never complete from the darkness, it is something we carry with us on this journey home. But, when we look at it, when we face it, when we hold it and acknowledge it, that is when we can start to rise above it.

Scorpio is represented by the Scorpion but also the Phoenix. Both the Scorpion and the Phoenix have the same ability to transform. The Scorpion sheds its skin and the Phoenix learns how to rise from the ashes.

Both creatures hold within them the power to completely rebirth themselves, no matter what the past has brought their way.

The past has brought so much our way. We are all facing our own struggles, fear, uncertainty, and instability. 2020 has changed so many things.

But under the message of this Moon, we are reminded that it is always within our strength and power to rise again when the time is right.

We are reminded that even when things burn to ashes and crumble around us, even when things in our lives are shedding and we can’t recognize ourselves in the mirror, that this is all part of the great cycle of death and rebirth.

We die and we are reborn so many times on this life journey, so let’s all sit with this and allow this New Moon to show us the way through our own metamorphosis and transformation.

While this New Moon carries some deep and intense emotional energy, it is also is beautifully aspected with the planet Jupiter. The planet of expansion. Jupiter is known for allowing us to see the silver lining in things. It shines rays of hope and positivity our way.

Jupiter and Pluto hold a positive conjunction over the Scorpio New Moon that reminds us to hold that ribbon of light within our hearts and to remember that there is always a higher plan unfolding.

Jupiter is expansive and offers us the ability to see things from a wider perspective. Its energy allows us to break free of our limitations and fixed mindset, and to rise above it all where we can see how every action and every event is always leading us to where we need to be.

If we can detach from where we are sitting, especially on an emotional level and zoom out, zoom right out without judgment we can see that everything has its place, it’s place and lessons learnt on our journey.

Even if we can’t see the full journey of this chapter just yet, or understand the full extent of what is happening around us, there is energy on offer under this New Moon that beckons us to remember that things are always changing and transforming, and while we may not have control over it all, we do have control over how we choose to show up, react, and respond.

Repeat….. We choose to show up, react, and respond.

So, as we sit with any heavy or fragile emotions that are stirred. As we sit with all we are feeling and try to bring acceptance, we need to remember that good phrase…. this too shall pass!

We should only focus on that which we can control and try to keep our vision set to that zoomed out perspective. Try to see beyond the fixed limitations of today and try to imagine where it can lead us tomorrow and for the future. It all sounds and feels pretty full on and intense but this Scorpio New Moon is going to provide one of the most transformational turning points of 2020 and an ability to alchemize all that we have learned and been through this year into a powerful driving force to propel us forwards.

Let’s all breathe deeply and reach for the ribbon of light

Love and Blessings

Leo New Moon ♥

Wednesday the 19th of August we have a New Moon residing in the Fire sign of Leo. This New Moon is also a Black Moon. There are several definitions of a Black Moon. It can be the third New Moon in an astronomical season with four New Moons (as this one is) or the second New Moon in the same calendar month.

A Black New Moon holds potent energy as a time for manifesting new dreams and visions. This Leo New Moon also brings us very strong solar energy.

The Sun has been in its fullest power under the sign of its ruler, Leo, and on this New Moon, it brings a reminder that no matter what happens in life, no matter how dark things may seem, the dependable Sun will always rise again.

The New Moon is the Dark Moon and is a time where we need to tune in to our own inner Sun and light up the parts of ourselves that have been hidden in the shadows.

The Leo New Moon will activate a rising of darkness so it can be cleansed and released for good. Sometimes, the shadows must be exposed before they can return to the light.

With the exposure of the dark we may notice growing tensions in the world around us, or with the ones we love. Some things may get heated, so it’s important we keep ourselves centered and moving from a place of compassion and love.

Judgmental attitudes may pop up and we must remember that we don’t know what it’s like to walk someone else’s path, we need to stay open-minded and try to remember that we and everyone is just doing the best they can.  

This may be quite a challenging New Moon. There is an emphasis on fiery Aries where both Chiron (the wounded healer) and Mars are travelling through. Wounds from war, wounds from past lives, inner wars, or battles in relationships want to be healed, but only to the degree, we are willing to take responsibility for our part.

Blaming others, as well as taking on too much responsibility, will be a huge temptation. The opportunity here is to put an end to fighting others and take the battle within, to claim independence from ego attachments and self-destructive traits.

Sometimes we need to be quiet and other times we need to speak up. This New Moon will teach us how to know the difference. Listening and taking just a little step back before we launch in will be the secret.

Ruled by the Sun and ruler of the heart the Leo New Moon will bring an immense amount of power, light and healing… but just as the saying goes: ‘the darkest hour is just before the dawn’.

For us to be able to embrace and shine the full light of our hearts, Leo will make us look into all that remains unhealed, hidden and avoided. Leo wants us to be able to live from our heart, and the only way to be able to do this is to remove all that blocks that keeps us closed.

Leo also wants to remind you that life should be fun, Leo brings a childlike energy that’s inspired by just about anything and everything. We can allow this Leo energy to remind us of what life was like before all the responsibilities and fears and opinions and ‘reality’ got in the way.

2020 has bought us many setbacks, challenges and circumstances we never could have imagined but it has also offered the opportunity for a lot of growth and change.

A few questions we can ponder on and ask ourselves under the dark night of the Leo New Moon…

What would life be like if there were literally no boundaries, restrictions or responsibilities and nothing to fear? What could we do right now if we knew without doubt that we would be supported?

What are our hearts and our authentic selves calling us to do?

How are we going to make the best of the time we have been given? How can we maximize what is left of this year?

For some of us, this may be completing projects, for others, this may be about learning how to rest and to dedicate time to wellness.

There is no wrong way to use our time, we just must not give up on ourselves or our dreams. We need to try to make the best of the hand we have been dealt and see what miracles and opportunities we can make from wherever we stand right here and now…today.

The Leo New Moon will be guiding us with this. It will be offering us an optimistic hand and sending positive beams of uplifting energy to remind us to make the most of our time and what is left of the year.

While we do have this motivating and inspiring energy on offer to us, there is also another layer to this New Moon too.

At the time of this New Moon, we have the planet Mars very active. Not only is Mars conjunct to Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Strife (Eris is the most massive and second-largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System) Mars is also in a square to Saturn and Pluto, plus trine to the Sun and Moon.

Essentially, this just means that Mars is very, Very busy! Mars will definitely be a star planet to watch as we wrap up this ultra-transformative year.

Yes, Mars is very active at the time of the Leo New Moon, but this can offer us increased motivation and drive. We may feel this inspired, fiery energy bubbling at our core and motivating us to get things done.

Alternatively, if we have been overdoing it, or just sensitive to strong fiery energy, we may find that this active Mars energy leads us to feel overwhelmed and burnt out. 

It will be important to listen to our bodies and to connect with our own inner wisdom, as Mars is going to be triggering our energy levels and either wiping us out so we can get in balance, or boosting us up so we can get in balance. 

Protecting our energy is also going to be important under the Leo New Moon. We can do this in many ways, shielding our energy, herbal cleansing smudges, saltwater baths, or working with our favourite crystals. 

Because Mars is an action planet, doing things like exercise, eating well, and breathwork can also be beneficial too. 

The potency of this New Moon has the power to raise things from the dark, so we may begin noticing or feeling this now, especially on a global level.

Following this New Moon, we may notice hidden information rising to the surface, or painful truths floating into our awareness. We can observe these & step back if it’s too much right now, but…. They will need to be looked at and dived right into as the transformation is here now to heal.

Overall, the Leo New Moon will be filling us with light so we can handle the tensions that may be swirling around us. 

We need to stay connected to this light, breathing in the strength and the inner-fire that is on offer under Leo energy. Holding the flames of our purpose, our passion, and love within. Knowing that they are bright and powerful enough to guide us through whatever needs to rise following the Dark Moon. 

Let’s use this powerful New Moon in Leo to connect deeply to our hearts, our truth, our passions and desires. Choose faith over fear and really go after what we desire and are passionate about.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥