Monday the 12th of April, we have a New Moon falling in the fire sign of Aries. During the New Moon phase, we have a Stellium in Aries as there are several planets and asteroids all whizzing about in the constellation of Aries the Ram.
Anything that is started today will be for the long haul and anything that does end today will not be reborn. It will end so something new can begin.
This Aries New Moon carries powerful energy for manifestation, intention settings, and new beginnings.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and a New Moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle. This energy combined sends powerful waves of new energy into our lives, calling us to make changes, plant seeds, and to embrace a new chapter.
At the peak of the New Moon, it is completely invisible, and the night sky looks like a blank slate full of stars. That blank slate is what each of us is being granted on this Aries New Moon. It is blank for we get to fill it with our desires. We get to choose what we wish to draw, paint, or write across our canvas.
Under the Aries New Moon, our powers of manifestation are heightened and our ability to draw in and attract what we desire is enhanced.
The choices, words, and emotions we put out into the world are always influencing our reality, but at the time of the New Moon this is heightened even more so.
We need to be mindful of our thoughts, words, and the choices we are making at this time. We need to be sure that we are focusing on what we want, rather than what we do not want.
We are reminded to watch our language and how we are choosing to speak to ourselves and others. Words are powerful, so let’s be mindful that we are speaking with loving kindness.
If we find ourselves saying or feeling self-sabotaging or self-limiting thoughts like, “I can’t do that” or “nothing ever works out for me”, see if we can stop the thought and turn it into something more positive and affirmative like, “this may be challenging, but I’ll give it a go.”
We can all use the energies of the Aries New Moon to speak kindly to ourselves, and to remind ourselves that there are always opportunities to begin again, to try new things, and to make different choices.
At the time of the Aries New Moon, we have Venus, Mercury, the Sun, three asteroids Eric, Ceres, Chiron and the Moon all in the sign of Aries, (the Stellium) which is bringing in a strong blast of fiery energy.
The energy of fire is about passion, moving forward, and allowing our desires, rather than out fears to guide our way. Fiery energy can also be impulsive, which when used in the right way can help us make leaps forward and shift out of any bogged down energy we may be feeling.
This is a time to take some action, follow your instincts or an impulse to help get things moving.
The fact that no major planets are in retrograde at the time of this New Moon also supports this energy and indicates that the Universe is really giving us the green light to move ahead and make some bold choices.
Pluto is also very active during the Aries New Moon as is Venus. The combination of Pluto and Venus energy at this time may stir our relationships and get us questioning where we are choosing to give our power away.
Is there a relationship, either with a person or with an event or situation in your life that is making you feel powerless?
We may be drawn to focus on this at the time of the New Moon, or we may feel power struggles play out in some of our relationships.
If this happens, know there is always a path to making better choices. Rather than getting stuck going down the same old path and repeating the same conversations, see if you can switch it up and try something different, as you never know where that may lead you.
Venus and Pluto energy at this New Moon may also heighten our emotions in general. We may feel extra sensitive, or in need of some loving support from those around us and from our higher self.
We also need to check in and give ourselves a little self-care to body, mind, or soul. We should take a little me time, to take rest and recharge the batteries. With all this forward-moving energy it can be tempting to rush ahead, but we also must know when to take pause too.
Enjoy this fabulous, ultra-creative, fresh energy that is coursing through the cosmic skies. A new beginning is here!
We can feel confident in what we are doing under the dark skies of the Aries New Moon and trust that it’s all working out for our highest potential. Today is our day to claim your power!
This Aries New Moon will also cement how we are in the here and now. We are progressing even if it seems at times that we are not; trust that we are. Going back is no longer an option and whatever does come back is renewed.
Today is a day of confidence, of facing our fears head on, and of exuberance energy. The energy feels new and welcoming so, why not embrace this? This is a time to put our weapons down and allow the Universe to show the way to our heart’s truest desires.
Love and Blessings for the Aries New Moon ♥♥♥