Aries New Moon ♥

Monday the 12th of April, we have a New Moon falling in the fire sign of Aries. During the New Moon phase, we have a Stellium in Aries as there are several planets and asteroids all whizzing about in the constellation of Aries the Ram.

Anything that is started today will be for the long haul and anything that does end today will not be reborn. It will end so something new can begin.

This Aries New Moon carries powerful energy for manifestation, intention settings, and new beginnings.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and a New Moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle. This energy combined sends powerful waves of new energy into our lives, calling us to make changes, plant seeds, and to embrace a new chapter.

At the peak of the New Moon, it is completely invisible, and the night sky looks like a blank slate full of stars. That blank slate is what each of us is being granted on this Aries New Moon. It is blank for we get to fill it with our desires. We get to choose what we wish to draw, paint, or write across our canvas.

Under the Aries New Moon, our powers of manifestation are heightened and our ability to draw in and attract what we desire is enhanced.

The choices, words, and emotions we put out into the world are always influencing our reality, but at the time of the New Moon this is heightened even more so.

We need to be mindful of our thoughts, words, and the choices we are making at this time. We need to be sure that we are focusing on what we want, rather than what we do not want.

We are reminded to watch our language and how we are choosing to speak to ourselves and others. Words are powerful, so let’s be mindful that we are speaking with loving kindness.

If we find ourselves saying or feeling self-sabotaging or self-limiting thoughts like, “I can’t do that” or “nothing ever works out for me”, see if we can stop the thought and turn it into something more positive and affirmative like, “this may be challenging, but I’ll give it a go.”

We can all use the energies of the Aries New Moon to speak kindly to ourselves, and to remind ourselves that there are always opportunities to begin again, to try new things, and to make different choices.

At the time of the Aries New Moon, we have Venus, Mercury, the Sun, three asteroids Eric, Ceres, Chiron and the Moon all in the sign of Aries, (the Stellium) which is bringing in a strong blast of fiery energy.

The energy of fire is about passion, moving forward, and allowing our desires, rather than out fears to guide our way. Fiery energy can also be impulsive, which when used in the right way can help us make leaps forward and shift out of any bogged down energy we may be feeling.

This is a time to take some action, follow your instincts or an impulse to help get things moving.

The fact that no major planets are in retrograde at the time of this New Moon also supports this energy and indicates that the Universe is really giving us the green light to move ahead and make some bold choices.

Pluto is also very active during the Aries New Moon as is Venus. The combination of Pluto and Venus energy at this time may stir our relationships and get us questioning where we are choosing to give our power away.

Is there a relationship, either with a person or with an event or situation in your life that is making you feel powerless?

We may be drawn to focus on this at the time of the New Moon, or we may feel power struggles play out in some of our relationships.

If this happens, know there is always a path to making better choices. Rather than getting stuck going down the same old path and repeating the same conversations, see if you can switch it up and try something different, as you never know where that may lead you.

Venus and Pluto energy at this New Moon may also heighten our emotions in general. We may feel extra sensitive, or in need of some loving support from those around us and from our higher self.

We also need to check in and give ourselves a little self-care to body, mind, or soul. We should take a little me time, to take rest and recharge the batteries. With all this forward-moving energy it can be tempting to rush ahead, but we also must know when to take pause too.

Enjoy this fabulous, ultra-creative, fresh energy that is coursing through the cosmic skies. A new beginning is here!

We can feel confident in what we are doing under the dark skies of the Aries New Moon and trust that it’s all working out for our highest potential. Today is our day to claim your power!

This Aries New Moon will also cement how we are in the here and now. We are progressing even if it seems at times that we are not; trust that we are. Going back is no longer an option and whatever does come back is renewed.

Today is a day of confidence, of facing our fears head on, and of exuberance energy. The energy feels new and welcoming so, why not embrace this? This is a time to put our weapons down and allow the Universe to show the way to our heart’s truest desires. 

Love and Blessings for the Aries New Moon ♥♥♥

Pisces New Moon ♥

Saturday the 13th of March, we have a New Moon falling in the water sign of Pisces. Pisces is the twelfth & last sign of the zodiac. The mutable, shapeshifting, water sign which rules the magical, emotional realms of the subconscious and dream worlds.

It is the sign of the poet and mystic… the artist and healer… the savior and sinner, the shaman and physicist. The sign of Pisces is considered the “Key to the Subconscious” and the vast ocean of collective human memory.

Memories and dreams which have been buried just below consciousness now come to the surface to offer more insight and information. Under the dark Piscean Moon is a good time to look to our dreams for messages.

Pisces is probably the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac and, like its symbol, the two fishes swimming in opposite directions, it is a sign that embraces both duality and Oneness.

The Piscean New Moon carries soft, ethereal energy that inspires us to dream, create, and imagine a better reality for ourselves. The energy around the New Moon asks us to pay more attention to the creative, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life.

Pisces is our inner Healer and Psychic. This is the perfect time to tap into our inner Psychic and pay attention to messages & synchronicities.

Under the dark New Moon sky, Venus and Neptune will also be in close alignment with one another. This combination of energy can activate our heart chakra and inspire us to delve into a deeper and greater love.

This very close alignment of Venus and Neptune astrologically relates to idealistic love, compassion, and empathy. 

Venus and Neptune together in the sky can be a recipe for attracting love, heart healing, and heart awakening. 

This can be a good time for finding the dream lover or adding romance to an existing relationship. There is a challenging fixed star on the same degree as the New Moon & it can bring the risk of deception and disappointment, just to be aware.

If matters of the heart are stirred under this New Moon, we need to try to stay out of our heads and see if we can lead from the heart. Listen to the wisdom the heart has to offer and follow through on its guidance.

Neptune is the planet of intuition and listening to our inner voice. Sometimes it can cloud things or fog our vision, but this is only so we learn what it means to go within and source from our own inner wisdom.

Buried within each and every one of us are lifetimes of ancestral wisdom. Wisdom of the lives we have led before this one, and the knowledge we have of our true nature and existence.

This is the perfect New Moon to acknowledge this deep, and perhaps forgotten wisdom. As well as listening deeply to our intuition, if something feels a little off, it may well just be! Listen!

Venus is the planet that rules over relationships, but these relationships extend past romance and include our relationships with family and friends, with money, and even the relationship with ourselves. 

If there are strains in any of these areas, this New Moon may inspire us to do things differently or to perhaps see things in a new way.

If there is any area, we feel we need to resolve or forgive, this energy is particularly beneficial, and can help us connect with deeper compassion.

Neptune energy can sometimes create a rose-colored tint over everything we see, so if something feels too good to be true, or if we feel indecisive about anything at this time, we need to find the patience needed to wait for more clarity. Eventually, the fog will lift, and we will be able to see the path with clearer vision.

Pisces the last sign of the zodiac, and its energy is always reminding us that as that there are always new levels to delve and travel to.

Life is less a straight line and more of a spiral. We are always revisiting and returning to things, but each time our understanding is deeper.

Just like the two Pisces fish swimming in different directions, we can sharpen our own perspective, see things in a new way, and remember that our true state is wholeness.

New Moon Aspects

New Moon & Venus…  brings love, peace, harmony, and beauty, with a focus on love relationships, creativity, and finances. This pleasant, affectionate, charming, and sociable influence is a good omen for friendships and romance.

Sun & Neptune…  increases our sensitivity, intuition, and empathy. Being more affected by the thoughts and feelings of others and the environment can be a positive or negative experience. The result depends on the people and conditions we find ourselves in.

Negative people or environments could drain our energy and leave us feeling depressed, scared, or ill. Being so caring and compassionate, our kindness can be seen as a weakness in the eyes of the shady types and try to take advantage. Being aware of the drainers and setting boundaries will allow us to pass through this energy.

Venus & Neptune… brings the potential for new love relationships or more compassion and spiritual bonding in an existing relationship. This is a romantic, dreamy and idealistic alignment that enhances our imagination and creativity. So, this is a good New Moon for musical and artistic projects, as well as for relaxing or partying.

However, there is a risk of loss, deception, disappointment, or scandal. Especially if one over idealizes a potential partner or ignore the harsh realities of a challenging relationship. Daydreaming and laziness could also lead to problems if there are any serious commitments at work or home.

All in all, the Pisces New Moon offers us a softness, a time to reflect, a time to create, a time to love, a time to tap into our old, old wisdom and a time for deeper connections & compassion.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Aquarian New Moon ♥

Friday the 12th of February, we have a New Moon falling in Aquarius & this day also ushers in the Chinese New Year of – The Yin Metal Ox.

Coinciding with the New Moon we have a mega line up of planets in Aquarius known as a Stellium & the New Moon will supercharge the current Stellium to the max!!!

At the time of this New Moon, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will all be in Aquarius.

If you’ve been itching for a little inspiration, the New Moon in Aquarius will be just the astrological event you’ve been waiting for. 

Aquarian energy is revolutionary, innovative, awakening, and expansive. It brings with it new ideas, new ambitions, and the gift of seeing ourselves in one another.

With this strong pull of planets in one sign of the zodiac, we may notice our focus widening or shifting to new heights.

What we choose to focus on expands, and even though this is always true, we may feel it amplified under the energies of this Aquarian New Moon.

With this strong force of planets in Aquarius activated by the New Moon, we may also see shifts on a global level too.

The last time we had strong Aquarian energy like this was back in the ’60s and it coincided with the hippie counterculture movement. All the things that this movement stood for… equality, peace, and community, are all very much linked to the energy of Aquarius. 

At the time of this New Moon, there may be a strong desire to return to some of these values, or to perhaps engrain them more into our society. Creating community, equality, and social programs that benefit all, are all possible under this energy. 

As this is a New Moon, we may notice seeds being planted in this direction that will blossom in the months and years to come. 

Every month, the universe gifts us with a window of time that is prime for manifestation, in the form of a New Moon. We may have been thinking of some ideas hidden in the deepest recesses of our minds, similar to the Moon is in its most hidden dark phase.

The New Moon is a time for us to call these ideas to the surface and start embracing them! Just as farmers used to plant under the darkness of the New Moon’s night sky to give their crops the chance to grow without being targeted by predators, putting our thoughts, ideas and goals on paper during this time will allow us to plant our own seeds of intention.

Given that this New Moon will be illuminated by Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, it will be more powerful than the last few new moons we’ve been graced with. Mercury will allow us to channel our ideas more clearly and concisely, and this will be especially true if working to tweak an idea or project that is already in process, since Mercury is still retrograde until February 20.

If it’s a new project that’s been in the beginning stages, it’s still a great time to brainstorm, but know that once Mercury goes direct, there may need to be some additional tweaks to get it just right.

In addition to Mercury’s impact, Venus will bring her powers of love and beauty, giving our intentions a little bit of sparkle. On top of that, Jupiter will only magnify the energy we are putting out there. 

While this New Moon brings so much beauty and a reminder that we are co-creators of our reality, not just on a personal level but on a collective level too, it may trigger some tension.

Whenever we have a line up of planets so tightly together, their energy merges and this can create feelings of being overwhelmed, confusion, and that we are wading through a fog.

This strong charge of energy may cloud our mind, make it hard to see the road ahead, or we may find ourselves needing to rest or sleep. 

Self-care practices, especially ones that are focused around forgiveness and clearing resentments from the past may be particularly beneficial at this time. 

While we may feel a little mentally foggy and confused, this is always our signal to get out of our head and into our heart. 

So very often we get lost in the mental chatter of our mind, but sometimes there is a power in silencing our thoughts so our inner knowing can rise up from within. 

With all of this strong air energy floating around at the time of this New Moon, it also worthwhile remembering not to believe everything we think, and to gravitate towards thoughts that make us feel good, rather than thoughts that don’t. 

These small little practices can help the energy of this potent February New Moon feel a little gentler, free-flowing, and channeled in a more positive direction.

What we choose to focus on expands. So, we all definitely need to think about where we wish to direct this energy for our best outcomes.

Love and Blessings  ♥♥♥

New Moon Solar Eclipse ♥

Monday December 14th we have a Total New Moon Solar Eclipse falling in the Fire sign of Sagittarius

This Total Solar Eclipse brings a burst of fresh energy, indicating new beginnings but also Great change. The full extent of these new beginnings or changes may not be realised straight away. There is a certain element of things being hidden or not fully exposed, but whatever seeds are planted on this day will eventually rise, strong and tall.

The Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse + the upcoming Grand Cross is the highest vibrational energetic New Moon to bring 2020 to a close. 

As we head toward both the Galactic Alignment on December 19, followed by the The Great Conjunction on December 22nd, I feel that this Solar Eclipse New Moon + Grand Cross is igniting a brilliant light filled energy of a Great Awakening.    

This powerful New Moon will Light us all up from the inside out bringing much potential for growth

New Moons are all about setting intentions for the forthcoming cycle… how perfect then that our last New Moon for the year falls in the forward thinking sign of Sagittarius.  And that our New Moon is also being amplified through a Grand Cross & Total Solar Eclipse.

Unfortunately, we in Oz wont have the chance to views the Eclipse but it’s energy will be felt globally.

The total Solar Eclipse is visible from parts of Chile and Argentina in the afternoon. Some locations in southern South America, south-west Africa, and Antarctica will see the partial phase of this South American total solar eclipse, if the weather permits.

 If you want to sus out if you can view it follow this link > Total Solar Eclipse on 14 December 2020 (

The Sagittarius New Moon feels so very alive, abounding with Joy, and enthusiastically refreshing in her exuberance.  A welcome ray of Solar-Lunar-Light after a year that has been quite challenging.

She will demand of us to Step up. To break free of the illusion. To envision a more awakened experience of heart & soul for the year ahead. A guiding light of possibility & purpose over the coming cycle.

2020 came with 6 eclipses, which is an unusually high amount. 4 were lunar eclipses though, so they just added on to the intense energy of this year. We finalise the year eclipse-wise with a Solar eclipse being in Sagittarius which is a much more optimistic, positive, forward-thinking eclipse. We can look at things with a brighter view and believe in what’s possible.

There may be more opportunities to pursue, bigger ideas to work on, and we want to expand, explore, and have new experiences. We can focus on being free to do what we want, when we want, and break out from something that has boxed us in for too long. We can get excited and focus on what we really believe in.

This Eclipse comes just a few days before both Jupiter and Saturn move into changeable Aquarius, so this is big energy for mid-December! It’s all about the future, what’s possible, and what new ventures we can embark on.

There is so much fresh energy on offer for us under this Eclipse. It brings the promise of brand new beginnings, fresh starts, and the opportunity to set wheels into motion.

The strong, abundant energy flowing around this Eclipse may also bring some gifts and rewards our way. This will be extra amplified by Saturn, who a few days later on December 17, will leave Capricorn where it has been for the last 2.5 years, for the sign of Aquarius.

It is said that whenever Saturn leaves one zodiac sign for another, we are gifted and rewarded for all of the hard work we have achieved.

The energy of the Solar Eclipse has the power to amplify these gifts and rewards, so think about where you have felt most challenged and where you have done the most growth, and then stay open to any gifts and rewards that may be illuminated for you under this energy.

The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse falls at 23-24 degrees of Sagittarius, which is also just a couple of degrees shy of the Galactic Center.

The Galactic Center is believed to be the center of our Universe and sits at about 27 degrees of Sagittarius. This is a highly sensitive degree of the zodiac and indicates strong cosmic activations.

Under the light of this Eclipse, we may notice our frequency lifted and our consciousness ascending. We may begin to become aware of growing pains or ascension symptoms, similar to flu like symptoms and lethargy. We may even find ourselves tapping into the wisdom of our intuition, spirit guides, and higher self with greater ease.

The Sabian Symbol for this Solar Eclipse, which falls between 23-24 degrees of Sagittarius is – a Blue Bird standing at the entrance to a house.

The idea of this bluebird standing at the door is a happy one. What a treat it would be to see a bright bluebird waiting at our door! It would feel like a special gift or a loving sign from the Universe.

However, the Bluebird could also be missed. We may be too busy on our phone, bustling about for Christmas coming, caught up with the thoughts in our minds or how many things we have to get done, that we miss the bluebird altogether.

And this energy is carried through the Solar Eclipse as well. It offers new beginnings; it offers signs and gifts from the Universe- but will we be open to see them? Will we be open to see the bluebird sitting at our door? This is the time to un plug and connect with nature, listen and feel the signs of these gifts!

The Universe is always offering things to us, but we have to be in an open state to notice and receive these offerings too.

The fastest way to get into a state of receiving is to shift our mindset, and the easiest way to do that is to focus on abundance, appreciation, and gratitude as often as we can.

When we shift out of complaining, wishing things were different, or self-limiting thinking, and open instead to abundance, we open the door to not just seeing the offering of the bluebird, but all that we have to offer too.

Giving from the pureness of our hearts is also another way to open to receiving.

Mercury, the “messenger of the Gods” is also very active under this Eclipse. Mercury rules over communication and our mind.

Under this Eclipse, our powers to create and draw things to us are amplified, so this is a time to pay attention to what we are choosing to focus on and think about.

What we think about expands, and this is doubly true under the power of this Eclipse.

While we do have to be mindful of our thought processes on this day, it is also important to remember that being true to ourselves is what we should aim for.

The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse beckons us to rise up and observe the many blessings that have been hidden in the shadows. As we bring our blessings into the light, it also shines a spotlight on our relationship with the Universe.

Overall, the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse carries some of the brightest energy we have experienced all year.

This is a time to stay open to the light and be grateful. Yes 2020 has been challenging but it has also made us look & go back to the important things in life. What is important, what do we all really need has been the lesson this year.

It has been an epic year of reset & reevaluating. Sure, parts of it Really sucked but hasn’t life simplified? Have we reassessed the beauty of family and our planet? YES…Do we all need to have everything all the time?  No!

I have missed seeing my family big time, especially my adult children & my heart broke for my tween ager missing her friends during lock down. Online schooling was very challenging & shutting my business down for months was financially hard… but we survived & I have more appreciation for the simple things in life.

All of us have a story of 2020 & I personally feel this year has had many positives amongst the restrictions and loss of freedom. We have Reset!

SO…. Lets’ look out for bluebirds. Listen to our own inner voices and keep our hearts pointed in the direction we wish to head!!

Love and Blessings xo ♥♥♥

Libran Super New Moon ♥

Saturday the 17th of October, we have a New Moon falling in the Air sign of Libra. This New Moon is also a Super Moon and the closest one to Earth for the year. The Super New Moon in Libra also occurs during the Arcturian Alignment. Even though this is the dark Moon phase, as being a Super New Moon, we are going to feel the lunar energies very strongly.

The pull of the Moon will be drawing us inward and into the deeper depths of our soul. This is quite an intense New Moon as it is harshly aspect by the three most challenging planets: Mars, Saturn, and Pluto. This is a time of shadow work and balancing the light.  

Libra is depicted as the scales, the scales of balance, fairness, and justice, and these are qualities we are going to need to hold in mind under the intense energies this New Moon brings.

There is some dense, heated energy surrounding this Libra Super New Moon. It feels quite harsh, but it also has a magical vibe hidden in the layers. This twist of magic comes from the alignment with two very fortunate stars. One of them being the fixed star Arcturus. So, there is some possibility of achievement and success if this highly competitive New Moon energy is channeled into hard work and determination.

This New Moon may stir some troubles for us or bring some pain points to the surface of our heart. It may make us feel a little heavy or lethargic and add to the confusion or uncertainty we may already be feeling.

With the three most challenging planets (Mars, Saturn, and Pluto) harshly aspected to the Super New Moon we can have an eruptive vibration around anger, resentment, frustration, the abuse of power and authority.

There is an energetic ruthless quest for power which may result in polarization, extremism, conflict, and violence. Interestingly the US presidential election on November 3 falls within this Moon phase.

Libra energy can also touch on our relationships and reveal to us where things may be out of balance.

If we have been giving too much of ourselves away, if we have been acting for the sake of others rather than ourselves, the Libran Super New Moon may help us all to return to ourselves and to find a new way to balance the giving and receiving in life on all levels.

If anyone is dealing with a challenging relationship, this New Moon may bring things to a head. A new strategy may have to be taken, but first, allow the dust to settle. There is no point in running into a dust storm as you cant see!

We need to remember that we can’t always have it all figured out in one go, as this New Moon calls for patience, reflection, and a lot of inner work.

New Moons are always a time of new beginnings, and while we may feel this in the air, we may also feel a growing sense of confusion about how to move forward.

This confusion is amplified by the fact that both Mars and Mercury are still in retrograde at the time of the Super New Moon.

When the world outside us feels confusing and unsure, there are always things we can feel certain about, and those are the things that we should keep in our focus.

Having both these planets in retrograde at the same time is a challenging combination and may make us feel like we are taking steps backward not forward!

It can also add to miscommunications, so we need to be mindful of this during any important conversations.

While this feels like a challenging cycle for us under this New Moon, know that it is also powerful for spiritual awakenings and intuitive work.

If we can open to the energies, there is a chance to receive some new spiritual insights and understandings. Connecting with our spirit guides and angels becomes a little easier too.

Another way we can tap into this energy on offer is through creative projects, especially ones that require us to make something with our hands. Getting creative is always a great expression of ourselves and adds a calming grounding experience.

There are some very strong aspects to the Libran Super New as outlined below.

New Moon opposite Mars ~ creates irritability, hostility, jealousy, aggression, impulsiveness, and sexual tension. It makes us more willful, assertive, and competitive in achieving our strongest desires.

But strong resistance and aggressive responses are likely if we are too forceful in trying to get our own way. Patience, tactics, and a more subtle approach are required to succeed. Underhand tactics like trickery or passive-aggressiveness will not work.

The key to dealing with any arguments or conflict is to be open and honest about our strong desires. Avoid risk-taking and acting rashly. Exercise, sport, and hard physical will release tension from the body.

New Moon square Saturn ~ presents tests and challenges that make it harder to get our own way and reach our goals. Delays, restrictions, deadlines, criticism, and extra responsibilities may damage our self-confidence and leave us feeling weighed down, pessimistic, or depressed. Pressure may come from authority figures, government agencies, or banks.

This is a test of your character. Trying to avoid responsibility or procrastinating would only delay the inevitable and probably make matters worse. We need to strive to meet our responsibilities with patience, determination, persistence, and a strong work ethic. Facing challenges head-on will reduce worry and lead to achievement, satisfaction, and respect.

New Moon square Pluto ~ increases our need to be in control but can also lead to ego conflicts with powerful people or authority figures. A crisis or conflict could feel intense and could lead to obsessions, possessiveness, or other extreme behavior.

Deeply buried fears may be exposed involving death, loss of control, abuse, or persecution. Gaining conscious awareness of fears and controlling behavior will make us feel less threatened and help us to work through the journey. This transformation will give a greater sense of inner power. Then it can be channeled into success through ambition and hard work.

Mars square Pluto ~ intensifies our passionate desires and our need to be in control. A ruthless quest for power and success can make others feel threatened and lead to power struggles and aggressive reactions. Or others may try to dominate or control us. Try to avoid resentment, provocation, and subversive tactics.

The Libran Super New Moon is a powerful one, it’s feisty, with a splash of magic & transformation thrown into the mix… This is a time to be gentle with ourselves, do the shadow work and remember, that the darkest nights often lead to the brightest Sunrises!

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥