Tuesday the 21st of September, we have a Full Moon rising in the water sign of dreamy Pisces. The Moon represents our emotions. It governs our emotional body and is strongly linked to how we are feeling. The Moon is also connected to our feelings of safety and security.
The Moon is also linked to feminine energy. This energy is present in all living things, and on a potent Full Moon, we may find issues arising when it comes to our relationship with the feminine. Sometimes we can see this playing out in significant female relationships in our lives too.
Under the light of the Pisces Full Moon, we may feel more emotional, extra sensitive, extra creative, and extra intuitive.
Intuition is often described as a feeling of knowing. Often, you don’t have any concrete proof or reason for feeling the way you do, it is just a strong sense of knowing.
In many ways, this place is where the September Full Moon is calling us to go. It’s calling us to step out of our rational mind and into our feeling space. It is calling for us to disconnect from seeking evidence and instead, allow ourselves to connect with our feelings.
The Pisces Full Moon will also illuminate where we may be deceiving ourselves. Where in our day-to-day lives do, we tell ourselves that we are going with the flow but in some cases, we are struggling to swim upstream? Do we tell ourselves we are feeling fine when emotionally we may be all over the place? Are your actions harmonious with our feelings and our ideals? If not, the Pisces Full Moon will highlight where we need to refocus and what we need to release.
All Full Moons are a time of energetic release, and the Pisces Full Moon will shine on any areas that need to be released especially on an emotional level
Think about what you no longer wish to hold onto. Send it love and gratitude, and then under the bright light of the Full Moon, breathe it all away.
The Pisces Full Moon will also shine brightly on the lessons we still need to learn about responsibly relating while balancing our need for freedom and independence. The aspects between Venus and Saturn challenges us to explore the dark side of jealousy, manipulation, and vengefulness while teaching us to find the gold in human relationships and interactions, even though relating can bring extreme messiness and chaos. This is the time to dive deeply into what makes our relationships tick. There is wisdom to find and treasure to retrieve here.
Neptune, the planet of illusions, dreams, and intuition is very active under this Full Moon. Whenever Neptune is active, it can create some foggy energy. We may feel like we are wading through a thick forest, unable to see what is ahead. It may be harder to make decisions or to think with a clear mind.
Neptune can also evoke our emotions, allowing us to see what is bubbling beneath the surface. Our emotions are not always our truth, but they are always valid, and they can be guides as to what we may need to explore, look at, or dive deeper into.
Emotions can be deceiving, so it is best not to label or judge them. Instead, allow them. Imagine them as visitors, coming and going, ebbing, and flowing. Sometimes our emotions just want to be heard and seen. Sometimes when we allow them to rise, they can then so gracefully fall away.
Neptune is also strongly connected with water and the oceans. Spending time at the beach or by the creeks can be an elixir to the soul under the Pisces Full Moon.
This Full Moon is strong in the Air element, asking us to align our words with the ideals they represent in connection with society and all humankind. Change is in the Air, but again, depending on what side of the fence you are on, change may be hard to recognize. Rather than looking at what constantly divides us, Pisces Full Moon asks us to release what keeps us from admitting we are one humanity that shares one Earth
The Pisces Full Moon, along with the energies of Neptune, makes a fantastic combination for all artistic and creative activities. Getting creative also helps to ground us.
Although the energy surrounding the Pisces Full Moon is good for connecting with our intuition and our creative dreams, there is a chance it can also feel overwhelming and push us into a place of emotional instability.
This can also manifest as a feeling of needing to escape from reality or escape from the pressures of our life. While some forms of escapism can be healthy, there are other forms that can do us harm.
This is just something to be aware of under the energy of this Pisces Full Moon. If we feel the need to escape, we need to look at healthy outlets such as getting creative in whatever form, write, meditate, dance or curling up with a good book, or even finding a good movie to disappear into.
Overall, the Pisces Full Moon of September is a dreamy, creative, and intuitive time. While we may feel extra sensitive, there is a beauty in connecting with the subtler frequencies of the world around us. There is also a beauty in connecting with the ebbs and flows of our emotional body.
While every emotion we feel may not be our highest truth, part of our human experience is to allow ourselves to feel and experience emotion
It is through our experience that we become more compassionate, more open, more aware, and more kind. It is through our emotions that we can begin to understand on a deeper level what is driving us and where our intentions may be coming from.
Allow yourself to explore your emotional rhythms under this Full Moon. Embrace what flows without judgement, let it move through you like a wave, and trust the intuitive instincts and whispers that are left behind as you do.
Love and Blessings ♥♥♥