Mars Retrograde 2020

Mars has begun his retrograde journey through the underworld. Mars is journeying through Aries for the first time since 1988 and won’t repeat this rite of passage until 2067.

Now at his closest to the Earth, the Fire God will re-activate and revisit all the transformative and powerful zodiac alignments of 2020, and light them up one more time.

This year has brought some life-changing astrological alignments, so having Mars wake everything up and trigger all we have been through, is definitely going to feel intense.

Mars, the robust and masculine of all our planets. Bowing to its violent and brave character, in ancient times people worshipped Mars in the form of War God. When Mars Transit from one sign to another, it brings a great amount of change in the lives of one and all.

Following the huge Astrological events like Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 2020, Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn 2020, and Mercury Retrograde in Cancer 2020… Mars is all set to draw an impact of its retrograde motion on all of us. As a vivacious, energetic planet, Mars portrays bravery, vibrance, confidence, integrity, positivity, optimism, and strong self-expression.

Mars Retrograde is a time where we have an opportunity to reevaluate our life path and direction.
It is a time where we are encouraged to think about our actions, and whether they are aligned with the life and world we want to create.

As Mars travels through the underworld, we may find ourselves feeling a little lethargic or that we can’t move forward with ease. With Mars journeying retrograde we are also reminded to Rest, Reset and Review. The important 3 R’s of Retrograde.

Mars Retrograde can also bring delays and slow things down to a crawl, but this is really so we can take the much needed time to ensure that what we are wanting to do is in alignment with our true and highest self.

After Mars goes direct on November 13th, we will receive a boost of energy and it will be far easier for us to push forward on the things that we have wanted to do.
We may also find that things we wanted to do have shifted or changed. This is why it’s important to trust in divine timing, especially when we have a planet like Mars in Retrograde.

Trusting in divine timing is also going to be amplified from October 13 to November 3, as Mercury will be in retrograde at the same time.
Having both Mars and Mercury in retrograde together is definitely going to slow things down and make us feel uncertain or confused about what direction to head in.

It is not advisable to make big commitments or life-altering decisions during this period if possible, as this is considered a period of transition.
During a period of transition, we have to wait for the tide to turn in order to see where we are going to end up.

If we try to force a decision, we are likely to find that what we thought we wanted no longer aligns with where we have ended up.
Trusting and listening to our intuition will be extra important during this time, as will focusing on self-care.

Mars Retrograde in Aries is the call to individuate, speak truth to power, including our own!
To know that our body along with our consciousness is the path for our evolution.
A time to redefine how we respond to life’s challenges through a makeover or rebirth of our self-expression in the world.

To leaving behind the ‘roles’, all the settling for, the making nice, the barely breathing and calling it a life.
This is the time to embody our rebellious spirit, our wisdom, gifts and unique qualities.
Be audacious, brave, instinctual, passionate and focused.

This is the time to create whatever causes a revolution in our hearts. This is big turnaround stuff, cracking open the cocoons and pushing up through the Earth.
The next few days are going to be felt at a cellular level, manifesting physically as surges.

Some will feel it stronger than others, know that it is ok, if anyone feels overwhelmed take time to ground and Earth out, however that is achieved for each person.

As both Mars and Jupiter slow to change direction this week, we may feel the influxes literally shake and vibrate the old structures to release collective creations, creating Freedom from old experiences.

Mars Retrograde is a period where everything that 2020 has been about comes to the forefront.
Things need to change, and this Mars Retrograde will be ensuring that everything is up and laid out flat on the table.

During this time on a personal level we need to balance our energy levels. Protect our boundaries. Slow down and listen to our bodies. Be patient, rest and reset. Working with the base chakra helps us to stay grounded. Red Jasper, Black Onyx and Tourmaline. Hematite and Apache Tear crystals come to mind here.

Mars will be triggering the things we have seen play out on the world stage in matters relating to politics, government, power, and control as well. It’s almost like 2020 was always destined to be a year that brought the breakdown and dismantling of darker, denser energies so we can shift the planet into a higher state of consciousness.

Some are saying that we may see a spike in rebellion, uprising and riots may flare up again, protests and infection rates may begin to climb again globally.
Power struggles and exposed corruption may play out as general unrest is in the air, along with fear based attitudes. Bursts of anger and frustration may arise and we need to watch for that as well.

We are reaching the pointy end of the year and with this retro shift Mars is playing out in Aries it may trigger all these again.
Mars Can’t create tension out of nothing, but it Can trigger what is already present so we can clear and release it for good.

All that comes up during this Mars Retrograde are things that need to be exposed so we can shift and change them as a collective.
It all sounds pretty intense and let’s not dance around the edges, it will be for most of us but there is always light.

Without a little slice or a big slice of chaos things can remain stuck, stuck in the norm, accepted as that’s just how it is. So, when we face change, especially chaotic change we can get freaked out, sure! It’s normal, we are human, we are emotional beings.

If we can all just breathe, trust in divine timing, come from our heart spaces, stay grounded yet open to what comes our way we have the opportunity to transform, to raise our own vibrations and the planet like we have yearned for, for a very long time.

Love and Blessings

Mercury Retrograde Feb/March 2020 ♥

The first round of Mercury Retrogrades for 2020 has begun, starting in the water sign of Pisces. This retrograde will finish on the 9th of March with the shadow period completing on the 29th of March. Mercury takes 88 days to do one trek around our Sun. Mercury moves into retrograde three times per year, for anywhere between 19 to 24 days.

Although retrograding planets are the cause of an optical illusion, as our planets actually can’t physically move backwards…well as far as we know right now ?… the energy from the retrograding planets cause a ripple that we on Earth feel energetically.

Mercury retrograde is generally associated with communication and technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, travel delays, and lost items. We may find ourselves reminiscing about the past or unexpectedly meet up with people from our past. Business negotiations are often in a state of flux during Mercury retrograde, with some important details not clear or available to us during this time.

Some people dred Mercury Retrograde and see it as a terrible time to navigate through. Sure, it can be challenging but if we flip the coin, we can view the positive side of Mercury retrograding. This is a time to slow down, work on chilling out the mind chatter, work on how we communicate with others and make sure we check over anything important in detail, twice or more. Retrogrades can be positive retrospect’s just as there are polarities in all signs, planets, nature and people!

With Mercury beginning his retrograde in Pisces, we can get stuck in the Piscean fog, struggle with focus, and feel scattered. Imagination runs strong, and we can get lost in daydreams and fantasies. This is great if you have nothing to focus on, but we always do! So we have to work harder at trying to stay tethered to reality and not get lost in the whimsy.

Pisces is a compassionate sign requiring a gentle touch, and with Mercury retrograde, we can be too sensitive, to easily wounded, and require more boundaries so we’re not taken advantage of. Some can lack sensitivity at all and act in cruel ways. Try to have healthy boundaries to protect yourself, but also be mindful of others and what they need.

Pisces is a highly intuitive, spiritual sign, so focusing on spiritual pursuits and strengthening your intuition can be a good thing to do during the retrograde in Pisces. When the fog sets in and uncertainty is strong, your intuition can act as a guide. Just make sure what you’re listening to is your intuition and not the Devil in disguise!

Mercury retrogrades for the last few days in the air sign of Aquarius. In Aquarius, we can feel extra rebellious, wanting to push boundaries and try things in new ways. We can crave change and feel restless, making us act impulsively and impatiently. But this does us no good, so try to keep that energy under control and focus it productively.

Aquarius rules friends, groups, and the masses, so we can experience issues with any of these. Friends can have a falling out, or old friends can come back; some may leave groups and causes while others pick up old ones and reconnect with old groups; and some may come before the masses and fall while others triumph, some may fade into the crowd, and some crowds may get wild and need a calming influence.

Aquarius is independent and innovative, the inventor and always thinking outside of the box. With Mercury retrograde, we may think a little TOO far outside of the box and need to be more realistic, or we may struggle with unconventional ideas and need to be more open.

Mercury will be anaretic during this retrograde, which is when a planet is 29 degrees of any sign. In transit, this is a crisis period where energy is super high, and this can often be a trigger for something. Mercury retrograde will be at 29 degrees Aquarius March 4th – 6th, so these will be dates to look for. With Aquarius, there may be something sudden or unexpected that comes about that we have to adjust to, there can be something that happens that impacts a big group of people, or there may be a surge in rebellion.

Mercury will be at a critical degree, the special degrees of critical energy, February 27th – 28th, at 4 degrees Pisces. All Energy will be a lot higher, and we can be a bit more scattered & frazzled.

There will be a New Moon in Pisces on February 23rd while Mercury is still retrograde in Pisces. This brings much more focus to the retrograde energy, and we can feel it in a big way. It’s a great time to pursue an opportunity for a second chance or do-over.

New moons with Mercury retrograde tend to be pretty positive, so hopefully this brings positive energy for us. Extra intuition, productive imagination, creative pursuits, feeling sweet and whimsical. Some happy Pisces vibes should be buzzing & blissing us out… More on the New Moon later!

Love and Blessings