Scorpio Blood Moon Eclipse

Monday the 16th of May we have a Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse rising in the water sign of Scorpio.  The Eclipse will be visible from across North and South America, plus parts of Europe and Africa.

A Blood Moon Eclipse is rare and potent. It signifies an ending, a closure point to a chapter not just in our lives, but on our soul journey too.

Blood Moon Eclipses get their name from the reddish hue the Moon takes on when a Total Lunar Eclipse occurs. A Total Lunar Eclipse or Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse always falls on a Full Moon and is the most potent kind we can experience. They carry the weight of a thousand Full Moons!

Eclipses can activate our soul’s contract which can bring forward events that are essential for our growth and evolution. Eclipses can place obstacles on our path, but they also eventually put us in a place, where we need to be.

This Scorpio Blood Moon Eclipse is called the carrier of endings and closures

The Blood Moon Eclipse will guide us to close the doors on certain chapters of our lives as it signifies closure, completions, and endings. This Eclipse may just be the trigger something that needs to stop.

As the Blood Moon Eclipse falls in the sign of Scorpio we may find ourselves retreating to shed our layers and transform deeper into another aspect of ourselves on life’s journey.

Scorpio is represented by a Scorpion that can shed its skin and transform itself. The Scorpio energy is also linked to the Phoenix as this mythical creature has the strength to birth itself from ashes.

We will be offered the power to do this for ourselves and rise into our highest form from the ashes. The Eclipse may bring ashes to us, but it will also promise that we too will be able to rise like the Phoenix and be reborn to fulfill our true potential.

As we feel the Eclipse energy building, we may find ourselves needing to retreat or conserve our energy. In this quiet space, we may find ourselves experiencing awakenings, ah-ha moments, and deeper realisations about our paths journey, our relationships, and the situations we find ourselves in.

Eclipses are a highly sensitive, psychic time, so pay attention to any nagging feelings or intuitions. As Mercury will also be in retrograde under this Eclipse, we may find ourselves feeling mentally foggy or even a little confused about how to proceed in our external world.

If this arises, we should take it as a call to go within, be patient, and get still with our inner voice.

Our inner voice always knows the way, and even though this Eclipse may require us to be a little patient in what unfolds, we can trust that we will have all the answers we need in time.

Under this Blood Moon Eclipse, Venus and Chiron will also be in alignment. This planetary combination can send purifying, healing vibrations our way, helping us to find closure on wounds that have troubled us.

Some wounds can never be healed, but under this Eclipse there are soothing energies that can support us in finding our balance and strength.

As Blood Moon Eclipses are a good time for endings, we can consciously use this energy to set an intention to bring an ending to any painful wounds, stories, or situations that we may find ourselves in.

Mars and Neptune are also in alignment under this Eclipse, guiding us to focus on our spiritual connection. Mars is a fearless, warrior-driven energy, whereas Neptune is all about a higher love and connection.

This combination of energy under the Blood Moon Eclipse guides us to focus on our spiritual wellbeing and to remember that we are souls here for a human experience.

This is also a highly dramatic Moon as Scorpio Full Moons tend to be with every potential of conflict, argument and power and control games. If not for the help and support of Pluto, Mars and Neptune, this one could be a train wreck.

Full Moons are known for making big emotional waves, but with supportive aspects from Pluto in Capricorn (integrity and truth), as well as Mars and Neptune in Pisces (action guided by spirituality, faith, and compassion), we are offered many possible paths to finding smooth cleansing with this energy.

There will be one more Blood Moon Eclipse this year in November and it will be visible to us in Australia ?. These two Eclipses will work together. It is very likely that the November Eclipse will carry similar themes to whatever is unfolding for us under the Scorpio Blood Moon Eclipse.

Pay attention to what comes up during the Eclipse, if it still needs time to bubble up to the surface then we just need to observe, catalogue it and allow it to unfold as needed.   

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Scorpio New Moon ♥

Friday the 5th of November brings us a New Moon in the water sign of Scorpio and marks the opening of the Eclipse Gateway. The first of two Eclipses occurs in 2 weeks on November 19th during the Taurian Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.

The gateway of the Eclipses opening begins with the Scorpio New Moon and starts the powerful portal of transformation that occurs during Eclipses.

The energy of the Scorpio New Moon centers around being true to ourselves, transformation, shifting into a new space of being and looking really deep within.

Scorpio is ruled by water and typically, the Moon is very at home in the water signs, however, Scorpio energy can create moodiness and is quite an intense sign, we may find our energy levels and emotions difficult to balance.

New Moons are about retreating within, and Scorpio energy is also very reflective. We may find ourselves delving into the darker corners of our hearts and minds. We may find ourselves dealing with some of the denser emotions that we have been holding on to. It can be intense but is always the step to transformation and Scorpio is all about transformation.

Scorpio is one of the few signs that is represented by three archetypes- the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix.

Each of these animals represents a different stage in the evolution of consciousness that we move through when working with the energy of Scorpio.

One wonders what sort of shift is needed for a small Scorpion that has only known life on the ground, to transform into the majestic eagle. What needs to happen to the Scorpion to get to this stage?

There is no doubt that to undergo such a drastic transformation, drastic life situations are usually at the core. The Scorpion has to completely lose its way of life in order to allow the metamorphosis to occur.

Under the Scorpio New Moon let’s all take a moment to think about those Scorpion to Eagle transformations that we have journeyed through in our own lives.

Chances are we have all experienced at least one completely life-changing event that has seen us leave the comforts of our small little world and shift to the vantage point of an Eagle.

It is these metamorphosis points in our lives that help us to grow into the person we were meant to be. It is these transformation moments that shape the course of our lives.

The Scorpio New Moon also asks us if we have been wearing masks for others? Have we been compressing ourselves in order to fit in? Going along with things that are not in resonance with who we are? Playing roles that don’t fit?

This New Moon asks that we look to the places where we have not been honoring our truth. The time has come to live our truth and that means giving up the masks once and for all.

There is a great deal of information and truth flowing with this Scorpio New Moon which is amplified by the beginning of another Eclipse cycle. Transformation is at hand in the midst of all this truth. During this powerful period, we need to connect with what sets our soul on fire.

What passions are calling to us? Where is our inspiration leading us to? These are important things to consider under the dark night of the Scorpio New Moon. 

This New Moon is geared to inspire change, so this is a good time to think about what needs to transform in our world and then go about setting our intentions. Work with the energies of this New Moon by knowing that it can help initiate a big shift and change if that is what is needed.

If you feel inclined, use the moody energies of the Scorpio New Moon to delve into those shadowy corners, who knows what beautiful insights will come into the light.

Overall, the energy of the Scorpio New Moon can be used as a catalyst to help us walk the bridge between any transformations we are currently moving through.

Regardless of what Scorpio represents in our personal horoscope chart, direct point-making or a verbal, emotional release is the theme here. Our feelings may have conflicted with another’s recently. And we may have also felt torn between tending to our own needs and supporting a particular individual.

Now, the New Moon in Scorpio offer a chance to speak our mind, lay our cards on the table, and make thoughts or feelings known.


Moon & Uranus… gives an urge to try new and exciting ways to live life to the fullest. We seek the freedom to do things our own way and will most likely resist being told what to do. A struggle for independence can be related to a struggle to explore and express our unique individuality and personality.

We may anticipate something new on the horizon or feel nervous. Sudden changes and unexpected encounters and events are possible that may leave us feeling unsettled and anxious. Learning to adapt to change will help us feel less disconnected. By keeping an open mind, exciting opportunities may arise from any changes that offer a better way forward.

It is better that we don’t resist the urge for the new and unusual, or rebel and changing conditions. Otherwise, this electric and spontaneous energy may escape in a destructive way such as a minor accident. Odd behavior or a radical about-face in someone close to us may cause anxiety too. Arguments or separation may result from impatience or unwillingness to adapt.

Mercury and Venus bring encouraging peace and harmony while reducing stress. A more settled frame of mind and good communication skills makes it easier to deal with any sudden change or unexpected events caused by the New Moon opposite Uranus.

Uranus can also make people distant and impulsive which can lead to sudden breakups. But Mercury sextile Venus love, friendship, cooperation, and diplomacy help you bring people together, find peaceful settlements to disputes, and break down any barriers to progress. A good business sense also helps us find opportunities for success.

All in all, the Scorpio New Moon is a mixed bag energetically with the main themes being deep reflection & transformation.

Diving into the dark deep ocean of our feelings and trauma we can find the brilliant jewels hiding in the crevice’s, bring them to the surface & use them to heal and transform.

Love and Blessings   ♥♥♥

Scorpio New Moon ♥

Sunday, November 15th we have a New Moon falling in the water sign of Scorpio. Take a deep breath as into the deep watery depths we dive for third and final Super New Moon of the year. Scorpio New Moons I find & feel quite intensely as my ascendant is Scorpio. However, this one definitely has the very deep emotional tones but there is a ribbon of light that offers powerful healing as we build to end a year of epic change.

The Scorpio New Moon will bring things up to the surface, especially on an emotional level. It has been building this last week and many of us have felt overwhelmed, emotional, teary and scattered. The Scorpio Moon guides to allow the deepest of fears, loves, hopes, and dreams, to rise up from the pit of our belly, up and out into a new space of awareness.

Under the dark night of the Scorpio New Moon, we are being guided to sit with ourselves and ‘All’ of our emotions. It may not feel comfortable, but it is very necessary. Ugh!

Sometimes we have to do what is uncomfortable, sometimes we have to face whatever is lurking within the shadows of our own fears and doubts. For when we do, we gain so Much!! Understanding ourselves on a deeper & more profound level.

In those moments of wading through what is uncomfortable; when we realize and see fully and wholly our greatest pains, we gain a strength and a wisdom.

This strength, this wisdom is something that only comes when we have found the courage and determination to face up to our greatest wounds and struggles.

The healing is never complete from the darkness, it is something we carry with us on this journey home. But, when we look at it, when we face it, when we hold it and acknowledge it, that is when we can start to rise above it.

Scorpio is represented by the Scorpion but also the Phoenix. Both the Scorpion and the Phoenix have the same ability to transform. The Scorpion sheds its skin and the Phoenix learns how to rise from the ashes.

Both creatures hold within them the power to completely rebirth themselves, no matter what the past has brought their way.

The past has brought so much our way. We are all facing our own struggles, fear, uncertainty, and instability. 2020 has changed so many things.

But under the message of this Moon, we are reminded that it is always within our strength and power to rise again when the time is right.

We are reminded that even when things burn to ashes and crumble around us, even when things in our lives are shedding and we can’t recognize ourselves in the mirror, that this is all part of the great cycle of death and rebirth.

We die and we are reborn so many times on this life journey, so let’s all sit with this and allow this New Moon to show us the way through our own metamorphosis and transformation.

While this New Moon carries some deep and intense emotional energy, it is also is beautifully aspected with the planet Jupiter. The planet of expansion. Jupiter is known for allowing us to see the silver lining in things. It shines rays of hope and positivity our way.

Jupiter and Pluto hold a positive conjunction over the Scorpio New Moon that reminds us to hold that ribbon of light within our hearts and to remember that there is always a higher plan unfolding.

Jupiter is expansive and offers us the ability to see things from a wider perspective. Its energy allows us to break free of our limitations and fixed mindset, and to rise above it all where we can see how every action and every event is always leading us to where we need to be.

If we can detach from where we are sitting, especially on an emotional level and zoom out, zoom right out without judgment we can see that everything has its place, it’s place and lessons learnt on our journey.

Even if we can’t see the full journey of this chapter just yet, or understand the full extent of what is happening around us, there is energy on offer under this New Moon that beckons us to remember that things are always changing and transforming, and while we may not have control over it all, we do have control over how we choose to show up, react, and respond.

Repeat….. We choose to show up, react, and respond.

So, as we sit with any heavy or fragile emotions that are stirred. As we sit with all we are feeling and try to bring acceptance, we need to remember that good phrase…. this too shall pass!

We should only focus on that which we can control and try to keep our vision set to that zoomed out perspective. Try to see beyond the fixed limitations of today and try to imagine where it can lead us tomorrow and for the future. It all sounds and feels pretty full on and intense but this Scorpio New Moon is going to provide one of the most transformational turning points of 2020 and an ability to alchemize all that we have learned and been through this year into a powerful driving force to propel us forwards.

Let’s all breathe deeply and reach for the ribbon of light

Love and Blessings