Sagittarius New Moon – Solar Eclipse ♥

Saturday December 4th, we have a New Moon falling in the sign of Sagittarius which brings us a Total Solar Eclipse.

Eclipses represent portals into new states of awareness. They tend to bring events that shift and transform our lives, allowing us to step into a new chapter of our soul’s evolution. The final Eclipse for 2021 is this Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius.

This is also the final Eclipse for the Gemini-Sagittarius Eclipse set, so we’re closing the books in some ways or seeing the results of what we’ve done for the last 1 1/2 years.

It opens the final door on this path we have been navigating and can bring the rewards of our hard work.

Whatever this Eclipse cycle has triggered in us, however we have been asked to grow and change, we will now start to see the end of the journey.

A new clarity will emerge, and with that new clarity, it will feel like we are opening to a new chapter.

A New Moon Total Solar Eclipse is one of the most powerful Eclipses we can experience. Even just the visual of seeing the shadow of the earth pass over the Sun is an enchanting sight, reminding us of the beauty and vastness of this Universe.

In ancient times, Solar Eclipses were viewed as a time of great change. The darkness befalling on the usually bright day was seen as an omen that whatever karmic debts are owed were now going to be collected.

There is no doubt that New Moon Eclipses are powerful times of manifestation and can activate whatever we have been focusing on.

Under their presence, energy is drawn towards us, allowing our energy field to become a magnet to whatever needs to come our way.

While this Solar Eclipse is bringing the culmination of all our energies since this Eclipse cycle began, we can also use it to set an intention about what we wish to attract. We can use its energy in a deliberate way to draw in all that we wish to experience.

Solar Eclipses are great for new beginnings and new journeys, and Sagittarius rules opportunity, expansion, and new experiences. We’re more optimistic, and we want to embrace the new. We can think bigger and brighter, and our big ideas can bring us new possibilities.

Looking deeper into the cosmic skies, both Mercury and Neptune are active at the time of this Eclipse, suggesting that some new information may be revealed to us.

The presence of Neptune suggests that we may find the veil lifted, allowing us to see a deeper truth.

Whenever Neptune is involved however, it is always important to listen and trust our instincts regardless of what insights come our way. Neptune is the planet of spirituality and intuition, and there is a strong call for us to dial in and listen to what our inner voice is saying.

Neptune requires us to let go of our five senses and instead tune into the power and wisdom of our sixth sense, for that is where we will find our own highest truth.

Chiron, the asteroid known as the wounded healer is also active under this Eclipse and may help us to heal and mend some broken relationships through healing conversations.

If there is someone you need to have a healing conversation with, know that this Solar Eclipse will be sending waves of support your way. Think about what you want to say, allow it to come from a place of love, truth, and kindness, and then see how you feel guided to share what you feel.

Also, keep in mind that sometimes we just need to have a healing conversation with ourselves! Sometimes talking through or writing down what is on our mind can be highly therapeutic and can help us to reflect from a place of openness.

Whatever conversations are stirred under this Eclipse, remember to be gentle, patient, and loving with yourself.

It is also worthwhile mentioning that on an Eclipse it is best not to force or push things. Eclipses are powerful and tend to direct us wherever we need to go. Trust in this process. Trust our instincts and don’t be tempted to force things that are not meant to be.

Solar Eclipses can also bring new opportunities and new beginnings into our lives, so stay open to what comes your way. You may just find that whatever you have been working hard to achieve finally lands before you.

As Solar Eclipses bring powerful energy, we may find ourselves feeling depleted or zapped leading up to its arrival. If this is the case, don’t underestimate the importance of staying hydrated and making time for simple grounding practices.

Overall, this New Moon Total Solar Eclipse is a power moment in the year and is likely to bring us to the destination we have been working hard to reach this last year and half.

As we arrive at our new destination, it’s important to make time to be thankful for the journey and to honor the lessons and growth we have achieved.

Love and Blessings

New Moon Solar Eclipse ♥

Thursday the 10th of June, we have our annular New Moon Solar Eclipse falling in the sign of Gemini.

Since the Blood Moon Eclipse last month, we have been walking a portal between the old and the new, between one state of consciousness and the next. This portal finally comes to an end with the Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse.

The Eclipse is not visible to us in Australia however it is visible from parts of Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada. Weather permitting, those in Northern Asia, Europe, and the United States will see a partial Eclipse.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse represents a new beginning. Whatever path has been cleared for us by the Blood Moon, we can now begin to see where we are heading. The theme around the New Moon Solar Eclipse is seeing beyond the veil.

No matter where we currently stand, this Solar New Moon Eclipse will ensure that we are headed in the right direction. It signals a time to embrace the new.

We need to trust in whatever has been moving and shaking us recently. Trusting that whatever needs to fall away will fall, and whatever needs to stay will stay. That is the nature and power of Eclipses.

There are some interesting aspects to the New Moon Solar Eclipse. A conjunction forms to the ruler of the Eclipse, Mercury who is retrograde and at the midpoint of his Underworld journey exact at the time of the Eclipse.

Essentially the Sun – Mercury conjunction is getting a massive activation by the Eclipse which really brings into awareness our thoughts, ideas, and perceptions of reality.

Normally such a strong Mercury – Gemini Eclipse would be amazing for clarity, discernment, and communication. But all the Gemini bodies are squaring off to Neptune, so not all is as it seems. There is an energy of elusiveness, confusion, illusion, deception and/or purposeful burying of heads in the sand happening right now. it takes a lot of focus to be grounded, discerning and willing to see clearly right now both personally and collectively.

This influence can also have a weakening effect on our vitality, making it hard to get motivated or enthusiastic about anything, especially hard work. Events or other people can cause confusion and disappointment. We may also feel insecure, guilty, and apologetic.

Personal relationships may be subject to dishonesty and deception. Secrets will be harder to keep and harder to uncover. Seeing only the best in people increases the chance of becoming disillusioned or worse.

The energy here calls for us to move slowly and to trust in our intuition. If something feels off, listen. In fact, a good reminder is to not believe everything we think or hear.

The New Moon Eclipse certainly brings us new beginnings and is a fantastic time to plant the seeds of our goals and dreams. We do need to remember that we are walking on new ground now, and we need to get our balance before we can confidently move ahead, so do not be afraid to pause and wait till you feel clearer.

Our intuition will be our guide, so if things feel mentally foggy or we find ourselves feeling like we are being manipulated by someone, this is the time to stop and trust that feeling in the gut. 

Another aspect is connecting the New Moon Solar Eclipse is Saturn squaring Uranus that will climax on June 14th which adds restrictive change or unexpected restrictions to the Astrology around the Solar Eclipse. It can bring change that we do not want. It also makes it harder to make the kind of changes we do want.

This can be a very frustrating time of rising tension and sudden, expected changes. But it does not have to be like that. If we stay open-minded, patient, and flexible, what at first seem like challenges, can be turned into opportunities to rid ourselves of negative, restrictive, and limiting things in our lives. It is about looking at things from another perception and trying our best to be patient.

The sign of the New Moon Solar Eclipse is Gemini. Gemini is represented by the twins, with one twin being mortal and the other immortal. These two twins represent the duality we face on Earth. We are humans, limited by our physical bodies and in need of material comforts, but we are also limitless souls, on an endless journey of growth. 

On a human level, we can find ourselves labeling things or events as good or bad, but on a soul level, we understand the bigger picture and know that all experiences serve their purpose.

Recognising this dualism within us can be tricky, but if we can… this helps to bring some ease as we navigate any changing or unsettling energies that come our way.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse is a North Node Eclipse, which signifies an opening to a new chapter of our collective destiny.

On a global level, the collective choices we make around the time of this Eclipse are dictating our collective future. This is also the last Eclipse we will experience in Gemini until 2029, so whatever is planted now will create a ripple until this time.

What type of planet do we want to live on? What type of society do we want to create? Our choices, words, and thoughts have a power here that can help shift the planet into a higher frequency.

While we cannot control what others do, we can take the power into our own hands by being mindful of our own thoughts, actions, and choices.

We can all use the energy of the Eclipse to focus on the things that we want, rather than the things we don’t want. Being mindful about where our thoughts are going out to and how they are making us feel.

By being aware of how we are allowing our thoughts to lead us can be quite powerful. We should ask ourselves. are we leading from a place of love or fear?

And if the answer is fear, how can we confidently acknowledge this, take ownership of it, and support and love ourselves through the process? 

The New Moon Solar Eclipse brings an end to Winter Eclipse Season, so let’s use this energy to its fullest advantage.

Eclipses thin the veil and allow us to access our intuition with greater ease. They provide us with guidance, and the opportunity to take a leap into a higher vibration. 

We need to remember not to force things or push our way forward under this energy. Allowing ourselves to be shown the way. Allowing the fairy dust sprinkles to appear and then see where they lead us. 

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

New Moon Solar Eclipse ♥

Monday December 14th we have a Total New Moon Solar Eclipse falling in the Fire sign of Sagittarius

This Total Solar Eclipse brings a burst of fresh energy, indicating new beginnings but also Great change. The full extent of these new beginnings or changes may not be realised straight away. There is a certain element of things being hidden or not fully exposed, but whatever seeds are planted on this day will eventually rise, strong and tall.

The Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse + the upcoming Grand Cross is the highest vibrational energetic New Moon to bring 2020 to a close. 

As we head toward both the Galactic Alignment on December 19, followed by the The Great Conjunction on December 22nd, I feel that this Solar Eclipse New Moon + Grand Cross is igniting a brilliant light filled energy of a Great Awakening.    

This powerful New Moon will Light us all up from the inside out bringing much potential for growth

New Moons are all about setting intentions for the forthcoming cycle… how perfect then that our last New Moon for the year falls in the forward thinking sign of Sagittarius.  And that our New Moon is also being amplified through a Grand Cross & Total Solar Eclipse.

Unfortunately, we in Oz wont have the chance to views the Eclipse but it’s energy will be felt globally.

The total Solar Eclipse is visible from parts of Chile and Argentina in the afternoon. Some locations in southern South America, south-west Africa, and Antarctica will see the partial phase of this South American total solar eclipse, if the weather permits.

 If you want to sus out if you can view it follow this link > Total Solar Eclipse on 14 December 2020 (

The Sagittarius New Moon feels so very alive, abounding with Joy, and enthusiastically refreshing in her exuberance.  A welcome ray of Solar-Lunar-Light after a year that has been quite challenging.

She will demand of us to Step up. To break free of the illusion. To envision a more awakened experience of heart & soul for the year ahead. A guiding light of possibility & purpose over the coming cycle.

2020 came with 6 eclipses, which is an unusually high amount. 4 were lunar eclipses though, so they just added on to the intense energy of this year. We finalise the year eclipse-wise with a Solar eclipse being in Sagittarius which is a much more optimistic, positive, forward-thinking eclipse. We can look at things with a brighter view and believe in what’s possible.

There may be more opportunities to pursue, bigger ideas to work on, and we want to expand, explore, and have new experiences. We can focus on being free to do what we want, when we want, and break out from something that has boxed us in for too long. We can get excited and focus on what we really believe in.

This Eclipse comes just a few days before both Jupiter and Saturn move into changeable Aquarius, so this is big energy for mid-December! It’s all about the future, what’s possible, and what new ventures we can embark on.

There is so much fresh energy on offer for us under this Eclipse. It brings the promise of brand new beginnings, fresh starts, and the opportunity to set wheels into motion.

The strong, abundant energy flowing around this Eclipse may also bring some gifts and rewards our way. This will be extra amplified by Saturn, who a few days later on December 17, will leave Capricorn where it has been for the last 2.5 years, for the sign of Aquarius.

It is said that whenever Saturn leaves one zodiac sign for another, we are gifted and rewarded for all of the hard work we have achieved.

The energy of the Solar Eclipse has the power to amplify these gifts and rewards, so think about where you have felt most challenged and where you have done the most growth, and then stay open to any gifts and rewards that may be illuminated for you under this energy.

The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse falls at 23-24 degrees of Sagittarius, which is also just a couple of degrees shy of the Galactic Center.

The Galactic Center is believed to be the center of our Universe and sits at about 27 degrees of Sagittarius. This is a highly sensitive degree of the zodiac and indicates strong cosmic activations.

Under the light of this Eclipse, we may notice our frequency lifted and our consciousness ascending. We may begin to become aware of growing pains or ascension symptoms, similar to flu like symptoms and lethargy. We may even find ourselves tapping into the wisdom of our intuition, spirit guides, and higher self with greater ease.

The Sabian Symbol for this Solar Eclipse, which falls between 23-24 degrees of Sagittarius is – a Blue Bird standing at the entrance to a house.

The idea of this bluebird standing at the door is a happy one. What a treat it would be to see a bright bluebird waiting at our door! It would feel like a special gift or a loving sign from the Universe.

However, the Bluebird could also be missed. We may be too busy on our phone, bustling about for Christmas coming, caught up with the thoughts in our minds or how many things we have to get done, that we miss the bluebird altogether.

And this energy is carried through the Solar Eclipse as well. It offers new beginnings; it offers signs and gifts from the Universe- but will we be open to see them? Will we be open to see the bluebird sitting at our door? This is the time to un plug and connect with nature, listen and feel the signs of these gifts!

The Universe is always offering things to us, but we have to be in an open state to notice and receive these offerings too.

The fastest way to get into a state of receiving is to shift our mindset, and the easiest way to do that is to focus on abundance, appreciation, and gratitude as often as we can.

When we shift out of complaining, wishing things were different, or self-limiting thinking, and open instead to abundance, we open the door to not just seeing the offering of the bluebird, but all that we have to offer too.

Giving from the pureness of our hearts is also another way to open to receiving.

Mercury, the “messenger of the Gods” is also very active under this Eclipse. Mercury rules over communication and our mind.

Under this Eclipse, our powers to create and draw things to us are amplified, so this is a time to pay attention to what we are choosing to focus on and think about.

What we think about expands, and this is doubly true under the power of this Eclipse.

While we do have to be mindful of our thought processes on this day, it is also important to remember that being true to ourselves is what we should aim for.

The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse beckons us to rise up and observe the many blessings that have been hidden in the shadows. As we bring our blessings into the light, it also shines a spotlight on our relationship with the Universe.

Overall, the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse carries some of the brightest energy we have experienced all year.

This is a time to stay open to the light and be grateful. Yes 2020 has been challenging but it has also made us look & go back to the important things in life. What is important, what do we all really need has been the lesson this year.

It has been an epic year of reset & reevaluating. Sure, parts of it Really sucked but hasn’t life simplified? Have we reassessed the beauty of family and our planet? YES…Do we all need to have everything all the time?  No!

I have missed seeing my family big time, especially my adult children & my heart broke for my tween ager missing her friends during lock down. Online schooling was very challenging & shutting my business down for months was financially hard… but we survived & I have more appreciation for the simple things in life.

All of us have a story of 2020 & I personally feel this year has had many positives amongst the restrictions and loss of freedom. We have Reset!

SO…. Lets’ look out for bluebirds. Listen to our own inner voices and keep our hearts pointed in the direction we wish to head!!

Love and Blessings xo ♥♥♥