Spring Equinox 2021 ♥

Thursday the 23rd of September the Sun shifts into the Air sign of Libra and we usher in the Spring Equinox… the festival of Ostara. As the Astrological wheel shifts into a new season we too begin to feel the winds of change and a transitioning period in our lives begin.

The Goddess Ostara is the Norse Goddess of fertility. At the Spring Equinox we honor her, for she is the Goddess of Spring and renewal. Her symbols are the egg and the New Moon. Her animals are the rabbit and the butterfly. 

The Goddess Ostara is associated with childhood and new life, and the God and Goddess are perceived as children, personifying youth and innocence before their entry into adulthood.

The Goddess, as the Maiden, covers the earth with flowers and love while the God grows to maturity. This is a time to celebrate everything that is great about being alive.

Ostara is associated with new beginnings, rebirth, renewal, growth, planting the seeds, clearing, change, cleaning, fertility, love, prosperity, passion, balance and purification.

The Equinox is one of the most powerful times of the year. It is a day where we experience equal hours of night and day, symbolizing both duality and oneness.

The Equinoxes are the balancing points in the cycle of the seasons. Buds of flowers and leaf, all manner of eggs and just-born life are celebrated as we rejoice in the Earth’s reawakening after the long winter.

Ostara is a time of emerging back to life, of welcoming the growing season back and of planting the seeds of intentions for the months to come. This is a powerful and potent energy that taps into bringing into fruition that which is planted. This is a fertile time of creation.

Traditionally, the Equinox is also seen as a time where the veil between dimensions grows thin, as it represents this idea of light and dark coming into balance. It is also a reminder that one can’t exist without the other.

It is only when we have basked in the shadows that we can fully appreciate the light. It is only once we have ventured into the light that we can fully understand the shadows.

While the idea of both light and dark are very real to us on this dimension, they are an illusion. From Oneness all things are born.

On the Equinox, with the thinning veil, we can connect to the Oneness within and around us. We can also more easily connect with the wisdom of our ancestors and our loved ones on the other side.

On the days surrounding the Equinox, it is also believed that the ley lines or energy grid of the Earth comes into harmonic resonance, allowing us to soak up the healing benefits of Mother Earth with greater ease.

The Equinox can also activate a strong pulse within the third eye chakra, offering us easier access to tune in to the wisdom of our intuition and psychic abilities.

The coming weeks following the Equinox may feel like an uphill journey as we get used to the transitioning energies.

Each day may bring its own feeling, so it is important to be present, to sit with our impulses and inspirations. We may feel a little ungrounded due to the magnetic shift in Earths field, so connecting with nature will help to counterbalance any topsy turvy heady waves.

The Equinoxes are a magical time and a time when the magnetic field of the Earth is influenced by the Sun’s position directly overhead the equator. A doorway or portal opens to other realms due to a reduction in the Earth’s magnetic field.

This is a powerful time for ritual and meditation that can offer us wisdom, inspiration and guidance.  The Equinox portal is open for just over 24 hours either side of the Equinox.

Spring Equinox is the time to clear the clutter from our lives, spring clean!! Release and cleanse ourselves of what does not serve us. Literally plant the seeds of our dreams and manifest our goals. Take the time to connect with nature, get out in the garden and sink your hands and feet into the warmth of the soil. Plant out your vegie and flower gardens.

Add fresh flowers to your space, or make a simple altar using flowers, yellow candles and burn rose or jasmine incense. Create a crystal grid for the new season and tune into the element of Earth…

Astrology surrounding the Spring Equinox…

Mars will be very active, bringing strength, power, and even a boost of motivation.

We can use this Mars energy to push past our fears, to take a leap of courage, and to bring action to all that we are working on.

Mars is a planet that requires us to move. If we stay stagnant for too long, we can find ourselves irritable and feeling frustrated. So, under this strong Mars energy, find a way to take action, even if it’s just in a small way.

Along with Mars, the dwarf planet, MakeMake is also active. MakeMake lives out far beyond Pluto and is the creator God of Rapa Nui or Easter Island.

MakeMake represents fertility and our connection with nature. As the creator God of Rapa Nui, MakeMake is considered powerful and abundant.

In astrology, MakeMake indicates a need to honor and protect our environment. This is in the world at large, but also our own personal environment too.

As MakeMake lives far beyond even Pluto, it works on the subtle levels of our frequency, triggering things for us on a subconscious level.

To really connect with the planetary wisdom of MakeMake, we may need to spend time connecting through meditation or even through our dreams.

It has also been said that the island of Rapa Nui that resides deep out in the Pacific Ocean, is home to some of the most concentrated cosmic energies on the planet.

There is a deep and beautiful history surrounding MakeMake and the creation of Rapa Nui. Of course, the island is also famous for the giant statues or Moai that weigh over 14 tonnes each and are surrounded by mysterious alien origins.

It seems there is something magical about Rapa Nui and its history that has been lost in modern times, and perhaps this too is symbolism for the manifestation of MakeMake.

Perhaps the energy of MakeMake is our reminder to honor our traditions, ancestors, and our roots. Perhaps it is important for us to think about the road we have traveled and just how far we have come.

Let us not forget the magic and mystery that always surrounds us and the things that transpire for us in this life. Let us not forget that we have the power to connect with the beautiful energies of the Earth in order to create, birth new ideas, and bring new ventures to life.

Just like MakeMake created an island, we too can create our own sanctuary that is aligned with our soul and all that we wish to achieve.

On this September 2021 Equinox, spend some time honoring your own creation story. Reflect on the past, but know that your power lies in the present moment.

Allow yourself to create balance and harmony in your life.

Give yourself permission to create a life that feels beautiful and worthwhile, regardless of what your circumstances may be. You always have the power.

The Equinox is our power time to connect with all of nature and to remember that we are part of a much bigger Universe.

Tune into these energies and use them as you see fit. Allow them to show you the way.

Happy Ostara/Spring Equinox… Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Symbols Of Ostara

Colors:  Green, pink, blue

Foods:  Eggs, honey, sprouted greens, baked goods, asparagus

Stones:  Aquamarine, amethyst, rose quartz

Symbols:  Rabbits, eggs, spring flowers , lambs, clover, baskets

Flowers & Plants: clover, daffodils, crocus, tulips

Deities:   Isis, Eostre, Adonis

The Winds of Change ♥ September 2021 ♥

As we awaken to warmer days and feel the last tendrils of winter slipping away, we find ourselves in the month of September & the numerological energy of 9.  September is considered a power month and represents transitions, endings and also a power number of creation

September holds some significant energy changes with the Virgo New Moon on the 7th. The Virgo New Moon makes a harmonious aspect to Uranus. Giving us the spiritual meaning of positive change, excitement, self-awareness and psychic ability.

We may find ourselves also retreating deeper within to uncover or work with some generational or ancestral wounds. There is a lot of shamanic & ancient knowledge/energy around this New Moon.  

If you would like to join for a collective hook up during the night of the New Moon to focus on positivity & raising our vibrations feel free to join the event  Plant the Seeds of Positive Change & Raise The Vibrations!! | Facebook

 More on the New Moon soon.

September 7th also begins the shadow stage of the Mercury Retrograde happening later in the month and begins slowing down.

This slow-down period is referred to as the shadow period. At this time, it is recommended that we start to slow down too and think about the projects we wish to work on and complete, rather than adding anything new. For now

September 9th unlocks the numerology code of 99, the 99 Gateway which is a number of completions, endings, and progressing. 99 can also be linked with leadership energy as well. Its vibration allows us to use the wisdom we have gained to step up and take leadership of our lives in a new way.

September 10th, Venus moves out of the air sign Libra, into the water sign of Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio can help us connect with our more sensual side, allowing us to tune in to our desires with greater ease. Venus in Scorpio is also a very sensitive placement, so we may be feeling extra intuitive or aware of our deepest emotions.

September 14th Mars will enter Libra & this is an important milestone event this year because while in this air sign, it will align with the Sun. This takes place on October 7, however starting from this day we are likely to feel the build-up of this energy. Strong Mars energy can make us productive, energized, and fearless about forging ahead, but it can also trigger heated emotions and lead to burnout if we are not careful. Finding balance will be key here.

September 21st, we have the sensitive Pisces Full Moon. We may find ourselves feeling extra expressive or even a bit moody. Neptune is active on this Full Moon, which could cloud our judgment or create some confusion. With Mercury about to go retrograde soon, this feeling of fogginess may be amplified. While this is always true, this is definitely a time you want to be trusting your intuition! If something feels off, listen, pause, and pay attention

The big shift for the month comes with the Spring Equinox on the 23rd. The Festival of Ostara & Isis. The hallway point in the Astrological Wheel. The actual beginning of Spring. The Equinox is a highly sensitive time of year that thins the veil and allows us to feel into the subtle energies with greater ease. It also indicates that we have reached a turning point on our own journey through the astrological wheel. 

The astrology wheel begins at Aries Season and ends at Pisces Season. Libra Season is the midpoint of this wheel and brings about a change in the flow and direction of energy.

This shift in energy is also mirrored in mother nature too as we enter the season of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere or Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, both of which bring so much change and transition. 

September 26th Mercury enters its last retrograde cycle for the year in Libra. Mercury will remain in retrograde until October 18th. Mercury is considered the messenger planet. When it travels retrograde, it unearths messages from our past that we may have overlooked or missed the first time around.

Peeking into October… This is looking like a month of huge cosmic shifts and changes, and it seems that all through September, we will be getting whispers of this energy. We may begin feeling a need to make changes in our own lives, or we may be seeing things shift and change in the world around us. 

Focusing on positivity, standing in alignment with our true selves, linking with like minded positive people feels to be the key now more so than ever. The seasons are changing, the energy is shifting let’s all raise it to a higher frequency… Love & Blessings  ♥♥♥

Ostara ♥ Spring Equinox 2020

Tuesday the 22nd of September the Sun shifts into the Air sign of Libra and we usher in the Spring Equinox… the festival of Ostara. As the Astrological wheel shifts into a new season we too begin to feel the winds of change and a transitioning period in our lives begin.

The Goddess Ostara is the Norse Goddess of fertility. At the Spring Equinox we honor her, for she is the Goddess of Spring and renewal. Her symbols are the egg and the New Moon. Her animals are the rabbit and the butterfly. 

The Goddess Ostara is associated with childhood and new life, and the God and Goddess are perceived as children, personifying youth and innocence before their entry into adulthood. The Goddess, as the Maiden, covers the earth with flowers and love while the God grows to maturity. This is a time to celebrate everything that is great about being alive.

Ostara is associated with new beginnings, rebirth, renewal, growth, planting the seeds, clearing, change, cleaning, fertility, love, prosperity, passion, balance and purification.

The Equinox is one of the most powerful times of the year. It is a day where we experience equal hours of night and day, symbolizing both duality and oneness.

The Equinoxes are the balancing points in the cycle of the seasons. Buds of flowers and leaf, all manner of eggs and just-born life are celebrated as we rejoice in the Earth’s reawakening after the long winter.

Ostara is a time of emerging back to life, of welcoming the growing season back and of planting the seeds of intentions for the months to come. This is a powerful and potent energy that taps into bringing into fruition that which is planted. This is a fertile time of creation.

This year our Spring Equinox falls amongst a powerful configuration with Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and Pluto. This configuration of planets is known as T-square and while it has been in operation for some time, it will be heightened on this potent, magical day.

The sense of changing and our transitioning energy is heightened by this T-Square of planets. Together, these planets call for us to take action, to make the changes we desire, but to also not rush ahead.

It’s this interesting dynamic of trusting our impulses and taking a leap of faith, but not getting caught up in ego or acting in haste.

Traditionally, the Equinox is also seen as a time where the veil between dimensions grows thin, as it represents this idea of light and dark coming into balance. It is also a reminder that one can’t exist without the other.

It is only when we have basked in the shadows that we can fully appreciate the light. It is only once we have ventured into the light that we can fully understand the shadows.

While the idea of both light and dark are very real to us on this dimension, they are an illusion. From Oneness all things are born.

On the Equinox, with the thinning veil, we can connect to the Oneness within and around us. We can also more easily connect with the wisdom of our ancestors and our loved ones on the other side.

The Equinox can also activate a strong pulse within the third eye chakra, offering us easier access to tune in to the wisdom of our intuition and psychic abilities. The coming weeks following the Equinox may feel like an uphill journey as we get used to the transitioning energies.

Each day may bring its own feeling, so it is important to be present, to sit with our impulses and inspirations. We may feel a little ungrounded due to the magnetic shift in Earths field, so connecting with nature will help to counterbalance any topsy turvy heady waves.

The Equinoxes are a magical time and a time when the magnetic field of the Earth is influenced by the Sun’s position directly overhead the equator. A doorway or portal opens to other realms due to a reduction in the Earth’s magnetic field.

This is a powerful time for ritual and meditation that can offer us wisdom, inspiration and guidance.  The Equinox portal is open for just over 24 hours either side of the Equinox.

Spring Equinox is the time to clear the clutter from our lives, spring clean!! Release and cleanse ourselves of what does not serve us. Literally plant the seeds of our dreams and manifest our goals. Take the time to connect with nature, get out in the garden and sink your hands and feet into the warmth of the soil. Plant out your vegie and flower gardens.

Add fresh flowers to your space, or make a simple altar using flowers, yellow candles and burn rose or jasmine incense. Create a crystal grid for the new season and tune into the element of Earth…

Happy Spring Equinox… Love and Blessings ♥♥♥