Virgo New Moon ♥

Saturday the 27th we have a New Moon in the Earth sign on Virgo. Under the dark Moon phase in Virgo, we begin a new lunar cycle, this is an opportunity to reset our own inner world.

It is time to consider what is no longer serving our highest growth and wellbeing. It is time for us to think about what new steps, practices, and actions we can take to bring us closer to a feeling of alignment, peace, and belonging.

Virgo New Moon energy will bless us with ambitious, go-getter energy that is on offer for us to tap into.

To make the most of this New Moon go get it energy we should ask yourselves. What are our aspirations? How do we get there? These seem like simple questions, sure, but they can be used to propel us forward to where we want to be.

The Virgo new moon is a fabulous time to set ambitious goals for the future. Virgo is by far one of the most organized and ambitious signs of the zodiac, and with both the Sun and Moon activating it, we have a double dose of can-do energy at our disposal.

With the New Moon in the Earthy sign of Virgo, there is also a grounded energy to this New Moon. It beckons us to sink our feet into the earth, to feel a part of all that surrounds us, and to remember that life is so much easier when we flow in harmony with the season of our lives.

Using the energy of the Virgo New Moon, we can learn to accept our reality, to bring ourselves back down to Earth, and to recognize that our soul chose to be here, on this planet, at this time.

It doesn’t really matter the reason, but knowing we are walking where we are meant to be walking, even if it doesn’t feel like it, can bring a sense of peace into our being. Allow ourselves to find truth in that idea, whatever that looks like for each of us.

Virgo is represented by the Virgin Goddess, and she is our guide under this New Moon energy. The Virgin Goddess is really a symbol of wholeness. She is whole and complete in herself. She is full and satisfied in her being. She is the source of her own wisdom.

The Virgin Goddess reminds us to activate our own inner power and to remember that all that we need can be found from within, we just have to take the steps to listen and honor our mind, body, and soul. We just have to learn to treat our body as the sacred temple that it is.

One of the best ways to use the energy of the Virgo New Moon is to think about ways we can all embody the idea that our body is our temple.

Very often, this requires simply listening. Simply listening to our body and the innate wisdom that rises up from within.

Our body can be a messenger if we are paying attention and if we are listening to our intuition. Ask your Higher Self, Angels, Guides, or even Mother Moon to send you a sign if you are dealing with some health problems that don’t seem to have a clear answer. Ask your body to reveal what it needs and trust the wisdom that arises.

Sometimes this wisdom will alert us to the right foods to eat, supplements to take, or doctors to see, other times, it will alert us to what or who we should avoid. Become your own advocate, whatever that means for you, and the Virgo lunar vibrations will support you all the way.

Mars, the planet of action, energy, and fire, is very active under this New Moon. The energy of Mars can sometimes make us feel a little irritable and stir where we may be holding on to fears and insecurities. It can deplete our tolerance levels too, making us short on patience and easily frustrated.

Being aware of this can help you to be compassionate towards yourself and others if you notice any of these feelings arise. On deeper levels however, Mars often stirs these less pleasant emotions in us when we have unresolved fears and insecurities that are preventing us from speaking our truth and doing what we want to do.

Mars can trigger where we have held ourselves back out of fear or insecurity. Essentially, any frustration or irritability we feel can indicate to where we have not been standing up for ourselves, following our heart or passions, or staying in our authentic truth.

If you feel yourself getting a little irritable, ask yourself where it may be really coming from and be mindful of taking it out on the wrong people. If nothing else, Mars energy can also be channeled into physical activity, and with the Moon in Virgo, you could also take this opportunity to do a deep cleaning or reorganizing of your space.

When we work productively with Mars energy, it can give us the confidence and stamina needed to push past our fears and address what is really troubling us. Combining this with the Virgo New Moon, we can use the energy to set intentions that are daring and geared to help us push past our fears.

Love and Blessings  ♥

Virgo Full Moon March 2022 ♥

Friday the 18th of March, we have a Full Moon rising in the Earth sign of Virgo. With the Sun sitting opposite the Full Moon in the dreamy sign of Pisces, the Virgo Full Moon pulls in the energy of practical, thought out ideas & a grounded vibe.

Though Pisces has a reputation for being the sign most likely to wear rose-colored glasses, Virgos absolutely do this in their very own way, idealizing, breaking facts down and often overthinking. That said, the Virgo Full Moon is fertile ground for teasing out which aspects of our emotional bonds are real versus imagined and doing our best to listen to both our head and our hearts. 

 Virgo is renowned for being a perfectionist. Sometimes perfectionism gets in the way of us taking that leap of faith, launching that project, or allowing the world to see the true and real. Where does perfectionism show up in our lives, and could it be blocking us from living to our fullest lives. This can be a stumbling block when Virgo gets too deep in one’s headspace.

By taking the deep dive to ask ourselves do we get up in these Virgo traits, we may just uncover some hindering beliefs, or help ourselves get to the bottom of some self-esteem issues. We may also find ourselves becoming more aware of our self-worth and what it is that we truly deserve.

While this self-exploration is likely to run deep, Full Moons are always a supportive time in the month for release.

Once we have identified something we no longer wish to carry, we can trust that the Full Moon energies will help guide our way to letting go. All we have to do is set an intention and then wait for the inspired action that tends to follow under the lunar energy.

This is a good time to work with this Virgo Full Moon to confront and release where we may be holding on to perfectionism.

We can also use this Full Moon energy to think about how we are acknowledging, or not acknowledging our self-worth.

By working through these points, we are being offered a way to progress as the Virgo March Moon guides us.

The Virgo Full Moon is also the last before the March 2022 Equinox. The March Equinox is a pivotal point in astrology as it’s considered the start of the astrological year.

Before we begin a new astrological year, we can use the cleansing energies of this Full Moon to reflect on the journey we have traveled over the last 12 months and to do away with things that we no longer wish to take with us into the new year.

Full Moons are always a powerful time for cleansing and releasing, so along with letting go of perfectionism, we should also think about what other areas of our lives or even emotions we wish to clear.

This is the perfect Full Moon to set intentions for these and then allow the Full Moon magic to show us the way. By working in harmony with the cycles of the Universe, we can find a greater ease in everything that we do.

Our intuition to connect with the Virgo Full Moon is also highly energised thanks to the planet Neptune.

Neptune is the planet of spiritual growth and can help accelerate the development of our intuition and the opening of our third eye. Under this energy, our intuition is likely to be heightened to be sure to listen to any gut feelings or nagging tugs from your inner voice.

On the surface, Neptune can sometimes cloud things, making it hard to see the path forward or confusing to know which way to turn. This is an effort to get us to stop seeking validation from our external world and instead, turn within.

If there is something unsettling going on under this Full Moon energy, it is time to see if we can remove the noise and turn our attention away from the external to the internal. Get still and quiet with whatever is troubling and look at things from the perspective of Spirit.

Taking this approach under Neptune energy is often a little easier and can guide us to a richer and deeper understanding. Working with Neptune can also help change how we see things, allowing us to understand that we are all on a spiritual journey, that all is temporary, that there really is no separation, and most of life’s lessons are here to support the growth of our soul.

Looking at things from a spiritual perspective and understanding the higher purpose doesn’t spare us from working through our human emotions, but it can create some ease and allow us to feel supported, even if we are going through something challenging.

If it feels aligned, reach out to your guardian angels, spirit guides, or a loved one passed under this Full Moon. Know that Divine support is always just a call away and be open to any signs that these beings wish to send your way.

The energy of Virgo can sometimes also stir things in regard to our health, so be sure to look after yourself under this energy and try not to overdo it or take on too much. There are no prizes for running yourself into the ground!

Under this Virgo Full Moon energy, give yourself permission to disconnect from ideas of perfectionism, and reinstate your self-worth. Allow this to fuel a spiritual journey, one where you travel to dimensions beyond this time and place and gain the understanding that your soul has a plan and already knows the way.

Love and Blessings

Virgo New Moon ♥

Tuesday the 7th of September, we have a New Moon in the Earth sign of Virgo. The energy surrounding the New Moon is a bit of a mixed bag, but the positive aspects definitely win. 

Staying grounded and connected to the Earth is going to be the best way to transverse this Lunar phase. Virgo being an Earth sign helps us anchor if we can connect with our feet on the Earth.

The Virgo New Moon makes a harmonious aspect to Uranus. Giving us the spiritual meaning of positive change, excitement, self-awareness and psychic ability.

We may find ourselves seeking adventure, wanting to try new things, and creating productive change in our lives. We may feel the time has come to do things differently or to perhaps try something we have always wanted to try.

There is this sense of adventure surrounding this New Moon, but there is also a deeper energy at play too, guiding us to connect with our inner self and to think about our generational or ancestral wounds.

There is an energy on offer under this Virgo New Moon, that guides us to explore habits, beliefs, or attitudes we have collected from our childhood that no longer serve us.

There is an energy that guides us to heal ancestral or generational wounds. These are the wounds that are not of this life but are inherited from both our earth family and soul family. These wounds can also be connected to the land that we choose to reside on.

There is a lot of shamanic & ancient knowledge/energy around this New Moon.  We may receive messages in all sorts of ways and from places that are new to us. Staying open to receive is key.

We may feel also feel quite emotional, scattered or even overwhelmed during the New Moon.

By remembering the grounding force of Virgo Earth energy that holds this New Moon will help us through any uncomfortableness. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which in this context, is not about sexual experience but rather, wholeness and completion.

It represents knowing that we are always whole. We are complete and we need nothing outside of ourselves in order to tune in and connect with this powerful energy that lives within.

Virgo energy teaches us that we are Source, we are the Universe, we are One with all of it, and when we can recognise that, we can tune in and connect with the power that comes along with it.

We can find our personal power and know that no storm is ever too wild for us to move through.

Under a New Moon, the sky is dark, which symbolises two things. It symbolises the unknowing of what’s to come and being ok during a period of darkness and uncertainty. This darkness also symbolizes the need to go within, and to remove ourselves from the constant bombardment of the bright outside world.

The dark night sky is also a symbol for potential. It is a blank canvas, just waiting for us to be filled by inspiration. When the night is dark and the sky is moonless, we have the power to create and plant our seeds of intention for the cycle that is to come. Focusing on planting the seeds for positive change is the theme I feel for this New Moon as we step into a new cycle and season. If many of us can focus on a positive change & shift for this current situation we find ourselves in we have the opportunity to connect & raise our vibrations.

If you would like to join for a collective hook up during the night of the New Moon to focus on positivity & raising our vibrations feel free to join the event

 Plant the Seeds of Positive Change & Raise The Vibrations!! | Facebook

The deep inner personal work during the Virgo New Moon is revolving around breaking generational cycles that may not have been our doing, but that we have the power to end.

Under this energy, we may also be called to look at wounds from our childhood and become aware of how they are manifesting in our current reality.

It takes a lot of deep awareness to identify childhood patterns and ancestral wounds. But if you feel called to do the work, you may find this New Moon creates some ease and allows the healing process to feel a little more natural and organic.

If you have been working on these areas of your life for a while, you may also find this New Moon a powerful portal of healing and transformation.

The Shamanic & ancient teachings/wisdom energy is coming through with the Virgo New Moon, connection to the land we walk on. For us in Australia the vibration of our Indigenous, the Aboriginal wisdom is very strong placed here. Tapping into this energy will help us with not only connecting to Earth but if we have areas, we are clearing from past wounds this energy will help to shift it to completion.

The New Moon Aspect to Uranus is an extremely powerful influence with an orb of just 0°01′. It brings rapid but positive change, freedom and excitement. We may feel like trying sometime new, outside of our normal routine. This could range from new adventures to new inventions. So, this is an excellent moon phase to leave our comfort zone.

But even more importantly, this harmonious aspect to Uranus enhances our intuition and brings flashes of insight. This can lead to self-discovery, self-awareness, and creative breakthroughs. It also gives the ability to anticipate the future and take advantage of that by quickly adapting to changing conditions.

It feels like things are about to change in quite a few areas, planting the seeds for positive change will dramatically push this new energy through.

Love & Blessings  ♥ ♥ ♥

Virgo Full Moon ♥

Saturday the 27th of February, we have a Full Moon falling in the Earth sign of Virgo.

Virgo is represented by the virgin-goddess, but “virgin” has taken on a new meaning since this sign was named. Virgin implies independence, inner strength, and the freedom to do as one pleases.

The Virgin Goddess, Virgo, did not need a partner, she was whole and complete in her own right. She carried the strength of all she needed to live a whole, happy, and hearty life. This strength was not born out of trauma or ego, but her connection to her true and higher self.

After all the intensity and the rare cosmic alignments that have taken place during this month, the Earthy Virgo Full Moon brings a more calming vibration.

2021 is destined to be a transformative year and even though there is so much more to unfold, the Virgo Full Moon reminds us that we have arrived in the right place.

February has been a pivotal month seeing as it brought the Aquarius Stellium– a lineup of four planets in the air sign of Aquarius, and the first of three Saturn Uranus Squares, which is a major and defining vibration for the rest of the year.

These energies combined may have led us to make some drastic changes in our lives. We may have felt called to find a new freedom, or perhaps, with all this air energy, we have felt very caught up in our minds and mental chatter.

We may have found ourselves considering between two options or feeling uncertain about so many things. We may have found our mind working in overdrive, assessing, questioning, and even deeply reflecting on the past.

Under the power of this Virgo Full Moon however, there is a calm that can wash over us. There is a calm that can remind us that it is always in our power to make the best of wherever we have landed.

The Virgo Full Moon is linked to Saturn square Uranus. So, the spiritual meaning of this Full Moon relates to making or dealing with difficult changes.

However, the energy around the Full Moon makes positive change more likely and easier to implement. It is ideal for making changes that are long overdue. This is a good full moon for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer our responsibility.

Making necessary or difficult changes is always a challenge on many levels & feeling at peace with change is not always easy, but any effort taken to bring some acceptance, as small as it is, can make a huge difference to our inner wellbeing.

Full Moons are always a time of illumination, however due to the energies around this Full Moon, it seems that whatever needs to come to the surface may arrive before the Full Moon does.

As the Full Moon peaks however, it feels that things may settle. While Full Moons tend to heighten emotions, it feels that the Virgo Full Moon is a little softer in its energy and will perhaps allow us to see things from a new, and gentler vantage point.

Virgo’s ability to connect with their higher self, listen to the needs of their body, and follow their heart while staying grounded, is the gift that is offered to us all under this February Full Moon.

Many different things block us from our connection with our higher self. But like the Virgin Goddess reminds us, we always have the strength within to clear those blocks and listen to the truth and wisdom of our higher self.

There is a tendency at times, for Virgo energy to be hyper-critical, or to overthink things, so we need to be aware of this, and try to return to our heart centre if we notice ourselves falling down this path.

Aspects for the Virgo Full Moon

Saturn square Uranus … Can create a conflict between responsibility and independence, stability and change, duty, and freedom, traditional and progressive, obedience and rebellion, routine and excitement, religion and science, conservative and liberal, sane and crazy, old and new, and the past and the future.

As a result, changes can occur that we do not want or are challenging to cope with. Or it can be harder to make positive changes, the kind of changes we do want. Changes in government or corporation rules and laws could restrict our choices or restrict our freedom.

Full Moon & Saturn… May create an imbalance between our personal and professional life, or between our emotional needs and those of others. At times, we may feel forced to carry out our duties without having emotional security. At other times we might feel emotionally secure but neglect our duties.

This makes it difficult to maintain harmony in intimate relationships because of emotional coldness, feeling of guilt and fear, or having to attend to other responsibilities.

If this is the case, an adjustment may be needed in our level of responsibility. The best way to handle this rebalancing is with self-control, patience, dedication, trust, loyalty, and forgiveness.

Full Moon & Uranus… Gives the self-awareness, freedom, creativity, and intuition to make positive changes. It helps us to remain flexible and open-minded so we can take advantage of exciting new opportunities. This harmonious influence makes change flow more smoothly with less upset and chaos.

We may feel a twitch or feeling of anticipation that something is about to happen. Chance encounters are possible, and some may be attracted to unusual types of people or those from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds. This is also a good time to break bad habits and to leave boring, unhealthy & toxic relationships.

The aspects throw up some contradictions but overall, it balances out. The Virgo Full Moon has a calmness around her, the possibility of decisions and change are big on the agenda too.

We should allow a calmness to wash over us during the Full Moon. Sit under her glow on the Earth,  draw her down to our being, feeling grounded yet connected directly to La Lunar… And tap in & listen to our higher selves and come from our heart space… that way we can choose a peaceful path on our journey’s.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥