Scorpio Super Full Moon ♥

Tuesday the 27th of April, we have our first Super Full Moon for the year falling in the water of Scorpio.

A Super Full Moon occurs when the Moon is closer to Earth. This not only makes the Moon appear bigger and brighter in the sky, but it also increases its magnetic potency. There are some intense energies at play during the Scorpio Super Full Moon & the lead up to it is bringing up things up already.  

The Scorpio Super Full Moon will shine the spotlight on our deepest secrets and vulnerabilities, helping us to face the truth and own our power. Scorpio is also a sign that values privacy.

So right now, we may not be inclined to share our emotional peaks and heartfelt insights with the outside world. And that’s ok! We need to do what’s necessary to protect our energy.

As this Full Moon falls in the watery sign of Scorpio, and the Moon is ruled by the element of water, we may also find ourselves feeling extra sensitive and in touch with our higher senses.

Our intuition may speak to us with more clarity, or it may be easier for us to pick up on the energies of those around us. This can be a tricky time for empaths so protecting our own energy is very important.

Heightened senses can help us to travel into a deeper state of awareness and understanding. Our intuition is a valuable superpower, and on this Super Full Moon, it will be easier to access.

The Scorpio energies present at this Full Moon also indicates that what we are called to release and let go of may be psychic or energetic in nature.

We pick up on the energies around us whether we realize it or not, and sometimes those energies can stick with us. By clearing our energetic body, we can return to a state of completeness and balance.

Under the light of the Scorpio Super Full Moon is a perfect time to take the time to energetically cleanse our bodies. Working with crystals, sound, burning sacred herbs or taking a magnesium bath are just a few ways we can do this.

This sensitive Scorpio Full Moon not only supports psychic cleansing and release, but it also holds some illuminating and awakening energy.

Secrets may be revealed, or new information may come to the surface under the influence of this Full Moon. We may also find ourselves looking back over the last few months and receiving more understanding on some of the decisions we have made.

Scorpio energy is ruled by Pluto, and just a day after this Full Moon, Pluto enters the underworld for its annual retrograde.

Pluto shifting retrograde shortly after the Full Moon indicates that whatever we are being guided to release could link back all the way to October of last year.

Events from this time may resurface, or we may find ourselves needing to clear any psychic or emotional baggage that we have taken on since this time.

Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, so keep in mind that whatever has fallen away has not been lost. It is simply undergoing a transformation and you may start to see signs of the rebirth under this Scorpio Full Moon.

Uranus, the planet of awakening and surprise, is also very active on this Full Moon. The presence of Uranus indicates that something may catch us off guard, or we may experience a sudden change of events.

In fact, the whole week leading up to the Full Moon offers some of this erratic Uranus energy, so there’s a good chance we may be feeling a little frazzled by the time the Scorpio Full Moon rises. Staying grounded is the key. A little stroll on the beach or in the forest is perfect to bring us back into awareness.

Sometimes when agitated or anxious energy arises, we want to push it away. But what Scorpio energy tries to show and teach us is that sometimes the only way out is through. Instead of trying to skim over the surface, we instead, dive in, and allow ourselves to explore whatever we find, no matter how uncomfortable it can be.

There is a power in learning to be present in the uncomfortable emotions that life brings us. So, while self-care is so important under the Full Moon energy, we need to give ourselves the opportunity to dive into any chaos if we feel we are called to.

The Scorpio Super Full Moon holds some intensity, heightened emotions and sensitivity but as always there is much healing on offer by releasing & cleansing not just physically but energetically too.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Aries New Moon ♥

Monday the 12th of April, we have a New Moon falling in the fire sign of Aries. During the New Moon phase, we have a Stellium in Aries as there are several planets and asteroids all whizzing about in the constellation of Aries the Ram.

Anything that is started today will be for the long haul and anything that does end today will not be reborn. It will end so something new can begin.

This Aries New Moon carries powerful energy for manifestation, intention settings, and new beginnings.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and a New Moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle. This energy combined sends powerful waves of new energy into our lives, calling us to make changes, plant seeds, and to embrace a new chapter.

At the peak of the New Moon, it is completely invisible, and the night sky looks like a blank slate full of stars. That blank slate is what each of us is being granted on this Aries New Moon. It is blank for we get to fill it with our desires. We get to choose what we wish to draw, paint, or write across our canvas.

Under the Aries New Moon, our powers of manifestation are heightened and our ability to draw in and attract what we desire is enhanced.

The choices, words, and emotions we put out into the world are always influencing our reality, but at the time of the New Moon this is heightened even more so.

We need to be mindful of our thoughts, words, and the choices we are making at this time. We need to be sure that we are focusing on what we want, rather than what we do not want.

We are reminded to watch our language and how we are choosing to speak to ourselves and others. Words are powerful, so let’s be mindful that we are speaking with loving kindness.

If we find ourselves saying or feeling self-sabotaging or self-limiting thoughts like, “I can’t do that” or “nothing ever works out for me”, see if we can stop the thought and turn it into something more positive and affirmative like, “this may be challenging, but I’ll give it a go.”

We can all use the energies of the Aries New Moon to speak kindly to ourselves, and to remind ourselves that there are always opportunities to begin again, to try new things, and to make different choices.

At the time of the Aries New Moon, we have Venus, Mercury, the Sun, three asteroids Eric, Ceres, Chiron and the Moon all in the sign of Aries, (the Stellium) which is bringing in a strong blast of fiery energy.

The energy of fire is about passion, moving forward, and allowing our desires, rather than out fears to guide our way. Fiery energy can also be impulsive, which when used in the right way can help us make leaps forward and shift out of any bogged down energy we may be feeling.

This is a time to take some action, follow your instincts or an impulse to help get things moving.

The fact that no major planets are in retrograde at the time of this New Moon also supports this energy and indicates that the Universe is really giving us the green light to move ahead and make some bold choices.

Pluto is also very active during the Aries New Moon as is Venus. The combination of Pluto and Venus energy at this time may stir our relationships and get us questioning where we are choosing to give our power away.

Is there a relationship, either with a person or with an event or situation in your life that is making you feel powerless?

We may be drawn to focus on this at the time of the New Moon, or we may feel power struggles play out in some of our relationships.

If this happens, know there is always a path to making better choices. Rather than getting stuck going down the same old path and repeating the same conversations, see if you can switch it up and try something different, as you never know where that may lead you.

Venus and Pluto energy at this New Moon may also heighten our emotions in general. We may feel extra sensitive, or in need of some loving support from those around us and from our higher self.

We also need to check in and give ourselves a little self-care to body, mind, or soul. We should take a little me time, to take rest and recharge the batteries. With all this forward-moving energy it can be tempting to rush ahead, but we also must know when to take pause too.

Enjoy this fabulous, ultra-creative, fresh energy that is coursing through the cosmic skies. A new beginning is here!

We can feel confident in what we are doing under the dark skies of the Aries New Moon and trust that it’s all working out for our highest potential. Today is our day to claim your power!

This Aries New Moon will also cement how we are in the here and now. We are progressing even if it seems at times that we are not; trust that we are. Going back is no longer an option and whatever does come back is renewed.

Today is a day of confidence, of facing our fears head on, and of exuberance energy. The energy feels new and welcoming so, why not embrace this? This is a time to put our weapons down and allow the Universe to show the way to our heart’s truest desires. 

Love and Blessings for the Aries New Moon ♥♥♥

The Season of Aries ♥

On Saturday March 20th, the Sun enters the fire sign of Aries. We also have the Autumnal Equinox, the Sabbat of Mabon on this day for us in the Southern Hemisphere. Plus, the beginning of the Astrological year & the official beginning of Autumn.   

The Autumnal Equinox marks the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator, the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator, from south to north. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and we once again start a new turn of the Astrological Wheel.  

This is a time for new beginnings. It is a season for finding our inner strength and igniting the flames of our inner fires. 

Aries is represented by the head of the ram, which is believed to embody the creative, strengthening, and nourishing qualities of the womb. 

It is in the womb that new ideas can sprout, new beginnings can be birthed, and our creative potential can be realized. Aries cry call is ‘I am’ and is the beginning of the soul’s journey through the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

For the season of Aries, we have no major planets in retrograde, meaning that the will have the astrological energy supporting us in moving full steam ahead. This is a time to leap forward, to go for our goals, and to push past any fears that have kept us held back.

We are encouraged to work in harmony with the creative energies that are on offer and to use them as fuel to push forward on our goals, projects, and dreams.

As we begin the first step, the new beginning of the astrological year, we can wipe the slate clean and begin again. We can move ahead with new wisdom and feel confident in our abilities to take a new trip around this zodiac wheel once again.

Looking at a glimpse into the season of Aries, we have some wonderful energies that are helping us to embrace the qualities of this fire sign and make the most of wherever this new beginning is guiding us. 

The start of Aries Season coincides with the Equinox, a time of equal hours of night and day. The Equinox has long been considered a sacred time of balance, unity, and working in harmony Mother Nature. On the Equinox, the veil between dimensions is believed to be thin, making it easier for us to connect with higher realms and our spirit ancestors and guides.

Some key astrological dates for the season of Aries…

 March 25th… The Sun & Venus 

As Venus aligns with the Sun, we receive a strong dose of its energy. Venus is the planet of love, relationships, and money. She reminds us of our connection to the Divine feminine, and the power we each have to create. Under the Aries Sun especially, this is amazing energy to own the feminine side, to honor our creative powers, and to make some bold and brave heart-led decisions. 

March 29th… Full Moon in Libra & a Grand Trine

Aries Season offers us one of the most magical Full Moons of the year. At the time of the Libra Full Moon, the Moon, along with Mars and Saturn will align in a perfect triangle known as a Grand Trine. Grand Trines are considered lucky, protective, and even magical! They represent harmony, and an easy flow of energy between these cosmic energies.

Mars and Saturn, along with the Moon, join forces to help us get motivated, work hard, and go after our dreams and goals. This is strong manifestation energy that can really help us tackle projects we may have thought were too big or too ambitious. Something may also culminate on this Full Moon where we are able to see the rewards of all our hard work and risk-taking efforts.

The Sun & Chiron

March 29th brings us the Full Moon but also the alignment of the Sun and Chiron. Chiron is an asteroid that is known as the wounded healer. Its energy helps us to take our traumas and wounds and turn them into portals of strength, inspiration and healing for ourselves and for others. As Chiron infuses its energy with the Sun, we receive more support to heal and transmute our wounds into powerful resources of inspiration. 

April 3rd… Mercury Enters Aries 

Mercury enters Aries creating a line up of cosmic bodies in this sign. At this point we have the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aries, along with the asteroids Ceres and Chiron, and the dwarf planet Eris. All of this strong Aries energy is adding fuel to our fire and helping us to make some bold moves. With Mercury now in Aries, we may have to be a little mindful over what we choose to share with others and not saying things we may regret later. Aries energy can be impulsive and hotheaded, so it’s something to watch!

April 9th… Mars & Neptune

This is an interesting dynamic of energy that can help us think more creatively and flexibly. With all this motivating energy circulating over these last few weeks, this energy can help us to think differently and perhaps find a new creative way of doing things. If anyone is searching for clarity or looking to push past a road bump, this energy can be beneficial.

April 12th… Aries New Moon 

The Aries New Moon is one of the most powerful for manifestation work and drawing in all that we wish to attract. At the time of this New Moon, both Venus and Pluto are very active, strengthening our inner power and giving us an opportunity to step up and claim what is rightfully ours. This is a power time for connecting with our higher selves and knowing our worth. 

April 14th…Venus enters Taurus 

Venus loves being in Taurus making this a harmonious shift of energy. We will start feeling things slow down a little and perhaps we will want to be more meticulous about our next steps forward. 

April 18th… Sun & Mercury

The Sun and Mercury aligning is always a special event in matters of communication and tapping into the hidden messages of our subconscious and intuition. Pay attention to any messages or intuitive pings you receive on this day.

April 19/20th… The Sun leaves Aries and Taurus Season begins.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Pisces New Moon ♥

Saturday the 13th of March, we have a New Moon falling in the water sign of Pisces. Pisces is the twelfth & last sign of the zodiac. The mutable, shapeshifting, water sign which rules the magical, emotional realms of the subconscious and dream worlds.

It is the sign of the poet and mystic… the artist and healer… the savior and sinner, the shaman and physicist. The sign of Pisces is considered the “Key to the Subconscious” and the vast ocean of collective human memory.

Memories and dreams which have been buried just below consciousness now come to the surface to offer more insight and information. Under the dark Piscean Moon is a good time to look to our dreams for messages.

Pisces is probably the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac and, like its symbol, the two fishes swimming in opposite directions, it is a sign that embraces both duality and Oneness.

The Piscean New Moon carries soft, ethereal energy that inspires us to dream, create, and imagine a better reality for ourselves. The energy around the New Moon asks us to pay more attention to the creative, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life.

Pisces is our inner Healer and Psychic. This is the perfect time to tap into our inner Psychic and pay attention to messages & synchronicities.

Under the dark New Moon sky, Venus and Neptune will also be in close alignment with one another. This combination of energy can activate our heart chakra and inspire us to delve into a deeper and greater love.

This very close alignment of Venus and Neptune astrologically relates to idealistic love, compassion, and empathy. 

Venus and Neptune together in the sky can be a recipe for attracting love, heart healing, and heart awakening. 

This can be a good time for finding the dream lover or adding romance to an existing relationship. There is a challenging fixed star on the same degree as the New Moon & it can bring the risk of deception and disappointment, just to be aware.

If matters of the heart are stirred under this New Moon, we need to try to stay out of our heads and see if we can lead from the heart. Listen to the wisdom the heart has to offer and follow through on its guidance.

Neptune is the planet of intuition and listening to our inner voice. Sometimes it can cloud things or fog our vision, but this is only so we learn what it means to go within and source from our own inner wisdom.

Buried within each and every one of us are lifetimes of ancestral wisdom. Wisdom of the lives we have led before this one, and the knowledge we have of our true nature and existence.

This is the perfect New Moon to acknowledge this deep, and perhaps forgotten wisdom. As well as listening deeply to our intuition, if something feels a little off, it may well just be! Listen!

Venus is the planet that rules over relationships, but these relationships extend past romance and include our relationships with family and friends, with money, and even the relationship with ourselves. 

If there are strains in any of these areas, this New Moon may inspire us to do things differently or to perhaps see things in a new way.

If there is any area, we feel we need to resolve or forgive, this energy is particularly beneficial, and can help us connect with deeper compassion.

Neptune energy can sometimes create a rose-colored tint over everything we see, so if something feels too good to be true, or if we feel indecisive about anything at this time, we need to find the patience needed to wait for more clarity. Eventually, the fog will lift, and we will be able to see the path with clearer vision.

Pisces the last sign of the zodiac, and its energy is always reminding us that as that there are always new levels to delve and travel to.

Life is less a straight line and more of a spiral. We are always revisiting and returning to things, but each time our understanding is deeper.

Just like the two Pisces fish swimming in different directions, we can sharpen our own perspective, see things in a new way, and remember that our true state is wholeness.

New Moon Aspects

New Moon & Venus…  brings love, peace, harmony, and beauty, with a focus on love relationships, creativity, and finances. This pleasant, affectionate, charming, and sociable influence is a good omen for friendships and romance.

Sun & Neptune…  increases our sensitivity, intuition, and empathy. Being more affected by the thoughts and feelings of others and the environment can be a positive or negative experience. The result depends on the people and conditions we find ourselves in.

Negative people or environments could drain our energy and leave us feeling depressed, scared, or ill. Being so caring and compassionate, our kindness can be seen as a weakness in the eyes of the shady types and try to take advantage. Being aware of the drainers and setting boundaries will allow us to pass through this energy.

Venus & Neptune… brings the potential for new love relationships or more compassion and spiritual bonding in an existing relationship. This is a romantic, dreamy and idealistic alignment that enhances our imagination and creativity. So, this is a good New Moon for musical and artistic projects, as well as for relaxing or partying.

However, there is a risk of loss, deception, disappointment, or scandal. Especially if one over idealizes a potential partner or ignore the harsh realities of a challenging relationship. Daydreaming and laziness could also lead to problems if there are any serious commitments at work or home.

All in all, the Pisces New Moon offers us a softness, a time to reflect, a time to create, a time to love, a time to tap into our old, old wisdom and a time for deeper connections & compassion.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Virgo Full Moon ♥

Saturday the 27th of February, we have a Full Moon falling in the Earth sign of Virgo.

Virgo is represented by the virgin-goddess, but “virgin” has taken on a new meaning since this sign was named. Virgin implies independence, inner strength, and the freedom to do as one pleases.

The Virgin Goddess, Virgo, did not need a partner, she was whole and complete in her own right. She carried the strength of all she needed to live a whole, happy, and hearty life. This strength was not born out of trauma or ego, but her connection to her true and higher self.

After all the intensity and the rare cosmic alignments that have taken place during this month, the Earthy Virgo Full Moon brings a more calming vibration.

2021 is destined to be a transformative year and even though there is so much more to unfold, the Virgo Full Moon reminds us that we have arrived in the right place.

February has been a pivotal month seeing as it brought the Aquarius Stellium– a lineup of four planets in the air sign of Aquarius, and the first of three Saturn Uranus Squares, which is a major and defining vibration for the rest of the year.

These energies combined may have led us to make some drastic changes in our lives. We may have felt called to find a new freedom, or perhaps, with all this air energy, we have felt very caught up in our minds and mental chatter.

We may have found ourselves considering between two options or feeling uncertain about so many things. We may have found our mind working in overdrive, assessing, questioning, and even deeply reflecting on the past.

Under the power of this Virgo Full Moon however, there is a calm that can wash over us. There is a calm that can remind us that it is always in our power to make the best of wherever we have landed.

The Virgo Full Moon is linked to Saturn square Uranus. So, the spiritual meaning of this Full Moon relates to making or dealing with difficult changes.

However, the energy around the Full Moon makes positive change more likely and easier to implement. It is ideal for making changes that are long overdue. This is a good full moon for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer our responsibility.

Making necessary or difficult changes is always a challenge on many levels & feeling at peace with change is not always easy, but any effort taken to bring some acceptance, as small as it is, can make a huge difference to our inner wellbeing.

Full Moons are always a time of illumination, however due to the energies around this Full Moon, it seems that whatever needs to come to the surface may arrive before the Full Moon does.

As the Full Moon peaks however, it feels that things may settle. While Full Moons tend to heighten emotions, it feels that the Virgo Full Moon is a little softer in its energy and will perhaps allow us to see things from a new, and gentler vantage point.

Virgo’s ability to connect with their higher self, listen to the needs of their body, and follow their heart while staying grounded, is the gift that is offered to us all under this February Full Moon.

Many different things block us from our connection with our higher self. But like the Virgin Goddess reminds us, we always have the strength within to clear those blocks and listen to the truth and wisdom of our higher self.

There is a tendency at times, for Virgo energy to be hyper-critical, or to overthink things, so we need to be aware of this, and try to return to our heart centre if we notice ourselves falling down this path.

Aspects for the Virgo Full Moon

Saturn square Uranus … Can create a conflict between responsibility and independence, stability and change, duty, and freedom, traditional and progressive, obedience and rebellion, routine and excitement, religion and science, conservative and liberal, sane and crazy, old and new, and the past and the future.

As a result, changes can occur that we do not want or are challenging to cope with. Or it can be harder to make positive changes, the kind of changes we do want. Changes in government or corporation rules and laws could restrict our choices or restrict our freedom.

Full Moon & Saturn… May create an imbalance between our personal and professional life, or between our emotional needs and those of others. At times, we may feel forced to carry out our duties without having emotional security. At other times we might feel emotionally secure but neglect our duties.

This makes it difficult to maintain harmony in intimate relationships because of emotional coldness, feeling of guilt and fear, or having to attend to other responsibilities.

If this is the case, an adjustment may be needed in our level of responsibility. The best way to handle this rebalancing is with self-control, patience, dedication, trust, loyalty, and forgiveness.

Full Moon & Uranus… Gives the self-awareness, freedom, creativity, and intuition to make positive changes. It helps us to remain flexible and open-minded so we can take advantage of exciting new opportunities. This harmonious influence makes change flow more smoothly with less upset and chaos.

We may feel a twitch or feeling of anticipation that something is about to happen. Chance encounters are possible, and some may be attracted to unusual types of people or those from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds. This is also a good time to break bad habits and to leave boring, unhealthy & toxic relationships.

The aspects throw up some contradictions but overall, it balances out. The Virgo Full Moon has a calmness around her, the possibility of decisions and change are big on the agenda too.

We should allow a calmness to wash over us during the Full Moon. Sit under her glow on the Earth,  draw her down to our being, feeling grounded yet connected directly to La Lunar… And tap in & listen to our higher selves and come from our heart space… that way we can choose a peaceful path on our journey’s.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Leo Full Moon ♥

Friday the 29th of January, we have a Full Moon falling in the Fire sign of Leo who sits opposite the Sun in Aquarius. Our first Full Moon for the year offers us a clear understanding that we are standing at a gateway between the ‘old way’ and the ‘new way’ in our personal lives (as well as in the collective), and we should be feeling more enthusiastic than ever to accept the invitation to jump full force into a new more heart centred journey, as Leo rules the Heart.

We are also approaching the end of the current zodiac cycle, which will conclude just before the March Equinox and things may feel like they are reaching a climax point. The Leo Full Moon may very well trigger this climax point.

A lot of stuff may brew up for us during this Full Moon & not all of it will be pretty…Ugh ?

This is one of those Full Moons that feels like a mixed bag of tricks and perhaps a little chaotic. We may feel knocked off guard or perhaps confused or uncertain about something we were once sure of.

Information may come to the surface that challenges us, or we may notice the unraveling of hidden emotions and feelings that were once neatly tucked away.

While the alignments around this Full Moon are chaotic, they also offer us protection, especially if we look further out and to the big picture.

A Leo Full Moon is the sign that rules the heart and certain ‘matters of the heart’ including romance, risk, speculation, games, recreation, and creativity. These are the happy things that we choose to connect with because they bring us joy and pleasure and are ways of expressing and engaging ‘our hearts true desires’.

Leo is also associated with childhood since this is a period in life when we feel less constricted and self-conscious about letting these parts of ourselves shine. However, unfortunately, in our modern culture it is during childhood that these very parts of ourselves frequently get diminished, squashed, or warped.

If we feel held back, we tend towards rebellion and extremism, as exemplified by Leo’s opposite sign of Aquarius. Leo and Aquarius are both fixed signs, so once they ‘take a stand’ on something it can be hard to sway them. There may be confusion, frustration, and stubbornness around this Leo Full Moon, especially if the creative is stifled.

This Full Moon asks us …where is your Leo heart, full of its own sense of adventure, wonder, creativity and to find its expression in this life?

The Inner Child is very active during a Leo Full Moon, we should all let them out to play!

Although there is some chaotic energy around the Full Moon, we do have a very positive alignment of Jupiter and the Sun occurring.

Jupiter aligning with the Sun is considered fortunate energy, and a fantastic time for signing new deals, launching an event or business, or connecting with and experiencing synchronicities.

It is a day that brings abundance and an expansion of our talents and gifts.

Although under the influence of some chaotic Full Moon energies, it may be a little harder to connect with this abundant energy, but it does not mean it’s not there.

If we keep our minds open, we may just be able to find the little jewels that the Universe has to offer us.

This Jupiter Sun alignment also holds the Jupiter motto… “go big or go home”. The planet of luck and expansion is sending this signal quite clearly during the Leo Full Moon.

This is the time to get truly real and honest with ourselves about how we have been holding ourselves back, holding our hearts back, so that Jupiter can take the sledge-hammer and break these fixed patterns once and for all. Now let’s be real, experiencing a sledge-hammer is not always fun.

But the story of most of 2020 was Jupiter and Pluto teamed up with Saturn to take a sledge-hammer to our outdated institutions and patriarchal norms. So at least now we can accept a parting gift from Jupiter and Pluto during this Leo Full Moon of a reset of our outdated personal emotional patterns.

Pay attention to the signs of the Universe and nature on this day, staying open to their messages and keep our sights set on the bigger picture. Know that if things are confusing, they won’t be that way forever.

Clarity will soon arise, and in time, we may even be able to look back on these events as necessary for the next steps on our journey.

Leo is also about leadership and finding our confidence. Let’s all tap into that. Yes, there can be obstacles in our path, but the courage and determination that Leo energy brings reminds us that we always have the power to make the best of whatever situation we find ourselves in.

Whenever we have strong energy, like we do with this Full Moon, it is easy to fall victim to our fears and to old, familiar habits, even if we know they are not the best for us.

It takes courage to rise from our fears and to remove ourselves from our comfort zones. It takes an inner strength to face adversity and to look at the bigger picture.

These are definitely no easy tasks, but under the bright Leo Full Moon, we will be guided as long as we take the courage to make that first step.

Sometimes taking that first step is the hardest part, but also the most important & rewarding.

Leo is heart-centered energy, so let us all use this time to open our hearts to the Universe and to our unseen journeys coming up.

We need to remember to open our hearts to ourselves, to others and remember just how brave and bold we are. We got this!!

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

The Great Conjunction ♥

December 21st… To say today has a bit going on is an understatement. We have the Great Conjunction, The Equinox, Summer Solstice and Capricorn Season all happening at once.

I’ll just focus on the Great Conjunction… the Great Conjunction is a rare and very special astrological event that happens every 20 years or so. It involves the meeting of both Jupiter and Saturn at the same degree of the zodiac.

For the last 200 years, the Great Conjunction has occurred almost always in earth signs, but now, on December 21, 2020, both Jupiter and Saturn will align in the air sign of Aquarius.

This Great Conjunction has both planets the closest in a Very Long time and this alignment is called the ‘Christmas Star’ or Star of Bethlehem.

Last seen in 1266 in the Middle Ages, the ‘Christmas Star’ or Star of Bethlehem is a very rare astronomical occurrence.

According to NASA, this event won’t happen again until 2080.

As Jupiter and Saturn align in Aquarius it is going to kickstart a new era. It is also going to usher us deeper into the Age of Aquarius.

There is much debate on when the Age of Aquarius actually begins. Some astrologers believe it has already started; others believe we are still hundreds of years away. 

Regardless of when the Age of Aquarius officially begins, it seems this Great Conjunction falling in Aquarius, is a sign that we are about to see many Age of Aquarius themes unfold.

For the last 200 years, as Jupiter and Saturn have been coming together in earth signs, they have shaped and defined the world we currently live in. 

Earth energy is very tangible. It is all about building things, creating foundations, using the resources of the Earth, and focusing on material possessions.

Under this Earth energy, we have achieved a lot, but the time has come for a shift back into balance. We need to move away from material possessions, from robbing the Earth of its resources, and away from creating the tangible to creating the intangible.

And that is where the air energy of Aquarius comes into play. Aquarius energy is revolutionary & high-tech. Rather than wanting to create something tangible, Aquarius energy is all about the digital world.

In 2020, we have already seen a huge increase in people using the digital world.

Along with the world becoming more digital, we may also start to see a rise in community-based living.

Rather than looking to big organizations or government, we may instead find the support we need from our own community members. Creating a sense of community may also feel more important or necessary. Fabulous!!!

Aquarius energy can also bring advancements to the medical arena by encouraging alternative healing practices like sound healing, crystal healing, laser technology, and even more digitized healthcare services.

As the sign that rules over humanitarian efforts, we may also see developments surrounding issues such as homelessness, world hunger, and equal rights. Yeah…let’s see that happen!!

Aquarius energy allows us to focus on what is good for the whole. Rather than focusing solely on our own needs and wants, we are able to see that we are all connected and that we all need to come together in order to create a better world.

When this energy is in balance, it allows us to create a more peaceful and compassionate world where we are able to put ourselves in the shoes of others, where we are able to create supportive and loving communities, and where we are able to work together and share common goals.

This is the Age of Aquarius utopia that has been sung about and talked about for decades. This is the better life we can envisage for ourselves, where we are all honored for our individual selves but then also connected and working together as a whole and for the greater good.

Like with all things, there is a dark side to this energy too that we have to be mindful to avoid.

When not in balance, this energy can make us ignore the beliefs of others and fall into “sheep” mentality. Rather than being able to think for ourselves, we are told what to believe and have to follow the group in order to feel accepted.

We need to be mindful of not allowing our own individual spark to be lost in trying to serve others and our community. We need to make sure we are acting from a place of truth and authenticity, or we will find that society becomes based on ideas of a single few rather than the collective.

We have 200 years to find this balance, as both Jupiter and Saturn will travel through predominantly air signs for this next cycle.

We should all embrace the energies of this cycle by thinking about where we have been too attached to material possessions. 

This is a time for us to remember the power of our thoughts and that our thoughts are powerful seeds of creation. 

When we are in a place where we feel aligned and in an authentic headspace, we are automatically attracting whatever is best for us. 

Rather than trying to manifest our goals, we should instead focus on bringing ourselves into a state of complete alignment. From this place, our goals and whatever we wish to manifest comes naturally.

Jupiter is the planet associated with abundance and expansion. Its energy is naturally optimistic and allows us to see possibilities and potentials.

Jupiter expands whatever it touches, allowing us to welcome abundance and to see things with a greater clarity. Jupiter is considered to be the lucky planet and the one that brings us our natural gifts and rewards in this life.

Saturn in many ways is seen as the opposite, however this is a bit of mistaken identity. Saturn is considered a harsh planet that likes to impose rules and restrictions.

It wants us to set boundaries and may make us feel held back and even oppressed. Its energy is similar to that of a strict teacher, always wanting us to follow the rules, work hard, and scolding us when we don’t.

However, Saturn is also where we do our most growing and most learning. 

It is through Saturn that we are able to mature, to become wiser, and to find our true inner strength and power.

Both Jupiter and Saturn coming together in this conjunction is like the Lord of Karma meeting the planet of expansion. Here, Jupiter is able to shine a light on all of our Saturn lessons. It is able to soften them, make us see them with more clarity, but also in many ways, expand them. 

As the Jupiter Saturn conjunction is so pivotal, this energy affects us on a global level too. It is almost like Earth is waking up to its karma. In many ways, our entire planet is advancing to a new level and looking for debts to be paid.

Whatever our collective Earth karma is, this Great Conjunction has arrived to set things into balance. 

On a global level, whatever needs to be repaid will have to be repaid. Whatever is owed will have to be given. 

On deeper spiritual levels, this alignment of Jupiter and Saturn indicates a rise in consciousness for the planet, where we are able to see with more clarity the karmic energy of the globe, and what we can do to create more balance.

It is also interesting to note that both Jupiter and Saturn will come together at zero degrees of Aquarius, which is a highly charged point of any zodiac sign.

0 degrees represents infinite potential and possibilities. It represents a time where all things are possible, and a new foundation is opening.

On this day, it will feel like Earth is moving through a portal of energy where it will be rebirthed and hold millions of new possibilities for all of us. 

This is very fertile energy, which indicates new beginnings on a grand scale. Earth will never be the same again and as beings of this Earth, we will have no choice but to adapt and embrace this new chapter that is on offer to us.

The energy of the Great Conjunction will feel most powerful for the next few weeks. Then it will fade into the background of our lives, where it will continue to influence us most strongly for the coming years.

Love and Blessings xo ♥♥♥

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Taurian Blue Full Moon ♥

Saturday October 31st, we have a Full Moon falling in the Earth sign of Taurus. Being the second Full Moon of the month, it will be considered a Blue Moon.

Having two Full Moons within the same calendar month indicates an overall theme of release, and it seems there is a lot unraveling under the power of this Taurian Blue Moon.

The Taurus Blue Moon also happens to be a Micromoon, which means it is further away from Earth than usual. The Moon may appear less bright and look smaller in the night sky.

Micromoons are steeped in superstition and are believed to bring bad weather and natural disasters. Even though the Moon is further away from Earth, Micromoons are believed to have a greater influence on our moods.

Adding to the multifaceted Blue Moon influences it also falls on the potent and magical day observed in the Northern Hemisphere as the celebration of Samhain, which is where Halloween gets its roots. Across many cultures, this time of year is also believed to be when the veil between dimensions is at its thinnest.

October 31st is also linked to the Day of the Dead or Día de los Muertos, which is commonly celebrated in Mexico and Central America, and originated from the time of the Aztecs.

Similarly, to the pagan traditions of Samhain, it is believed that on this night, the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest. With the veil between dimensions thin, it is easier for our loved ones to return to Earth and for us to make contact with them.

For us in the Southern Hemisphere, traditionally October 31st begins the Celtic Festival of Beltane. Many celebrate Samhain regardless & there are similarities in both of the pagan celebrations. For the Blue Full Moon both of the festivals energies will be at play.

The Taurian Blue Moons astrology is quite rare for many reasons but the almost exactly conjunction to Uranus also in Taurus brings some funky extra energy into the mix. With the Blue Moon extremely close to Uranus, the planet of change and revolution, we can see unexpected change and uncertainty that may cause anxiety, impatience, and an inability to relax.

This is an extremely powerful and very disruptive influence which we will ride for the next two weeks. Whenever the Moon and Uranus come together, there is always the chance that some shocking information could come to the surface. We may also experience heightened emotions, making it easier to fall victim to our triggers.

While we may feel pulled in many directions under this energy, we can also connect to the earthy, grounded stability that Taurus can offer to us. Grounding ourselves in nature is always a good thing but during this amped up Taurian Blue Moon… it is almost vital.

We really will need to get out in nature, dig our feet into the Earth/Sand, have a swim and walk through the lush wonder of the forests, ocean, creeks and connect with the land.

Some Astrologers are linking the impulsive and unpredictable nature of the Blue Moon with the US presidential election falling a few days after on November 3rd, predicting there will be consequences of this erratic energy that Uranus is bringing through.

Added to that, Mercury stationary direct and square Saturn on that same day is increasing the risk of delays, frustration, and disagreement. Civil unrest, violence, and rebellion are possible.

Full Moons are always powerful points of completion and letting go, but we may find that this Full Blue Moon doesn’t bring the release we are looking for.

While it may stir things and alert us of what needs to be released in our lives, it may lack the strength to help us go the distance.

Even though we may want to be done with something, it looks like we may find ourselves hanging on a little longer than we would have liked.

It may take until the next Full Moon in November, which just so happens to be an Eclipse, for us to take the plunge and finally say goodbye to whatever it is that we wish to release.

As mentioned, this Blue Moon falls on a very auspicious night, where the veil between dimensions is considered to be at its thinnest.

On a positive level, even the planetary influence of Uranus can help us to access these higher dimensions, as Uranus also rules over the awakening of our life force or kundalini energy.

If you wish you can connect to the awakening by visualizing your chakras awakening one by one. See them shining like bright balls of rainbow light. See them opening and connecting you to your higher self and to the realms above.

If you have a loved one that has crossed over, on this night say a special prayer, or do something to remind you of them. Eat their favorite food or light a candle in their name.

And beyond reaching out to passed loved ones, make time to acknowledge the “deaths” both great and small in your life.

There are so many things that have “died” this year, so honor the ones that matter most to you, even if they are a little painful.

Look to nature for guidance, as it is always showing us how it dies and rebirths itself again and again.

So, while this Blue Moon carries some volatility, it also reminds us to get grounded in our being, so we can reach into the realms unknown.

We should honor the deaths we have faced and know that all things lost eventually come around again. It is the law of the Universe that nothing is ever destroyed, only reborn.

Love and Blessings for the Taurian Blue Full Moon ♥♥♥

Leo New Moon ♥

Wednesday the 19th of August we have a New Moon residing in the Fire sign of Leo. This New Moon is also a Black Moon. There are several definitions of a Black Moon. It can be the third New Moon in an astronomical season with four New Moons (as this one is) or the second New Moon in the same calendar month.

A Black New Moon holds potent energy as a time for manifesting new dreams and visions. This Leo New Moon also brings us very strong solar energy.

The Sun has been in its fullest power under the sign of its ruler, Leo, and on this New Moon, it brings a reminder that no matter what happens in life, no matter how dark things may seem, the dependable Sun will always rise again.

The New Moon is the Dark Moon and is a time where we need to tune in to our own inner Sun and light up the parts of ourselves that have been hidden in the shadows.

The Leo New Moon will activate a rising of darkness so it can be cleansed and released for good. Sometimes, the shadows must be exposed before they can return to the light.

With the exposure of the dark we may notice growing tensions in the world around us, or with the ones we love. Some things may get heated, so it’s important we keep ourselves centered and moving from a place of compassion and love.

Judgmental attitudes may pop up and we must remember that we don’t know what it’s like to walk someone else’s path, we need to stay open-minded and try to remember that we and everyone is just doing the best they can.  

This may be quite a challenging New Moon. There is an emphasis on fiery Aries where both Chiron (the wounded healer) and Mars are travelling through. Wounds from war, wounds from past lives, inner wars, or battles in relationships want to be healed, but only to the degree, we are willing to take responsibility for our part.

Blaming others, as well as taking on too much responsibility, will be a huge temptation. The opportunity here is to put an end to fighting others and take the battle within, to claim independence from ego attachments and self-destructive traits.

Sometimes we need to be quiet and other times we need to speak up. This New Moon will teach us how to know the difference. Listening and taking just a little step back before we launch in will be the secret.

Ruled by the Sun and ruler of the heart the Leo New Moon will bring an immense amount of power, light and healing… but just as the saying goes: ‘the darkest hour is just before the dawn’.

For us to be able to embrace and shine the full light of our hearts, Leo will make us look into all that remains unhealed, hidden and avoided. Leo wants us to be able to live from our heart, and the only way to be able to do this is to remove all that blocks that keeps us closed.

Leo also wants to remind you that life should be fun, Leo brings a childlike energy that’s inspired by just about anything and everything. We can allow this Leo energy to remind us of what life was like before all the responsibilities and fears and opinions and ‘reality’ got in the way.

2020 has bought us many setbacks, challenges and circumstances we never could have imagined but it has also offered the opportunity for a lot of growth and change.

A few questions we can ponder on and ask ourselves under the dark night of the Leo New Moon…

What would life be like if there were literally no boundaries, restrictions or responsibilities and nothing to fear? What could we do right now if we knew without doubt that we would be supported?

What are our hearts and our authentic selves calling us to do?

How are we going to make the best of the time we have been given? How can we maximize what is left of this year?

For some of us, this may be completing projects, for others, this may be about learning how to rest and to dedicate time to wellness.

There is no wrong way to use our time, we just must not give up on ourselves or our dreams. We need to try to make the best of the hand we have been dealt and see what miracles and opportunities we can make from wherever we stand right here and now…today.

The Leo New Moon will be guiding us with this. It will be offering us an optimistic hand and sending positive beams of uplifting energy to remind us to make the most of our time and what is left of the year.

While we do have this motivating and inspiring energy on offer to us, there is also another layer to this New Moon too.

At the time of this New Moon, we have the planet Mars very active. Not only is Mars conjunct to Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Strife (Eris is the most massive and second-largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System) Mars is also in a square to Saturn and Pluto, plus trine to the Sun and Moon.

Essentially, this just means that Mars is very, Very busy! Mars will definitely be a star planet to watch as we wrap up this ultra-transformative year.

Yes, Mars is very active at the time of the Leo New Moon, but this can offer us increased motivation and drive. We may feel this inspired, fiery energy bubbling at our core and motivating us to get things done.

Alternatively, if we have been overdoing it, or just sensitive to strong fiery energy, we may find that this active Mars energy leads us to feel overwhelmed and burnt out. 

It will be important to listen to our bodies and to connect with our own inner wisdom, as Mars is going to be triggering our energy levels and either wiping us out so we can get in balance, or boosting us up so we can get in balance. 

Protecting our energy is also going to be important under the Leo New Moon. We can do this in many ways, shielding our energy, herbal cleansing smudges, saltwater baths, or working with our favourite crystals. 

Because Mars is an action planet, doing things like exercise, eating well, and breathwork can also be beneficial too. 

The potency of this New Moon has the power to raise things from the dark, so we may begin noticing or feeling this now, especially on a global level.

Following this New Moon, we may notice hidden information rising to the surface, or painful truths floating into our awareness. We can observe these & step back if it’s too much right now, but…. They will need to be looked at and dived right into as the transformation is here now to heal.

Overall, the Leo New Moon will be filling us with light so we can handle the tensions that may be swirling around us. 

We need to stay connected to this light, breathing in the strength and the inner-fire that is on offer under Leo energy. Holding the flames of our purpose, our passion, and love within. Knowing that they are bright and powerful enough to guide us through whatever needs to rise following the Dark Moon. 

Let’s use this powerful New Moon in Leo to connect deeply to our hearts, our truth, our passions and desires. Choose faith over fear and really go after what we desire and are passionate about.

Love and Blessings ♥♥♥

Libra Super Full Moon ❤

Wednesday the 8th of April, we have a Full Moon falling in the Air sign of Libra. This Full Moon is also known as the Pink Moon and is a Super Moon, the closest & brightest one for the year. There is a real mix of energies at play with the Libran Super Full Moon, the scales of balance are tipping very high and very low during this Moon phase.  This Full Moon will most likely amplify all our current emotional states, everyone’s emotions are heightened already which can be overwhelming but… shifting the scales to a positive, it can also be a great time of self-discovery.

Full Moons have the ability to draw things out of us. While this can be cleansing, it can also stir up a lot of emotional energy and expose wounds that we have buried away.

This will likely be a very melancholy Full Moon as it is connected with distance and hardship. The chart for this Full Moon brings this into full light. As the weight of the issues we have been dealing with on a global scale are felt, we may feel trapped by circumstance or the events that have been ongoing. While it is natural to feel overwhelmed by everything, we are reminded not to shut down emotionally in the midst or aftermath of what is going on.

The events of the last few weeks may have shifted the dynamic of relationships as work and homelife are reevaluated. This may have caused some surprising revelations, bringing some closer together and creating distance between others, especially those in long distance connections. This may be causing arguments, upsets and drama. Usually at the root of upsets is fear. It’s important to get to the bottom of what is really going on if we find ourselves in arguments or drama.

Having restrictions put upon us for any length of time can cause us to want to rebel. The Libran Full Moon is urging caution where there is any pull to upset the balance of our lives. This is a time to move back towards our own balance, renewal and nourishment.

The Super Full Moon aspects also cautions against issues with authority, such as restrictions put on by those in government. This can cause additional conflict or stress. There are also aspects warning us to look after our health.

The Super Full Moon makes an aspect to Neptune that is associated with health imbalances. This aspect between Neptune and the Super Full Moon increases our emotional sensitivity which can lead to confusion, insecurity and neurotic distress. This is an aspect of health imbalances, and Neptune rules illness and infection. Cleanliness and hygiene are critical during this two week Moon phase.

There is also a risk of misdiagnosis, over-sensitivity to medications, addiction, and poisoning. Paranoia and suspicion can lead to mistrust and the poisoning of a relationship. We may find ourselves susceptible to isolation, gossip, scandal, betrayal, loss or disappointment… All Neptunian energy.

Mars and the aspect to Uranus can be impulsive and its influence may make people rebellious and aggressive. Jupiter and Pluto amplify the risks but a positive aspect to Mercury gives understanding and common sense. It means smart thinking and cooperation with friends and neighbours is the key to staying safe and relatively happy during the Super Full Moon

Some people may react with ruthless, extreme, self-righteous, prejudiced, immoral or obsessive behavior. Selfishness, greed, jealousy, revenge, racism, violence and crime are connected to this aspect..

Mercury aspected to Jupiter brings positive thinking which should reduce the risk of those destructive behaviors mentioned above. A broad outlook and excellent decision-making skills will allow us to make plans in response to new laws and regulations. This is a good Full Moon to implement new routines at home.

Mercury and Pluto give us an intense focus and concentration to research the truth and uncover secrets. We can trust our intuition to guide our decisions. Mercury aspected to Jupiter-Pluto means we transform our way of thinking and adapt to new restrictions affecting communications and movements.

The Libran Super Full Moon calls for us to start thinking about how we can come together to support one another, rather than getting stuck or bogged down in our own lives and what they have now become since all the changes and big shifts 2020 has brought our way.

Even though we may be feeling alone, isolated, and uncertain, we are all in this together and the only way through is to come together as One.

On spiritual planes, we are all connected, but here in the physical world, we appear as separate. It is part of our journey in this life to be individual beings but at our core, we are one and the same.

It is my belief that all our collective thoughts, actions, and vibrations also make up this reality we find ourselves in. We have always been in this together, but now we are being guided to recognise this Universal truth for ourselves and the power it can bring.

When we start to feel restless or anxious about our current situations, let’s turn it around and think about how we can support and reach out to others.

Let’s get out of our own heads for a moment, put our own troubles to the side, and see what we can offer to the world, to others, to the community, or to the Universe.

It doesn’t have to be big or over the top, it could be a ritual of healing, a phone call, a donation, a helping hand, or an act of compassion. No contribution is too small, and no contribution will go unnoticed or unappreciated.

The fabric of our reality is shifting and changing, which means now is a time where it’s most sensitive to our vibrations. Now is the time where we can upgrade the tapestry of our reality through mindfulness, love, and conscious awareness.

Our vibration radiates the highest when we honor, accept, and love who we are and our journey. Our vibration radiates the highest when we put down our egos and just allow ourselves to be.

We are all needed here at this time, we have all agreed to be here at this time. Even though there is so much destruction, and struggle, and suffering around us, we are creating a new world. We are creating a new reality. And there are higher beings surrounding us and joining in too.

On a more Earth based level, the Libran Super Moon will be highlighting feelings of self-love and stirring things in our relationships. If there are any weaknesses or cracks, this Super Full Moon may expose and shine a light on what needs to be healed.

If any of us are in need, don’t be afraid to reach out for support at this time, whether we go to a friend, relative, professional, or to your angels and guides.

We are all here for each other just like these words are here for you. Let them sink to the depths of your soul and allow them to work and soften you where they need to.

This is a time to practice compassion, to remember that we are all hurting and struggling in our own ways, and to seek how we can lessen the load for those around us.

Gentle loving kindness will help us navigate these strong Lunar vibes, but it is also important that we practice self-care and allow the Full Moon to work on releasing and detoxifying.

Staying hydrated, exercising, writing, painting, dancing, gardening, meditating, being creative, reaching out to friends, all those simple self-care practices are very much needed right now.

There is no doubt these are challenging times and the heavens show some challenging alignments too. But we are not alone in this.

We all need to take some comfort in knowing this journey will soon end. All is temporary, and through this time of uncertainty there is no doubt that we are growing, we are evolving, and the planet is doing the same.

In numerology, the number code 2020 represents infinite possibilities when we work together.

Love, Blessings, Health and Light    CH xo