Aquarius Full Moon ♥

We have a Full Moon falling in Aquarius on Thursday the 15th of August. The energy emerging around this Full Moon will be focused on how we engage in relationships between groups, self, and society. As this Full Moon falls in the sign of Aquarius, la Luna will be illuminating areas into how we can help and serve each other.

Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian and is represented by a woman carrying a jug of water. The woman symbolizes the healer in us all and the water symbolizes the heavy emotions, the pain, and the suffering of the world.

As the water bearer, Aquarius has the natural gift and ability to take these heavy emotions and transform them into something lighter. She doesn’t absorb the water or take it on as a part of her, she is an air sign, and uses her higher mind, her search for the truth in order to transform and cleanse the water before returning it to the Earth.

All of us have Aquarian energy within us, and on this Full Moon, we are going to be guided to bring healing, lightness, and love to the world.

The Aquarian Full Moon whispers the words of the humanitarian Gandhi- “be the change you wish to see in the world.”

This theory of starting with yourself is also something shared by many great humanitarians. Mother Theresa once said- “if you want to change the world go home and love your family.”

It was her belief that everyone can start making a difference in the world by starting with their own family.

The famous poet Rumi also shared- “yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world, today I am wise so I am changing myself.”

It all begins with the individual for when you take care of your own needs, when you start loving yourself, it creates a ripple and that ripple flowing from each and every one of us is what will change the world. All you have to do is be responsible for your own ripple!!

It is also worth remembering, that one of the greatest gifts of the water bearer is her ability to carry the water without bearing the burden of it. She doesn’t allow herself to get absorbed by the dark emotions she carries, instead she uses her Air sign qualities to rise above it.

As an air sign, Aquarius is about using her mind, her intellect, and the power of her voice to make a difference.

There are some strong aspects in the chart of the Aquarian Full Moon that will influence things in other ways, some positive, some not so…

Firstly. during the Aquarian Full Moon, the Sun is in the opposite sign to the Moon, which places the Sun in powerful and courageous Leo. The archetypal energy of Leo is one of deep creative self-expression being displayed and shared with the world.

Leo wants to be loved, appreciated, and noticed. This can take place in many different ways and through many different platforms, social relationships and social media being some of them.

During this time there is increased attention on balancing our social responsibility with personal responsibility. The Moon in Aquarius is bringing our attention to how our behavior impacts the bigger picture. While the Sun, Mars, Venus, and Mercury in Leo are pulling our attention towards the personal.

The vibe for this Full Moon is to charge our lives with the fearless energy of the Leo-Aquarius axis. These signs will not stand for bullshit and are ready to stand up and call it out!

Aquarius is sitting opposite Venus and whilst our need for love and affection grows stronger, any underlying relationship tensions are likely to worsen, increasing stress levels and causing drama. The energy here may also bring the potential for anger, jealousy, intimidation, and impulsive actions.

Some may already be experiencing stress, anxiety and unexpected changes in their love life that started around the Leo New Moon earlier this month. If so, this highlights the need for patience, understanding, and unconditional love over the coming two weeks.

The Aquarian Full Moon is mostly affected by Venus, the planet of love. The Full Moon is opposite Venus by only 0°20′ orb which is very strong. While Venus has a soft, loving influence, the opposition makes this a challenging Moon phase.

Mars adds some anger to the love story while Pluto gives this Full Moon a darker theme involving control and power imbalances of a karmic nature. The Full Moon is in a fortunate area of the sky for fixed stars. However, a stronger influence comes from more unhelpful stars joining the Sun, Venus, and Mars.


Sun / Venus… focuses attention on our love life, creativity, and finances. On its own, this is a peaceful, harmonious, affectionate, and sociable influence, a good omen for friendship and romance. But the polarity created by the Full Moon can bring relationship tension and financial pressures.

Moon / Venus increases our need for love and affection regardless of the consequences. If single, one may be tempted to lower one’s standards just to avoid loneliness. This could mean one may miss character flaws in potential partners that are obvious to others. And result in not coping well if one doesn’t receive true love in return.

For partnerships… friction may arise due to different moods or needs. In a troubled relationship, this could increase the risk of conflict and crises. But in a healthy relationship, this Full Moon would more likely expose any simmering relationships tensions so they can be successfully resolved.

Moon / Mars can make us moody and short-tempered. Anger and a tendency to act without thinking increase the risk of minor irritations turning into arguments or fights. Intimate relationships may suffer from impulsive actions and aggressive instincts.

Channeling our energy toward hard work and competition will help avoid conflicts. We can chase our own passionate desires, but will they have a better chance of success by compromising and considering the needs of others?

Sun / Pluto can cause a mini-crisis or threat that represents a turning point in our lives. Pressure can build to an intense level and cause neurotic, obsessive or destructive behavior. An event or person may trigger this tipping point by taking away our personal power.

In relationships, we may be tempted to react by trying to control and manipulate the other person which would result in conflict and bruised egos. This is an evolutionary process with karmic causes and implications. Compromise is needed as there are no yes or no answers, only gray areas.

Although some aspects to the Aquarian Full Moon will be testy the energy of the sign of the Water Bearer is not overly concerned with what is popular, what is written in the media, or what her friends and family believe.

Aquarius wants to make up its own mind and is always on the search for a bigger truth. The absolute truth. The truth that goes beyond perspective and into a higher place.

Under the energy of this Aquarius Full Moon we should all think about how we can bring these qualities into our lives.

How can we send love and healing to create a positive effect on our lives and the world? How can we hold our own truth without absorbing and getting stung by the voices of the media or those around us?

Working with our higher mind, our inner guides venturing into our own truth, and walking a path of love, will help us to learn the ways of the water bearer.

We have enough love to go around for everyone, so on this Aquarius Full Moon, which is bathed in light, in compassion, and in truth, start with yourself and then share some of that love around with your family, your friends, your community, your country, and with the world. 

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

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