Cancer New Moon ~ Solar Eclipse ♥

Tuesday the 2nd of July begins the first of three powerful Eclipses. The first falls with the New Moon in Cancer and it is a total Solar Eclipse.

Most of the Eclipse will cross over the ocean between Australia and South America but it will be visible from small parts of Chile and Argentina just before sunset. Some regions in the Pacific and in South America, including locations in Ecuador, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay will see a partial solar eclipse

When a Solar Eclipse occurs, whether it is visible or not, it is a powerful time to work with our physical world, our surroundings and our material circumstances. This can bring about big changes in our environment, where we live, our abundance, our identity, our relationships and our personal power.

Eclipses are a powerful time for beginnings and sudden endings.  Solar Eclipses are powerful energy for creating great change in our lives. The theme for the Solar Eclipses is Metamorphosis. It creates an alchemy of complete transformation. 

Making changes will definitely be amplified around this Eclipse. Opportunities will be knocking, so it’s the perfect time to stay open minded!

As this Eclipse falls in Cancer, we may also notice our home and family life becoming a priority. We may notice issues in this area or feel a pull between looking after ourselves and putting our needs first and caring for others, as well as the commitments we might have made to others.

We may also feel a desire to set new boundaries in place or make changes that allow us to focus on giving ourselves more self-love and self-care.

Cancer is also the sign of the Great Mother and while not all of us are lucky enough to know what it’s like to be cared for, nurtured, and loved by our mother, we all have the power within to care for, nurture, and love ourselves.

We all have the power to stand up for what we need and to honor the nurturing, intuitive, and loving parts of ourselves.

Cancer energy is all about this, so if you haven’t been looking after yourself, if you have been burning the candle at both ends, or ignoring the call of your heart, this Eclipse may bring a much needed wake-up call.

This Cancer New Moon Eclipse may bring some disruption to our normal routines, as The Moon blocks the Suns light, we hang in a suspended space disrupted from the light from our star. As with all New Moon Eclipses, it is a very intense time. But this one is bringing us a cosmic shake up, potentially a great storm into our lives. We may be seeing a lot shifting right now, things we may not understand or is hidden just beyond the veil. 

This New Moon reminds us that we have the ability to deal with the difficult. We are capable and able to do anything. However, that doesn’t mean that we should put up with what isn’t in our best interests. This can mean simply that we are ‘done’ with certain situations and we need to walk away from toxic people and our own outdated beliefs, get off the merry go round kids! The time has come to walk away from what sucks us dry emotionally, mentally and physically. We must remember our inner strength and focus instead on our dreams and hopes for the future.  

Beware of obsession and mental exhaustion during this New Moon Eclipse as we are heavily influenced by the Eclipse Cycle and the Mercury Retrograde which is going to be causing a lot of mental activity. This can lead to obsession, being drained, overthinking and judging.  

This New Moon warns of potential suffering at the hands of a dark presence, a shadow figure which may impose into our lives. Pay attention for any figures which are attempting to guilt, manipulate, undermine or trick you.  Our intuitions is high during this time, so we need to tap in… especially when things/people feel a bit phony or iffy.

While Eclipses can be a bit full on shaking us up. Down and around they are also wonderful gateways of change. They are points in the year where the Universe can intervene to put us on track with our lives and where we need to be heading.

The type of events that fall around an Eclipse are believed to be fated and help us to align with our life journey, our purpose, and our higher calling.

While this Eclipse is all about opportunity, the Universe may need us to first clear the way to allow these opportunities to reach us.

We shouldn’t be afraid to make changes in our lives. Or be afraid to shake up our normal routines a bit, it’s time to set boundaries or stand up for ourselves and what it is that we need.

Doing so can be scary at first, but sometimes it takes that first courageous step so we can start creating more of what we want in our lives.

If issues flare up for any of us around this Eclipse, a couple of good questions we can ask ourselves is. Where do I want to be sitting in this scenario?  Who do I want to be in this situation?

Often when we ask ourselves these questions, we tend to get more truthful with ourselves and figure out what actions, thoughts, and words are aligned with the type of person/situation we are facing, and the type of reality we really wish to create.

The themes and lessons of this Eclipse are also closely connected back to the Eclipses of January, so it’s a good time to think back to this time and see what themes we were working with then and how we have grown since this time, or if we have more work to do.

As this Solar Eclipse is like a supercharged New Moon with plenty of opportunity and inspiration around it, we also need to take a moment to set an intention, a new goal or think about what we desire as we move forward on our journeys.

Eclipses move and shake us. They put us where we need to be, and this Eclipse is going to open that doorway, it is just up to us to take the first step and walk through it.

The energy is here for a fresh start, to shift our focus onto ourselves and be more nurturing to ourselves. Not to be selfish however, but to consider who we are or what role we are playing on the stage at the moment. Is it true to us, is it what we want, is good for us on all levels? The Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse will bring us plenty of opportunities, we just need to stand up and open the door.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

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