Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse ♥

Wednesday the 17th of July we have a Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. Most of Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa, South/East North America, South America, across the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Oceans will be privy to this event. For us on the East Coast of Australia (esp Byron Bay) the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse begins as the Moon is setting close to horizon, so getting up high with a free sight to West-southwest is best for viewing. For us here on the coast of Byron Bay, the Lunar Eclipse begins at 6am and the Moon will begin to turn red. Max point is around 6.30, unfortunately the true maximum point of this Eclipse cannot be seen in Byron Bay because the Moon is below the horizon at that time.

To check the best viewing times visit and enter your town or city.

Lunar Eclipses are a great time to bring our attention internally to the changes we want to make within ourselves. Whether we can see it or not, this is a potent time to deal with emotional matters and for shifting negative thoughts and beliefs.

Releasing and endings are a big theme of this Lunar Eclipse but there is something deeper going on too. This Eclipse is not just guiding us to release and bring closure to things that have served their time, it is also guiding us to stretch… to stretch ourselves beyond the limits of our mind, our body, and our soul.

We all know how good it feels after taking a big stretch. Knots can be released, you feel more aligned and flexible, and there is more space for blood and energy to flow freely. That is the work of this Eclipse. It will be stretching us, cracking us, helping us to release the knots and tensions of the past. It will be stretching us from one end to the other so we can find our true alignment.

Under the energy of this Eclipse, we may feel like we are being stretched to our limits or pulled in two different directions. We may have to choose a path, or we may feel torn between one way of action versus another. A decision will have to be made, but the Eclipse will be our guide and will deliver the answers in the perfect timing.

While we wait to see which path is the best fit for our souls, we have to remember to keep stretching and opening. We have to work on letting go of the things that we know have no place in our hearts and minds, as this work will free us up to make those judgment calls and decisions that will affect the next chapter of our lives.

If something in our lives has been weak or crumbling, the Eclipse may also bring that final push we have been looking for. Lunar Eclipses don’t bring destruction but rather, they help to give things that are already on their way out that final push. This Full Moon Eclipse asks us to stay open and see where we are guided to release, to let go, and to bring closure.

During this Full Moon Eclipse, there is great illumination in our world. Over the last few years, we have been traversing some very difficult roads. While moving through these difficulties has proved to be trying at ties, this journey into the unknown has been moving us towards what we desire. Karma and destiny are highlighted during this Full Moon Eclipse, and we are being reminded to trust in what is coming. Perhaps things didn’t work in the past, but there are bright roads ahead.

As illumination is supercharged during a Full Moon Eclipse, there can be much hidden information or secrets being brought into the light. This knowledge can be a game changer. We are being reminded to watch what we tell others. Be careful who we trust which of our secrets to. We are being asked to trust in ourselves and in our inner knowing and intuition.

Capricorn rules this Full Moon and is a great lover of commitment. We are being asked to pay attention where we need deeper commitment in our lives. Are we getting the effort and energy we desire? Pay attention as these cycles need to end if things are stuck.

Put some attention on finances and looking towards the future. Plan for the future under this Full Moon and we mustn’t forget to honour the dreams of our heart. Anything is possible during the Eclipse Cycle, and the things that we desire can have surprising ways of manifesting in our lives.

Under the energy of the Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse, we will also be reminded of how strong we really are. Capricorn is represented by the mountain goat, and although it is small, it has the ability to climb any mountain it chooses. Using its nimble-footing, the mountain goat can venture higher than most; it just has to believe in itself and be guided by the right motivation.

When an intense Eclipse like this passes through our energy field, we may feel a little stuck or stagnant, and this can add to the need to question things like our motivation. So, this is a good time to really think and feel into what is motivating or not motivating us and possibly make a few changes. This questioning is necessary and important as it gets us to stretch our minds and to think differently for a moment.

This Lunar Eclipse is quite powerful and intense energetically, and there is confrontational energy due of the very close conjunction to Pluto. Intense emotional reactions, compulsive behavior, and power struggles are likely to result in a crisis. The Moon conjunct Pluto can bring intense and overwhelming emotions flooding us. This can cause us to overreact to the powerful feelings flowing through us. We need to watch that these intense feelings don’t take a negative turn such as obsession as this can be destructive.

This aspect can bring such deep feelings that they can overwhelm us. A personal interaction or event may trigger a memory or emotion buried deeply in our subconsciousness. Dreams, visions, psychic impressions or intuitive insights may have a profound influence on our mood. In relationships, we may find ourselves dealing with controlling and manipulative behaviors like jealousy, guilt-tripping, threats and intimidation.

The Sun sits opposite Pluto during the Full Moon Eclipse and may bring some sort of crisis with our self-esteem, a relationship or an event. This may be related to abuse of power or due to a self-destructive character trait such as addiction, spying or stubbornness.

During the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, it is best to avoid being overly assertive, egotistic, or resistant to change. Challenges are more likely if we stubbornly resist change or engage in some habit that is destructive to ourselves or others.

The Capricorn Lunar Eclipse may also bring questions of power and status into play. We may see this playing out on the world stage or even in our own lives. We may be questioning who we have chosen to give our power to and what we have our chosen to prioritise in our lives.

As the celestial bodies in the sky align for this Eclipse, it is going to be like two armies meeting on opposing sides of a field. Rather than fighting each other however, they are working together to bring healing, transformation, and growth to the people standing in the middle, and those people are us. We just need to stay open and once these two forces have pulled and stretched us, helped us to work through some knots and some tension, we are all going to feel taller, lighter, and more open. Energy is going to be able to flow up and down and pass freely through our bodies and activating our energy centers.

Under the energy of this Eclipse, we have to be gentle with ourselves. We have to allow ourselves to gently stretch and breathe through the knots and tight spots. We have to inhale and exhale until we feel our bodies melt and open.

This Full Moon Eclipse is one of the most potent and transformative points of the year, but we are ready for it… we are strong enough to handle it… We just need to centre, yet stay open, question and look deeply within, release and let go and most of all be gentle with ourselves, watch our egos and emotions and always act and speak from our hearts.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

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