Chiron Moves Direct ♥

Chiron Moves Direct Today in Aries, December 15th.

Chiron, the asteroid associated with healing turns direct after being retrograde since July. As Chiron was traveling retrograde, wounds from our past may have resurfaced to be revisited once again.

Now with Chiron traveling direct, we can take away new wisdom and strength from all we have been through. 

In the fiery, innovative sign of Aries, it is important that we focus on who we are as individuals and the woundedness that is experienced around our identities.

Who exactly are we? Why were we born? Why are we here? These are just a few questions that could come up during the Chiron in Aries transit for us to address. Many fear addressing their wounds because they are afraid of what may come up to be addressed.

However, it is important to understand that Chiron transits offer us the opportunity to face those deep-seated wounds so that we can be our best selves.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac symbolizing our youngest years of life and our personal sense of identity, what we look like and who we know ourselves to be. Aries is where one says, “I Am”.

Chiron in Aries is a time when people need to heal their identity and emotional wounds, especially those deep wounds that were conditioned from childhood.

Collectively, people tend to be more sensitive during this period as they work through figuring out how to heal their deepest, personal wounds that have been with them for a long time.

Self acceptance is a key priority for our lives now, which can lead to people asserting themselves as different and unique from others. However, this can lead to a protective and defensive attitude towards others that push people’s emotional buttons.

The Ram is also an aggressive warrior, but with Chiron traversing this field, time’s up on the “fight or flight” mentality. Drawing guns, dropping bombs, and fighting…the world can’t handle much more of that.

Chiron in Aries is here to heal the “wounded masculine” which has fueled centuries of bloody destruction and devastation.

Simultaneously, Chiron in Aries may also reveal where fear of conflict is keeping us stuck in self-destructive patterns.

Yes, there’s a time to fight for our rights…. but is there a way to do so that doesn’t involve domination, violence, one-upping and power-mongering?

This feels like a shift in energy collectively from Me to We

Chiron will remain in Aries until April 2027.

Love and Blessings

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