Libran Full Moon ♥

Friday the 19th of April we have a Full Moon falling in the Air Sign of Libra. This is the second Libran Full Moon of the year. The first Libra Full Moon was last month, and opened a portal of possibilities and change.

This portal has been guiding us to get back to our center and to find our state of zero, and now, on this second Libran Full Moon, this portal of energy is coming to a close.

This double Full Moon Libran energy is amplifying the lessons of Libra, represented by the scales of balance, this offers us an opportunity to finish what we may not have under the March Libran Full Moon.

This Full Moon is offering some intense illumination into our world, especially when it comes to all our relationships. We are being shown where things may be unbalanced or where we are giving more of our energetic resources than others.

This is a call to look deeper at what we are wanting or needing in these relationships. The time has come to speak up about where this is occurring and to shift things so our needs our met. This is about all relationships, our friends, family, work and of course our romantic relationships.

The first Libran Full Moon was about finding balance within, this second Libra Full Moon as mentioned is about finding balance with others and with our relationships.

In order to really achieve this, we first have to understand and realise the importance of our own self-worth.

We are all worthy of being loved just as we are. We are worthy of respect. We are worthy of forgiveness. We are all worthy to be heard and listened to. Our feelings matter. We are important. And we deserve all of the relationships in our lives to be aligned with this truth.

The more we can love ourselves with all our quirks and ways, the more we value ourselves whole and complete and then we are less likely to tolerate relationships that throw us off course and out of balance.

Love is a tricky thing, self-love can sometimes be even harder, but without love, without unconditional love for the self, life can be too challenging, too painful, and too much of a burden to bare.

We have to learn to love ourselves. We have to learn to know our worth. And when we do, our relationships will have a way of automatically following.

This Full Moon is also marking a time when things are starting to come together, especially where they have been very frayed or chaotic. This shift can make things run smoother in our lives and things may move forward very quickly.

Deep clarity is being illuminated right now, and there is a lot of new information surfacing for us to take on board and feel into. This may be changing beliefs, perceptions or feelings. We are also being asked to look at shifting the way we look at our commitments or traditions.

This can be a time of changing the way we’ve done things in the past in order to better understand our truth and needs.

Under the energy of this potent Libra Full Moon, we should really take the moment to ask ourselves where we can love ourselves a little more? Ask ourselves what relationships are no longer bringing out the best in us.

These relationships may be with another person, but it can also be a realtionship we have with an object or an idea, such as money, our job, a belief, or a set of values.

The time has come to shift and swivel, and relationships are the focus. The energy of this Full Moon wants us to clear the way and to let go of relationships that are no longer necessary in order for us to keep continuing forward on our journeys.

This is the time to speak our truth and have those difficult conversations with those that need to hear it. This offers us to make changes so our relationships become a source of love, strength, and hope.

This Moon will shine a light on what needs to be repaired and fixed or it will let us know that the time has come to say goodbye.

There is some tense energy circling this Full Moon, but it is only there to help us take action and cut the cords with certain relationships once and for all.

While this tense energy may feel heavy, we can use it to our advantage by finding the strength and confidence we need to know our worth and to put ourselves first.

There can be possible indecision under this Moon, which can sometimes cause some issues, especially in situations where there has needed to be a decision for a long time.

This can be frustrating, but the Libran Moon is here to reminds us to take it one step at a time, honor

our heart and make the choices that are in best in the long run for our highest good.

The Moon is opposing the Sun which may bring personal conflict or confrontations.

During this energy, others may be trying to bring challenges or attacks that can be hard to deal with so we need to step back and look at the bigger picture of these current challenges.

We definitely need to be mindful of what we say to others, and ensure we are coming from a place of love. While tensions may be high around this Full Moon, we still have to keep ourselves in balance and remember that a little kindness can go a long way.

We deserve to surround ourselves with people who love us and want to see us lifted higher.

While this Full Moon will shine a light on the relationships that need to change or need to be let go of, we can also use it as a reminder to let those we love know how much they really mean to us.

We should all use this Libran Full Moon energy as a reminder to pay gratitude for our loved ones, and also to thank the more challenging relationships in our lives too, for they have also shaped and molded us as to who we have become.

The future is bright, and this Full Moon will be helping us to cut the cords, clear the way, and surround ourselves with those who lift us higher.

Give gratitude to those we love and never let a day go by without telling those we love just that… that we love them ♥

Love and Blessings ♥

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