Mercury Retrograde ♥

Here comes another round of Mercury Retrograde… beginning on Monday the 8th of July here in Australia, in the fire sign of Leo… the beginning can create some serious drama and theatrics. We can turn mountains into molehills with Mercury Retrograde in Leo, so we need to watch ourselves. Not cool to be so desperate for attention that you go crazy over nothing! If you’re feeling like you need attention, maybe ask yourself why!

Mercury retrograde is generally associated with communication and technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, travel delays, and lost items. We may find ourselves reminiscing about the past or unexpectedly meet up with people from our past. Business negotiations are often in a state of flux during Mercury retrograde, with some important details not clear or available to us during this time.

This particular July Mercury Retrograde is very intense and argumentative because it is conjunct to Mars. It is also impulsive and confrontational because of its square to Uranus. Nervous and rushed thinking brings the potential for losing tempers and getting in rather large arguments.

This Mercury period requires full self-awareness, concentration, patience and impulse control. We need to choose our battles carefully and avoid making spontaneous decisions. A tendency to act rashly without regard for the consequences could lead to great disruptions or conflict in our lives.

Some people dred Mercury Retrograde and see it as a terrible time to navigate through. Sure, it can be challenging but if we flip the coin we can view the positive side of Mercury retrograding. This is a time to slow down, work on chilling out the mind chatter, work on how we communicate with others and make sure we check over anything important detail twice or more. Retrogrades can be great positive Retrospects. There are both polarities in all signs, planets, nature and people!

Back to the transiting signs of Mercury as he journeys through both Leo and Cancer between two Eclipses during this Retrograde!  

Leo is the sign ruling love, so we may feel we need more love and affection. This isn’t necessarily bad, as long as we’re controlling ourselves (and not looking for love in all of the wrong places!). Be good and considerate of others.

Who and what we love comes under Leo’s domain, so we may want more time with loved ones or we may experience issues in love relationships. We may want more time to play and do the things we love, or may feel that we just don’t have enough time for it and keep wishing for a holiday and to get away. With Leo, creative outlets can be very helpful, so this is a great time to get creative in any way we can. Getting creative can help us from getting Crae Crae 😉

Mercury will Retrograde back into the watery emotional sign of Cancer on July 19th/20th. This can bring out super emotional energy, and we need to take care of our emotional needs big time. BUT we also need to be considerate of the emotions of others, and not get totally stuck in our own feelings that we ignore everyone else’s. If we don’t, this can create problems we really don’t need as we are all sensitive enough.

Comfort and support, familiarity and what we know best can be more important, and we may stick to that as much as we can… yet at the same time we can feel like the outside world is trying to push us away from that, and it makes us feel even more shaky Emotionally. It may be challenging here not to lash out, we will need to find healthy outlets for our emotions and be more flexible in life.

We may feel that something bottoms out around this time, that we have to get back to basics in some way or…. We find ourselves focusing on the foundation of something that is quite shaky in our lives. We may have more issues at home or with family to address…. Or we can reconnect with family or make improvements to our living situations. All polarities!!

During Mercury Retrograde, we’ll have a Lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 17th, and when Mercury Retrograde ends, Mercury will be sitting opposite the Eclipse point, this can heighten not only Mercury Retrograde energy but explode the Eclipse energy at the same time. We can feel all of this energy at this point super crazy and ridiculously strong! We need to be very careful with our emotional energy and watch ourselves very carefully. There may be some issues with Cancer/Capricorn that play out in the world, and we need to make sure we’re finding balance between the two energies instead of letting them fight each other.

While Mercury is retrograde, Mercury will make 3 major aspects… to Mars the day after the retrograde starts. This brings super high energy, super impulsiveness, rash, impatient, reckless. We need a positive outlet for the energy at the start of the retrograde, otherwise we may experience accidents and some violence may be lingering somewhere, it’s a time to be very aware!!

Mercury will make a conjunction to the Sun on July 22nd. This is called the inferior conjunction and can be a good point in the Retrograde to get started with something new that we can focus on for the next 6 weeks or so.

Mercury retrograde will end opposite transit Pluto in Capricorn, so this may bring out power struggles and fighting. We may feel like we’re struggling for control of something and want to knock or tear something down. We need to avoid trying to dominate and control, and watch for hatred, anger, and rage.

It’s a high intensity Mercury Retrograde this July and we all need to quite aware of the energy playing out. The beginning July 8th, around the 20-22nd and at the end August 1st are the points to be mega aware of our energy and the energy around us. Be cautious, be gentle and find some time to going insular and retrospective, stay calm and get grounded.

Look for the positives and polarities… because we’ll need too. ♥ ♥ ♥

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